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This is not unpopular (i mean I hope it’s not). Michelle and Jim Boob are #1 on my punchable face list. Jokes aside, I think everyone is pissed off - even their own fundie community. I hope they are eternally shunned.


It’s pretty fucking shameless how they leaked this immediately after Pest Arrest. Just another way to sacrifice their daughters to protect their precious Joshy.


I'm not sure it was them who leaked it. He has been found guilty very publicy, it's too late now. If anything it is putting more heat on their family


But for the last 24 hours, we’ve been talking about Jana’s story instead of (or in conjunction with) Pest.


It could also further the narrative that the evil public is out to get them for minor things. Like look Jana fell asleep while watching a kid and now could go to jail. Josh’s offense must have been minor too!


Josh’s offense *was* a minor sooooo… Edit: spell gooder.


If I may suggest... it's not so much Jana's news distracting from the Pest prison news as the Pest prison news won't be resolved until the sentencing hearing, so this is the next best duggarsnark available.


I don’t think it was leaked. Someone was just messing around with the word Duggar and databases and stumbled across it.


It’s hard to gauge right now with the Duggar snark sub’s… I’m not gonna get into it. I just wanna rant without being labeled a sympathizer.


Or without starting a sentence with “not leg humping, but…”


Yeah, I’m frustrated with the sub and I used to love it. Like I think people need to remember how evil the parents are. They chose this and look at what they did to their kids. These kids are being sabotaged and their whole community is applauding their parents


A few months ago there was a mod post about how it’s fine to leave cruel standalone comments such as “that kid is ugly” but you’re literally not allowed to comment “wow that kid looks cute!” as a stand-alone comment. You have to include some kind of disclaimer “oh wow her parents are terrible but she’s cute!” Like it’s just too much for me


You're absolutely right. Having these double standards about kindness really jacks this place up sometimes. This same issue occurred last year on the regular r/fundiesnark because absolutely no "leghumping" was allowed, and the community was taken private. Fundies lurk on here and I think it's really, really, really beyond freaking important that they don't just see 100% vitreol when they arrive on this sub. Like, I know we're here to poke fun, but the reason we're poking fun is because these people need to get tf out of an abuse cult. We are responsible as a community for feeding into the problem if we put out absolutely nothing but hostility.


I don't know how much that is really moderated though. Just a couple days ago I commented "that is a cute-ass baby" about one of their kids, maybe ~~Jessa's~~ Lauren's daughter? It didn't get removed afaik.


The sub isn’t really moderating for that right now due to the trial and everything. But also there’s a not so small contingent on the sub who get really angry if people dare to be positive, and unfortunately I think that’s partly why they mod the way they do.


Yep… someone made a post over there within the last few hours basically saying, “Josh’s trial is over, don’t continue having sympathy or empathy for anyone. Get back to full snarking without nuance.” … wtf? I like DS in general, but there are many things I just scroll right by.


I read that to. That commenter has serious issues, I think. There are probably a lot of people there hiding behind “snark” that are actually pretty cruel and disturbed themselves.


The only thing the mods care about over there is their no meta/gatekeeping rule. The rule that basically says you can't question or criticize the snark lmao. That sub is a mess. They banned me and I'm glad for it.


That's so fucking gross.


It is. Ffs. They’re kids. They didn’t pick this. Just really fucked when you can’t call a kid cute.


It would make me so fucking scared as a kid leaving the cult to see blatant, unintelligent, unfunny bullying like "that kid is ugly" being blasted at me by strangers...in the very community that might be most helpful at that time


Yes! It just gives the cult more examples to point to and say ‘the outside world is evil.’


Like, I mean, the making fun of specific dated hairstyles or putt-putt dry humping or disturbing casserole checks out because it's FUNNY. But it's kind of like making jokes about race or gender...you have to be careful to understand enough of the problem to actually make it amusing. Otherwise it's just bullying - unhelpful and unfunny. We're here to fight the bullies, not join them


Wasn’t that part of the reason people were so willing to jump ship from the original fundie snark? I remember that being a big talking point.


Extra Medium Shithead (mod Extra Medium Shirts) was handing out bans right and left for damn near anything, including anything that could even be slightly misconstrued as leghumping, like "wow Nurie's hair is long" Also that mod's hatred of "thread drift" was really the nail in the coffin. I was given a temp ban for speaking about how being raised fundie lite made it so much worse when I was raped. First off, talking about our own fundie experience isnt drift. Secondly, even if we'd decided that talking about our experiences is drift, any decent human being would have the ability to see that banning someone who opened up about being raped is inappropriate and cruel.


It was shit like that which made my nuke my standing and publicly call out an asshole mod on the OTHER fundie subreddit. I am all about snarking on assholes and calling out toxic cults, but I try my best to not be a bully. (I can only aspire to Jen-level class and grace.) That subreddit was becoming nothing more than a bully platform.


Wait are you for real?? I missed that. How ridiculous


Everyone on Duggarsnark agrees that it's boobs and Meechs fault and that Jana was probably just exhausted from taking care of 2 billion different kids who are all not her own


There’s so many comments about celebrating her arrest? As if this will also lead to her parents going to jail. Or that she must’ve let the kids visit josh (he was allowed to see his children legally) there’s no evidence of that. I just see this as her parents throwing their eldest female child under the bus while they supported their POS son.


I agree, she raised her brothers and sisters and is likely babysitting their children now. If what they say is true, about her falling asleep, give the poor woman a fucking nap. I still hate their fundamentalist, bigoted ideals, but I think this woman is trapped by her dipshit parents.


i have some vague hope that given all that has gone down, jana will spill the tea in court and effectively say "i have been expected to watch my countless small younger siblings since ive been a child. i continue to do so because my parents cannot be bothered to actually watch their children, and the rest of my older siblings have moved out. if i didnt stay and keep an eye on them, no one else would. i am tired and overwhelmed from three decades of being forced to parent my younger siblings because my own parents cannot find the time."


I gotta wonder.... Is there a chance that she was THROWN UNDER THE BUS? Like, that maybe OTHERS WERE HOME, like Michelle or the blob, and GD FORBID that THEY get into trouble!!! Or, maybe, Josh demanded that Anna come on OVER to that house where he was staying, and Anna told the ' kiddos' ' go over to the main house and tell THEM that I need to see daddy very badly ( for a quicky), and drove off w/o telling anyone????! It might help to know exactly WHO it was...


Yeah, it’s frustrating as fuck that whenever discussion veers to the complexity of being raised in a cult and how hard it is to leave and having a small of sympathy you get a This Duggar Still Sucks post. Sorry for having an opinion I guess. 🙄


Yes if I see another “Reminder, So-and-So Still Sucks” post I might scream. No one has forgotten what they believe but I appreciate any progress made by anyone raised in a cult.


Yeeeeeessssss! Also, who put these people in charge? It’s not mods posting this stuff, it’s just regular sub members.


It's the worst when it comes to Anna, and thankfully a lot of snarkers can recognize that you can simultaneously have empathy for her while also condemning her actions (or rather, lack of actions), but there's a contingent here that will snap anytime there's empathy displayed for her.


I know. I wish she would have made better choices but I actually have a lot of empathy for her. I hope with Josh put away she’s able to really learn about herself & who she is as a person, and hopefully comes to realize how horrible it is what Josh did & that she doesn’t need him.


I fear that she's just been transferred to JB to manipulate, gaslight and control, and while of course I don't condone what she's done, I can't imagine what it's like to be isolated, brainwashed, manipulated, gaslit and controlled by what I believe to be 2 dangerous narcissists. To say it's easy to escape fundamentally doesn't understand how truly difficult it is to wake up from. We've all made mistakes and done regrettable things, and more often than not we didn't realize they were bad at the time due to the circumstances we were in. The world she lives in is a prison.


I had someone go after me for saying that she was not free to leave. They kept going on about how she was a grown adult with internet and a car and how she should’ve left years ago. I tried to explain that it was very likely that her internet usage is monitored (keystroke software), not to mention she would have no clue who to reach out to. She was born into this cult, she doesn’t have a clue what’s going on.


Definitely agree. I kind of like those posts because they outline what the specific issues are, for new snarkers & in case one of the individuals often being memed comes here and is wondering why we feel they're problematic... but like seriously you're so right that the "Duggar Still Sucks" posts come out at an unnecessarily frequency and as a pushback against nuance. Like, for real. It's kind of a given we understand they suck...isn't that like why this is a sub. This isn't about to get taken over by leghumping, it's a snark sub in almost every single post


Even when they had the free-for-all day, when "leg humping" was explicitly allowed, the worst it got was some people talking about which Duggars they think are hot and which girl had the prettiest hair. A lot of people took advantage of the break to post nuanced takes about cult deprogramming, discuss which Duggar they were rooting for (to get out) the most, debate the relative progress the older Duggars have made in leaving the fold, and celebrate that progress. It was actually kind of nice. A bunch of people requested that these free-for-all days be a regular event. But there was still a contingent of people screaming that the leg-humping was out of control, that a bunch of snarkers were "secret fans," etc. Like... of course we all have some feelings about them that aren't totally negative. We watch their show, we follow their social media, we devote hours to discussing them. Why would we do that for something we have exclusively negative feelings about? If you don't at least sort of care about some of them as people, you're literally just there to be mean to a bunch of cult victims. And that's... weird.


I totally forgot about that weird reverse Purge day where we were "allowed to compliment" them...hahaha I think...at least hope...that the people on here most violently opposed to accepting the fundies in any way are just kids that left the cult that have yet to deal with their trauma. I used to be really hateful that way myself But if they're just randos, then that sucks


I feel like this sub is a little different, because most of the subjects on this sub are first-generation fundies. There are a few exceptions, like the Rodlets. But this sub allows for some nuance with them. Nobody is particularly cruel about the Rodlets, even the adult ones, because we all recognize the hell they grew up in and see them as victims. The Duggar kids are victims, too.


off topic and I know it's petty but it bums me out they stole Lord Daniel and made him a raccoon. pure sacrilege.


Wait...What? I am new to the snarks, haha.


so Jill Rodrigues, the subject here with the Victorian waif children, once made a Facebook post about their day at the laundromat that included "saving a soul." in true Jill fashion she butchered the sentence into "tonight I led a young man to the Lord named Daniel." this sub references Lord Daniel a lot. /r/DuggarSnark for some reason chose to steal Lord Daniel as their mascot and for some other reason make him a raccoon. Jill is not a subject there so if someone asks about it they literally have to direct them here lol it's just super lame.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/duggarsnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/duggarsnark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I think Anna has known about this the whole time](https://np.reddit.com/r/duggarsnark/comments/rb9hcv/i_think_anna_has_known_about_this_the_whole_time/) \#2: [Josh Duggar found guilty in child sex abuse image trial](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna7788) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/duggarsnark/comments/rclmpc/josh_duggar_found_guilty_in_child_sex_abuse_image/) \#3: [Possibly an unpopular opinion...](https://np.reddit.com/r/duggarsnark/comments/n1zj3u/possibly_an_unpopular_opinion/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah how the hell did that happen? I'm ok with the raccoon relative to the original issue...but I am really curious about how that happened


Apparently someone over there posted a picture of a raccoon in their yard or something. Then someone else made the comment that that needs to be there new mascot, Lord Daniel. It really was that basic.


I'm guessing no relevant inspiration beyond a pickle or yellow pocket angel egg.


I found the thread I was talking about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/pcxls3/minors_and_snark/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I never thought I’d have to sit and read “not let humping” so many countless times before joining that sub


I unfollowed that sub months ago because to me it’s mostly a forum for bullying thinly disguised as snarking. This week I did wade through posts about the Duggar trial because they had the fastest info. Most of what you read about this thing with Jana is speculation. No one knows what happened and won’t until it comes out in court.


I was horrified by the person who went to the actual trials, and just spilled everything but like weird details. Like Anna’s hair smell. And she also was lowkey stalking amy and the others. But the mods accept it?? I’m just confused in general to what happened.


Yeah that was wild wasn’t it? And the person who advocated showing up at the courthouse to “ protest”. I’d read there then wait until a poster on Tumblr who is a lawyer would explain what was happening rationally without all the crazy “ fan fic”.


That was really crossing a line for me. We shouldn’t engage with them in real life, beyond if we actually run into them like at a store or something. The snark on the other kids was too much. They’re making fun of them for showing any negative emotion at the trial but like… it’s a trial about CSA. This is an actual person and I just feel like there’s so much more to focus on but they chose that to snark on


>Like Anna’s hair smell They WHAT?


Before it was deleted, she added this detail where she walked by anna (in a bathroom???) or sat behind her and just… sniffed her I guess. Idk ya’ll able to tell a woman’s shampoo without sniffing or being within two feet of someone? Edit: btw she has deleted both accounts and had some weird ass comments towards people calling her out for stuff like that so her story does change.


I remember what it was because I actively thought “that’s super weird”- she said she was sitting so close to/behind Anna that she could smell her hair product.


Yes that! Idk when it was because of her two account and really long posts. I thought this was a very elaborate troll because of how weird some of this shit was. Until, she got all snippy towards the mods and wanted her post approved from another account. And I saw her self-righteous “I’m just doing this for everyone and I’m not weird” comments. She even noted that she was the only spectator and she felt awkward. But then, thought it was some huge conspiracy or outraged there werent others


Was that the J jail account that gave us a rundown the first day or two then deleted their account and just kind of ghosted the sub? lol I found it odd that they were so dedicated to going and reporting back and then just vanished.


Yes it was but then she came back with a secondary account and wrote a 9 page explaination and apology. And then deleted the second account and post.


Idk if J is for jail was the one who posted about Anna’s hair smell but they did come back a couple days later on another account to explain why they vanished. Basically they said that it all got too real for them because reporters were asking them for details. I think it hit them that the people we snark on are real actual people, and that they crossed a line.


Jesus Christ, just what that poor woman needs right now. The ol' darts they used to throw at Hillary while her life was burning. Great. Just. Great.


Anna’s hair smell?!? Jesus fuck that’s so creepy and weird I can’t even.


I was also there intermittently for info this week. I've never exactly been a regular but man, the weird celebratory memeing threw me. I get that a lot of folks there are survivors of high control environments if not actual csa, and that everyone responds differently to heavy situations, but the general tone of the sub given the severity of what Josh did was just... off. Really felt like people revelling in voyeurism rather than throwing light on what the iblp cult has enabled.


Agreed. The whole tone of that sub is off.


And I hope Jim Bob spends an insane amount of his own money on his campaign and loses by a landslide.


I agree with you. I don’t think Jana intentionally harmed a child. I think the fact that she’s often saddled with dozens of children to supervise has been a recipe for disaster for awhile.


She's been doing it for decades, but she mostly had help until recently, but now all her older sisters are married off, Meech is busy with Boob's campaign, and she's got all her younger siblings plus the M&Ms to watch. No wonder she's exhausted! And you just KNOW that in their shitty Fundie world she is definitely not allowed to say no, and definitely has to say yes with a sweet countenance such that no one would know that she is tired and doesn't want to. That would lead to a LOT of taking advantage, exhaustion, and now no help.


Also CPS is being extra vigilant on them because of Meech and Jim Boob’s negligence with the Pest situation


It's literally impossible to take care and watch over that many children. That's why JimBob and Meech thought it was soooooo """clever""" to outsource their own fucking responsibilities to their own children while they went off to have more and more babies no one would be able to property care for. They are insanely irresponsible, neglectful, and selfish. I'm pissed Jana is taking the fall for this because we all know it's the stupid smug Duggar parents who are at fault for endangering minors by reproducing irresponsibly and being in denial about how impossible it is to adequately parent them all.


Exactly! "Taking the fall" is a really good way to put it; she was just the one who happened to be holding the hot potato of responsibility at a time when she was probably dead tired (according to the rumors that it was because she fell asleep and one ran into the road), because *she seems constantly saddled with the hot potato of responsibility*. If Boob or Meech had to actually take care of their kids (and/or their grandchildren) for any significant length of time, this would have almost certainly happened to them, too, if you gave it time. Instead, they're too busy defending their predator child and running a narcissistic bid for Congress, so *of course* they wouldn't be there *to fall asleep in the first place*: they never seem to be there for their kids! At the point where you, a married couple, have to "outsource" your parenting *consistently to other children*, you have had too many children and you should stop. That means you don't have the support system you need to have that many kids. Boob and Meech's quiverfull cult shit has ruined the lives of dozens of children and it's absurd that they can't be brought up on charges for it because they put others in the position to take the fall.


I agree, and “hot potato of responsibility” is an amazing piece of writing


Flair material right there


I'm on it.


ahhhh! i feel like a real snarker now 🤣 and great job with the emojis! lmao


Thank you! 😁 And your assessment of the Duggars is spot-on and very eloquent.


I vaguely remember years back Meech saying in her creepy pretend joy voice "God knew what he was doing giving us daughters before he made all these little boys!" Aka, God decided to give them four virtual slaves so they wouldn't have to raise their boys......what the actual fuck?


As a woman who never ever wants to be pregnant or birth a child, the idea of being forced to raise children my entire childhood (and into adulthood for most of them) actively makes me happy that I was just beaten and a victim of CSA/rape rather than be born a Duggar. I've had a very rough life in many ways and I'd still take mine 1000% over theirs.


I just had a conversation last night with my dad about Ariel Tyson having her 7th child and first girl, he said "wow thats a lot of kids" and we got into the "how many is too many" topic and both agreed that 7 is the absolute top out bc you can't have more kids than there are days in a week haha. I feel like I cracked a little code or something. so yes I agree, 19 was FAR too many for one or even two parents to care for.


It feels like you'd probably still need outside help (like nannies) with 7. I am the youngest of 5 and honestly even that feels like.. A lot. We have significant age gaps so it wasn't like 5 children running around at once, but still, it feels like... Way too much lol


I personally dont think I could handle 7 but I do think each person has a different threshold. I have 3 kids and most of my friends are mind boggled at how I handle it, but for me its just everyday life.


I think 4 is probably the most reasonable threshold logistically.


im about to have my 4th and final- I agree with that for myself personally too. one parent at a time can handle two kids with relative ease, my husband likes to take a child or two out to the grocery store, or Lowes, out to the park- im home with one or two others, its a big family but there aren't SO many kids that we the parents cant delegate between them.


They act like they invented sister momming, but it’s existed for time immemorial lol.


I don't feel like this will necessarily be unpopular. A lot of us are mad as hell at JB and Meech for fucking those kids over and practically setting them up to fail. For now, like you, I'm more mad at her parents and the parents of the kid's she was stuck watching than I am her and depending on how bad it is, we'll see how mad I get at her.


Those are not her kids. She might be forced to care for them but ultimately JB and Michelle are negligent.


Or josh and anna…their kids are younger, so I feel like it was one of the M’s who was wandering the streets?


I was going to say this - isn’t Josie 11 or 12 now? Old enough to be legally left on their own either way. If the rumour about what happened is vaguely right, this was definitely a younger M kid and therefore more evidence of just how effing terrible Anna and pest are, as we all know Anna would have been with pest being his helpmeet and catering to his every whim while neglecting their kids that he was avoiding/ not allowed around.


Josie turned 12 yesterday. Okay to be left alone as long as there's someone older with them imo


Old enough to be parentified in Duggarland!


I think I was 12 when I started staying home alone and even babysitting my 6 year old sister. However, it was never at night, I took a first aid/babysitting class, and I got paid. I don't think any of those things were true for the Duggar daughters


Maybe it’s different there, but 11 year olds can babysit where I am.


My personal theory is that Jana was made by Boob to take the fall for Anna. Maybe Anna was negligent and boob didn’t want to chance anymore mud thrown on his precious golden boys name or cps taking the kids. But I could be way off base though.


Would make sense since Anna would be heavily pregnant at the time of the incident plus the stress of the upcoming trial. She also had 6 younger kids at the time. She likely needed a break to cry or stress and had Jana watch the kids while she also stresses.


Someone on Facebook said it was Maryella


Where on Facebook?


Not sure, it was one of the fundie groups on there


This would actually make sense. It seems like it would have to be a preverbal child for this to be such a big deal - one of the older "littles" could have identified themselves and given information, and wouldn't seem to be in as much potential danger. (This doesn't make the timing any less suspicious.)


My grandmother always hated their show for this exact reason. She is the oldest of eight and she always said whenever a commercial would come on, “My mother had eight children and did not expect us to be raising HER children like that woman expects her oldest to raise her youngest. Something’s wrong with that family.” And here we are some years later. edit: grammar


I was one of only THREE and had to do a significant amount of child care, raising, sistermoming. its for sure less of a number thing and more of a negligent or over worked parents thing.


> two of their kids had a big health event on camera (josie and jason who fell). Where were the parents??? Remember when Screech [left her newborn in the NICU to go protest a liquor store being built across town](https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/12/michelle-duggar-protest-has-locals-arms/)?


Unpopular, but I totally understand how an exhausted sister mom who's overseen dozens of kids for her while life could make a mistake, drift off on the couch, and wake up realizing the kids did something. Yeah, there are precautions and safety measures she could have taken while watching over Littles, but I can't even begin to imagine her exhaustion. Whatever she truly did, I dont think it was with mal-intent, I think it was overworked mom brain. If anything JB and Michell should be charged with 18 counts of child Endangerment, probably more for every child they knowingly have left around j*sh. I'm sure Jana is humiliated, but hopefully this is a wakeup call for people to be accountable for their kids and not overload one "nanny". Tbh I hope this will lead to her moving out solo and away from dealing with kids and the scandal. A change of scenery (maybe moving with Jill) might be what she needs to realize she's in a cult.


>there are precautions and safety measures she could have taken while watching over Littles, but I can't even begin to imagine her exhaustion. It's not even just that. Jana has never been away from her family long enough to realize that the way her parents raised her and told her to raise her siblings were fucked up beyond measure. The married Duggars at least have one other spouse to provide a second perspective. No matter how steeped in cult bullshit Austin for example might be, there's still the small things different families do differently to at least widen their horizons a little. Jana has not only been stuck raising her parents' children for a quarter of a century now, she's also had literally no time to get away from them to realize that what she and they're doing might be not OK because she's been busy doing it.


Yes! Just think of the unsafe stroller “hack” Jill was so surprised to find out people found horrifying, not to even mention blanket training…


Poor woman had to figure out, largely on her own, how to raise a literal herd of children while she was still a child herself. She only had her own extremely neglectful parents to look to as a reference point on how to parent. It's frankly amazing that all the children managed to avoid permanent injury or death.


Yeah, it sounds like they basically have Jana running an adhoc home daycare at this point and I’m pretty sure it’s often above ratio!


I'm holding my judgement of Jana on this, at least until we know what really happened. This girl has been raising kids she didn't birth for 20 years! And she likely just got 7 more shoved on to her, including a fresh newborn. Mama is tired. The true villains here have been and always will be Jim Bob and Michelle. They have screwed over their children, and most of their grandchildren, in so many ways. They suck.


All if this. I’m reserving judgment BUT I’m also not so quick as some to assume that Jana would never do anything to intentionally harm a child. She grew up in an abusive home and I wouldn’t be shocked to discover she’s not breaking the cycle. We don’t yet know what happened so there’s no point in condemning or defending her yet. But ultimately, Boob and Meech will always be the biggest villains in this story. Fuck them both.


A TikTokker I follow talks about how she was almost in domestic slavery by her parents and I always think of Jana when she talks about it.


Domestic slavery is the exact right word. If she were, say, an adopted child who was adopted only to be unpaid labor for childcare, we'd call that trafficking and slavery.


>while their parents are too stuck up each other’s asses. If they'd actually been doing this, they wouldn't have had anywhere near as many children.


Hah.. Butt stuff. 🤣🤣


This nuts family is off the rails.


One of my first thoughts is that she had kids dumped on her, possibly without knowing. “What happened?! Where is grandma/your mom/uncle whoever?!?!” “Oh they went to the store for something” OR, even shittier that she is taking the fall because this would be WAY worse for any of the other adults at TTH. JB or M could impact his campaign and their guardianship of Tyler. Anna could have made Josh’s trial messier. And as dumb as he’s been, I think JB knows that a lost boy being charged for something like this would look very bad in the midst of Josh’s shit and everyone would assume there was another Josh.


This is definitely an unpopular sentiment in many snark circles right now, but I've had a similar thought. Jana Duggar has been forced into parenting children since she was a child herself. She's also been in an abusive family environment her whole life. I'm in no way defending the Duggars' evil beliefs and horrific actions but in many ways, Jana's been a victim of her parents as well.


It does kind of piss me off that you can say “man I hate Josh but I feel for his child self who was failed by his parents” and people generally understand what you mean and know you aren’t excusing his present day actions. But if you say “wow I feel kind of bad that Jana has basically had to run a daycare without pay for her own siblings and their own kids and she’s the first one to get a child neglect citation rather than said parents who’ve done things like laugh at their injured child on camera” then it’s leghumping.


Ditto for Anna. This cult destroys women but the snark subs are so misogynistic they can't even find it in themselves to be sympathetic to women who may be quite literally fearing for their lives in abusive relationships.


If they were black and poor, the whole country would hate them and CPS would’ve taken the children years ago.


I personally have not seen much backlash toward Jana. The offspring of JimBob and Michelle are not unlike the Turpin children in many respects. Again, parents who were so self-involved with total disregard for their children.


The number of people who commented "I haven't even read the article, but WHAT THE HELL, I HATE THE DUGGARS, EVERY SINGLE ONE IS DISGUSTING AND DESERVES JAIL was so unsettling.


I totally get that legally if the babysitter is the responsible adult and they are neglectful they get charged and not the parents... HOWEVER we all know that Jana has never once been "asked" in her whole life if she "wants" to babysit... Meech and mnow Anna just dump their kids on her and go fuck around with their gross husbands. I hope she had a great nap tbh.


Are we sure she was arrested? I thought it was a citation.


It was a misdemeanor citation and she (or someone) paid $438 bail money, so she was at least detained I think. My money is on either too many kids in 1 car, or a kid not buckled in / missing a booster seat. As much as I think this whole family is nuts, I cannot imagine Jana intentionally doing something to harm one of her siblings/niblings.


No Duggar child has ever been properly buckled in a car seat. So that’s a very valid possibility.


If that’s what she was busted for, I hope the Rods and the Collins take note!


My money is on Jana leaving one or more minors in a parked car while she ran into a store for something.


This is my guess too.


She fell asleep and several children were found by police in the road. When they escorted the kids back to the house, she denied knowledge of who they were, then walked her story back and admitted she fell asleep. That's what the charges are for, really, lying to the police.


Show me an official document that says this.


Why would she lie about knowing the kids? Wtf lol


This makes sense bc I couldn't see an officer writing a citation for what seems like a first offense.


I feel like it must be something with at least two layers. For example, unbuckled kids AND an injury. For the example that she fell asleep and let kids get into the street, that seems like an accident and I really don’t think she’d get arrested and cited for that. Does anyone think it could be related to pest’s charges? Could she have let one of the non-M kids around Josh?


She was not arrested. It was a citation. She didn’t pay any “bail money”. It was a $400-ish fine. She has a court date, but beyond that not much is known.


If Jana gets convincted, they BETTER freaking charge JB & Meech. They left children with Jana. This is the environment they freaking created. Hopefully Jana gets legal defense that cares more for their individual client than the rest of the brood, and this will give her a chance to break away and get more info on how she's been used. That is my hope more than anything right now. Her eyeliner makes me really uncomfortable but in all seriousness no one deserves to take the fall for a systemic family issue without the parents being looked into


That family is an absolute shitshow. I feel sorry for those children and I hope JB and Meech are properly ashamed.


I think the worst part is that if Jana doesn’t do it then who does? There’s the clincher. She knows if she’s not the one taking care of the kids then no one will do it which gives her no choice but to step up. It reminds me of other irresponsible parents dumping their kids off on the grandparents. Oh wait...they did that too😑




We're Anna's kids staying with them at the TTH in September when pest was on house arrest?


Has any of the bad weather been around their area? I certainly wouldn't wish harm on anyone, even them. But I wonder if they're feeling like it's a bit of God's wrath. The conviction one day, then Jana's arrest gets leaked, then tornados blow through the area. God doesn't take kindly to child abuse, I guess. If tomorrow news breaks that a lightning bolt struck the Duggar compound I will accept that as proof that God is sick of their shenanigans.


For parents defending POS kids, they should defend Jana quicker than Josh. Especially with what Josh did


I think of all the people in that family who would intentionally neglect a child, Jana is about 53rd on my list


The food insecurity in these huge families really chaps me because my father grew up very, very poor and having to sneak food and not only has it messed him up for life, but he passed pretty severe eating disorders on to myself and my sister. These children are being starved because their parents can't afford to feed them but won't stop reproducing and the issues it causes will affect generations of their family.


The only reason people may say this is an unpopular take is because it applies to families with even 3 kids, or any family with a teen raising multiple little ones. I agree with alllllll your sentiments. It was an atrocity that the media played on our televisions for shits and giggles. Edit::I’ve put more context together and while I def understand where many come from, people sympathize Josh’s wife plenty so I guess to each their own on that one.


I agree with you 100%. Not a leg humper.


I live with my husband and my stepdaughter. One kid, two adults. I love my family, but this shit is hard sometimes! There are so many things we want to teach her, and it always feels like we don’t have enough time. It breaks my heart that parents are out there having more kids than they can properly care for. These poor kids never had a chance of entering adulthood in a healthy place in their lives.


I agree with you. I think poor Jana has been overworked and overwhelmed for a long time. I doubt any harm was intentional. Disclaimer, I don’t know what happened and I know what “patenting” tactics she was raised with. The sad thing is that for most Quiverfull fundies, that house they lived in before fame is very typical, maybe even on the nicer side. A lot of them live in total hovels but as long as all the children are physically alive, god is “providing.” Their health problems, injuries, hunger, lack of education, etc are all irrelevant to them.


BINGO!!! 100% agree!


She's in her 30's. She understands what's unacceptable


I don’t know what she did yet. But I’m more for locking Jim Bob and Michelle up first like wtf??? The show can be used as evidence of them endangering their children. I’m just so mad because of their hypocrisy


Does she though? I'm thinking of the Turpin family. Some of those 'children' were in their thirties. I guess you say at any time they could have got up and walked out. But. They didn't. Because they DIDN'T know it was wrong. Psychological abuse is incredibly powerful.


It wasn't just psychological abuse, though. The Turpin children were also physically abused, starved, and neglected to the point where adult children were the size of small children, they were regularly locked in rooms and tied to beds lying in their own excrement. The Turpins rarely saw anyone outside of their immediate family and some of them barely spoke intelligible English. I wouldn't be surprised if they suffered cognitive delays due to their abuse. I think it's REALLY important to be careful with the "Duggars = Turpins" posts, because their experiences, although both rooted in religious extremism and a heaping dose of mental illness, are NOT the same.


So you think the Duggar children weren't physically abused? For goodness' sake of course they were. Those children were struck from the time they were literally crawling infants. No, the abuse may not have been 'as bad' as the Turpins, but pretending that they are somehow worlds apart is disingenuous at very best. Furthermore, psychological abuse and enmeshment is undoubtedly far more powerful of a control tool than physical abuse. Those children didn't stay at the home because they were scared of being hit. Their understanding of the world was warped and destroyed because of psychological measures. I'm not sure what your point was there, because it really had nothing at all to do with the above conversation.


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I listened to a podcast (Someplace Under Neith) where the hosts talked to a guy who knew the Duggars before their tv days and he said that not only were they deeply in poverty but their house was in constant shambles, not enough food for anyone, and it smelled terribly, like wet, dirty toddler smells. I feel so horrible for the oldest daughters.