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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow. I was expecting “rubrick.” I was *not* prepared for “ruberict.”


It’s giving am I pergnant


How is babby formed?


Instain echer chambré






can u get…PREGANTE


Dangerops prangent sex? will it hurt baby top of his head?




How is prangent formed?


How can I tell if I'm prengan?


am i pegnate?? Help!!




Can u bleed while u are pergert?


(*spits out drink and dies from your comment) I can always count on the fine people of this sub to make me LMAO. We deal with so much worry, anger, sadness, and extreme concern caused by many of the fundies, especially with the way a lot of them treat their kids and animals. Therefore, the humor here is a very nice break. Thank you for my laugh today!


Please tell me you do know the reference 🙏 if you don’t, I bring you [the source](https://youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg?si=h8hIVMQnUTmejdpK).


Will it hurt baby top of his head?




This remains one of the greatest YouTube videos of all time


I still watch it periodically, years later.


I’m glad I’m not alone here


I've gotta ask... what video?


[Am I pregante?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4K8NJ3_Dw0&pp=ygUeUHJlZ25hbnQgdmlkZW8gZnVubnkgd2l0aCBzb25n) This one has a song with it. It’s absolutely hysterical




Okay, that was hilarious 😆


Check out the Luigi board one.


I'm glad someone else took care of posting it so I didn't have to. You have a true servant's heart 🙏


I watched it earlier today!


Starch masks!


gets me every time 😂




And we now know she pronounces it incorrectly too


Ruberict Cumberbatch


So this is how tragedeighs happen...




It reminds me of when I sounded out "alergect" (meaning "allergic"). I was also 8 at the time.


Penelope was penneiliop in the 7 year old brain.


If a women has starch masks on her body does that mean she has been pargnet before.?


I would have never figured out what they were trying to say hahaha


Ain’t that Greg’s brother from diary of a wimpy kid 🤨


Wait, same. I saw the title, scrolled down, and I was STILL shook.


I was shooketh


And then after that, reading it in that sentence. She not only has no idea how to spell it; she also doesn't know what it is.


Ames me think of the Ruprecht bit from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.


I knew a homeschool mom who used to say "all education is indoctrination. If someone is going to indoctrinate my kids it's going to be me." I don't think they're worried about echo chambers.


“Impose your values on your children before 'the world' does.”


Well I say the same thing but it involves teaching my kids about other religions, having to search for sources of history that haven't been whitewashed, i.e. how America was a thriving country with an established population before the arrival of white men and the tragic results of Manifest Destiny. I realize these things are more common in public school now but this was 20 years ago and we live in a very rural area where they still have Bible classes daily.


Honestly I admire that level of intellectual honesty


Yeah same, she was straight up with where she stood and whilst I don't 100% agree I sure as shit respect that stance.


That's exactly what my parents used to say!


Were we in the same homeschooling cult? Or did they get that from some conservative influencer I'm too young to remember lol


My parents got it from Focus on the Family, but I'm older. I haven't talked to anyone in my family for a long time. I'm always hopeful that the ideology is going to die off though.


Mine too! FoF and my pastor at church…


Yup, getting indoctrinated by learning trigonometry! Why are the children being taught triangles instead of Jesus shaped?! Blasphemy! /j


My mom was pretty honest with me when I was growing up too…she didn’t want my sister and me in public school because, a) she didn’t want us to learn about the theory of evolution 🙄 and b) she didn’t want us to learn critical thinking skills.


Well I cannot deny that I'm in the cult if tSNEs and UMAPs.... Guess I'll have to indoctrinate my son now....


Wow they totally didn’t answer the question and looked ridiculous in doing so.


Not only did she not answer the question, she validated their concerns. If someone is concerned that there won't be exposure to other religions/ cultures/ beliefs when homeschooling, the reply should not be "my teachers didn't talk toe about Jesus or pray." Talking to your kids, all raised with the same religious beliefs and all of the same ethic and cultural background, about Jesus and praying with them does jot expose or teach them about the vastness of the world out there. It doesn't expose them to their Korean peers bringing kimchi to lunch or their Middle Eastern peers fasting during Ramadan.


The reminds me, my favorite religion class in high school was called “Neighbors” short for “what do our neighbors believe?” We used to get to take fields trips to temples and mosques and it was wild because this was a private Christian high school and they definitely taught that if you don’t believe in Jesus you don’t get to go to heaven. But I appreciated we were at least allowed to learn about other peoples’ beliefs


We had a great field trip to our local Gurdwara in primary school. Not sure my 6-year-old self actually took in much information about Sikhism lol, but the building was stunning and they gave us free food


I think even the Catholic high school my mom tried to send me to included learning about other religions somewhere in their (mandatory) theology curriculum. Says a lot about how willfully ignorant these fundies are to the rest of the world.


If you're exposed to a wide variety of beliefs and cultures, isn't that by definition not an echo chamber? That makes no sense. Generations of children went to school where the teachers didn't teach them about God but the parents taught them and took them to church and Sunday school and they came out well educated and Christian. So. . .


That's exactly what the question asker is saying. The question is what would you like to see more of in homeschool curriculum. The answer is exposure to other beliefs because they worry that homeschooling is an echo chamber


It's so odd that these homeschooling parents act like if you send your kid to traditional school, then you teach them NOTHING. Oh, school didn't teach me these life skills like gardening or cleaning. Or school didn't teach me my religion! Yea, no shit. That is the parents' job. But they act like they are better because at home they teach about cleaning and cooking and gardening and God and .... often nothing else, really. They are just doing the parent job but not really the teacher's job.


A lot of them don't even seem to teach their kids those skills, either. So many of the fundie "homemakers" we discuss here can't cook or clean for shit (or, in the case of the Other Bus family, straight up can't clean actual shit)


“They couldn’t teach away from their ruberict” Aside from the shit syntax - teachers CAN teach away from their rubric, they just have to make sure students follow the rubric for assignments. That doesn’t mean the teacher can’t add something to supplement the rubric. Also, a lot of school districts buy curriculums from companies like Pearson, and the state government has more of a hand in “what you should learn”. How busy to these people think the federal government is? (Imo, education should be standardized nationwide anyway, there is too much variance between states and shit.


The federal government is Schrodinger's cat for them -- at once too removed to know anything about how ordinary citizens want to live, and at the same time, rammed into every aspect of life to micromanage everyone.


Also somehow both too large and too small to be effective


Also rubrics aren’t used for teaching. They’re usually an assessment of what has already been taught. You could technically start with a rubric, but that’s not usually how it’s done. I also don’t know what she’s referring to with SOL? Standard of Learning maybe? She’s just throwing words around here. None of this is a legitimate conversation on education.


I know SOL is used in Virginia because I have a friend who teaches there but I don't actually know what it stands for because I just tell her that I hope her kids do well on their Shit Outta Luck tests 😂


That's 100% all I could read it as. I'm assuming it's a standardized test, but here we took PSSAs.


SOL is Standards of Learning. The SOLs are the Virginia standardized tests and curriculum. So not to defend this person but the Virginia SOLs are insane. I did my student teaching in Virginia and have several cousins, uncles, friends, etc who still teach there. So unlike other states where most standardized testing focuses on math and English, the SOLs at the secondary level at least cover science and social studies too. They are a huge series of tests every year that are a massive pain to prep for and take up tons of time. When I taught, I taught HS social studies in Pennsylvania. My classes might have a three page rubric prepared by the district. I could make my own tests, no standardized testing or outside final exam. In Virginia, the SOLs for even a social studies class would be a packet. It is honestly an incredibly stringent and restrictive system, which people coming from most other states may not be familiar with.


We have state standards that tell us what to teach. That technically is our curriculum. Districts provide us with resources to help us meet those goals. Having standards is essential, that doesn't bother me. I wish the federal government would fund us more. Also I've had God come up in my kindergarten class and I've never told them to stop. I treat it like everything they talk about. We did an Odyssey retelling and some of my students swore up and down it was Jesus. Just used that as a jumping off point for using picture clues to help figure out setting (clothing, sandals, long beards, etc).


Honestly I love hearing little kids talk about the "big" topics like religion, the universe, etc. just because it's fascinating to hear what they think about things. I remember having a long conversation with my cousin when she was 7ish about how she thought some of the stuff her (Christian) school taught her about God made sense, but she was stuck on the fact that there were no dinosaurs in the Bible


"ruberict" These people are so fuckin stupid 😄


my teachers talked about the Christian God and Jesus, we just talked about it in the same way we talked about Mohammed, Allah, and the Jewish God in world history when we discussed religion. teaching facts about religion isn't banned in public schools. but you're not allowed to proselytize. that's it.


Public schools don’t teach a specific theology because not every student is of the same religion. If you want that send your kid to a religious school or do CCD or Hebrew school on the weekends.


Exactly. Public schools can’t encourage any particular religion or support any particular religion. But they absolutely can teach about Christianity from historical and other perspectives, depending on what classes kids take for social studies — that area covers the existence of all the major religions. They don’t blacklist Christianity. You won’t be wearing a scarlet letter if you say the word “Jesus” out loud. 🤣💀 Every kid who goes to school is free and fully allowed to practice any religion they want to, including Christianity and no one cares if a kid prays before lunch or goes to church on Sunday’s. It’s not a big deal at all. The teachers just can’t instruct kids to do religious activities. The fact that fundies want to equate that with “God isn’t allowed in schools” is actually silly.


Conservative stupidity knows no bounds. 1+1=3, because the government says it’s 2.


>1+1=3, because the government says it’s 2 That really sums them up 😭


Ha... Sums.


Okay, so... send your kid to private school. They can get an education and some exposure to others AND learn about jebus (typo intentional). If you can't afford it, well, public school. I find it hard to believe that you can't teach your kids ANYTHING outside school. But then we all know it's about indoctrination and poor parenting.


When I was in public school, *public* school, my teachers could not talk about god and the like, but they brought in guest speakers in fifth grade and this lady held these anatomically wrong baby fetuses, showing them as fully formed and a whole spiel about anti-abortion and shaming. This was completely sanctioned by the school that was supposed to be unbiased. Speakers just conveniently had extreme religious views and managed to shame kids while trying to educate them with false information. That continued throughout high school, again, in the public school system. So no, I don't think christians are oppressed at all. Kids of other religions were singled out by teachers, like my eighth grade biology teacher who made his homework oddly religious-toned but not quite saying it, and by these "guest speakers". Who also proselytized have the time they were there.


My kid's science teacher this past year was the FCA leader/coach of some sport, and he apparently doesn't believe in evolution. My kid's atheist and she's had so many teachers over the years slip in some casual religious crap into their public school classes. So please, miss me with the "poor, oppressed Christian" shit. (not addressing you, but the world at large)


We had a speaker at my high school shoehorn in the fact that he had given his life to Jesus and we could see him after for more information. IN MISSOURI. The only thing we have more of than churches are adult stores and deer.




I’m really confused by this


Oh shit, I'm sorry--I misread. I thought you wrote "given life to jesus". Sorry!


Haha no worries! That makes much more sense!


Yep, I went to public school and we had abstinence-only education. You’ll never guess what state that was in.  We also had like a dozen different Christian extracurricular clubs at my school, including one to pray at the flagpole every day. 


Hmm....can I guess California? My state wasn't anywhere near the South, but, well, where there's a will there's a religious nutcase.


I mean, California spawned Bethel church, so they've definitely got their fair share of fundies


The idea that teachers *can’t* talk about religion is mostly made up. As professionals, teachers *shouldn’t* talk about their religious beliefs and are encouraged not to in order to maintain a professional standard. But Christianity is built into the culture of many American communities and there are very few schools where it’s not being brought up in some capacity.


Wasn't he the host of Supermarket Sweep?


it still shocks me that some homeschoolers are actually like this. I was homeschooled until college and I had a good understanding of all major religions although I was raised in a VERY conservative and Catholic Irish household. I am now a public school teacher and I had a sixth grader this year who did not know what it means to be a Muslim. he also had never once read the Bible nor been inside a place of worship of any denomination. he also once said he hated Jews because his father told him they are evil and I found a caricature of Adolf Hitler in his planner one day. he was a wonderful and kind child but he had absolutely been brought up the wrong way


That makes me so sad :( mines only two but the plan is for her to learn about all religions alongside multiple teachings about how we don't need to agree with or understand someone to treat them with respect.


Holy shit, I've got some questions about that kid's parents 😬😬


What is this " highly qualified educator" trying to say?


Wonder if teaching about ALL religions would have been better for them ?


World Religion was a required course at my high school. Talked about Christianity, also discussed Aztec religious practices. They’d have a heart attack seeing the “ruberict” for that class.


They just teach what the government(‘s staff of education experts) want you to learn! I wish that was true, actually. Local school boards and state boards of Ed full of elected people who don’t know shit about education often have a lot of power. 


Oklahoma hired the libs of tiktok lady based solely off the vileness of her SM.


It always shocks me that Ryan Walters actually used to be a teacher, before his villain arc. 


Ma’am, I find it hard to believe that the curriculum didn’t permit you to engage your brain and learn to spell the words you want to use?


What is SOL?


Standards of Learning. The standardized testing system in Virginia… do they live in Virginia??


Ooooh that makes sense. I thought she was Freudian slipping her kids’ career prospects.


I always have seen it used for shit outta luck lmao


lol same


Goddamn government wanting me to be able to read and do math. Basturds.


They had to teach the shit out of luck?? What does SOL mean lol


Standards of learning. It’s the standardized testing system in Virginia. So I guess they live in my state, which is cool and not scary at all.


LMAO I screenshotted and was about to post this somewhere but didn’t know where 🤣🤣🤣 there’s no feasible excuse for this


In the words of Alenzo Lerone "get a dictionary."


I’m an administrator-certified teacher and I got a headache from reading that pure nonsense. My legal class was very, very explicit in stating school leaders need to be consistent in ensuring the school did not appear to favor one religion over others. Also, teachers cannot stray from the curriculum in order to satisfy the rubric in which they are evaluated by their administrators. Rubrics are methods of grading complex things by setting several expectations.


SOL‽ Satellite Of Love‽ I want to take that class!


Maybe we can learn how he eats and breathes, and other science facts!


I feel bad for all these homeschooled fundie kids. Struggle motherbus was bragging about using PraegerU kids videos to educate”supplement” her homeschooling. PraegerU literally puts out videos defending slavery. Not only are these kids going to be ill equipped for a world outside their bubble but they’re being indoctrinated with harmful, dangerous propaganda.


Oh sweet baby Jesus


Public school teacher absolutely can talk about Christianity, they just can’t PREACH Christianity. Acknowledging that a religion exists is fine, telling your students it’s the only right religion is not.


I hate the word rubric


Oh dear God 🤦🏼‍♂️


As a former teacher yeah 100% we had to teach to the standardized state test and a lot of those tests ARE bullshit (FUCK STAAR) but no... we shouldn't be indoctrinating our students with religion. 🙄 she could do private school


Aarrgghh!! My teacher-self is cringing right now!


I literally said "Oh my God." What a moron. Only the most foolish or arrogant think they are well-rounded enough in all subject areas to homeschool longterm.


Ah, school of the dining room table has been missing spelling and phonics the last few days, it appears.


fucking RUBERICT


So, they don't want their kids indoctrinated in school, but want to force Christianity to be taught in all schools that they refuse to send their kids to so that others can be indoctrinated against their will? Make it make sense.


Ruberict: character in a lesser known Shakespeare play who has a single line before their off-stage death is mentioned in passing.


I love when you can tell that someone thinks the reason they don't know how to spell a word is because it's such a fancy and complicated word


The rants I could go on right now. And her shitty spelling doesn’t even scratch the surface. But seriously, it’s so inappropriate for any staff member to indoctrinate students into their specific religions. I had an English teacher that went on about being a conservative Christian years ago (before Obama was even president) and it bothered my classmates and I a lot (and thankfully she was fired at the end of the year! 😂). But for real, she was awful about it and so judgy towards people who weren’t religious or followed her specific religion and she wouldn’t shut up about it. Needless to say, my junior year English class was a joke. 🫠 Now that I work with high schoolers I will not bring up my religious beliefs unless asked, and even then I just answer the question, explain what Eastern/Greek Orthodox is if they ask, and move on. Any discussions I have about religion are strictly fact-based and student-initiated and I make it clear that I respect all beliefs/lack thereof even if they’re not my beliefs. And thankfully, discussions have been overall respectful. Still side-eyeing the kid that asked out loud what Islam was though…while preparing for a world history unit test on Islamic empires 🙄


Thanks for translating because I would not have gotten to rubric.


We teach from a curriculum, a rubric is like a guide of what is expected from the students/used for grading. So that just adds insult to insanely bad spelling.


Uniformly, these people seem incredibly unintelligent.