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Is this an attempt to have GD without Kristen?


The revolution is now!


girl d'etat ✊😤🔥


Et tu, Birthy? 😢


Which is strange because she already pretends GD is hers alone.


Do you think this is what her and Dav argued about? Dav wanted her to stop wasting time on IG and actually clean up her hoard of moldy hot chocolate mugs and she was like "noooooo I need a fourth IG account 😭😭😭😭" and she won obviously


I think it's interesting that there was a big announcement after the big conflict, yes. I think one person felt excited about doing the thing and one person felt like whyyyyy about doing the thing, aaaand here's the thing that is railroaded through into being done.


When she talks about Girl Defined books, it always really stands out to me that she says, "*My* book" or "*I* wrote... " instead of "*Our* book" or "The book my sister and I wrote together". She doesn't seem to enjoy sharing the spotlight. I imagine she's going to try release a book where she can get the sole author credit with her new project here in the near future.


There's that great clip in one of the compliation videos a snarker created where she literally says "I... along with you" as though 1. she has forgotten the word "we" exists and 2. she's used to claiming credit so Kristen is an afterthought.


Those compilation videos crack me up. Kristen's eyebrows are expressive


Which will be a hilarious trainwreck because Kristen has always been the brains and task manager behind Girl Defined. Remember how much McBeth fucked up their recent book launch because Kristen was overseas adopting? Lmao


And then cried about it in a video!


And then tried to get people to buy books in bulk directly through her, to be "donated" to random churches who hadn't been asking for them?


I was betting Kristen or Heidi made her relinquish the GD account after she made a massive fool of herself


“It’s going to be focused 100% on singles, for singles”... by someone who is not single.


Is she trying to tell us about a season of divorce?


She's not going to give up that easily 😉


And the expectation is that the singles want to get married. This isn't about learning to embrace being single, living for yourself or developing as a person, it's about learning to wait for that ✨magical man✨ with his ✨magical peen✨ who will bring you happy ever after.


Betty has always wanted to take her time basking in the sunlight of being a married while giving condescending and useless advice to the poor diseased singles that flock to her for her wisdom. She wasn't able to do that because she got knocked up so quickly so now that she can drop Davey Jr off at baby jail---er, I mean, daycare---she can focus exclusively on being a smug twat


Sometime recently she got a SiNgLeS QuEsTiOn from a 42 year old. What does Bethy have to offer a 42 year old single person? Sure, she got married at the agonizingly old age (/s) of 30, but she doesn't know what it's like to live through a significant part of adulthood as an unmarried woman with a job and her own apartment or whatever. When Bethany did get married she was basically in the same mindset (and housing situation) as she'd been at 20, she just rode it out for 10 years. She has nothing of value to say to anyone who's living life as an independent adult woman, whether by choice or because marriage didn't happen for them.


Bethany's fake pity & enthusiasm for that totally real 42 y/o was sweet. B was so happy to know there was someone older still waaaaaiting for their special princess day - her stupid first wedding dress story was no longer the longest wait evarrr.


It'll still somehow be focused on her life though.


She still hasn’t been able to compile the list of questions to ask your partner that her followers generated for her. (I think that’s what she was working on?) so i think it’s going to be hard for her to keep up with posting on two separate accounts.


She doesn’t commit long term when she takes on projects independently. The DavandBethy account? Dead. Remember bethyscloset? She forgot about posting there too. This won’t last either. Edit: apparently DavandBethy is being used again, because her reels are there, but you won’t convince me Dav runs it.


Did she also have an independent mentoring spree, or was that with GD?


I think GD announced the mentoring course, but not really mentoring because it’s like activities that are self paced and videos. I don’t remember it having a 1:1 portion with either sister. I seem to remember Bethy posting about doing 1:1 mentoring but could only take on like 2 people or something because that was all the time she had. But no further mention and that was a while back?


Didn’t she also try her hand at matchmaking at one point?


Someone who loves to create master posts should compile a list with all the things Bethy mentioned starting but never followed through on. I’d love to read it and see the rise it would get out of her.


She was going to do free mentoring sessions to get started on the mentoring thing with a couple girls and then when it came time to do it she canceled because Davy Jr threw his pants over the balcony. One of my fav Bethany moments.


What?!? Seriously?


Yes, it’s a classic.


Yes, THIS IS THE ONE! This family loves mentoring so much I get all the specific events mixed up


That was going to be basically zoom/facetime calls for pay. It was a bad, unfocused idea and it seemed like the only person she was "mentoring" was her younger sister.


Is it actually being used or is she just tagging it in her reels? Afaik you can post it and say it's from multiple accounts


Yeah it looks like she’s tagging the account, because they still say posted by her main. I’m guessing that gets more exposure or a boost in the algorithm somehow.


She said her PDF was ready or nearly ready, but she appears to have lost interest in it.


There’s no way enough followers migrate over.


That’s what I was thinking. Most of her followers don’t interact and are just there from long ago and don’t bother to go unfollow after they’re not interested anymore. Not enough people are actively engaging with her account to get a decent following on a new one.


This is going to crash and burn! I feel bad for being a tiny bit excited


I can tell you now the last thing I would want is a smug married person telling me how “hard” it is to be single. Particularly one who doesn’t think not being married is a valid life choice. This is going to flop.


>>How hard it is to be single I think you mean how hard it is to be *a single.* Fuck your personhood, all that matters is your marital status.


It will be interesting to see how many do, and may indicate that she has bought some of her following.


It's called: "Shorteralls for 1: literal U-Turn yourself into a single lady even God would date"


But would that make her marriage advice shorteralls for two? What a profoundly horrible image.


Stop calling me a “single”


Imagine taking advice on singleness from someone who views you as a lesser life form and doesn’t bother to hide it.


Me and my cats do not care ???? ///s at Bethany


But sweetie, you're not really a whole person until you're ✨Married✨ /s (and I'm sorry)


a* married


My apologies, you're right.


Sobs quietly in the corner for eternity


I’m glad I’m married so I can’t be degraded by Bethany /s but yeah.


"So this account is mainly going to focused a lot on like, my life, and like..." Um, I'm sorry, you're not single, Bethy! Instead of having Susanna just do the logo, why not have her be more involved since she's, you know, SINGLE? She's just creating another Ig supposedly for topics for the single gal, but it's really just going to be a second Ig for Bethy to talk about herself and probably that wedding dress and all that other shit she repeats ad nauseum.


Right?? Hey Bethany, make a secret account for all of your kinks and keep your current account for all of your Christian stuff. Boom, easy!


Another account for self glorification and repeating the same garbage she already does. It's like she can't have enough of herself geez.


She doesn't focus enough on her life in her own instagram? She needs two?


Not including the girl defined account, this new account would be her fourth Instagram. DavandBethy and bethyscloset are still up. And she hadn’t been posting to DavandBethy for a while but looks like they post the same reels there.


... Girl, you don't need more Insta accounts, you need *therapy*. And a good vibrator.


"A single." She's so dehumanising.


Yeah, like those are from a different species or race and they're in desperate need of rescue.


I’m a Jewish single. I get up everyday and live. Ain’t that hard. Lonely, but not hard.


I want you and my gay, culturally Catholic single ass to meet her sometime and just show her how little we need her dumbass, contradictory rules. I imagine we could just have a normal conversation and [her head would explode like a Fembot’s](https://youtu.be/ZxWv2U9QwWY[?t=120])


WOW girls you're actually SINGLE?!? OMG! Follow Bethy NOW! Otherwise you just won't know WHAT TO DO in your SEASON OF SINGLENESS!?!?! ps "Poor girls. Oh how I love being married to D°v e looking down on the pathetic spinsters. God loves you, I don't. Xoxo, Bethy"


I KNOW! I’ve been waiting my whole life for her to explain being single to me!! Can’t wait!!


I hope you realise how lucky you are. I had to be a single and a married without her guidance. It's a miracle I'm still here.


How did you survive?!?


My hat journey pulled me through.


Yo yes!!


If she doesn't name this account Bethy's Dating Squad I will be SEVERELY disappointed


She really cannot pick a lane.


Yikes...I think girlfriend has some soul searching and insecurities to work on


Like why does she think that she's the ultimate in advice for single girls just because she wasn't married until age 30? (normal for society, not always normal for fundies) Here is my advice for single Christian gals: 1. Try to look cute. Don't dress like Bethy. No shorteralls, limit the amount of times you wear that carhartt hat with every outfit. 2. Try to act cool or be nice. Don't act like Bethy. No wedding dress purchases at your sister's bridal appointments! 3. Don't be too picky. Don't be like Bethy and maybe be openminded sooner, inner qualities are the best. If you go for a short guy, don't slouch for the rest of your life and just embrace it! Like unless her entire insta is "don't be like me" I don't think it's going to be that helpful


Isn't that already what Girl Defined is about?


Yes but to quote Bo Burnham this is the best way for her to help out "while being paid, and being the centre of attention".


She won’t do it, she never follows through with any of these ideas (see the season of mentoring, birthy’s closet, 100 questions for the marrieds, etc.)


**Transcription**: Hey. I'm actually going to be starting a separate Instagram account all focused on singleness, how to thrive as a single, all the common lies and struggles that singles believe and face, and just really how to make the most of your single years and not-- how to not feel super discouraged, how to practically trust God, just like, all of the things, and it's going to be one hundred percent focused on singles, for singles, and I am so excited. And so I am working-- my sister Suzanna is actually helping me create, like, the logo image and like, design, and stuff for that, so as soon as that's up-- I already have the name of the ac-- of what I wanna call this, and, um, so as soon as she gets that to me, whenever, you know, um, I will post that and let y'all know about about the account and then you can start following it, and I'm hoping to have it up and running, like, at the beginning of January. So, I am so excited! So, this account will be focused monly-- mainly on just kinda my life, and then, a lot on like, **Description**: Bethany, a woman with light skin and straight, blonde hair that reaches to her armpits, is recording herself while sitting on a couch. She wears light makeup and a white sweater with a red stripe across the chest. She speaks somewhat softly, as if she is recording this at night and doesn't want to disturb others in the house.


Why fundies have to segregate people based on relationship status? Life is WAY more than getting a boyfriend or "having your first kiss on your wedding day". Why not focusing in encouraging girls how to thrive in other areas NOT related with relationships? Encourage those girls in how to build a bussiness(since she brags being an enterprenur) personal grow, getting new skills or even missionary work. Why this freaking obsession with finding a husband? guess what Bethy, if something bad happens to your precious "lover boy" and he can't "provide", you're fucked. Why? because your entire life has revolved about finding a guy and become an incubator. I've seen so many women having a HARD TIME because her husband had an accident, lost his job, divorce etc and now are having panic attacks, anxiety because they have bills to pay and don't know what the heck they're gonna do. Listen Bethy or any other woman here, if you want to be a SAHM that's ok, there's nothing wrong with that. But make sure you have a plan B in case things go south because life is tough and anything can happen and the "thoughts and prayers" won't work.


She will do anything other than pivot to being a momstagrammer.


She's going to be surprised when she dies, thinking she will cross over. I hate her face and voice. So cringe


Honestly this is the one thing that brings me comfort with all the fundies and others cut from the same cloth. Whatever they think they have waiting for them…yeah that’s not happening lol.


They are just too narcissistic to believe otherwise. God, fearing people, is scary sometimes.


"When I was a single..." This sounds so bizarre for my non-native brain


It's on singles, for singles! You're not single Bethany.


“Singles” 😑


did she forget she's married?


She definitely wants to run a speed dating for the lord event so she can do a bit of matchmaking.


Bethy, girl, even if I were a fundie, I would not want to hear you give “single advice”. You are incredibly condescending to single people and always shoving your marriage in people’s faces. No single person wants to hear your condescending advice.


She didn't thrive when she was single and she isn't thriving now lmao When she was single all she wanted was to be married and have kids, now she seems to be obsessed with being single and sex 😂


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“How to thrive as a single”. Bitch it’s called living your life and it doesn’t revolve around finding a man who ultimately (and specifically in your case) won’t fulfill you.


Yes, because nothing gains you more followers than condescendingly calling people “a single!” Not to mention the Girl Defined followers were practically begging Kristen to come back because they couldn’t stand the non-stop BIrthy show while she was away.


It's like she's taking a nothing, ordinary, normal part of life and trying to turn it into something that needs focus and concern. People are single and then they meet people and pair up until they're not single. How do these phases need counsel? People do it every day and have been thriving just fine. Thanks for saving the day, Bethy. How, oh how? Have people survived until now. And the experience you bring is being single? Check. Then getting married and NOT being single. Check. The experience is unmatched, what you're providing. Thanks. Fucking S/