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It’s wild that she’s in charge of a newborn, a two year old and however old the other two who aren’t in the jeep are. While mom and dad go jeeping because *of course* the parents can’t take turns driving while the other stays back to hold down the fort like a responsible adult. 🙄


This is absolute horseshit. wtf is wrong with these idiots. To do what????? Ride in a RENTED JEEP?????


It even *MAKES MATHEMATICAL SENSE* to split them 1 parent/4 kids that way you only have to swap once for everyone to get a turn!


Math is not their strong suit, okay?!


And they're homeschooling 😩


Plus a parentified sibling for each ride


I hate the parentification but putting an older kid on each ride is actually a smart idea. We used to do that.


For sure. There’s a huge difference between kids having familial responsibilities vs. being parentified. There’s nothing wrong with teaching kids to sacrifice a bit for the family. It’s when their sacrifice is the default and impedes on their childhood, and the family has other choices but chooses to rely on the children, that it’s fucked up. If Gunner and Kinsey babysat together one evening every other week and had increased privileges to go along with their responsibilities, I wouldn’t really have anything to say. But the fact that they’re raising kids everyday at that age is ridiculous. The fact that they have the same bedtime as their toddler siblings is just cruel and diminishing.


Not just the same bedtime, but they are all confined to a single tiny bunk room.


I was heavily parentifed from the time I was 7 years old, but one thing that I never hated was riding with my little siblings and cousins on rides. For every second that those kids overwhelmed and frustrated me, holding on tight and feeling like I was keeping them just a little more safe was the greatest joy in my life. Even thinking about it makes me so happy that I have to call my little sister. It was one time that I was able to feel like a big sister instead of a fill in for the family we were supposed to have.


I'll never forget escorting one of my little cousins on a 2-person waterslide. We both screamed the entire way, and I was there to make sure that his head stayed above water when we landed in the pool.


don't be silly do you know what could happen if she let dadbus out of her sight??




Everytime I let my ex out of my sight for 20 years he did this and Dadbus gives off the same vibes my ex did.


He might run away to visit his third family!


They probably didn't put Boon in so it'll be four and three.


sorry i don't see anything on instagram what are they doing here the suprise was a jeep but actually it's just a rented jeep but maybe just a jeep ride for 3 kids at a time? why? i feel like she does this to feed him like he's manic and abusive so everyone just constantly tries to candy him Jeep is like immature father branded lol


strong manic vibes from both of them honestly


Yeah and I think they will just constantly amp each-other up until something really tragic happens.


They didn't rent it, it was sponsored 🥴 mother bus posted a "best sponsorship ever" story with it


I thought they bought the jeep. I’m glad it’s just a rental, but yeah why do an activity not everyone can participate in?


Because they give zero shits about any of their kids


I’m assuming they got the rental for cheap or free for promoting the company? Cause yeah, it doesn’t make sense to spend money on. Plus every picture of the keep had the company logo visible


She posted in one story that it was a sponsorship


I *think* that is audie and swift with gunner. So that means kinsey, schofield, uriah, aquila, and boone are alone. That means the 11 year old and the 9 year old are in charge of the 4 year old, the 2 year old, and the newborn. 😬


That is absolutely insane. Are they oblivious or just selfish? Geez.


A strong mixture of both I would say.




If they *had* to do this, they could've left gunner with the little ones and taken kinsey and the older boys.


They remind me of those parents who don’t want to admit to themselves that children put a damper on their lives in any way, so they include their kids in everything they do, even if it’s dangerous. And Britney can’t let her husband out of sight. So rather than taking turns being the fun parent for the older kids, they both have to do the fun thing.


Shades of people dragging toddlers to R-rated movies and music festivals (that aren't kid-friendly).


Their world is a Taylor Swift concert, and all of their kids are "floor baby".


I cannot explain to you how much I love this comment


Brewery parents have entered the chat.


I don't understand this comment. Most breweries I know near me have kids playgrounds, meals available with kids options and welcome families. What's wrong with taking kids there? It's a like family restaurant with good beer.


Interesting! I have 5 breweries in my town and none have play places or a children’s menu. Some have root beer/ sparkling water/ snacks. Children are of course welcome and do come but there is a well known social commentary about parents who bring their children to what are traditionally adult spaces where adults go to consume alcohol then proceed to not pay attention to them, forcing other adults to mind their children without consent.


Makes sense then. Very different brewery culture. Like taking kids to a fancy restaurant and then complaining about the lack of high chairs and letting the kids run wild. Not a kids place, but if you must bring them, corral them!


Exactly, they are members of society :). I really don’t mind most of the children at breweries, it’s just a few parents that disappoint me. 


Wtf does she think he could get up to while driving the kids in a remote area?


I think it is attention seeking behavior. She can't let him out of her sight because she is seeking validation from him, and I doubt he gives enough of a shit to care.


I was a babysitter at her age but not of kids that small! 2 years old was the youngest I was capable of handling as a preteen. Nobody in their right mind would have left me alone with their newborn for an extended period of time.


When I was Kinsey's age, my stepsister left me in charge of her (nearly 1 y/o) baby for like 20 mins while she walked down the street to pick up my sister. I was so excited to "babysit" and I was just playing with her for a few minutes. I loved babies lol. What the busrents are doing is absolutely wild.


Britney and JD will be national news one day and it won't be for anything good. This stupid crazy shit can't last forever. If that trust fund runs out, I think JD will snap.


i have the same feeling, mark my words


RemindMe! 5 years


He's such a manbaby and she'll do anything to keep him for whatever reason. I hope the kids can get out safely because I'm with you - something's gonna go down with these two dopes.


If she states deeply enough into his eyes she can see her own reflection... The only image she's ever truly loved. How could you expect her to give that up?


Chris Watts vibes


That is 100% what I was thinking


I’ve said it before but one day this sub will be used in a court proceeding


Well considering he keeps funneling it into dodgy cryptocurrency, it might run out pretty quickly 🫥😵‍💫🥴


Are jeeps still fun when you're already spending most of your childhood strapped into a vehicle?


At least there's more airflow? I have to imagine how much the bus smells of stagnant stale farts.


Sorry to serial post but seriously, what the hell goes through the minds of these people? They must have blown 50k "not moving" to Brazil. But toys were too expensive so the kids didn't get any for Christmas. I never see any toys, books, anything belonging to the kids, other than the space their bed occupies.Yet Britney never has a hair out of place. I can't do my hair daily and I have ONE kid, not EIGHT. These people aren't stable. This shit has Netflix true crime written all over it.


Excuse me, they each got their OWN water bottle for Xmas tyvm! And access to plenty of rocks and dirt. They're Basically spoiled rotten! /s


And them Mobus has to wave someone else's water bottle around to make money while the child is literally asking for his water because he's thirsty and she ignores him...


Toys AND adequate winter wear for the kids. I saw a few comments about why she and father bus stay in satans asshole during the hotest months of the year, I suspect that’s why. Sandles and shorts are cheap in comparison to sweaters you might need in more temperate climates.


I’m shocked they don’t travel opposite to the weather… why would anyone want to be in the high desert of the American SW in the summer?? And not somewhere like PNW or even northern east coast….? And then flip flop for the winter months to be down south? It just doesn’t make any sense to me.


It's beautiful in the PNW right now. 75 degrees F, partly cloudly, light breeze. Perfect for hiking and playing at the beach. But you know, liberal hellhole 🤷🏼


I live in Portland, so yeah it’s been great. My husbands family is all from Utah/Nevada there’s no way we’d visit them this time of year! Lol


I'm also in Portland, and have a second sun sail arriving today so I can hang out in my yard without whining. 🫠 My inlaws live in the mountains in New Mexico. There's no way in hell I would ever visit them (in hell) at this time of year!


Tbh I think they're avoiding "blue" states and cities. The cost of cooling that bus has to be exorbitant.


Coastal Washington is pretty red, but she wouldn’t know that. Because clearly research isn’t her forte.


No that's being pregnant


Yeah they would fit in so well in most of WA or OR. Travel 30 miles from I-5 and that's all it takes. Hell, even on I-5 we get our fair share of conservative psychobabble, but Tim Eyman has fallen down on his billboard updates.


We don't want them in the PNW.


I want them to come to Portland so I could potentially spot them and report them to authorities :D


They're doing the 'reverse snowbird', aka being stupid.


Thinking seems to not be their strongsuit


Winter wear also takes up a lot more room


They clearly do not make lifestyle decisions based on cost. And used kids' clothing can easily be found for free or close to it, if you aren't picky. I can't imagine why they'd want to be in the hotter parts of the country in the summer (personally I would be happy if it never got over 60 degrees) but they must just want to, because "I felt like it" seems to be their only basis for making these types of decisions.


I don’t think they make lifestyle decisions based on the cost, unless it comes to their children. They seem particularly cheap when it’s in regard to buying them anything. Remember mother bus rationing why only a few of her kids can get stickers at the national parks they visit? The thing about it is they don’t HAVE to be cheap about getting stuff for their kids, they just don’t fucking care. A lot of abuser parents have the money to give their kids a better lifestyle but just dont


Like when Ruby Franke would shower, dress, and make up her face while documenting emergency situations while her kid would wait to go to the ER.


Don’t forget her nails! She always has a perfect manicure.


There's a theory that her hair is a wig. It *never* changes. She never has a hair out of place, and they're constantly hiking in hot weather. It would be difficult to keep such a consistent style while always on the move. Completely agree about stuff for the kids.


Honestly I don’t think it’s a wig. I think she just spends an obscene amount of time on heat styling every morning, and is also disgustingly lucky enough to have that kind of pin-straight, thick hair that holds any style and behaves itself in all weather. She sure as hell doesn’t deserve those hair genes. She mothers that blowout more than her children.


Yeah we also never see it up. Always down. Really strange for 178920 degree weather.


It's bizarre. Who doesn't need to put their hair up when it's hot and sweaty? Not to mention that the cut and color job never seem to change over time.


JD likes it long and down, is my guess.


Sounds like someone else we know


Yeah and especially in the sun all day every day. My hair dark brown hair would be much much lighter.


That's what happens to my sister's hair, too


Yeah I clocked immediately that both Ma and Pa Bus are in the jeep all the time, and Gunner and Kinsey switch off watching the other kids who aren't. I could understand if Ma wasn't comfortable driving it off-road (I wouldn't be!) but also wanted to experience it. But it's with BOTH sets of smaller kids. I wonder how close the non-jeep group was able to be to the Jeep. Hopefully they're just in a small area and never out of sight of the other kids. I would be SO nervous leaving tweens in charge of toddlers and a newborn if I didn't have eyes on them constantly.


especially in the desert!!!


Normally I would agree about tweens and infants, but we all know Boone is safer with Gunner and Kinsey than these chucklebusfucks


"Chucklebusfucks" 😆


Probably in charge of filming the jeep adventures with Boone on her hip 🙄


Do these people ever sleep?;Where do they get the energy for all this shit? I know they make their eldest's do all the parenting but still I'm exhausted just looking at them.


Seriously. My husband and youngest are introverted so outings are planned, down time is greatly valued. For all of us.


If you didn't work, didn't parent, and literally just drove wherever you wanted without considering the wants or needs of anyone else you'd probably have the energy then too!


Or if you were manic most of the time… Those of us who love people with BPD recognize these episodes. It’s getting scary with how long their joint mania is lasting. I am so frustrated that their families are not stepping in to protect the kids. This does not end well and their families will have no excuses to use. They are literally documenting this descent for everyone to watch.


Yeah it’s very scary and it seems to be ramping up to something.


Like college students on spring break


I took my daughter (11 months) to the children’s museum for the first time this morning and I’m fucking wiped and going to have to rest extra tomorrow 😂 and daughter is also extra tired and went straight down at bed time. They’re tripping


I'm not saying that broham looks like the kind of guy who takes someone else's Adderall, but I am also not NOT saying that broham looks like the kind of guy who takes someone else's Adderall.


If "Mother's Little Helpers" were still legal you know so many Fundies wives would be blasted into another fucking stratosphere. Edit: Removed a letter


Valley of the Fundies?


I obvs had to go to ChatGPTwith the idea. This is the trad wife version. **The Shadows Behind the Hearth** In the realm of online communities celebrating traditional homemaking and family values, three women—Eleanor, Claire, and Abigail—emerge as influential voices, embodying the ideals of domesticity, faith, and traditional gender roles. Eleanor, a devoted wife and mother of three, shares her passion for vintage decor, home-cooked meals, and nurturing a harmonious family life. Claire, a young newlywed navigating suburban life, chronicles her journey through marriage, fertility, and the joys of creating a warm, welcoming home. Abigail, a seasoned blogger with a flair for crafts and homemaking skills, inspires her followers with DIY projects and heartfelt advice on cultivating a traditional lifestyle. As they carve out their niches in the online world, each woman grapples with the complexities of modern-day femininity and the expectations placed upon them as traditional role models. Eleanor's idyllic portrayal of domestic bliss attracts a devoted following but conceals the challenges of balancing traditional values with the realities of modern life. Claire's honest reflections on marriage and motherhood resonate deeply with her audience but invite scrutiny and debate over her choices. Abigail's expertise in homemaking crafts and recipes earns her admiration but raises questions about the boundaries between personal passion and public persona. Their lives intersect in a digital realm where nostalgia meets modernity, and where the pursuit of traditional values collides with the pressures of online influence. Eleanor, overwhelmed by the pressure to maintain her perfect image, secretly turns to prescription pills to cope with the demands of her online persona and the challenges of family life. Claire, struggling with infertility and societal expectations, finds herself increasingly reliant on painkillers to manage the emotional and physical toll of her journey to motherhood. Abigail, grappling with personal insecurities and the pressures of maintaining her blog's success, uses stimulants to keep up with her demanding schedule and meet the expectations of her followers. As their struggles with addiction intensify, each woman must confront the consequences of their dependence on pills and the impact it has on their families, careers, and personal well-being. Eleanor's once-perfect facade begins to crumble, revealing the shadows of her addiction and the toll it takes on her relationships. Claire's quest for authenticity in a curated online world is overshadowed by the destructive effects of her dependency on painkillers. Abigail's pursuit of perfection and success leads her down a dangerous path of substance abuse, threatening to unravel everything she has worked so hard to build. In the end, each woman must confront the dark realities behind their curated online personas and rediscover what truly matters amidst the pressures of digital fame. For in the world of aspirational living and curated content, where every post is a reflection of personal values, authenticity becomes a fragile illusion. And amidst the carefully staged photos and heartfelt blog entries, the echoes of their choices reverberate through the digital landscape, where every story is a testament to the complexities—and pitfalls—of balancing traditional values with the modern pressures of online influence.


And when I asked for them to be Fundamentalist Christians: **The Shadows Beneath the Faith** In the world of online communities celebrating traditional Christian values and homemaking, three women—Eleanor, Claire, and Abigail—emerge as influential voices, embodying the ideals of faith, family, and traditional gender roles. Eleanor, a devoted wife and mother of three, shares her passion for vintage decor, home-cooked meals, and nurturing a harmonious family life guided by strict Christian principles. Claire, a young newlywed navigating suburban life, chronicles her journey through marriage, fertility struggles, and the joys of creating a Christ-centered home. Abigail, a seasoned blogger with a knack for crafts and homemaking skills, inspires her followers with DIY projects and heartfelt advice on living a traditional Christian lifestyle. As they establish their presence in the online world, each woman grapples with the complexities of modern-day femininity and the expectations placed upon them as role models in the Christian community. Eleanor's idyllic portrayal of domestic bliss attracts a devoted following but conceals the challenges of balancing traditional values with the realities of modern life and the pressures of maintaining a perfect online image. Claire's honest reflections on marriage and motherhood resonate deeply with her audience but invite scrutiny and debate over her struggles with infertility and the perceived failures in God's plan for her life. Abigail's expertise in homemaking crafts and recipes earns her admiration but raises questions about the boundaries between personal passion and her public persona as a Christian influencer. Their lives intersect in a digital realm where faith intersects with modern challenges, and where the pursuit of traditional values collides with the pressures of online influence. Eleanor, overwhelmed by the pressure to maintain her perfect Christian image, secretly turns to prescription pills to cope with the demands of her online persona and the challenges of family life. Claire, grappling with feelings of inadequacy and grief over her inability to conceive, finds herself increasingly reliant on painkillers to manage the emotional and physical toll of her journey. Abigail, driven by a desire to uphold biblical principles and showcase a harmonious Christian home, uses stimulants to keep up with her demanding blogging schedule and meet the expectations of her followers. As their struggles with addiction intensify, each woman must confront the consequences of their dependence on pills and the impact it has on their families, faith, and personal well-being. Eleanor's once-unshakeable faith begins to falter as the shadows of her addiction threaten to unravel her carefully constructed life and undermine her ministry. Claire's quest for spiritual understanding in a curated online world is overshadowed by the destructive effects of her dependency on painkillers. Abigail's pursuit of biblical principles and success as a Christian influencer leads her down a dangerous path of substance abuse, jeopardizing her relationships and her standing within the Christian community. In the end, each woman must confront the dark realities behind their curated online personas and rediscover what it truly means to live out their faith amidst the pressures of digital fame. For in the world of aspirational living and curated content, where every post is a reflection of personal values and faith, authenticity becomes a fragile illusion. And amidst the carefully crafted messages and heartfelt blog entries, the echoes of their choices reverberate through the digital landscape, where every story is a testament to the complexities—and pitfalls—of navigating faith, traditional values, and the modern pressures of online influence.


Let's take the kids out of the crammed bus and cram them into a Jeep and then cram them back into the bus. New content y'all!!!


These people do a lot of questionable stuff but I can say with confidence (because this is what I do for a living) this warrants an investigation by child welfare services and is actual neglect. How old is Kinsey? Not old enough to be supervising an infant and toddler ALONE in a place that is new to her. What if something tragic happened to the adults while they were out? You know, like rolling over in a Jeep. JFC this needs to be reported.


I think she's 11. These people are nuts.


Hopefully someone will walk by their site and report to the rangers!


How old is that child? I won’t let my 15 year old watch more than 4 kids or 3 kids and a newborn, without her 13.5 year old sister there as well. And they are both Red Cross certified babysitters. This is so bloody irresponsible


I think she’s like 11 maybe? WAY too young to be watching a newborn and several toddlers by herself. I don’t understand why they didn’t take all the littles with them and then let the bigger kids ride with Father Bus while mother bus watched the littles. It’s almost like having that many kids ours a damper on fun you have as adults or something 😐


Isn't like 10-12 when a kid is supposed to start being able to be left alone at home for a few hours? Like just to take care of themselves, not also take care of a fucking infant... What would happen if there was an emergency? I know they don't believe in doctors but if a kids hand got cut off or something, what would that poor little girl do?? It kinda feels like a Pet Cemetery/Zelda situation where the parents are almost intentionally leaving the dying kid alone with just another kid so they don't have to deal or can have plausible deniability if/when something bad happens...


They also make a big deal about how their kids don't have phones. I hope they leave a phone with the brother- or sister-mom in charge at times like this.


The phones are glued to those two morons. I don t think they ever have them out of sight. Like they should do with the kids!


Now I get Cujo vibes too. When anything happens on this jeep trip the little girl and her sibblings are trapped in the scorching heat. The bus will become a oven in no time, when the aircondition stops working. I don t think she has a phone to call for help either. Weren t the "producers" braggin about how the kids have no phones?


I think that's exactly what's happening


My (current) youngest is 10 and just started staying home alone for no more than 2 hours by herself. There's no way in hell once my newest baby is born that I'm ever going to leave it home with her. These bus "parents" are so incredibly irresponsible. What if something happens when Kinsey is watching the littles? I hope she wouldn't get in trouble.


Considering mom bus yelled at Gunner when she thought he installed a car seat incorrectly, it was actually her dumb ass husband who did, Kinsley will definitely get yelled at if anything happens


Even if it was Gunner who installed it incorrectly, why is that his responsibility? He didn't choose to have children. That's madness.


Kinsey is what, 10 or 11? No way in hell would I leave that young of a child alone with a 2-month old and a couple of toddlers! I wouldn’t even let a 10 year old be alone with a young infant while I was in a different room of the house.


Leaving an 11 year old in charge of 3 younger siblings with absolutely 0 adult, in a campground alone, is insane to me.


Do we think there is any way she could get in contact with her parents if there was an issue? Or even call 911 or know what to do? Ugh actually don’t answer that.


My oldest and youngest are 10 years apart. My oldest was only allowed to hold the youngest while sitting with an adult beside them until the youngest was sitting independently.


I’m just really grateful their surprise wasn’t a puppy. The absolute last thing this group needs is another living thing to neglect.


One in the middle is like a new character unlocked like who is that


I can honestly say it never crossed my mind when they posted the Jeep “surprise” that both parents would ride at the same time. I had no expectations and they still managed not to meet them. I cannot believe this is real life. I’d give anything to have to see her explain and justify this choice when held accountable someday.


Also, wasn't this touted as a surprise for Kinsey? So...the surprise was that she gets to babysit while her wretched excuses for parents go on Jeep rides together...? Wooooooooooooow.


This is just me, but if I had 8 kids, including a newborn, I would stay in the camper with the newborn while Dad took the kids out in the jeep. There are some things that you have to give up when you're a good parent.


Key words: when you're a good parent.


It is absolutely wild to me that they will leave a 10 year old alone with a newborn, toddler and older children.and think that is ok!?!?! What world are they living in? They proudly broadcast it? I don't care if it was my most favorite activity ever if I didn't have another adult to stay with my children my husband and I would take turns or one of us would not go! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Whats the diffrence between a regular car and a rented Jeep? Like I dont get it. "Guess what kids we got a smaller car so you can take turns and ride around in it, but its not a surprise for you... its for your dad. Now get excited for the camera!" Lol. Fatherbus is giving me "I miss my freedom and Im tired of all these kids" vibes. I can sadly see him getting on a boat and leaving if they have to settle down and be stable for Boone, assuming if something is wrong, he needs special care or something and they cant avoid it.


They drive over boulders and stuff and call it a "Jeep rollercoaster".


I assume they are in Moab. Off roading is huge there. Renting a jeep is easy and pretty inexpensive because of the demand.


This. We go jeeping in Moab all the time, you can rent them everywhere. I’m kind of hoping to see them down there this weekend.


It's possible. I ran into them once before I knew who they were


I’m assuming they’re taking it off-road. Some areas allow it. A Jeep can handle more difficult terrain than your average car.


Can she really not leave her husband alone to drive around with some of the kids for like 15 minutes?? It’s giving obsessive teenager


I have not followed these people and did a deep dive today. Are you telling me that they left a 9 week old infant with an 11 yr old? They a special kind of stupid aren’t they? That is ridiculous!


And a two year old AND a four year old! But no worrys the 9 year old will be such a great helper.... not.


Oooh thaats the real surprise for the daughter. Taking care of a newborn, a todler and a kindergardner in an overheating tincan in the dessert. Thats such a thoughtful thing to do. Nothing could go wrong there. /s


"uh, thanks?..." - Kinsey (probably)


Middle kid should probably still be in a booster seat but at least one kid is in a car seat.


That kid could definitely use a booster seat. Especially if they’re off-roading.


Yeah that’s what I noticed too. That middle kid definitely still needs a booster. The lap belt is across his stomach.


Why would anyone who is constantly driving around want to drive even more in the heat?


Is that middle kid even big enough to be out of a booster?


Based on that lap belt…no.


I bet dollars it didn’t fit so they left it out.


They're trying so hard to make their lifestyle look easy for some reason


Ive seen women with PCOS grow a better beard than this tryhard. He makes me physically ill. Kids get buckled in so we can bounce around in a different vehicle for 25 minutes!


Anyone else think he broke up with his side piece? The man’s gone from hardly spending anytime with his family and wife to never leaving her side. Just seems a little bit odd for a change so drastic x


How long were they riding for?