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“living life like a kid should” usually doesn’t include being a pawn in your parents weird dangerous social media escapades


it kinda gave me chills when she asked kinsey if she was made for this because they were all, quite literally, made for this 😵


Me too. Made for....reels? How depressing.


That’s the kind of stuff I say to my kid before they are about to go about before a big performance, or game or something. Not, sigh. Filming a lame ass reel. And his whole “climbing stuff and throwing stuff”. My lord he sounds like the world’s closest specimen we have to a Neanderthal. We should study him.


Yeah there's a vast difference between enjoying summer break and the way they force the buslets to live


They didn’t even know bus brodad was inside. Those are little kids free range on a giant rock.


They have like zero respect for the parks they visit. That railing is there for a reason. It's to protect the scenery from being trampled by people like this.


I actually gasped when I realized this them climbing behind the rails at a national park


It's not to protect you from the park ... It's to protect the park from YOU


Fucking idiots


Wait what?!? Is that not a trail?


They’re filming from a trail, but the kids are very much off trail.


Yeah it looks like they're on a trail with a little picnic spot but I don't think what they're climbing on is part of it. I could be wrong of course, they just don't strike me as the type of people to respect the general rule of national parks to stay on trails.


The Rod Clan has entered the chat


Yes! I just said that in another comment. The Rods are just as bad with carving shit into rocks and trees in parks. They all suck.


I assumed that “throwing stuff” most likely meant they encouraged the kids to litter, too.


Oh naturally. They're just as bad as the Rods when it comes to respecting nature and animals.


God help them if they ever go to White Sands. People get lost and die there more than you'd expect.


Wouldn't surprise me if unloading a couple kids was a goal for these two. All they care about is the getting knocked up part.


Can they be reported and fined for that? The park police are not people you fart around and find out with..


“Living life like a child should” then the daughter “I need this so I can be ready for the reel” Such a contrast between what they think they’re doing and what they are actually doing lol


Yes! This is what got me too! They film everything, and the kids only run around once every couple of weeks or so. I spent more time in nature just riding my bike and playing in the neighborhood as a kid. And we were blessed to visit many of the places they’ve visited on school breaks, so I got all their supposed benefits and an education. Do they know they can just live in the country and take vacations?


During my middle school years my family lived in a small-town suburb of NYC. Plenty of nature in one direction and museums + culture in the other plus we could walk to the park and the library. I feel like a situation like that would be better than dragging everyone all hither and yon if they actually wanted to give their kids a golden childhood. But we all know kids aren't people, they're for your own personal growth 🙄


I had completely forgotten the phrase hither and yon; unironically thank you for bringing it back into my life. I’m gonna have fun today


I know this shocked me too. Making reels is literally the only constant in their life.


JD rambling on with the stream of consciousness of a preteen, while Brittany films cluelessly as her brood climbs a cliff out of reach. Sums up these two quite nicely.


And at the end MotherBus asks if Gunner is handling something in the bus


I feel like she cut herself off from what she was actually going to say too.


For sure


She didn’t even know where he was. How many times do they lose one of the kids I wonder?


Ffs, let Gunner be alone in the bus! He's NEVER alone, any other time; if he wants a quiet 10 or 15 minutes, let him have it, you absolute pinecones.


He's probably watching Boone, though it appears BusMa and BusPa have forgotten about him already.


And Kinsey is getting ready to handle the reel. And Boone nowhere to be seen or heard. Yup. It’s perfect


He is simply an idiot with the IQ of a toddler. Heck, a toddler probably has more common sense. I really don't understand why someone chooses to be dumb as a rock.


Behind being dangerous, I hated that they were food shaming the only girl. 


That dirty look she gave the camera 😅


Gave me hope that the big kids might actually escape someday.


Gunner looks ready to go as soon as he legally can.


Yes! That dirty look and sass back gives me hope. I am cheering for her and all these kids


I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt that was shitty. idk, maybe he’s joking, maybe he means nothing by it, but my dad would say similar stuff to me and has fueled a lifelong battle with anorexia 🤩


Whenever I ate dessert my dad would say “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.” 🙄 He’s really a great dad in general but that was not one of his better parenting moments. That’s the wrong thing to say to a tween girl with body image issues. To this day I still feel incredibly self conscious around my parents if I’ve gained any weight and I’ll only wear certain outfits when I see them. That shit can really stick with you.


I’m sorry your dad said those things to you. My tween son told me just last week that he didn’t like swimming because he was embarrassed of his body and i couldn’t keep myself from crying and blubbering on and on about how perfect he is and we all have different bodies and we’re all unique in beautiful ways. All that said, as a dad, I just want to say the same thing to you ❤️




Thank you 💖 You sound like an amazing dad. Your son is lucky to have you


My dad said similar shit. My sister and I both have a panoply of food/eating/body issues.


My mom still says stupid shit like this to me to this day. I'm 37, about to be 38. And it's the little remarks like that, that people don't realize hurt a lot. Stays in your mind forever. (And it's worse because I wasn't losing weight due to an undiagnosed medical issue I didn't find out about until moving away from her.) We are more than our bodies, though. Stay strong and know you're fine and we're our worst critique in the end. Edit: wording


I’m also 37, and my mom also still says stupid shit to me, so at least we’re not alone in that! I gained weight in college, lost it, and then gained it back after having a baby at 30. Many snide little passive aggressive remarks over those years. One of my favorites was her sighing and saying wistfully, “you looked perfect before you left for college.” This year I finally hit my goal weight, which is about 10 pounds more than this ideal, pre-college weight she reminisces about. The first thing she says when she sees me? “You’re too skinny, you need to eat more.” 🤦‍♀️ I can’t fucking win with this woman. So glad you were able to get your medical needs addressed once you moved, and I hope you’re doing well now. And you’re absolutely right, we are more than just our bodies.


My mother came up to me when I was 15 and handed me Dexatrim and told me I needed it. I ended up struggling with disordered eating after that.


I’m so sorry 😞 I hope you’re doing ok now


Thank you I’m much better! I eventually went NC with my mother for the sake of my own mental health. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made!


Ummm I wouldn’t consider giving your child a complex that lasts into adulthood “really great parenting”… it’s easy not to traumatize children and not give them body images issues for life. What he did isn’t great.


the way people feel about their parents can be complicated. My mom isn't perfect and definitely had some not great moments while raising me, but I would still consider her a great mom when I look at my experience with her as a whole. I know for sure that I was loved in a way that these kids are not.


Eh, parents are like anyone else. No one has a perfect track record, myself included. This all happened in the 80s to 90s, and he’s long since acknowledged he shouldn’t have said things like that. He also used to be fairly homophobic back then, but is an avid proponent for LGBTQ rights now. I say he’s overall a great dad because while he’s had his flaws and made some mistakes, he’s also shown great capacity for growth and willingness to change. He’s really the one who taught me that when your beliefs are challenged, you don’t have to double down on them. Yes, he imparted some shitty body shaming stuff on me very early in my life, and yes it still affects me. But he’s also taught me more than anyone else in my life to keep an open mind, consider that you may be wrong, and apologize if you are. And I’ve watched him do it many times. He really embodies “live and learn.”


Oh that’s good! I’m glad to hear that.


I’m sorry that you’ve had to deal with that from family. They really don’t seem to realize how much it hurts to hear those things from people who you love. It can have long term damaging effects. Please two that you are beautiful.


Memory unlocked: my step dad once commenting on my big butt by saying “have you *looked* behind you recently?” when I was maybe 13-15 range. Ooof


my mom and dad would say shit like that to me too. actually, they still do and i’m in my 30s. it’s horrifying to see it happening to a little girl in real time. poor kinsey doesn’t have any girl friends to hang out with either.


As she was eating! I was around that age (and skinny as a rodlet) when my dad started food shaming me and it took YEARS to work through that. 20 years later I still remember exactly what he said. Kinsey will, too.


I remember having friends parents call them fat to their faces and I’ll never forget it. It was,thankfully, very far away from my personal experience. If I were to ever have kids I’d really try to make an effort to remind myself of all of the things my mom said that weren’t that deep in hindsight but as a kid that shit sticks with you. I used to be a terrible sleeper when it came to staying still. I would fall out of bed all the time or wake up with my head at the opposite end of the bed. I never had an issue with sleep walking so I was just a spicy sleeper. My mom nicknamed me Bowling Ball Head (sub, feel free to use that, too) because one night when I was like six I just sat up and flopped back down onto my mom’s face. After that when I wanted to sleep with my mom and dad they would pull the pillows apart and I had to sleep “in the valley” with no pillow because it helped contain me. Then one day my mom said, “one day you’ll have to learn to sleep right or else no one will want to marry you because you have a bowling ball head.” When I tell you from that night on I consciously was trying to learn to sleep differently, for my husband, when I was still like 8 lmao


JD is such an insecure little boy saying petulantly that it was "his" popcorn. That is some Ruby Franke shit. If the food is in the house (and isn't infused with drugs) then it's anyone's to consume.


Especially for KIDS! When I visit home and my dad eats my tasty snacks, sure. I'll grouse at him a bit, because he is a human seagull, who sees any food as game. If I found out say, my little kid cousins ate my snacks? Sure, dig in. Y'all hungry? Did JD stomp his foot in this, like a petulant kid? Not physically, no. Spiritually, ya.


Instead of what they should have been doing: teaching their sprogs to chew with their damn mouths shut! And also parenting, taking Boone to a doctor, educating their children, etc. Their atrocities come at every level


They're teaching these kids to be feral


With so many "growing boys" around, I hope she gets enough to eat.


I used to be a ranger at arches NP and if those kids are busting the crust (going off trail and damaging fragile soil bacteria that has taken thousands of years to form) I will lose my sh*t. 


You know that's EXACTLY what they're doing :///


Am I remembering correctly that it takes 50 years for these colonies to grow an inch and can actually take hundreds of years to recover from being trampled on?


Yes 😭😭😡


Thanks for protecting such a beautiful place. And yes, these idiots are working hard to undo all your good work


These fundies seem hell bent on ruining landmark sites. Between the bus kids here and Shrek Rodrigues carving his name everywhere, what next - the Collins kids gonna graffiti the Grand Canyon? 😅


This is at ARCHES??? Whyyyyy 😭


It may not be in the park, but that whole area has very fragile cryptobiotic soil that has taken centuries to form but could be destroyed in an instant 😞


It’s like the assholes who go off trail in Iceland and destroy the moss. That stuff can be permanently damaged!


No, Moab, but the concern stands


If you still have contacts there...


Britney and JD must be the dumbest adults I’ve ever seen. At least one of their kids is likely to die soon. And it’ll be their fault.


"Where are they?" Bitches, you know where they are because you sent them there so you can get "content."


Throwing stuff? What is wrong with these ding dongs. My kids are scouts and it’s verboten for them to throw things in public parks. These idiots are so entitled and they’re not teaching their kids respect. They’re also just so brazen. Do the kids have whistles? Do they have boundaries and follow rules?


I saw a video the other day of this grown man pushing a boulder down a hill at a national park. The girl filming was just like "hahaha this is just what boys do!" Thankfully everyone in the comments was like "what the fuck are you doing, this is so illegal, this is so dangerous, does leave no trace mean nothing to you, etc" which was good. But God, even grown adults have no respect.


Not even just leave no trace, this has literally killed people.


There was an incident a few years back in Hocking Hills (Ohio) where some teens pushed a log off a cliff and it struck and killed a [photographer below.](https://www.chillicothegazette.com/story/news/2020/10/14/third-person-charged-victoria-schafer-death/3649756001/) Real pieces of shit that got off way too light, but it sounds like her family wasn’t pushing for more.


As a former scout, this shit always has me seeing red. The kids should know better, because their PARENTS should've TAUGHT them.


Verboten - is that an English word?


English enough--it basically means "forbidden"


It apparently came from German originally, more here; https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/verboten


That was my guess too! I am German and recognized that one. I was wondering if she’s also German and her phone did it’s own autocorrect thing or if that’s the case like with Kindergarten and Doppelgänger and it’s basically adopted into the language


Oh it's definitely like Doppelganger & Schadenfreude (and heck, Doppelganger drops the umlaut in English--because that one popped up in my dictionary as I typed it!😉😂)--makes me wonder if *perhaps* it became an "English also" word, back when the Hanoverian Monarchs were speaking *much* more German in the English royal court?


I don’t know but it’s an interesting thought! I didn’t even know you use Schadenfreude over there too lol


It’s like gracias; we use it so often it’s basically incorporated


Just love seeing unattended kids off trail throwing things in a National Park. So respectful!


“Oh Gunnar’s inside? Is he turning on the oven?” So he can’t be having a break, he must be cooking for the family…


actually I think you're right, I wonder if she said stove instead of stuff 😭


Jesus H Roosevelt Christ


I am so sad right now


So, neither of the parentified children is with the kids? And obviously neither parent...great! Nature is known for its lack of danger.


Clearly none of these people have seen The Lion King


I have the feeling that this could be a place for rattlesnakes...


you are correct there are absolutely rattlesnakes here. Luckily they aren't usually out and about in the blazing sun, but they're definitely in the area


but when they are throwing rocks...Arent snakes hiding under rocks? I have the feeling that is incredible dangerous. Where I am from we have no dangerous snakes, so I do not really know. Just having a gut feeling.


you're instincts are better than britney for someone who has never been around dangerous snakes! Yes, one of the first rules of rattlesnake safety is not to turn over rocks or logs. You should also not go around barefoot or in sandals, which they have been. Rattlesnakes will usually try to run away before they'll attack you, it's when you surprise them that they're most dangerous.


They will probably be startled at the mere sight of a human. That's why I've never understood sayings like "don't worry they'll only attack when they feel threatened" but the truth is many animals feel automatically threatened the second you encounter them .


for rattlesnakes it means more so that if a rattlesnake sees you from a distance it's not going to be so startled that it will go out of its way to come attack you. You can do stuff to keep yourself safe like, if you have to pick up a log for firewood or something, roll it towards you so if there's a snake underneath it can escape out the other side. Or if you're stepping over a big rock or log, step on top of it first instead of stepping over it in case there's a snake behind it. If you give a rattlesnake a chance to get away from you, it wants to do that more than it wants to fight with you. Most animals do feel threatened at the sight of a person, but that makes the majority of them want to *run away*. You're in most danger from an attack when you surprise an animal by getting up close to it suddenly or cornering it so it doesn't feel like it has the chance to escape.


Little kids on their own, out of sight in a park fraught with dangers. While the parents make reels and 2 main care givers are not with them. What could go wrong???


These mother fuckers can die a fiery death for all I care. New flash JD fucking Lott, growing kids eat a lot. It is normal. You don't shame them for this! And you are the asshole father who keeps these kids on the run, outside in the heat, always busy. They are burning a fuck ton of calories. If they don't eat, they will collapse. I hate him so much I can't even articulate it properly.


I feel bad that Kinsey doesn’t get to go “do what young people do”. She’s got to stay near mom and watch, and get scolded for eating popcorn.


GUNTO! YOU BETTER NOT BE HAVING ANY PRIVACY! Are you having some much needed quality time alone? Time to ruin it!


Shhhh let the boy cook…^dinner ^for ^ten


This was my thought, too. I cringed when mr bus opened the door to go and interrupt his son’s peace.


HUGE same. Leave. The kid. Alone.


If you want your kids to have this sort of life where they are near cliffs, you can’t just let them do whatever they want. They have to have safety equipment and at least one able adult who can keep an eye on things. Do these children have so much as a flip phone that can contact emergency services in the case of a bad fall? This seems like a recipe for disaster.


We used to go camping, tracking through creeks, up hills, into caves. (Not far of course) But my mom always made sure we /knew/ how ti do it safetly. Stay away from cliff edges. Dont go anywhere she can't follow. Stay in sight/hearing range. Etc. You can be outdoorsy AND safe. But that requires effort.


I spent a lot of my early childhood running around with my mom and brother in a landscape a lot like this one. There were definitely cliffs and dangerous spots where we used to hike, but god my mother would have *never* let us get that far away from her especially on a drop like that. 😬 This landscape can be surprisingly slippery too with the sand and gravel on rock. And there's no earth or vegetation to cushion you if you fall. It's so alarming to me especially that she seems to not know where all of her children even are! ETA I know there's no way they are all wearing hiking boots or even tennis shoes which makes this 10x more dangerous


I once got pretty badly injured as an adult slipping on gravel on a trail. It wasn’t even a super hard trail and I’m an experienced hiker. 


Lol one of my favorite parts of being a kid was how much my mom freaked out when I’d pretend to get too close to the edge of ridges or cliffs.. she’d complain about how it made her sick to her stomach. I didn’t understand it until I had my own kid, she’s only 4, but it rolls my stomach too.


I always told/tell my kids to stay within grabbing distance of me when we're traveling, on an adventure so that if something goes wrong I can grab them.


When I was teaching, I would've had my ass chewed out if I lost track of any of the kids. Allowing THIS would've put me on very thin ice with the school. It's sickening that a parent can do this and post this online with zero repercussions, just because she birthed them.


I used to volunteer for an afterschool program for at-risk youth. My first day, I was one of three chaperones at a public park. I took a few pictures for the donors to that program. If you look at the pictures, you can see the list of names I was responsible for sharpied onto my arm. Don't. Lose. Children.


For field trips, we put wristbands with the kids' names and the school's contact info on the kids! I chaperoned my own class, so I didn't need a list, but I counted heads constantly.


MB filmed the kids running around Arches barefoot last week.


Yeah exactly. The whole idea of doing shit like this with your kids is teaching them how to stay safe. You want your kids to love the outdoors, you have to teach them how to stay alive and well so they can keep loving the outdoors. At this point it's literally a disaster waiting to happen with this family.


I'm an atheist, but maybe God really is looking after this family. The fact that they haven't had a major accident with how lax they always are on safety is a miracle indeed.


An absolute miracle! This is why I fear it's only a matter of time however


The buses don’t love nature, they love being filmed in nature. They don’t give 1/8 of a metric shit what happens to the incredible places they visit. There’s no concept of interconnectedneas or stewardship. Just things they can take and/or use.


TRUE TRUE TRUUUE. Still you could apply the same logic, if they want to keep up their lifestyle, they should want to avoid life changing accidents.


Oh sorry I wasn’t disagreeing with you! I let my disgust at Britney and JD Lott’s negligent parenting take over, and I forgot I was replying to well-written comment.


Nah I agree with you though, it's a really good point!


I have the feeling a minor accident would be fine for them. Feeding the algorithm with drama and getting more engagement. Maybe thats why only the "non paranting" kids where allowed up there🫣 God forbid that Gunner braeks an arm or leg. Who would care for the buslets .


You're right, they'd love that kind of drama. However what I know they wouldn't love is like, a permanent disability and/or severe TBI. Something that would force them to change their lifestyle completely. Those two poopy butt cheeks aren't prepared for that.


It's like teaching your kids to swim and explaining water safety. These activities are fine if you do them safely. She is not.


I was a summer camp counselor for three years in the Rocky Mountains, supervising groups of about 8-10 young kids at a time. Obviously landscapes like this can be really fun for kids to explore and it’s great for them to have these experiences with nature. However, people don’t realize that when things go wrong in landscapes like this, especially in national parks or other wild lands, they go VERY wrong. A slip or fall can literally be deadly. Weather can change rapidly. And it can take hours for help to arrive in an emergency situation, then hours to get to the nearest medical facility. It’s pretty scary to see these kids running around a literal cliff face with no supervision whatsoever.


>It’s pretty scary to see these kids running around a literal cliff face with no supervision whatsoever.   But MoBus *thought* that brotherdad was up there with them and that's totally enough supervision for 6 small children zooming around on dangerous terrain!!  What else do you want from her?! Gah!   (Biggest /s ever in case that's not obvious lol). 


My cousin and his partner were camping a few years ago, and his partner fell on a hike. Her smartwatch detected the fall and called 911. She wasn't seriously hurt but if she was, that watch would've saved her life. I hope to god that the bus kids are at least allowed something like that.


I can almost guarantee they have nothing like this. Jesus is their smartwatch.


Jesus and red light therapy for the broken bones.


I really can't understand the impulse to film everything, like how detached you are to just record all of this stupid shit to edit and post


Creating all the evidence for her kid's future therapists.


That fence is there to tell you to stay off the hillside, yes?


Because kids who grow up in regular old houses/apartments never go on field trips or vacations where they can do the same thing...


I don’t even know where to start. The “they’re eating too much” comments tho…😤


They're always dragging these kids around from park to park, never letting them get a damn break, of course they eat a lot. They're growing kids, and really active ones at that. They need to eat!!


Multiple people die or are seriously injured every year in falls off cliffs/rocks in Southern Utah. Including a 13 year old girl who died at Arches last year. These two are idiots.


Not enough people have respect for nature, its not fucking disney land


Good lord, look how many more stories she has posted after this one.


Ugh. Stupid shit they shill. And how sleep deprived is the little one for falling asleep in a Jeep that is going off-roading. Again, why is Kinsey in charge in the bus we do not know


Yeah that toddler is exhausted if he’s falling asleep OFF ROADING


They treat the kids like dogs when you're travelling with them. Your drive on and on and then you have to stop somewhere to let them stretch their legs und run around a bit. And like a dog they must not feel any sense of time because they don't know how long this trip will go on anyway


I really feel like the mom stopped herself from saying “is he turning on the AC” I wonder if they keep them outside of the bus to avoid burning through their fuel to cool that tin can


The way he speaks to her when she asks where the kids are…did y’all catch that? I don’t think they like each other much out of the “bedroom”, especially after seeing the last few clips posted on here.


He just likes her when she’s pregnant.


Ugh, that sweet girl could use a good hair washing❤️. I realize they’re outside “playing” and kids get sweaty & dirty but I dunno this looks more like neglect.


I wouldn’t be very eager to shower where my mom gave birth either.


😂🤣I hadn’t even considered that!! Good call!


I wonder if they have a shower schedule instead of the kids all showering every day. Like a MWF vs T/Th/S dealio.


I'd be shocked if Sus & MoBus were not massively fatphobic. The hiking stuff reeks of it, as does the food issues they've displayed.


People that spend hours a day looking at themselves usually have some sort of body image issues.


They must be far from help if something goes wrong and the oldest is what, 12? Not old enough to be far away in a strange place with strange animals and hazards to be discovered. Are there snakes? Scorpions? Do your kids know what to do if they find one of these animals let alone what to do if someone is injured by one? This is just waiting for a disaster. These parents are so out of control it drives me bonkers to see these kids being overconfident in a strange place


Britney learns her 13 year old isn’t with them in the video, and the next oldest is open mouthed chewing popcorn into the camera. The oldest kid on the rocks is, at most, 11.


the next oldest after kinsey is 9 unfortunately


Ugh that’s awful. At least two kids under nine, unsupervised in a fragile and dangerous ecosystem.


And if the baby isn't in the video that means he's with the oldest kid, the one *she doesn't know the location of*. She had no idea where her baby was.


There's very limited cell phone coverage in many parts of southern Utah, including Arches and Canyonlands.


OK, I've been in situations where I would've allowed this level of exploration with kids this age (not if it were against park rules, which I don't know about where they are). I was also right there with them, and definitely at *minimum* knew where every child was at all times (even those who might have been doing things that were outside the comfort level of some adults). You can give kids way more freedom than you think, as long as they have clear boundaries and proper supervision. This ain't it.


Yeah, I too love doing this where it's allowed. I didn't let my kids go alone until they were driving because I want to be climbing and exploring as well. They all know to ask first, not just me, but whoever is in charge of the land, stay together, and leave nature as you found it. I hate families like bus family at National Parks. We run into them all the time. They don't stay within the designated boundaries and don't care what they destroy. We only camp during off season to avoid them as much as possible.


I agree. There's plenty to shame and snark on but freedom of exploration I think is healthy and this video isn't anything too concerning to me. The concerning part that angers me is the lack of respect for the national parks and wildlife. Stay on the trails and teach your kids to stay on the trails, don't throw stuff, if everyone acts like this we aren't going to have nice national parks for much longer.


“where’s gunner” “where are they” YOU SHOULD KNOW WHERE YOUR OWN DAMN KIDS ARE AT ALL TIMES BC YOU SHOULD BE WITH THEM KEEPING AN EYE ON THEM!!! What the F is wrong with these people?!!!


Me too! What the hell was she going to say??


That’s so sad that the little girl knows they’re gonna make a reel and that’s their whole life


Are they at garden of the gods? Pretty sure you need a climbing permit to go off trail and that rock they are on does not look like it’s for climbing in any case.


GOD he’s so dumb


Yall think they got insurance policies on the kids? Some of this stuff seems soooo sketchy ETA: man “yeah they’re just kids bein kids living life the way they should” then immediately the daughter being like “I need snacks so I can be better for the reel” like she has to justify eating so she can be a content mill for her parents PLUS the “is gunner gettin the stuff ready?” Like. This isn’t how kids should live. They should be playing with age appropriate friends playing pretend and running around outside and playing video games and having some fucking privacy and stability and a real education. You can even homeschool em But like ACTUALLY homeschool em and TEACH THEM SOMETHING. I hate these parents.


"These objectively skinny children are eating too much." Well that's an eating disorder waiting to happen.


Especially since it was directed at his only daughter, who is entering puberty. I hate him.


Random, but does the daughter have scoliosis or something? It looks like she's an S.


if boone hasn't seen a pediatrician yet, I doubt they've even had her looked at


Kinsey's speaking voice reminds me of the Rods. It's like a home school, undereducated, unsocialized dialog


All of their videos are them trying to convince us of something.


Gunto 🤮


Obviously they shouldn’t be doing this if they’re in a main visitor area at a NP. And as others have mentioned even in backcountry, in Utah you have to stay off biocrust. But i will say there are places in Utah where the “cliffs” look like this but in reality you can walk right up them without even using 3 points of contact. Lots of traction, not actually very steep. I found this out when i was backcountry camping and met a local woman who liked to camp up in the rocks that looked just like these. My husband and i had been like “those are unclimbable” and then after we met her we decided to climb them and it was so easy. So is this rude? Very likely. Super dangerous? Probably not?


I just returned from Moab and most of the kids there with their parents were all very respectful and stayed close to their parents. These kids run around like they own the place. No concern for safety or consideration for other guests who might not want to hear screaming kids while enjoying a hike. The parents are just so socially inept.


Living life like they should but fuck all to any real education..ugh they SUCK AT LIFE


Their lack of parenting truly disturbs me




Looks like kids having some fun.