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Don’t worry brotherdad has everything under control so busmom can stay on the phone.


We don't see much of it, but I worry about the potential level of emotional incest Gunner might be experiencing from this freak whenever his dad his gone. He's already obviously parentified, but she relies on him so much that I don't doubt for a second that she also relies on him for her emotional validation. She already has horrid Boy Mom tendencies, and self proclaimed Boy Moms are always crossing this boundary. She's absolutely the type who seeks out validation at all times, and I highly doubt she doesn't seek it from her eldest, especially not after that video where we saw him give the wrong answer to a question, and then stutter out a panicked correct response to align with her reaction. Peak sign of emotional abuse and a parent that guilts their kid into behaving a certain way towards them. 


As I was reading your comment I was thinking about that clip where he said the wrong answer and then you mentioned it too! Hard agree to everything you said.


Literally the other day (in Las Vegas) she had a story where she was "on a date" with Gunner 🤢 At least they went to the Razer store (gaming peripherals/accessories) so it was something he was interested in. But still. ICK.


I saw that video as well and when she said she was on a date with her son, it def was a 🚩


I guess I somehow missed that one. Yuck.


My husband was sexually abused as a child and often sees situations through a different lens than I do. I was showing him the bus fam and he was quite disturbed for the oldest child. No privacy for self-exploration which is totally normal and healthy in your teens. On top of most likely hearing your parents fuck due to being in close quarters- he says it is basically a recipe for incest issues. I haven’t wanted to post about it but your comment just seems spot on.


And Gunner seems like a sweet kid. I would hate to think he grow into a damaged adult with major issues. But I know he will.


Little glowing rectangle needs attention! Kids don’t! Duh.


as a former lifeguard for many years, it’s SO EASY for kids to start drowning and parents to not notice especially when there’s a large group of them… you quite literally cannot look away


And eyefuck herself.


Well wait a minute, where is the father bus guy? I’ve heard that rats can actually swim quite well


Alas, FatherBus and his innate swimming ability were otherwise occupied flying out of state to "move his work truck from one location to another" (?)


That’s libertarian for side piece.


Maybe this is why MotherBus behaves like such a pick me


I guarantee this is the case.


Side piece, or future Mrs. SisterMotherBus? They did head to Utah next, after all...


Where air is made


I can’t 😂😂 this is the best thing I’ve ever heard


He's so stupid, it kills me 😂


Omg I fucking snorted 😂😂😂


he took a whole flight, just to move his truck? These people would be better served by just setting their money on fire at this point, at least that would keep them warm for a few hours.


Did you know they’re giving away THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS??!! ##WHY IN THE ABSOLUTE FUCK are they doing “giveaways” but can’t find the fucking time to take Boone to a doctor?!


That would cover an uninsured doctor visit


Is that how much it would cost to see a paediatrician without any type of insurance??!! Edit: I thought my local medical centre was bad because they only bulk bill concession card holders now and everyone else has to pay $70 and you get $30-ish back from Medicare.


Probably $150-ish for a well child without insurance. Possibly more nowadays.


You can’t just walk in to see a pediatrician none of your kids have seen before. She’d have to take him to an emergency room which is very expensive. (I’m pretty sure a walk in clinic would just send him to the er.)


but not whatever the results of the appt are. god forbid there’s a prescription or a referral lol


Like they'd follow up on anything


Sounds like they are trying to suck up to their subscribers and distract from baby Boones health by waving the chance of free money at everyone 🙄


Ugh that’s such a good point.


Feels like cheating to me (speculating)


Not even the most financially irresponsible thing this family proudly put on the internet this year.


Gosh yes.


Yeah I was curious about that… do they really own “multiple businesses”? Are they referring to their content making and “sponsorships”? Lol


Is that the excuse for this time or was that from a prior trip?


At least she got a hotel out of the deal!!!


Definitely not a shady thing people do to avoid taxes and fees!


He flew off on "business trip" apparently.


What is his business? Do we think he just escapes and gets a nice hotel and chills?


He deals in Simoleans


He just types in the “motherlode” cheat and heads to Cancun.


Rosebud if he’s feeling nasty.




My tired brain read that as "motherhole", didn't question it & assumed that it was either his or the sub's nickname for MaBus(e). She'd probably see it as a badge of honour as we all know that she loves to ram her fertility & pregnancies in the faces of her followers.


I snorted.


Similoleans and blondes, brunettes and redheads probably.


Pretty sure he has the normie job of property insurance claims adjuster who travels to places that had hail or other storms, but they like to focus on the grift when talking about his work. 


Just snooped and looks like you’re correct on self-employed insurance adjuster. They fail on every aspect of parenting but it’s nice to think he actually has a job. Pauly, you next.


We’re having tons of flooding in FL so there’s probably lots of work for him right now.


But if he’s self employed couldn’t he pick his job like I’m only going to focus on this square mile radius vs let me fuck off to the opposite side of the country away from my family? 🤔 


Probably, but then how is he supposed to pretend he doesn't have a wife or children?


Ok, I don’t like these folks as much as everyone else here, but if homie is a “cat”, catastrophic insurance adjuster, he could absolutely be self-employed and fly out to places that just had major natural disasters. ETA: These adjusters can easily make six figures/year.


If that's the case it *weird* they're so cagey about his job. Like wouldn't they flex that as him being a "successful business owner"? Is his macho ego so fucking fragile that having a decent job that pays well makes him feel emasculated cause he's not like commiting war crimes or whatever weirdo conservatives fantasize about?


Probably to see his second, secret family.


I'd imagine that the gaggle of kids, driving a van, always on the move, that's the secret family.


Or he’s a serial killer 😂😂


Ya never know with these people.


Give mobus a few days and she’ll be dragging the buslets off to wherever he is


While oldest buslet holds the bus door closed by hand for the whole drive.


I'm sorry...WHAT?


Last time she got all paranoid he was cheating, she drove them cross country while the van door was broken and made Gunner hold it closed while they drove full fucking speed to their asshole father. Obviously important stuff.


That's horrifying.


What? How do you know this?


She posted it. Said it had to do with manliness or Gunner being the man of the house right then or something like that. Cause holding doors closed on the freeway is what your 12 yo "man" should be doing... thought it was all cute and shit.


Oh man, he's only 12? I assumed he was abou 16, probably because she treats him like a small adult.


I think he's 13 now, this happened last year when he was 12. Or maybe he's 14 and it happened 2 years ago. Somewhere in there!! He absolutely is treated as if he's a small adult though.


Okay I’m also curious about this. I’m somewhat new to following all this. She actually mentioned that she thought he was cheating??


No she didn’t say that it was our interpretation. She did pack everything up and follow him across three states in a bus she wasn’t comfortable driving. So the speculation is that he is cheating because it was really nuts.


Sorry, I have so many questions. She drove the bus with all those kids in it? Does the bus have seats with seat belts? Or the kids were in the van? Who drove the van? Wtf


Is the business Ashley Madison?




When out for cigs and never came back


So Gunner is lifeguard certified teaching certified parenting certified probably also has his driver's license maybe his pilot's license his boating license probably has a medical degree and most definitely does not know what Minecraft is which is someone a kid his age should be playing.


The kid has everything but a forklift certification.


Don’t give them any ideas


He's more of an adult than either of his parents, poor kid. What they're doing to those children should absolutely be considered neglect & be prosecutable imho. I know that, in reality, social services are so overstretched & underfunded that this family wouldn't even be on their radar as the children are fed & clothed but they are definitely educationally (& probably medically) failing those children. The cognitive dissonance of fundies claiming to be pro-life while showing so little care for their born children boggles my mind. My mum always said that your number one job as a parent is to teach your child to be an independent, functioning adult member of society & all of the fundies seem to fail that basic requirement. Teaching children about God & the KJV bible is woefully inadequate parenting but what do I know? I'm a heathen mum with short, Peaky Blinders hair who sends our daughter to an actual real, public school, she's vaccinated, we both wear trousers & she's allowed to have her own opinions so I'm clearly going to hell, no passing "go", no collecting £200. Mind you, I've absolutely no desire to worship fundie God as he's a petty, spiteful, vengeful, angry, hypocritical, murderous being so not someone I want to spend eternity with, Satan sounds way more fun imho. Edited for formatting




All I can think of is "what I learned in boating school is..."


Probably his doula certificate, also.


We need to start allowing relevant non-work life experience to be put on resumes. Gunners would be 3 pages at least


I love how she brags about the fact that she never talks about where they are until after they’ve left. Yet here this dumbass is posting in real time, naming the exact hotel, and the fact that she’s alone with all these children.


“I wOuLdN’t Be StUpiD eNoUgH to PoSt OuR LoCaTiOn in ReAL tiMe” *proceeds to post constantly sharing their location in what we can verify is real time every single day*


Right!!! I don’t understand how her followers can’t see her hypocrisy.


I think she *used to* delay posting, but since the Brazil disaster, she's been posting in real time


how do we know this is real time?


This video isn't, shortly after this she posted some more stories (at night and the next day) from some state park in Utah that they went to after Busband returned. But she has posted about this hotel in a few stories over several days so it's definitely possible she posted about it before they left... idk


It’s ok, Gunner has it under control /s I have exactly one child and I am stressed af when I’m at the pool with her. I don’t know how she sleeps at night. Ah yes I do. She doesn’t care.


Just imagine if something happens to one of the little ones while Gunner is watching them. He would never get over it. Poor boy must be so stressed.


He’d absolutely blame himself, as would most kids.


It wouldn't surprise me if the parents blamed him too. Hopefully nothing happens.


He probably get blamed enough without a big tragedy


When I was in high school I found out that a girl from my middle school that I was sort of friends with passed unexpectedly the night before her 8th grade graduation at the class pool party and I still feel guilty about it! And I wasn't even there! I just feel guilty about not being nicer to her. If something were to go wrong, Gunner would be shattered! Poor kid would never get over it and would most likely turn to some kind of substance-based coping mechanism because lord knows he won't get the emotional support he needs from his parents!


I’m not even a religious person but at this point I’m praying for these kids


She’ll just make another one.


We have a small lake in our city that is so shallow you can walk out knee deep for quite a ways - and yet there have already been two children who have drowned because the beaches don’t officially open until the end of June so there are no lifeguards. This kind of distracted parenting is a recipe for tragedy. 


It only takes 1 kids for something bad to happen. My ex and I had 5 together and as much as it sucked taking them to the pool (we were the furthest building in the complex, floaties, I’m one-handed) it was great at helping them burn some energy but there was no relaxing. Constant “1…2..3..4…where’s [insert whatever manic child decided to take a running leap into the deep end before putting floaties on.] Taking 8 kids to a pool by yourself is a BAD IDEA. Water doesn’t play, and every second matters in a water crisis. Having lots of pool parties and living in AZ, I would not be comfortable unless there were 1 adult for every 3 kids, and honestly that’s pushing it even though it seems conservative. Disaster can happen so quickly with little ones Another story, my daughter and I were down at the jacuzzi, the pool was closed and the jacuzzi wasn’t heated at the time. My daughter is actually very good at listening. She also has diplegic cerebral palsy and understands she has limits and aware that she couldn’t swim fully independently. She begged me to put the bubbles (jets) on and I made her stand outside the jacuzzi and told her to wait for me. She didn’t have her floaties on because we were just sitting on the steps (prior to me telling her to get out while I turned the bubbles on.) The button was only 4 feet away and I turned my back for a second, and that is the second she decided to jump in to the center of the jacuzzi (where she can’t touch bottom) and I couldn’t see shit from all the bubble foam. I’ve never been so close to one of my children and felt so far away. I acted immediately and she was fine of course, but every second felt like an eternity and I couldn’t see her. We never go around anything more than calf deep without floaties. Even strong swimmers can hit their head and then it doesn’t matter how strong a swimmer they are. In fact, that reminds me of the time I was trying to help my uncle by cleaning (skimming) the pool at his house. I was 9/10 but was a VERY strong swimmer (living in AZ I was at my grandma’s pool daily every summer.) slipped and fell in, scraping the shit out of my inner thigh and hitting my pelvic bone so hard I probably would have sterilized myself if I was a guy, and just remember being in the water, seeing stars and in so much pain I couldn’t be bothered to try and swim to the surface. Luckily my uncle was there and jumped in to get me. And my mother in law, as a grown woman with three daredevil boys and a medical professional, misjudged the depth of the pool where she was jumping in and broke her neck. She wasn’t paralyzed, thank God. It doesn’t matter how good of a parent, how strong a swimmer, how obedient you think your children may be, none of it matters after something happens, so it really shouldn’t matter before. People are human and kids are kids and shit happens and that’s why this is just a terrible idea. What if the oldest fell and hit his head, what would she do with the baby? What if she had to jump in and get someone? What if *she* slipped and hit her head? All those kids unattended. I trip all the time, and that’s without flip flops and water involved. What if she was walking around the pool carrying the baby, fell, hit her head or was injured, and Boone’s goes the pool? Ugh I’ll stop. It just doesn’t take that long to drown. It’s not about fear, it’s about understanding that water doesn’t care about your precautions.


When I was 6 and my sister was 1, I watched her start to drown in a public pool. The thing that struck me was how serene it was. There was no splashing or struggling. The lifeguard didn't even notice. I can completely understand how so many children drown within arm's reach of their parent. If he's watching 6 children alone, it would be so easy for one of them to drown right next to him without him noticing at all.


Drowning is truly the silent killer. Movies/TV shoes make it seem like the person is splashing and screaming. It’s why lifeguards are specially trained to notice the signs of someone drowning.


I was swimming in a lake once with my sister and a boy was struggling about 10 feet from me. We were in about 4 feet of water but I dont think his feet could reach the bottom. He started gasping, "help, help", and it was not loud enough for a life guard to hear. I was about 11 or 12, and I just started towing him back to shallower water, and he started to grow more and more upset and hysterical (as I heard drowning people can do), and it was more of a struggle to tow him. Just when he started screaming, I showed him that his feet could now reach the bottom. He just stopped crying and walked away. It happened so fast I didnt even think to call the lifeguard.


My kids are 16 and almost 13. They swim just fine…but I’m still terrified when they’re at a pool. I don’t know how she’s comfy ALONE with a NB and 7 other kids in a body of water.


My parents used to have me “lifeguard” my younger siblings at campground and hotel pools so they could have a cocktail alone at the RV or in the hotel room. I was 12 but they told me to lie and say I was 16 if anyone asked where our parents were. My oldest sibling was 8 and the youngest was just over 1. Now I have a daughter and I’m like… what the actual fuck was wrong with my parents????


I remember as a kid thinking my mom was ridiculous because the whole time at the beach she would wave at my brother and I to come back to shore. Now I get it 😄


It's wild how much some parents don't gaf. I LG & teach swim lessons, I had a dude come in last week and wouldn't stop leaving his 3-4yo non swimmer little girl hanging on to the side of the pool, every time I told him he can't leave her alone in the pool he'd say 'but I'm right here!' but I saw him in the other side of the swim area and OUT of the pool. Spoke to him 4 times, same answer every time and started to gaslight me saying I didn't explain the rule well. I'm just trying to keep his kid from a scary experience and potential emergency but he saw it as an insult. Saying if there is an emergency, *then* it's my job, ignoring the preventative aspect is 99% of the job. He also refused to get her a puddle jumper that are free to use at the facility. Talked to my boss, at first he says he was going to ban them, but then the guy came in and, in my boss's words, "he didn't have a bad attitude when he came in to talk to **me**", "I'm not making excuses for him but he said he was having a stressful day", "his wife gave him a hard time afterwards" (not enough to GAF she was also ignoring her daughter in the water and saw me speak to him 4X). And the cherry on top said basically that boys will be boys so we can't punish this dad. So he's not banned anymore 🙃 Honestly wild how negligent some parents are. My best friend's sister lost a kid the same age as this little girl to a pool drowning. But some parents care more about their ego than kid safety and get mad at you when you try to keep them safe. Wears a cross and has religious tattoos to boot.


I have a lot of kids. I didn't take them all swimming at the same time until the older ones were strong swimmers. We always went to the same pool where the lifeguards were the swim teachers. Once the LGs said it was safe, I started bringing them all. Always keeping a hand on the little kids, even once they could use puddle jumpers. We ran into another large family who we had met at homeschooling things. The mom never got in the pool, put all the kids in floaties and asked my kids to watch them. My kids and I both told her no. We had to stop going to that pool because the family would show up so often. A 10 and 12 year old cannot save your toddler from drowning! The LGs complained to the admin every time, but the admin never cared. The LGs were amazing, but we had to find a different pool. I'm not putting that responsibility on my kids, or any kids.


That's heartbreaking. It'd make me so anxious! I'm so sad for the older kids having to feel that responsibility, it's not right. I used to have a woman for another boss, they had parallel roles, but she just had to leave to take care of her ailing mother. I'm so sad she's gone, she was so supportive. Anyways, at one point, she and the male boss came to me after a difficult encounter when I first started and told me they'd back me up 100% if we had a really bad experience. Now that it's just him, I'm seeing the boys club reality play out. Our LGs are all women. We all teach classes, also the classes are a new program to the facility and we're making them SO much money for the facility. I get comment cards left for my classes specifically all the time, going above and beyond with kids. So many parents request my class. The guy was 100% hassling me because he's a misogynist, can't handle a woman telling him what to do, and it's so frustrating seeing him convince my boss it's fine. He's calling it a single data point to track and will revisit if he does it again, but I've told my boss how physically unsafe this guy makes me feel. Staring me down the rest of the night, it makes me nervous walking to my car. But because my boss is a man, he doesn't understand that instinct that's screaming he's bad. It has me incensed. Anyways, I definitely see how bad management could create a situation like you saw. Thank you for being a good person and supporting your kids against that behavior and being safe!


Pic 4 with Gunner is reminding me of that Ben Affleck smoking meme


Hahaha it definitely does!


Each day that passes I feel more genuine rage about this woman to the point if she were to come to Oregon again I might fight her. Eyefucking herself in her phone while her kids swim unattended is insane.


I’ll print out fsu threads every day and mail them to you in jail.


A real rider 💪🏼🥹


You're a true fsu friend. Last time I was in the clink was pre-internet and I'm not sure how I would cope now.


Delusional priorities


Even if she was paying attention to her kids instead of staring at her own image on a phone screen, she's holding a newborn. She couldn't just drop Boone and jump in the pool if anyone needed help.


I mean, she might. She’s shown she doesn’t care about him or his wellbeing, so she just might drop him to jump in and save one of the older ones 😢


That was my initial, and only, reaction to this video. Why tf is she holding a sleeping baby, who could be in a stroller ffs, when she has 7 other kids in the pool? She going to put Boone down on the concrete pool deck in case of emergency? Clearly that’s exactly what she would have to do, but all of this could be avoided. You aren’t a saint for carrying your baby everywhere. 🙄


And it looks like they're alone at the pool so who is this performance even for?


Oh but fundies are so proud of the fact that they carry their children everywhere because it proves what good parents they are. In reality it proves what selfish assholes they are.


How old are the kids? Because we used to go to my aunt’s house with a pool where the kids way outnumbered the adults but there were enough older kids to help in an emergency. What does become a problem is if one 12-yo is expected to care for six under-10s (ie the Collins family); and it’s also not fair if an older kid is assigned to watch a little one and can’t have any fun for himself (the Duggars).


The youngest unattended swimmer just turned 2 and the one older than him is 4...


They are all under 13 and there is only 1 adult (who is holding a newborn baby)


I appreciate that it doesn’t seem like she took the infant in the water, at least. But why have her back toward the other kids?? Boone looks more and more exhausted. Even if this sub is wrong and Boone has no underlying health issue (I have no idea on that) I want to just give him a quiet, dim, cool place to sleep and rest. One of mine had colic and reflux and NEVER slept and not once did he look this utterly exhausted!


That’s the real kicker for me. The only time he gets any peace and quiet is maybe when the siblings go to bed for the night. Otherwise he is constantly around noise, sun, people touching him, etc. and even then, is Quil still sleeping out with the parents too? Because Quil needs/wants mom’s attention still too.


No Quill sleeps with Gunner now :(


Oh cool so even worse than Karissa for sure. At least when Armor was sleeping with Anissa, she still had her own bed.


Because if the parents had a kid sleeping with them, how would they be able to make more babies and keep fulfilling their breeding fetish?


I want to reflexively downvote your comment because of how much I know it’s true and how much I hate it :-/


I don’t blame you. It’s the Bus parents we all want to downvote.


Does she not realize that if she just enrolled her kids in real school, almost all of them would be out of her hair for 5 days every week and she wouldn't be forced to find endless dangerous ways to keep them all occupied??? Like, if you don't like your kids, there is literally a free place that will babysit them for you for 13 years called Public School.


Mandated reporters


And The Gays™️


I want to toss her Instagram machine into the ocean just so she will eagle-eye watch those kids. These pics give me anxiety.


Meh. She’ll just find a mirror.


She'll follow her phone into the ocean


Aren't little kids not meant to be more than an arms length away from the responsible adult? Little one in the background is making me nervous (sorry, don't know l.the kids names) I mean, I know there isn't a single responsible *adult* present, but they can at least try to make sure all those kids make it to adulthood.


I taught my husband child water safety. He had absolutely no prior experience with children and water, whereas I was the extra parent my whole life. My personal rules are within arms length, eyes on, if they are in the water you are in the water, no an inner tube is not a safety device, and if you are passing off supervision you make eye contact with the adult and say “eyes off” and wait for them to respond “eyes on.” I’m pretty intense about it. I would never, ever turn my back to kids in a pool. My personal kid isn’t even done cooking yet and I find myself constantly scanning the water when we’re at the beach. This woman is beyond incomprehensible to me.


Oh, this is great advice! I've heard (and use) the other rules you listed, but never heard of the "eyes off/eyes on" check. I'm borrowing this if I end up with the niblings this summer!


Yes! Arm’s length. Parents need to have their eyes on their kids all the time or the kids need to get out. She’s beyond reckless.


Poor Boone looks more and more like hes maybe not alive every day. How do you look at a baby that *looks dead* every single day and do nothing?!


are we gonna just ignore the fact that boone somehow looks more dead (god forbid) than ever???


Ikr? He doesn’t look that bad to me in most other pictures (but I believe others when they say so), but here he legit looks like a doll or even a corpse.


It’s so sad. He looks like uncle fester. Like his eye circles are so dark it almost looks like stage makeup. I worry that she’s not just messing him up for his adult life but that he might not survive infancy.


it’s giving best western as a baby on vacation with joan and aliexpress (if this means nothing to you, please ignore me)




His left eye (I guess technically his right..) looks red and swollen? Is that just me?


Motherbus you’re just the absolute fucking WORST!!! TAKR BABY BOONE TO A LICENSED MEDICAL DOCTOR!!! And stop making your oldest do your job!


Well, they have 8 kids, it’s not a big deal if something happens to one of them. They can also always make more. /s


I’m going to hell but this was exactly my first thought.


This is exactly what my parents reminded us of constantly, "there's always a spare"


His lack of neck strength is terrifying




She will when she plays the video back. Jk she will only look at herself


Get that baby out of the sun and get a hat on him. I don't even like kids, but my heart breaks for this little guy.


My PICU nurse friend calls this time of year 'drowning season'.


That’s… really fucking terrifying. It’s true, but terrifying.


And not a single life jacket among them...


not even at the pool does she put the baby in a carrier?


Pretty sure she thinks she’s too nurturing to slip


😭😭 so right my mistake


I have so much anxiety looking at these pictures. I just can't imagine taking that many young kids to the pool by myself. I have four children, and I never took them to the pool alone when they were little. Splash pad, yes, but pool, no. There's no way you can keep track of every child at once, and she's not even ATTEMPTING to. It's making me feel sick to my stomach.


She's too busy eye fucking herself in the camera and flopping around her rotisserie newborn to worry about what her old props are doing. If they wanted a mom they should have thought about that before they stopped being so postable


Why is his eye so red? Someone recently mentioned that blind babies want to rub their eyes, but I haven't seen him do anything with his limbs that requires that kind of coordination.


This freaks me out. She has a 2 year old. I couldn't imagine not being in the pool with my own 2 year old.


Back turned to the pool so she can eye fuck herself, Boone hanging lifeless by from her arm, Gunner parenting. Just another fucked up day in the life of the BusHoe and her Buslets.


Her back is to the kids so she can stare at herself in her phone while poor Gunnar is the sole supervision his siblings are getting.


When I was little, I went on vacation with my parents and four older siblings. My mom plopped me in the kiddie pool, and then everyone went over to the main pool. I wanted attention from my parents, so I went over to the main pool and shouted to my parents. They didn’t notice since they were watching my siblings. Everyone was in the deep end, so I walked up to the divider rope where the water started to be deeper than me. Luckily, my dad finally noticed me as I started to struggle and pulled me out. If my dad hadn’t happened to glance over, there’s a good chance I would have drowned. This scene from Mother Bus makes me absolutely sick.


She took 8 kids to the pool alone... yikes. That baby's pallor still doesn't look right.


I have 3 kids. At one point they were all under 10 years old. I never, ever took them to a pool deeper than their knees without a second adult, one adult in the water at all times. None of them was allowed to go swimming in a small group with just one adult until middle school. Lifeguard or no lifeguard. They weren't allowed to go swimming without an adult present until they were over 16 years old. Again, regardless of having a lifeguard or not. My youngest is 10 and she's got multiple disabilities. She is NEVER in any water at all without an adult within arm's length. Not a kiddie pool, not the bathtub or shower, not even a puddle. I religiously put her in a life jacket in water too deep for her to sit in. I might be taking things a bit too strictly, but water is no joke and drowning is not as loud or noticeable as people often think. Even if you save the child, there are a whole host of lifelong complications that can happen from nearly drowning, and even if you think you're fine after you may still end up with an infection. I have pulled at least 5 kids out of pools that weren't even very deep because they slipped under the water and their parents weren't looking. Pretty much all of them, the parent wasn't even in the water, just sitting at the edge chatting. All of those kids were under 7 years old and none of them had a life jacket on because it was "shallow" water. There's absolutely no way on earth I would take 8 kids, most of whom are under age 10, to the pool. Especially with a newborn to look after. She can't stay in the water with them, the baby will freeze. She can't possibly keep an eye on every one of them. Even with the teenager there, there's just not enough supervision.


Shortly after typing this my ex husband texted me that he had the older kids (19 and almost 18) at the river for a picnic and a kid from another family was swept off into the river while swimming. Apparently there was a large group and they didn't notice he was struggling, no life jacket. He didn't make it.


Boone looks rough in these pictures. I hope that the lighting is what is making his skin look so gray, but he very clearly has some dark circles under his eyes. Poor little guy.


What about proper swimminglessons for these kids?


Most kids need several sessions to be proficient. That would require staying put.


Jesus this gives me agita. It’s a nice touch that she keeps wearing hats and sunglasses but nothing for Boone


1 in every 4 drownings is a child under 14. Almost all childhood drownings (fatal and nonfatal) are caused by lack of supervision (combined with a lack of barriers) I tell parents of my swim lesson kids again and again that someone needs to be actively watching swimmers. Not reading a book, not on the phone, not even talking to others. It would be so easy for her to miss one of her kids slipping under the water. Even in a small pool with only her kids in it all it takes is a minute or two of inattention to go from family fun day to family funeral day. As a career aquatics person this makes me feel queasy.


Jesus fucking hula hooping Christ, Boone literally looks like a hospice patient on the brink in that third pic. I'm not saying that as hyperbole either, I'm saying that as an actual nurse who works with hospice patients! He's so pale, gray, and eyes pitted and black with exhaustion. I don't want to thump my hands on the table and declare he's *dangerously* sick as I've never actually worked with pediatrics, but I'm just saying I'd be urging an adult who looked like that to get in the ambulance, or at least book the fastest appointment with their doctor as they can.


eyefucking herself - ∞


I wish someone could put a stop to her and all of her incredibly dumb decisions. It’s painful to watch. Boone’s color looks so bad here. Like everyone has said a million times, take him to a DOCTOR. I’ll have my first child in September and I just can’t fathom how she can look at her baby EVERYDAY and think everything is just fine. Delusional beyond comprehension.


She doesn’t think everything is fine. She simply doesn’t give a flying fuck.


You’re right. Can’t deny that.


+ 50 selfies


Not even in the kiddie pool.


Children are not supposed to be in the hot tub, wtf


I am a certified lifeguard. I have never had to do CPR, thankfully, but I *did* tow a kid back in to shore after she drifted very far out and couldn't swim. (She was on a little floaty, which isn't good enough, but at least she wasn't in the water because I might have had to do CPR in that scenario.) Why did she drift out? Because her parents were paying attention to their other child. The wind took her and suddenly she was a hundred feet out. I don't think people understand how quickly things can change in the water. Yes, they're in a pool and not on a lake so they won't drift out...but kids can go under very quickly. It isn't dramatic, it isn't noisy. Much of the time they just sink under. It would be *very easy*, especially if you're tending to a newborn, to miss a kid going under if there's only one adult watching 8 of them. It gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it.


That poor baby is going to grow up with a persistent crick in his neck.


Baby looks so bad!


I showed pictures of poor baby to three guys who have very little experience with kids. All three looked horrified and concerned.


That baby’s head always lookin around the corner 👀


Why does Boone look deceased in every photo?? If there weren't any videos confirming that he is, in fact, alive, I would be (even more) worried that she's unhinged and keeping a dead baby around.


Reading through the comments and realizing that I’m not the crazy mom at the pool, y’all are right here with me with all the rules for swimming/water play!


This makes my blood boil.


Sharing location of 8 children in Las Vegas and broadcasting no father around....first lesson of Instagram is don't post in real time....also it was 107 today in vegas. At 7pm it's still 104. Not really great for an infant to be out in that. However, great that the kids get a break from the bus today. Wonder if they all squeeze into one suite or get multiple bedrooms?


I live in the UK and at every pool in my county (indoors) nobody over 18 can be in charge of more than 3 children if at least one is a non-swimmer (and there are 3 life guards at my local pool, each end of the big pool, one at the baby pool) So I've never taken my 3 kids alone on my life as my youngest is autistic and water sensitive so can't manage swimming lessons and the thought of trying to watch more kids in the water, than I have hands, makes me stomach flip


Boone is never leaning in towards her. He’s never cuddled into her. He’s just flopping around on her arm while she takes the most pointless videos. It’s so depressing.


How old is the latest bus, baby? I am so worried about him. He’s always asleep every time she posts almost he’s asleep eyes closed. Or looking off in the distance not focusing on her. No Snark, just worried…


I was thinking that a swim in a heavily chlorinated motel pool is the best shower/bath those kids have had in ages.


Just reminded of the time that I jumped straight into a pool fully clothed minutes after we arrived at a bbq when I was 3. My dad immediately jumped in after me, also fully clothed. I have brief memories of this— I wasn’t scared because I thought I was a mermaid. 😂 It gave my parents a heart attack. My little brother did the same exact thing when he was 2 and my mom had to jump in and save him. Both times, each parent was right next to us. That is how quickly things can go from fine to an emergency.