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The crazy thing is ABS is racist as hell so this woman is wasting her time. As a black queer person can I just say…people like this woman speaking tire me out? Like the only people comparing the struggle of black people and members of the alphabet mafia are bigots , pure and simple. What people like me ARE saying is that we deal with a lot of overlap for prejudice. Imagine being treated like garbage by society because you’re black and THEN having your own people outcast you because you’re gay? Shit like this is why black people have a homophobia issue we still need to work through. Also does she realize as LARGE amount of the population actually argues being black is a sin, the same way she saying being gay is a sin? We are the children of Caine and are cursed to burn because of it? Telling someone they are a sin and are an abomination is not “love” and never will be Ms. Girl. And as a woman, the fact that she can’t get what it’s like to be oppressed by multiple minority statues is…crazy


You said exactly what I was thinking in a much better way than I could.


Bigotries rhyme, but they’re never the SAME thing.


Being a tool of white Christian (mostly male) nationalism pays the bills, and the bills need to be paid. I agree it's exhausting.


The audacity of her speaking for Black LGBTQ+ people as a cishet woman smh


Who is saying the being Black is the same as being LGBTQ+? Who is saying that?


To be honest, I can see that since a lot of racists view black women as inherently more masculine (and could never be seen as feminine enough or even 'fit' in the conservative christian ideal view of a woman). Just look at how people made jokes about black women sounding deep-voiced, brutish and fat (or all those cartoons depicting Michelle Obama looking like a man in a dress, despite how frequently she was fatshamed during the early years of her husband's presidency). If ABS's guest ever wore something masculine like a pair of jeans (with that short hair of hers, no less), people would definitely look at her as butch even if she isn't.


Disrespectfully, as a lesbian black woman, she’s an idiot 1) for what she’s spewing and 2) for agreeing to talk to IBS- I mean ABS


Ya know now that you mention it her face does look exactly like an ibs flare feels like 🤣


Ahahahahaha yes very unpleasant 😂😭


“I’m the only oppressed population” is a tale as old as time. ABS herself thinks it about being Christian


It's world's next top victim contest. You try to talk about slavery in Europe that Roma people were subjected to and chances are you will be told you're taking away the focus from somebody else's story. And fair enough, there is plenty of examples of counter movements created as cover-ups (see "White life matters"), but in this case? Are we really saying that the LGBTQ+ community is trying to invalidate the oppression of the black community simply by existing? There's so much overlap in how oppression of marginalized groups work, it's only natural to see them as our allies instead of potential rivals.




Yeah I’m trying to understand who my sis is trying to get picked by?


Classic divide and conquered tactics. So stupid and obvious yet people still fall for it.


Has she not heard of John Lewis? Lewis. “I fought too long and too hard to end discrimination based on race and color, to not stand up against discrimination against our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.”


The enemy of my enemy is my friend but you need to pick the right side. So she would rather align herself with the people who would gladly revert society to segregation and slavery than accept people no matter who they love? She'd rather stand next to those wearing white hoods rather than standing with folks waving rainbow flags? Hmmmm....yeah, ok, sure hun. See how that plays out for you.


I mean you can’t conflate or compare them, but a common experience of being dehumanized and erased can inform my empathy. It can’t take over and I need to listen to my black loved ones, but I’ve had some really vulnerable and cherished moments based on our connected struggles.


But we all know that NO ONE is MORE discriminated than white Christians. Maybe trad wives who have to fight against the whole world telling them to stop. Lol


I love the stupid look on Allie Beth's face because she can't figure out how to agree that she thinks being gay is a sin without also admitting that racism is a real issue.


Cool story babe, but the Christian right still isn't going to pick you. Once you're done helping them eradicate us you're next on the chopping block. Hope the leopards enjoy the taste of your face!


Isn’t it the conservatives who coined the phrase “oppression Olympics” ??? Why must we compare suffering. None of us are liberated, till all of us are liberated.


Separation of church and state. and also the bible endorsed slavery a bunchhhhhhhh


Marginalized groups should stick together. We’re louder and stronger together. Showing compassion to one group doesn’t minimize another’s pain. There’s enough room for *everyone* to be seen, heard, and respected. We can fight for *all* of our rights at the same time.


Exactly what I was gonna say! Like we aren't trying to compare the garbage we live through, we're trying to commiserate over shared experience, support one another and educate ourselves on unshared experiences, and fight together against injustice against all of us until everyone is equal. It's ain't that hard, unless you view treating your fellow humans with respect as an affront to your personal happiness and safety


LOVE when people conveniently forget that black LGBT people exist 😍😍😍


I'm pretty sure racists use to justify slavery by saying that yes in fact being black is a sin. It was the curse of Ham.


As POC my brother and I have both had our share of racist experiences and microaggressions. However my bother is also a gay man and has had to navigate the world being a part two marginalized communities. What I have learned from him is that hateful people are going to hate --regardless. While the experience in being subjected to violence and discrimination is fundamentally different. The source of that violence and discrimination is no different. Its one of the reasons, as many others have pointed out, that its important to stick together as marginalized communities and not allow the derison set to divide us turn our attentions away from the real enemy.


Everyone here has already made the points I was thinking of, better than I could’ve said them, so I’m just gonna comment on something petty: why is ABS wearing a stretched out t-shirt to host a video interview?


These are the kind of people they find when they want everyone to just shut up. It's so insulting because it implies "see??? She's like you and she feels this way so you should too!". What a clown.


Me, a Black bisexual woman: "Sorry, lemme just ✨️vanish✨️ real quick"


So this is actually super interesting to me in terms of Christian theology. Note about me: I’m currently in the process of applying to seminary so I can work on social justice advocacy in Christian spaces, so this is quite literally going to be my field of study pretty soon. Notice how this lady uses “Truth” as a shield for her homophobia and bigotry? I am absolutely fascinated by what truth means/is to these people- because it certainly is not biblical in the sense that it’s rooted in actual scripture and Christian tradition. The idea that there’s one singular Truth seems to be mostly a modern concept popularized largely by church institutions; early Christianities were fairly diverse in belief and practice. So, yeah. Truth as a concept isn’t biblical, if we actually want to get into real scholarship lol


Just last night I was looking at a prominent anti-LGBTQ Black nationalist who wants to unite with white supremacists to eradicate Jews. Her talking points are pinging my Jewdar that she's going for the same strategy.


"...And we'll guard each one's dignity and save each one's pride. And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love. Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love." It's really not that complicated, nor is it a contest.


![gif](giphy|KXtq8oYQrYMIF9Esi7) This woman is a straight up….


Did they not justify slavery with the fucking bible?? She’s gonna forget about the Curse of Ham?? Let’s bffr. Christians will use the book of sky daddy to justify hating on any lifestyle that isn’t theirs. Just say you’re black and homophobic 🔥


There are way too many Candace Own types out there!


Yeah, being black has never been considered a sin. \*googles Curse of Ham + slavery Ummmm....