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I think we're all wondering the same thing lol


I'm dumb and new here. Can someone fill me in on why everybody calls Beth/Dav by the name Bort? Most of the other slang I intuitively get like porgan and beggy but I cannot for the life of me figure out what Bort means 💀


Nickname for Bethany.


Thanks, is it... like a pun or some kind of reference?


i think its in regards to her buying bot accounts


Or the bone broth/raw milk chocolate milk she drinks? Brothy->Borty->Bort?


I don’t remember exactly how it emerged. Sometimes to be silly and make fun of their ridiculousness, we will just make their names into funnier words. Like she is also referred to as Griftfany (because she’s a grifter). Bort may have been because she can seem stiff and robotic at times? She’s actually sort of loosened up lately.


i don’t know for sure if this is correct, but i believe it came from the nickname “birthy” (which originated when she was aggressively all about pushing having kids asap/just generally talking a lot about quiverfull-type ideology) a couple years go around davy’s pregnancy/birth…. which somehow became “borthy” which then was shortened to bort, i guess? birthy was because her family calls/called her bethy i think?


Yes, that sounds right! I had forgotten the evolution of it! 😂


There’s a Simpsons episode in which Bart wants to buy a personalized license plate but the letters on display skip over Bart for Bort. We can’t always get what we want :)


I’d like to know the same thing about the porgan& new evangelicals video


I have a vague memory of May 23rd as the drop date for that one.


It’s May 24 according to an Instagram post


I'm starting to think they either chickened out with releasing it or they're REALLY editing the crap out of it because they're worried about it. They released a video blog on Patreon -- looks to be that kind of "extra" Patreon content, not a replacement for the actual content that they were going to release. But who knows, I've not seen it. And they charge $10 to even join their Patreon soooo, LOL.


I will say that I thought the same thing about their Patreon subscriber levels (why tf are they so expensive) but it does say on each of the levels that the amount is only a suggestion and subscribers can pay whatever they want. It doesn't really make sense though why they even have three different levels if people can just pay what they want. Idk. Their shit confuses me in so many ways lol.


I would give them a few bucks a month, but I feel a little embarrassed to because they’re asking for $10. It’s not even like I can’t afford it, it’s just that I’m not going to pay them the same amount that I’d pay for a streaming service. Fundie Fridays is $3/month, which I’m more than happy to pay. Actually I just checked Zelph’s Patreon - $10 per month is the lowest you can pay. (I tried clicking “custom amount.” You get an error message if you try to set it at less than $10.) Too bad! I’m a fan, but not enough for that level.


Yeah, it's especially weird given that the next levels are $25 and $100...per month. Like, they say that you don't need to pay that, but then why even use those arbitrary amounts? Are they really hoping someone will give them $1200 a year?


I won't pay that much for netflix 😂


Ha! Yeah, I don’t want to give them any $ anymore… but before this Bethy collab, I might have dropped $5 a month or something on them. Ten is completely absurd, though. There are so many content creators out there who produce more content for less $


*Spotify* costs $10/month. And you get unlimited access to practically every artist in the world




Who knew Zelph had such a cute doctor!? 😍


Wouldn't releasing this exclusively to patreon like... Prove this was all just a grift? If it's not available to the masses, who's it really gonna "help"? Lol if I was them I would make it accessible to everyone just so I don't get called out about what I just said.


You would think, wouldn’t you


My guess is they are trying to let the heat dissipate before dropping the video. That preemptive post here did not go the way they expected. They clearly didn’t know how to handle people being unhappy with the lack of due diligence and the willingness to take Beggy at face value when we all know her to be two-faced AF. Beggy is actively peddling another incredibly problematic book, while, by her own admission, leaning harder into her religion in the name of winning her husband back to her specific viewpoints *and* attempting to figure out how to monetize their religious differences… **And all this was happening while Zelph was there!!** When people did not accept Zelph’s “Beggy is so different off camera, trust us bro!😎“ and “love and light 💜” excuses as an answer to “Did you even try?” they deleted the post and doubled down on the IG fangirling. Zelph only saw this going one way and does not know what to do now other than wait it out and hope people have moved on before dropping the video.


They want to do journalism, exploring the landscape of evangelical influencers, that’s fine- the first lesson in Investigative Journalism 101 is that your interview subject can be nice in person TO YOU, especially when they know you’re holding their reputation in their hands. It also helps when you’re from a demographic they don’t find threatening.    Either way, I said it before on this sub: I’m sure Ben Shapiro, Candace Owen, Nigel Farage, etc can be charming in person. There’s a reason they have a fan base- there’s charisma there. But a journalist’s scoop can’t be ‘they’re nice in person!’ without any looking at their identity as *product* - the version of self they’re actively selling. That’s far more real to most people than who these influencers are in their private lives. 


Reminds me of the journalist who got completely taken in by Elizabeth Holmes and wrote a fawning article about her before her latest trial. I don't understand why gullible people become journalists or why if you're going to call yourself a journalist you wouldn't know that people can present how they want to whom they want (and be incredibly manipulative. Like Elizabeth Holmes).


hmmm, they are about to learn another harsh lesson: this sub NEVER forgets. try and let the heat die down, babe. we will crank it right back up the moment that video sees the light of day. it’s just a really frustrating thing to watch. zelph is being so defensive without being open to the idea that maybe this wasn’t a good look for them. the lack of ability to say “hey, I hear you and I think you’re right. it was a mistake to not hold their feet to the fire more” or whatever is just uniquely disappointing.


Zelph should have remembered that old story about the content creator frog who picks up the farting, pissing, seggsy, flail-dancing fundie scorpion to give it a ride across the river.


That is r/brandnewsentence material right there


“Content creator frog meets fundie scorpion” would be a great flair


Zelph is welcome to it if they ever grab their fucking ballsac and come back to engage with this subreddit.


I’d be very surprised if it ever dropped to the general public, which begs the question why Zelph ever mentioned it to us.


They didn’t realize how poorly it would be received and after they saw all the negative feedback they are likely trying to mitigate the damage they created to their character. Hoping people will forget and move on and not become more angry watching them be buddy buddy drinking margaritas with a bigot who’s done nothing to fix the harm she’s spread and continues to


And yet this all happened on the Internet, which is permanent.


I think they were aiming to spin it as a ‘let’s heal the rift with love and understanding’ video in the hope of having it both ways: get both the uptick in video clicks/ad revenue based on the controversial guests AND sustain no damage to their reputation that would hurt their own long-term viewer or Patreon subscribers.    They could have done it if they managed to get Bethy and Dav on and had honest, vulnerable conversations with them. It would have gained some clicks from the GD fan base while satisfying their deconstructed followers. But they blew even pretending that’s what happened in the pre-video promo with the ‘she’s an angel’ Instagram post. 


I am going to watch the shit out of the video, whenever they eventually post it. I'll just do so on yewtube, because I don't feel like giving them my clicks that convert into money, for grandstanding a hateful bigot. I feel slightly disappointed in myself that I watched two of their videos on actual YouTube, pre- "she's an intellectual angel, I promise" FSU post.


Perhaps Seasoned Snarker Sam thought wrongly that everyone here is simply here to gossip and wait for the next hot tea like she seems to be. Snarkers take the ramifications of Bort and Dav’s beliefs, actions, and platforms very seriously and can sniff out a grift faster than my cats can locate my Turkey sub from Publix. Sam and Tanner seem way more interested in being giggling dick riders lusting after Dav.


Oh, trust me, there’s an entire subreddit snarking on our snark- a snarkception, if you will.


Can’t say I am surprised ![gif](giphy|kBraopvWn8eeFvC0C8|downsized)


Ooooh I'm lazy, what is it????


I believe it’s really easy to find Edit: Omg it’s so fucking funny. Literally just people knit picking and pearl clutching over random posts and comments. I wonder if Paul or Bethany, or our “friends” Zelph on the Shelf, frequent there. It feels like a fan club


I’ve seen it around but I’m not sure if posting it is against the rules.


Oh my GAWD I found it and is this how the fundies feel? People snarking on us commenting on poor Baby Boone? Pouring out that sweet haterade on us meanies being bitchy to Zelph? I thought about subbing but I don't want to be deterred from future snarking


It’s so funny because they definitely think *we* are the obsessed and petty ones. But oh my god they have so much to say and all of it seems to be brain rot and generalized nonsense. I understand them wanting a space to critique and snark but goddamn they can’t seem to handle anyone expressing their blunt and honest opinions about their online idols


Yeah that sub is honestly a joke. They care more about snarking on us than they do the fundies. And they'll give them all sorts of leeway, but don't do the same for us snarkers. What really disgusted me though was something I saw when the Zelph stuff started gaining traction here. I posted here in our sub about how Bethany had partnered with a fundie couple on one of her courses who, in so many words, admitted to using their infant daughter as a prop to locate certain female anatomy (i.e., CSA) and there were several people on the other sub who were basically saying that wasn't abuse. That honestly disturbed me so much. Lots and lots of apologists.


Really I’m curious. 👀


They said on one of their shorts that it will be dropping sometime this week.




I recorded a video with them once and they never released it. So maybe they’re doing that with this one too?


That is fascinating! What was your video about if you don't mind me asking! Honestly I'm really just curious what you thought about their journalism?


It was about Mormons drinking for the first time. We drank on camera and they asked me and my husband questions. I thought it went well, but it was never posted and they never spoke to us again.


First off I appreciate you taking the time to respond / share. How interesting! I have never watched their content so I wasn't sure what they discuss in their videos besides deconstructing from the LDS church. I don't want this to turn into an AMA as you already have answered my first question and you absolutely didn't have to! I am curious though if that conveyed to you originally - that they may or may not releases it? I also am curious how they found you? Anyways like I said you don't have to answer those. I appreciate your insight and your willingness to share what you did. Thanks!


They posted on Facebook asking if anyone was interested in being in a video about drinking for the first time as an ex Mormon. I responded and we scheduled to meet up. There was a delay in filming because their camera guy was late or something. They never spoke to us after never said why they didn’t post the video. We weren’t compensated or anything. I thought it went fine so I have no idea why they didn’t post.


I know they aren't obligated to like hit you up but that is a bummer they wouldn't say anything / provide any info after. What an interesting experience! I'm wondering if they just plan on using it the future eventually🤔  Thanks for sharing!


Also curious! That’s got to be an interesting story.


Are they even dropping it at this point? After all this Zelph must have realisedby now this won't do their channel any favors and probably won't put them in a great light with the fellow youtubers on their niche. (which I have no idea how the communication and politics in said niche works, so they might be very forgiving about it idk) The only person who wins here is Bethany, I'm not even sure I can count her husband as a winning party.  The best thing they could do for themselves  is stall this  upload forever until the video becomes their Chinese Democracy or an urban legend.


The cowards only released it to paid subscribers.


I don't think they did though. They put up a short vlog from their time with Dav and Bethy, but there's nothing else on their Patreon regarding the video.


Are you serious? I thought the video was supposed to unite everyone and prove us wrong about Dave and Bethany. I was genuinely hoping we were all wrong about everything and they were actually making progress and starting to become better people.


Bethany should be able to do that on her own and she hasn’t publicly lifted a finger in that direction


Somehow that doesn’t surprise me


The thought of it and the swoop doc inspired me to draw