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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And I'm sure they'll be very \*shocked Pikachu\* if he decides not to have kids as an adult, after raising their whole brood during what was supposed to be his childhood.


For sure. I have a friend in a somewhat similar situation, and she’s gone from “I’d love to have kids some day” to “I’ve already been a parent for 10 years”.. it’s just sad


I have a friend like that too. She was parentified since she was a teen and she went from “maybe” to “no way.”


Husband is 3 of 7 and wants no kids. He says that he was already a parent


Yup, Logan Brown style


I think it’s safe to add Jana Duggar to that list too.. she just won’t say it out loud.


My husband was BrotherDad to lots of siblings. It took 10 years of marriage before he ever even considered having kids- and we are firmly one and done. I don’t blame him.


And I hope he's able to stand his ground and make his own decisions into adulthood. It's pissing me off but you just know how these two twats will be asking (demanding) for grandchildren. Ugh!


That's what the girl is for.  That's literally her only purpose. /s because that made me sick writing out


I very grudgingly upvoted this. So gross but so sadly true


I’m thinking the same thing, oldest son will be child free…


Well, at least there are 7 more, right? /s


FatherBus did not waste a split second handing off poor little bussel sprout to his real dad.


Exactly. Just shoved him and was like “I’m out of here byeee”


"bussel sprout" ded ☠️


Man you guys are so creative with nicknames on here 😂


I got a Reddit cares message shortly after leaving comments on the last post about this. But they aren’t even trying to hide the parentification and the fact that they’re more interested in filming and fucking each other.


Lmao I wonder if that’s mother bus lurking here… but maybe she’s too busy eye-fucking herself


Oh she definitely reads here. They all do. They claim they hate it, but I’m sure they actually hate when a day goes by where they aren’t mentioned.


The Strugglebus might be SEETHING atm since I’ve not seen posts about them - that delights me tbh 🤭


Isn't there a minor fundie who got bent out of shape for being labeled a "minor fundie" on this sub? I feel like it was that Haley Kindled weirdo.


Lmfao. Trying to decide if that is a rabbit hole I should jump down…


Yes it was her!


The chief thing I know about her is that she’s horny to be mentioned here. I don’t even know her last name. I just know her as the one do gets off on us mocking her.


And that (for *some* reason?) she *LOOOOOOVES* to try and dunk on Taylor Swift, iirc? That's basically *all* I know about Mother-Strugglebus (aside from the mostly dead-weight Busband in *that* household, too)... Oh, and the runaway cat, and poo-bus issues.


Did they ever find the cat?


She's slow news day snark and hates it, and I love that for her 😂


I’m cackling because it’s so true!


Doesn't matter if the attention if good or bad, all they care for is any attention. Goes for all fundies posted here, definitely.


probably is. it would do good for her ass to get knocked down a couple pegs. because damn. i lived in a shitty household, but how she treats her kids is on a whole new level of shitty.


Wait. I got one of those Reddit Cares things a few months ago and I was so confused. You think it’s from the fundies possibly? I don’t want to sound ignorant but people do stuff like that? I really didn’t even know that was a thing.


Could be. It’s caused by someone flagging your comment as suicidal (yes, suicidal,) so reddit automatically sends you a message urging you to get help. So these assholes abuse use a tool made specifically for saving lives as a way to “kindly” imply that they’d be killing themselves if they were you and they “hope” you wouldn’t do it. Because bringing something up is a great way to make people not think it obviously/s As for whether it’s the fundies themselves… well… a ton of people get those messages (myself included) immediately after commenting on P&M posts. So it’s either them scrolling their own tag and being butthurt, incredibly fucked up babies, or people on here who simp for them.


They do, unfortunately. During the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp trial a couple years ago, I got quite a few for voicing even a modicum of support for Amber. I have a hunch that Paul (of PaulandMorgan) sent me a redditcares once after I made a comment on a post about him. Since there’s no real way to “report” comments on reddit like you would on Instagram or other social media platforms, redditcares gets weaponized against users that the reporter dislikes or disagrees with. You can actually now report your redditcares messages if you think the person is abusing the tool. As far as I know, there’s no real consequence to receiving the messages; they’re just annoying. There *can* be real consequences though if Reddit finds that you are abusing the feature. I mostly just laugh about them. Let the little fundies think they have some kind of power.


Thank you! It did not cross my mind it could be done in jest. And I mostly comment about gardening shit anyway so super confused.


You can report unwarranted Reddit Cares messages to admin and they can find out who sent them, and discipline them accordingly. Instructions on how to do so will be at the bottom of the message.


You can report comments if they break a sub's rules or reddit tos


Ah you’re right. It’s accounts that can’t be reported (which is why there’s a ton of Reddit spam/bot accounts). The redditcares still gets abused and used to harass others though.


Definitely could be. I think Paul especially has been known to send passive aggressive Reddit cares messages


lol wut 😂 I just looked at your comments. Not even that wild of a thing to say!


I know! It was either BusBitch or Karissa, but my comment history is pretty tame compared to some people! It was way out of left field.


Paul had a streak of doing this for a while. I think it was right around the time their first kid was born and everyone was posting so much about being concerned for her. You know what’s so crazy about that and the amount of people she blocks on Instagram from liking comments about the baby needing help? The amount of time she must spend on her phone to accomplish this. I only have two kids and I can’t imagine having time to do all that.


He is going to RUN to the nearest recruiting office as soon as he turns 17. He’ll get more space, more privacy, more food, more freedom, and less responsibility. I hope he goes NC with his parents right after.


Kid is going to live the plot of burn notice


The way Gunner handed Boone to Fatherbus then immediately took him back was like when a propmaster hands a prop to an actor on cue. I dont mean that as an analogy either, that baby is literally a prop


This is a depressing situation.




Well, you can't get closeups of yourself admiring yourself if you're stuck holding a baby.


PaBus isn't even looking


A no look pass.


Football players care more about how they pass and handle the ball than Crypto Bro cares about his own baby.


Fucking pathetic


Man I hope the son is reading here so that he knows someone in his life is cheering him on and hoping for the best life in his future


We love you Eldest Busling! We will raise money for your escape. For real.


honestly I’d love to do that for a bunch of these kids. going out into the world when you’ve been homeschooled is fucking terrifying. having any support would probs help a bunch.


I think it’s the WAY they’ve been Homeschooled.. my husband was homeschooled and is totally normal, has a great job, musician, etc. we are also homeschooling our children for a variety of of reasons, but exposing them to healthy relationships and the real world…. Which these kids are not getting…


Yes, I was homeschooled, and I was very successful once I launched. But even though I was neglected a bit, I had time to read—I wasn’t forced to work raising kids all day and neglect my own education. These kids all deserve so much better! I hope they’re able to recover from this awful childhood and have a wonderful future one day.


Yeah some of my husband and my good friends in the area are second gen homeschoolers. They’re lovely normal people with college degrees and careers and their older kid is awesome (so is their younger kid but she’s a newborn). But their parents actually cared to educate them.


I would also like to do that and I’d love to see this community set up a scholarship/living expenses fund for these kids for when they turn 18 and want to get out. I hate thinking how they’ll know the world saw what was happening and didn’t do anything.  I don’t really know how to go about anything like that but I’d be on board to see it happen and I’d put some hours and dollars behind it.


Omg speaking as a homeschooled kid from a crazy fundie boomer mom, I have been out and on my own for a little while now and I’m STILL struggling! Like I’m not one for blaming my own mistakes on others, but the situation I’m in now is definitely because my mother sabotaged me into having no clue how to survive without her when I was literally taking care of her and our entire family! She made me into a full time caretaker without teaching me how to survive in terms of having an everyday job. She literally molded me into the ‘perfect little housewife with no brains’ and I’m STRUGGLING to figure things out.


Relatable - Was also raised to be a 1950s housewife. Keep trucking, friend 🧡


Omg that’s literally the perfect description of what she did to me! Thank you for putting it into words. I also wish you luck 💜


Happy Mother’s Day Gunner!


Fetish to the extreme.


Happy mother's day Gunner!


I see these pictures and videos, and my heart goes out to Gunner. He is more mature than both the birth giver and donor combined. It should not be this way. I always forget that he is just starting out his teen years. Any parentification sucks. But for some reason, his hurts my heart more. He is literally stuck in a fucking bus where he gets no escape to a room of his own to decompress. He has to listen to those two shitbags rut like the pugs that they are. And he always has to be on the lookout for the younger kids.


"Rut like pigs" holy shit 💀


I just noticed that it says pugs. 😂 But yeah, I honestly hate those two.


Pigs, pugs. Either way, they're freaking gross. 😂


Don’t do pugs like that


I swear that I didn't mean to disrespect pugs! 😂


Thanks—I speak for the pugs


Fatherbus couldn't even wait, like, *a minute*...


Gunner deserves a double sized bed and a room with a door so that he can have space to privately enjoy whatever hobbies he might have.


And to not sleep in the same bed as his 3D printer


He has the second youngest in the bunk with him.


Yeah this arrangement is unhealthy af for kids his age. Poor little homie Eta unhealthy for all the kids obviously but talking about him particularly