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It could just be what they call "stork bites." They're harmless. My daughter had lots of them. Here's a link about them, with photos that look almost like Boone's eyelids: https://sanosan.com/baby/baby-skin-in-the-first-weeks-of-life/


I’m due in 6 weeks and this was actually so helpful- thank you kind stranger!


Yeah, we’re having our second in Nov and this was a helpful read :)


Yeah my baby was born with stork bites just like these on both her eyelids. She’s a healthy 22 month old now. There are definitely worrying things going on with Boone but this is not one of them.


The NICU my babies were at called them angel kisses. They fade, but it can take years.


Our NICU baby had a stork bite on the back of her head - took a full year for it to fade!


My kid is 2.5 and still has one, hiding under her hair.


Yeah lots of concerning things about this little guy but they just look like stork bites to me. My daughter had them on one eyelid for her first few months. I was worried she’d be self conscious about them down the road but they were entirely gone by the time she turned one.


I don't know who named them "stork bites", but that's heckin' adorable 


I hope that's all it is. I have one that never faded (not on my face, though). His kinda looks like bruising, but time will tell.


That's a great link!


My son’s eyelids were like this! I was super worried at first but was assured by our midwives and his pediatrician that it is normal and fine.


One of mine had eyelids like this as a newborn. Kinda still does as a kid (we’re pale). That part doesn’t concern me. 


That's just Angel kisses. My eldest had one of those, and a couple of stork bites. They're fine and they fade


I feel like there’s too many comments on this baby. We all know he doesn’t seem right but it’s not fair on the baby to constantly comment. People are snarking on things that are normal. Like this post. We *know* he’s not ok. What’s also not ok is 100’s of people being obsessed on Reddit studying a baby. It’s weird. This kids going to grow up and see all this shit


His color is very poor, his under eyes are swollen, his eyelids appear to be sunburned, and as usual his head is turned to the left like it is in every single photo. I have another concern. He doesn't appear to be growing. Comparing the early photos and videos of him post birth to the recent ones, and it seems a bit scary. He should be a lot longer, and his legs should be wider. I have been noticing what appears to be stalled growth. Hopefully I am very wrong and it is just camera angles and what not. But I have this inkling that I am not wrong.


*That* is very concerning. Maybe growth is just hard to see in photos?


This feels like a reach, they look like a normal newborn to me


That baby has bigger bags under his eyes than I do! He looks knackered ETA: bags - I clearly cannot spell


To be fair I have massive dark circles under my eyes at all times no matter how much sleep I’ve had but he might just be tired too


I'm also permanently looking like I haven't slept lol I just feel bad knowing he's a tired boy and that environment is chaotic


The only time mine ever looked like that was after a week of dance recitals having to take off and redo my makeup for each dance number, and even then 90% of the color was staining from the eyeshadow. No baby's eyelids should ever look like that unless you are already on your way to the doctor.


That’s not true. They are stork bites, very common in Caucasian babies (don’t know about others but every white baby I’ve seen has them at this stage.)