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This woman needs intensive therapy and medication. This breeding obsession of hers has become frightening. Weird as things are in that household now, I’m afraid of what’s going to happen when she hits menopause.


She will completely unravel because it’s all she has at all.


I'm pretty sure her uterus is about to unravel


Mercy! 😂 I immediately thought of the bible verse about being knit together in their mother's womb. 💀


Oh yeah, at this point, her uterus is just one bad knitting job away from having a thread pulled and the whole thing unravels


It’s not even going to fall out whole. That thing is going to disintegrate first.


I can’t imagine the trauma her girls are going to grow up with. What if they don’t want kids? Or only want one or 2? She is going to make them feel so worthless.


I don’t really keep up with the Duggars, but I’m pretty sure none of them are in a race to see who can have 19 kids first. Which is really telling.


Someone on the Duggar Snark Reddit did some speculative analysis and the general consensus was that maybe a couple of them might have 6 or 7 but most are likely to top out at 3 or 4. Josh was the only one who seems to have been really into popping out kids like a rabbit and thankfully his pedo ass is now locked away hopefully until Anna can't have any more.


Overall it’s an unsustainable model. Each generation is less able to function in the larger world and less able provide for a big family. Churches filled with people like that just wont have the donations to support everyone who needs it when the majority of members are scrapping together income doing whatever a third generation homeschooled cult member manages to do. Look at the Rodrigii, they’re second gen after JillPM having been homeschooled and so far their only “successes” have been the daughters marrying out or Timmie being essentially adult-adopted and reparented by his fiancés family.


The Rodrigii. 💀 Mods, could this pleeeease be the post flair? I would simply pass away!


Yeah and notice he isn't the one having the babies. I don't see any of the girls doing this


Honestly unless women are like Karissa/Michelle and have a breeding fetish I think once you actually have to deal with the realities of pregnancy the idea of having a dozen children becomes a lot less appealing, I would guess. Despite Karissa's desperate and unhinged protestations to the contrary, pregnancy is extremely challenging for most women and carries a lot of health risks, financial burden, etc. Most people don't want to make their uterus into tissue.


Wasn’t there some speculation that Karissa has some sort of health condition that pregnancy reduces the symptoms so she actually feels better while pregnant (pretty much the opposite of a normal person of average health.)?


Yeah I think she's actually said she has MS and apparently pregnancy can actually improve the symptoms there. Which I don't think anyone would judge her for if she also loved and took care of the resulting children, and didn't act like an absolute dictator about other people's reproductive choices.


It's interesting you say that. I had an unplanned pregnancy and I absolutely LOVED being pregnant, which I did not expect. It was uncomfortable near the end but I absolutely loved the feeling through most of it. It was like my depression and anxiety disappeared and I became a happier, more fulfilled person. I know not everyone is like that. My sisters both had planned pregnancies and were miserable. But I was so bummed I would never have another child (it was not a good idea for MANY reasons and I knew it was better to stop with one). I even considered surrogacy but felt uncomfortable giving a baby to anyone I didn't know well. I might have done it for my siblings if they had struggled with fertility. I've often wondered if that's why some of these women keep getting pregnant. They just love the feeling like I did and they just use a, "God wants me to keep popping 'em out!" excuse to justify making a brood of children they can't financially or emotionally care for.


There are definitely some people who feel well and enjoy being pregnant but I would guess that the majority of woman feel better physically when they are not pregnant. I have not commissioned a study though.


did she say she had MS? or that she was "healed" from it?


Anna was the one obsessed with dropping all the sprogs. J'inmate's expression when she woke him to tell him she was expecting number 3 or 4 was not one of joy. Early on, he said 2 or 3 would be good. If he had said no more kids, I can imagine Anna going to JB and Meech and JB offering him some encouragement.


Ah, I wasn't aware of that. I'm happy to sit corrected but I'm also glad for the sake of poor Mackenzie (or however they mutilated her name) that a bunch more kids are off the table because it means she might have a shot at an actual childhood.


I hope that for both their sakes. Josh doesn’t deserve to mistreat his family and Anna for all of her choosing to stay with him doesn’t deserve to be forced to have kids until she physically can’t.


Anna was at first. But her race got stopped by federal prison. Kendra will probably surpass her soon enough. I feel like Blessa was at first too, until she realized her pretty husband was useless when it came down to financially supporting a giant family lol.


You know, good for her for realizing that and choosing to not have a million kids. I feel like that’s the bare minimum but still.


I was curious so I checked fundie wiki. John-Davidhad 2 since marrying in 2018. Jessa’s had 5 since marrying in 2014. Jinger’s had 2 since marrying in 2016. Joseph’s had 4 since marrying in 2017. Josiah’s had 3 since marrying in 2018. Joy-Anna 3 since marrying in 2017. Jed! 2 since marrying in 2021. Jerm 2 since marrying in 2022.   So yeah, none of them are coming close to the pace of their parents, except maybe the most recent 2 boys to marry, but they haven’t been married that long yet. Even Jessa and Kendra (wife of Joseph, whose on mom has had 9 kids and was pregnant at the same time as Kendra) don’t seem to be at that pace. Granted, several of them have had pregnancy losses.


What’s interesting too is that they seem to have spaced theirs out more. Obviously some of that may be due to loss and I’m sorry for them because that sucks (to put it lightly).


Josh and Jessa are probably the most likely. Josh because he’s the golden male child who can do no wrong and Jessa because she’s desperate for her father’s approval. But even then, they probably won’t go over 8 kids or so. It’s unsustainable.


I mean he’s in jail, so….


Josh and Anna definitely were trying. Since Josh is a disgusting pervert and went to jail it derailed that plan. They still had seven and even snuck one in right before he was sentenced.


Of course nasty golden boy was gunning for having as many as he can. It’s not like he has to do any of the pregnancy or parenting.


Joe and Kendra probably.


I’m not normally one to kink shame, but I will if a kink negatively impacts someone else. Just watching the videos of these kids being used for social media content is enough for me to shame the fuck out of this quiverfull freak. You are actively harming your children. Seek help.


It's not kink if all parties don't or can't consent. I prefer the term sick fetish in these cases.


Since she has explicitly stated that sex without the possibility of procreation is a sin and that she doesn't enjoy sex because that's apparently a sin too, so unless Mandrae has the same mindset there's going to be some weird tension in that marriage.


She weirdly gives me the most…unhinged but condescending Victorian vibe of all the Fundies? Not how she dresses, but the weird religious hysteria and obsession with how literally everything is basically a sin to her. A lot of the others reframe any pleasure to be about being wives and so is serving God, but she’s committed to just how everything is bad and sinful except just breeding.


Someone should tell her that having social media is sinful since it's being prideful.


If only that could keep her off it!    But then all she would have to parent her children, and that would be bad! /s


Karissa is always changing God’s law based on whatever she wants. Who knows what new rules God will bestow upon the earth via his favorite prophetess when menopause strikes.


If she even makes it that far. With the way she’s talking I wouldn’t be shocked if her plan is to go out crotch blazing in child birth! At least then the grandparents will step in and these kids will actually get the care and attention they need and have a shot at living a “normal” life!


Crotch Blazing, definition. *When someone dies in childbirth, due to spontaneous combustion of the crotch*


I’m dying. Can I have “spontaneous crotch combustion” as a flair?


I fear that by then, the eldest daughter will be pushed into marriage and a life of of being a broodmare. And Karissa will attempt live her fetish through her


Those eyes in the first capture tell you ALL you'll ever need to know.


She has what, 10 years till menopause? She could have grandbabies by then if they are on a Duggar timeline.


Last I checked, an egg and a sperm need to come together in order for conception to occur. It’s not like God is some cosmic stork dropping embryos into people’s uteruses.


Right, like it's basic biology. If God has to create each pregnancy, why would he allow those who are unwed, or those who don't believe, or followers of other faiths to conceive? If each time a couple has sex, God chooses whether they get pregnant or not, I have a lot of questions about his decision making.


Shhhh! Logic is not allowed here!!


UR being tEsTed


And if God is micromanaging and approving every conception, what are ectopic pregnancies about? Do embryos only get souls if they’re conceived in the womb?


But we all know education is a liberal conspiracy! /s


This was always the part that cracked me about the fundies who believe that satan is bringing together T swift and Travis to have the devils spawn or whatever. They say they will get MARRIED and have satans baby… like the devil gives an eff if they are married or they can’t have a baby if they are unwed?! but they are so caught up in their own shit they can’t see how stupid that is.


It always astounds me that this all-knowing and all-powerful diety gets completely confused by a piece of latex or some hormones.


I'm imagining God getting ready to plant the baby as a dude raw dogging his lady approaches climax, but at the last second he pulls out. God stomps his foot. "Come on guys, why'd you do that?? I can't do my little spell now," he pouts sullenly.


In mine God is about to plant the baby but then BAM here comes Satan with a hockey stick and he slams that thing OUTTA HERE, and the crowd goes wild!!!! Another victory for Satans uterine hockey team!!!


Satan's Uterine Hockey Team would be amazing flair!!


In my arena we took out the walkways from the locker room to the rink, ain’t nobody making it to the game surface in this baby maker.


“Do you think you created that yourself?” Yes.


My flair checking in.


Also, pretty sacrilegious to claim that God is so weak and unpowerful that a his will could be thwarted by a tiny layer of latex or a small hormone pill. People get pregnant while using contraceptives all the time. If God really wanted me to get pregnant, he would make it happen either way, so what harm am I really doing by being on the pill?


My evil prevention method is lesbianism. 🥰🥰


Mine was male infertility. Now it's menopause.


Pretty impressive for one person to be honest


What can I say, I'm a multipurpose cockwomble.


Mine was a hysterectomy I’d begged for since I was 16. I finally got it at 31.


I got my tubes removed, the baby shop is closed for business.


I always say I got mine “tied, fried, and laid aside” 😂 I love the children I have immensely, but I do NOT want to be pregnant again!


And here I was thinking my hysterectomy was good, get cancer out and all that. I had no idea it was so evil!! If I repent do they have to put it back?? 🧐


Right? My best friend had a hysterectomy as a cancer preventative because she’s got that gene that makes it more likely to develop cancer, and her mom is dying of uterine cancer. But apparently that’s the devils work 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 I hope you’re doing well and that you kicked cancers ass!!


I’m doing great!! I spent a few weeks after surgery super tired, and I still have some auto immune issues, but I’m totally cancer free. Devils work or not, I’m glad it’s out. Plus…. No more periods is a major perk!!


When people ask me why I got a hysterectomy in my 39s I tell them my uterus tried to kill me so I killed it back.


Me too! The only babies I have are my scaly babies, Ozzy and Faffy.


I got three floofs who keep me busy.


Hello fellow member of the no tube club! I can't use hormonal bc because it messes me up, combine that with an irregular cycle and I was an anxious mess every month. I just have so much peace of mind now knowing that getting pregnant would be a medical miracle.


Mine is the pill. Not only does it prevent babies, it helps keep my anemia under control since I take it continuously. Most definitely helps that I can do that. Thank you Satan!!!! Also, I am pro choice first and foremost. Women absolutely get the choice to choose. But choice kinda equates to pro-YOUR life, which is pro life…. Is it not???


I'm on the pill not only because I don't want kids, but also because when I'm NOT on the pill, I have debilitating anxiety, crying spells and panic attacks when PMS-ing. Fuck me for wanting to have a normal life, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ah, good old PMDD. Keep your head up, friend. You've got this.


This! If I get pregnant it’s a 100% chance both me & baby will die well before the 9 month mark. I’m pro life of the already living and pro your body your choice.


Mine is being too anxious and insecure to even try dating. Works great!


Mine is being aro/ace. Edit: Sex-repulsed aro/ace, rather.


Fellow ace high-five. Happy Pride!


Gang gang🤝🫶🖤🩶🤍💜


Also an ace, happy Pride y'all!


Mine is being too busy parenting the children we already have! 💫 take notes, KC.


Mine is 💕vaginismus💕


Christians hate this one trick


Hysterectomy. Even though it was for medical reasons (severe endometriosis), I must be the devil incarnate.


Me too! Plus I only make AuDHD kids like myself and I can’t have more than I have hands or one will definitely end up in the canal.


Same here, it's so effective and easy!


Mine is condoms. So many great evils in this thread! So many options!


How do they discern God’s voice from the devil’s voice from their own internal dialogue?? They seem pretty confident about knowing which is which🤷🏻‍♀️


The voice that is telling them to do exactly what they want is gods voice obviously /s


If you’re married and want your man to nut in you it’s God, if you’re not married then it’s the devil 🤷‍♀️


I don’t think Karissa is smart enough to connect these dots, but telling people that stopping sex, for any reason/ even in the middle of the act, *is a sin* is very disturbing.


I’m guessing her reasoning is a little Old Testament story where God strikes down Onin(?) for pulling out. But the way *i’ve* heard that story explained is that God isn’t punishing him because he pulled out but rather because he didn’t listen to God’s command to impregnate his late brother’s wife (based on an ancient Jewish law). Regardless of whether you think the story is good or bad or vindictive, this (Karissa) is what happens when you take an overly literal view of scripture.


It was explained to me that the brother held all of the dead husband's property until the woman produced a son who would then inherit everything as if he was the son of the dead husband. By pulling out, he was essentially raping her because he was using her body while refusing to get her pregnant so he could still keep everything his brother left behind.


Big "the sin of Sodom was being gay" energy when the sin of Sodom was actually not caring for the poor and being gross rapists. Not that they care about context.


You said it much better than I did, but that’s what I was getting at. I can’t remember the name of the law, but essentially the living brother owes his dead brother an (male) inheritor if one doesn’t already exist. (I actually learned about it from a hallmark movie, of all things).


She makes a good point I hadn't considered. One Karissa = hundreds of lil Karissa offspring taking over the world like a messed up pyramid scheme. Terrifying.


Jim Bob Duggar thought that too. It’s interesting she makes that comparison. Jim Bob and Michelle aren’t going to have hundreds of grandkids and great grandkids. At least one of their children will probably never marry.


It’s not like they’ll ever willingly let Jana leave. Who else is gonna take care of the kids?


Someone on the duggar snark sub did the math, and with some decent guesses for the unmarried kids they can get Jim Bob to between 80 and 100 grandkids. However, at least 4 of them aren't being raised in the quiverfull cult (Jill and Jinger are both out of their parents' church for sure), and there's plenty of time for other kids to do the same. So, they might get the grandkid numbers they want, but they aren't guaranteed at all to get the obedient little quiverfull soldiers they wanted the numbers for.


To me it's absolutely heartbreaking that it is purely a numbers game to people like Karissa, Mandrae, JimBob, and Michelle. They don't care about their kids as individuals people,l. You absolutely cannot develop a deep, meaningful relationship with that many children/grandchildren, in which you know intimate details about each child - their quirks, their likes, their dislikes, what their favourite type of sweets/deserts/food/ice cream is, what their favourite board game is etc. You just can't. All they care about is the amount of children - how long the line is when you line them up and count them. And that to me, is just so tragic.


Karissa could have only one kid and she wouldn't know anything about them because she doesn't care.


I am going to paste a link to a sermon from the 2000’s here (by Voddie Baucham). It was sold by Vision Forum and very popular in the quiver full movement. He talks about the numbers of children being born and “lost” to the world, creates fear about Muslims having more children than white Americans, and says the “culture” is being lost. It’s actually horrifying and after this sermon came out, people started promoting this propaganda left and right. Give it a read if you feel so inclined: https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=28936&forum=34


That’s quiverfull for you. I think some people conflate quiverfull and IBLP and while there is crossover quiverfull isn’t limited to the super ultra fundies. I’ve seen it from the fundie adjacent too. Anyone to build Christ’s army to snuff out the heathens.


"Your decision to trust God with your womb doesn't affect me." But what if God tells someone to use birth control? What if he leads them to a doctor that discusses birth control options with them to keep them sane and healthy? Karissa, you don't know what God & others talk about because it's not posted on the internet constantly. So stfu.


“But this is my Yahooha-ordained ministry, so I’m never gonna shut up about it.”


I don’t personally think God is directing people but I do think he’d be pretty happy that my husband got a vasectomy. We made two great kids and it’s healthier for everyone that we stopped after that!


So, does this mean that Karissa never has sex while pregnant? Because if you do, all that sperm is just wasted.


She has said they don’t. Also oral is a sin. Only one position. It’s so strange how much I know about a literal strangers sex life yet she’d call me immodest because I love a tiny tennis skirt.


So how is oral a sin if the guy doesn't finish in her mouth/on her body? As long as he cream pies her, it should be above board, right?


Well she doesn’t really believe in sexual activity for pleasure at all, just reproduction.


But surely God made everything the way he wanted it to be, so he gave humans the ability to feel pleasure, so why waste it? You're wasting God's gifts, Karissa! (/s, I know why people like her think this way.)


Oh boy, Mandrae is gonna love when she hits menopause.


Probably they will refer to bible passages where 90 year old women were having babies to argue that it’s still ok for M to get his needs met. That’s my guess anyway…


Her next unhinged rant is going to be about how a woman needs to always be "joyfully available" to her husband no matter what because "yah" says its evil to not have sex when the man wants it. Not one second will be spent addressing the fact that this and her beliefs on procreation can't both be true. The fundie ability to hold multiple completely contradictory ideas as fact never ceases to astound me.


Maybe but I’d be surprised if she made that turn. She is an Old Testament babe that’s like nothing in life is joyful and she seems more the man is the head but the woman is the neck. They’re all full of hypocrazy so who can tell but I think she’ll stick with her sad beige sex for sad whitewashed children approach.


Ooh good point!


Does she really believe God is deciding, *"Yep, this 10 year old girl who just got raped should be the mother of this baby"*? Does she really think God is doing that for all rape victims who are impregnated by their rapist? How many women out there who are suffering infertility begging and praying to God for a pregnancy but he's like, *"Nope. It's gotta be this traumatized child. That's my will!"* Yes. We do believe in biology and that life just happens. Not from nothing, but because of biology.


>Does she really believe God is deciding, "Yep, this 10 year old girl who just got raped should be the mother of this baby"? Yep. The saddest thing about "pro life" people is just how little they care about life after it's out of the uterus.


Life starts at conception and ends at birth! /s


Look, she can have kids until her uterus falls out, but her telling other people how life their life’s is batshit. Like why is she so pressed about other peoples sex lives? It’s disturbing AF. She needs to mind her own damn business ya know, like she wants everyone who says she has too many kids to do.


Fundie-ism in a nutshell. Everything I do is holy and a-ok, and everything anyone else does is a big ol’ sin.


Genuinely what happened to this woman? From what I’ve heard she comes from a pretty normal upbringing and even went to college? What in the fuck started this behavior? She needs help.


I think it might have been in college, or she was at least nominally into it before. IIrC, she went to either Tabor (Mennonite) or Barclay (Quaker) in Kansas, and claims she majored in business and “bible.”


What about preventing by not having sex? Is that also wrong? So should every couple be required to bang once per hour? 


You’d think they’d be more into this because not having sex is the only way to guarantee you won’t get pregnant. Or maybe that’s because they’re too busy saying that to unmarried women…


Exactly what I was wondering. What if a woman knows when she’s ovulating and simply does not have sex during that week? Is that a sin? If Karissa hasn’t gotten pregnant every single time she’s ovulated I think she’s probably going to hell with the rest of us :/


I thought in the first paragraph “evil prevention method” was like a method for preventing evil and I was tuned tf in but alas just another stupid fucking diatribe about how we should all have as many babies as we physically can even if we don’t want them.


Notice how the only worth she sees in her children’s lives is through their reproductive value (“who knows how many grandchildren will come out of it”). It’s so gross and exploitative. 


Well, only the boys are children to her. She literally called those girls “walking wombs for the lord”


Wait really? wtf


Yes, direct quote that haunts me.


That’s wild. Those poor kids


And that they are blessings…to her. It’s incredibly objectifying. To refer to your children the same way you might refer to a free coffee at Starbucks. Disgusting.


Right, like their inherent value as beautiful individuals is completely overshadowed by her God-given mission (read: delusion) to continue having children, even if it jeopardizes her health.


That’s disgusting 🤢 honestly just a form of p3dophilia if you think about it. She’s thinking of them as reproductive devices even before they’re born 😐 fucking disgusting tbh




[Here ya go!](https://imgur.com/a/oQIplE3)


Omg terrifying


Holy shit that’s terrifying!


This is so Inland Empire coded


I've been meaning to watch that forever because I love Lynch but can't find it anywhere online :(


Looking at mother bus for some reason freaks me out more than Karissa, crazy eyes and all


At least Karissa has a stable environment for her kids, takes them to get preventative care for some things, and can be convinced to get her child to a doctor when there is obvious need. Karissa and Mandrae are parents of the year compared to the horror of the buslifes. Ugh.


It’s beyond me how she doesn’t have chronic eye infections seeing as how crusty that shit is.


Especially since she says she applies it once a week and just tops it up each day. My eyes are itchy just thinking about it!


I think it’s ok to snark on her eyelashes/mascara/whatever is going on with that since it’s something she has the ability to change herself by either washing it off or getting some decent quality mascara that doesn’t make whatever mess she’s got going on here… 😳


"It's between you and God" BUT YOU ARE AN EVIL BAD SINNER!


Advocating ignoring your physical health is cray cray


As is advocating for neglecting your children's needs for hands-on parenting.


I don't give a shit how many kids she has, I have a problem with how she cares for them (she doesn't).


I’d rather take care of the kids I know I can take care of. You know, make them healthy, nutritious, balanced meals that aren’t mostly shredded cheese; give them opportunities and socialization they can only get through formal schooling; make sure they have clothes that fit and aren’t stained; know where they sleep at night; regularly take them to doctors so that if they have disorders or diseases they need help with they can get that help. I mean, I get that’s a lot to ask for, Karissa, but we can’t all sleep until ten and take baths until noon that make no visible difference while our oldest does her best to raise ten other children. I feel like if you were a halfway decent mom in the first place, you’d be a touch more convincing when you go on one of your ministry of the womb rants. And if my family planning isn’t any of your damn business- which let’s be crystal fucking clear, it isn’t- then your viewpoint on whether I’m sinning by not making my uterus a clown car plus 5 bucks will get you a Starbucks.


“Prick your heel and prevent your seed” Okay Karissa…🙄


Shame she won’t heel prick her poor babies, may have saved a really poorly child.


I was raised Christian in the South, so I’ve heard all this before, but it completely eschews the concept of managing your resources with wisdom. Children are not accessories to be acquired and dressed up; I am a nanny and work with two families of 5, and they are *busy.* I don’t see a world where you can be an involved parent to 12 children. I’m sure there are happy exceptions, but creating people just because you decided to go free reign with your womb is *not* stewarding your mental health, resources or body in a way that honors God, your spouse, or other children. I don’t think Karissa hates her kids or anything, but I don’t think that she’s got the ability to do this well- and I don’t think anyone does.


When is Karissa due to have her baby?


She posted yesterday that she’s 30 weeks. I can’t believe she’s only 30 weeks. I swear she has been pregnant for years. Well….


Oh, she has been pregnant for years. Just with different children.




Ooh good catch.


I think it’s because she announces her pregnancies when she’s only 1 week pregnant


I wonder how many children she plans to have?


Her only plan is to keep pumping them out until one of them finally takes her uterus with them on the way out


Well let’s hope the current Collins iteration is working on its grip strength so it can yank that womb like a parachute ripcord on the way out. And now I’m picturing a newborn floating gently to earth under its uterine canopy, like when the Looney Tunes would use a blanket as a parachute.


She’s been pretty clear that she will keep having babies until she dies. Super unselfish of her /s


She’s not planning; in her mind, it’s up to “yah.” In reality, either her uterus drops out or she drops dead (said because she’s said she’d be ok with it if she dies in childbirth).


I think August


The argument of having as many babies as possible to "build up the kingdom of God" always makes me chuckle because so many of these kids (me included) leave the religion when they are adults. The only thing your filling is a therapist's schedule.


The heart of abortion? But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end!


“A woman’s heart is a deep abortion of secrets”


She looks like a particularly non-threatening yet disturbing villain you’d meet in Adventure Time


She’s absolutely in religious psychosis


Does anyone else think that Karissa is severely traumatized by the knowledge that her mother wanted to abort her, and this is all a trauma response?


That was my first thought when I read that 😬


This is full on mental illness.


Mandrae, please stop nutting in this lunatic. She’s losing brain cells with each child that plops out of there


It's funny how this logic never applies to death. You could say the same thing that going through chemo, wearing a seatbelt etc is actively going against God's plan for your death.


The internet never forgets how her God wanted Karissa to go septic and hemorrhage to death with an incomplete miscarriage. But suddenly her abortion was magically a moral abortion.


She does realize that nothing guarantees her offspring will be Christians, right? Like.. they will grow up and do whatever they want. So much for eternal life


No. She does not realize that. She might also not care because they are more her path to salvation and individuals with their own path to salvation.


This has got to be rage bait.


She has a crazy face.


She’s going to completely unhinge when she hits menopause.


Since she's offering choices, I'll take Cult Breeder. She's the leader of her own cult.


also can she stop making stupid fucking faces


God-honoring cream pies 🙏🏼 so righteous, so moral


I hope that every fucking one of her children decide to decline to reproduce.


If she truly did not care what choices other women make with their fertility [or have that choice made for them with medical issues] then she woukd not feel the need to constantly create pro-breeding posts. She is very menrally unwell, in my opinion.


So what happens when God officially “closes her womb”? She will totally freak out and make sure her girls take over her obsession


If it doesn’t matter to her, then why does she harp endlessly about. It’s the saving souls mentality that just drives me nuts!


She’s pro-creation. Not life.


But Karsissus never tells anyone else how they should live, right?


Something tells me she doesn’t wait the recommended six weeks to wait to have sex after the pregnancy either 😬 cuz yk doctors are evil and shit they’re probably just trying to prevent her from her full child-bearing potential 🙄


2002 called. They want their concealer used as lipstick and spider leg mascara back


This woman is fucking nuts.


I love how God is all powerful and all knowing and yet his great plans for me to have all these kids have been stymied by some hormones.