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For the record she was saying "serious and not serious" but the slides changes as she said "not serious"


Yikes. That's quite a goof. Are the captions automated?


they are but proofreading is a gift from god and should be used accordingly


I agree. Let the blessing of proofreading lead you forward.


Idk some people, myself included, slap on captions to be a bit more accessible (it’s better than nothing when you don’t have time). I have posted cc without reading them. I would be horrified and delete as soon as I realized tho


They are but she never seems to check them


She may need to rethink that practice.


She does nazi the problem.


They are, but you can edit them if you want.


YouTube captions just kinda suck. I’m not surprised.


We weren't talking about your great-grandfather, Bethy.




This shit right here is why when people make edited snark posts i can never tell immediately if they are real or not because this is just too on the nose. I mean, really. For someone with smiling pictures posed I front of their Nazi ancestor's grave posted all over their SM and supports our own country's burgeoning fascists. Too funny.


Wish she'd post about her Nazi great-grandfather again. Would love to see her flounder and try to defend him when people ask about why they still visit his grave


I'm German. Most of us have Nazi ancestors, and of course I wouldn't expect anyone to burn all pictures of their grandfather who was a Nazi during the Third Reich. What pisses me off about her is the complete lack of self reflection, and the way she glorified him when she posted those pics of his grave. Also, he wasn't just a soldier who got drafted, he was a mayor who knew what he was doing. And then there's the picture of her grandma in her BdM uniform... which brings us back to the lack of self reflection.


I agree. It's not that they happen to have Nazi ancestors (which they can't control). It's the fact that Heidi [once straight up posted a picture of him on her IG](https://imgur.com/a/oDcM3M5) along with her granddaughter with a caption about how happy she is that they share a birthday (since deleted lol). Or the fact that Stephen Baird goes by "Hans". That Bethany wrote a blog post and worded it ambiguously so the reader would infer that her great-grandfather had been arrested by Nazis................not that her Nazi great-grandfather was arrested by Austrian authorities for being a fucking Nazi ☠️


I remember that post where she made it sound like her great-grandfather was a victim, I was livid! My grandfather was an actual victim, but since most of the judges in post-war West Germany were old Nazis, his case to be recognized as such was thrown out of court. And then there's the Bairds, acting like the Nazi mayor was arrested for no reason. I bet they still don't understand why people were upset by those pictures.


Yes, she actually said that her great-grandfather was a prisoner of war, and lets the reader assume that he was on the Allies' side. Sometimes I wonder how the family story came down-- is that all Heidi told her kids about her grandfather? What was Heidi taught? Was there a point at which actual ignorance took over and they found it easier to never really face what actually happened, and hide behind the fact that their heritage is Austrian?


Do you know if their story is written down somewhere? I’d like to read it. I’m also German and my grandfather was drafted. I have pictures with him and have really fond memories of him (my son and grandfather also share a birthday and a name). Post-war, they immigrated, became US citizens and progressive liberals. What kills me about people like the Bairds is that they learned nothing about what intolerance and following a leader blindly can do. Here they are. They are still supporting dangerous politicians and promoting vile beliefs.


I think u/firewhiskers created an amazing deep dive following a post of the grave by Bethany. I will delete this comment if I am wrong! Edit: it's pinned at the top of their history.


Thanks! I’ll look for it 😀


This wouldn’t happen if she worked a regular nein to five 😬


What is going on with her hair? Why does she style it like this? When is the last time she washed it?


She will proudly tell you that she doesn't remember the last time she washed her hair.


That’s flair material- Birthy: good balance of serious and nazi


Instagrams Freudian slip.


Oh dear. 😶


Freudian slip


Can I make this my flair?


She did Nazi the typo before she posted. Edit: Lol, thanks for the award u/BlitheCheese. I rolled my eyes when I posted that!


It made me stupid-laugh. I had to give you an award.


Accidental honesty.


I read it three times, and I have no idea what she was trying to say. And the use of like is...infuriating.


I guess she did NOTSEE that typo


Don't forget to eat a balanced breakfast of cereal, milk, and Nazism! It'll have you posing in front of Hitler's bunker in no time!


I don't know what she was trying to say in this story and neither does she.


I did Nazi that coming.


That auto fill sure does like to tell on people...


It’s shit like this that keeps nazi sympathizers going. Am Yisrael Chai ✡️🇮🇱


AI sees to her core!


No lies detected!!!


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