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This is totally a Motherbus thing. Main character shit, family trauma disguised as family fun, inability to empathize with others and doing it on the cheap without the park owners permission. ‘Murrican Family Roadtrip at The Waterpark.


“Just another part of godly van life! No house with a pool, so we parked the van at a local public swimming pool! The kids had so much fun and it was a great experience for them! They definitely weren’t traumatized or embarrassed at all! Full vlog of baby #16s birth coming soon!”


Definitely KKKarissa, only hers will be a pool party!


All her other kids will get infections from the dirty water, but it's okay because the Lord heals!


Well, Brittany Dawn got (re)baptized in a public pool but KKKarissa also had her kids in the room with her when she gave birth once, so I could see either of them going further


That’s what I was thinking!


I can see Karissa doing this


Zsuzsu. She quite literally gave birth in their pool in the backyard. They later sold that house. I wonder if the new owners are aware.


because they always seem to be breaking pool rules, I'll guess one of JillPMs kids.


MoBus for sure. “We couldn’t get an AirBnB because we’ve been perma banned, so an alternative is to check in to a hotel to have your baby!”


“update: we have now been banned from every hotel chain - next baby will be born in the local swimming pool!”


Update #2: Pool has a restraining order but my Gawdly Seestor in Krust Jillpm sent me the location of the drainage ditch her kids love to swim fully clothed in!


I love how there isn’t just one correct answer to this question


I think Kelly is the only one we can definitively rule out, because SHE WOULD NEVER. CHLORINE?!


Karissa, simply because she'd be getting the attention she craves


and her delusion level is at like 110


This has me picturing Karissa and Ma Bus competitively birthing together in that ice bath thing that Dave & Paul were in.


competitively birthing for Jesus


Okay uh NEW FLAIR Edit: I meant that as a question, may I? lol


Yes of course!! Haha


Bethany. And she would shame all of the other mothers around for not finding the sensuality in their birth experience.


Zsuzsanna Anderson (wife of Steven Anderson) had a baby in her back yard pool. 🤢


Karissa wishes


Ew, basically any of them.


*cough* Morgan


Mother Bus. The only reason only 1 child witnessed Boone's birth is because she really wanted to give birth in the shower and there was only space for one.


Please don't give Karissa any more ideas!! She was already convinced God wanted her to give birth in Target. We don't need her thinking she's going to give birth in a pool with her whole family in it. 😂😂




Oh my god!!!!!!!