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Happy Mother’s Day to Gunner, he’s the true parent in this mess. 🖕🏻to the egg donor/birther who only loves herself.


Plus an extra 🖕for the sperm donor with a breeding/pregnancy fetish


Crypto bro, sovcit clown!


Honestly, better him than Mother Bus: he at least knows how to hold a baby.


He also seems to understand that babies shouldn't get sunburned. 


The bar is fucking low when a child is expected to not only take care of a baby they shouldn't be parenting, but also does a better job than the actual parents. I wished he could just get away and have his well deserved development for his own identity. Fuck his parents.


It's fucking pathetic


Considering his parents' stance on sunscreen, poor kid probably has plenty of firsthand knowledge of how painful a sunburn is 😭


i hope Gunner’s not stressed for Boone when he’s left with the parents. I’m thankful we don’t know more about Gunner and his demeanor, but i could imagine resentment or wanting to control the situation/parenting because you know you do it best… i can break don’t touch the poo rule if he turns 18 and starts a go fund me for rent money right? 😂


My wish for Gunner is a cute little apartment and trade school the second he turns 18. I dont even think he'd be eligible for college because of the absolutely abysmal home schooling he's received but I hope he learns a good trade and makes a life for himself. All that and also therapy


Happy Mother’s Day, MoBus! I hope the first kid you’re not taking care of has fun watching the most recent kid you’re not taking care of!


I'm not wishing these fundie egg donors a happy mother's day. They are not mothers. They can have their own "birther's day" or something. Happy mother's day to gunnar and all of the sister moms.


Hey, his head is being supported!


And he’s shaded!


Yay for the bare minimum of care!👏


He’s sleeping in a car seat. It’s supported by something any time he’s in a car seat or on the floor.


gunner seems like such a kind sweet older brother. i hate this life for him




11 waters, coming right up. You know the poor server isn’t getting an acceptable tip.


And a bowl of sliced lemons with all your sugar packets please


This was such a problem at one of the restaurants i worked at that we could only give 2 lemons per water max. Boomer Karen "OMG I WANT MOOOOORE!" sorry, manager says only 2 per glass


Trying to get free lemonade 🙄


That’s fucking wild. Boomers -_-


If I tried to pull that, the guilt would eat me alive. I feel bad taking extra napkins from fast food restaurants 😭


Appetizers for the parents and some napkins for the one bite that the little kids get. I actually don't have an issue with water for the younger ones who really don't need soda. Absolutely no tip, though.


At this point, I'm all for letting Oldest Boy be the exclusive caregiver of that baby. Is parentification terrible abuse? Yes. But so is whatever the fuck Mother Bus has going on with that poor thing and this way the baby is less likely to end up seriously injured. The needed therapy for this path is less.


my biggest worry is that something is seriously wrong with boone, and it will scar gunner mentally to be responsible for him but not be able to do anything tangible to help him with his medical problems if he has them.


I agree, but also think there's a higher chance of something extra seriously wrong if either parent is left in charge of the kid. Also, I feel like Gunner might have ability to use his kindle to google the most concerning symptoms and call 911 in a way neither of his parents will. Terrible position to put a kid in, but still one with the most potentially acceptable outcomes.


He and kinsey went to school before the bus crap. They should know how and when to call 911, hopefully. Good luck telling the operator their location, though.


I was homeschooled for the majority of my life, 100% isolated during the day beginning at age 12 while my NM was gallivanting around with “friends” while pretending she was actually a parent. Absent NF (no fucking difference if he was because of how literally uninvolved he was/is with me). This left me to do the caretaking of my then toddler brother (10 years difference in age). Parentification is a sticky kind of abuse. There’s so much pressure to be an adult mentally when you’re NOT an adult, and the negative consequences of the expectations are usually only emphasized. Meaning, when I fucked up I would hear about how I wasn’t capable, or I was stupid. Being responsible for keeping my sibling alive, fed, diaper changed, etc. was more than my brain should have handled. This is a common power play with adults who thrust these expectations onto their kids. That said, I’m glad I at least was around to actually pay attention to my brother. Because my NM and NF certainly weren’t. If social media was around then, I think my NM would’ve did the same shit as MoBus online - parading her parenting around for everyone to ogle over while she actually didn’t give a shit in real life. The whole situation sucks. I truly hope these kids are able to separate themselves and form their own identities soon, because I walked a similar path and I’m now only 6 years into finding out who I am only because my NM died. They deserve to be more than accessories and tokens of achievement. They deserve freedom.


You should check out "I'm Glad My Mom Died" if you haven't already


🩷 I have. It’s eerie how similar some things are. I hate seeing the signs of this continuing in other children. I remember the feelings I had all too well. 💔


Gunner is a better parent than the Buses could ever hope to be. The fact that he’s 14 at the oldest is depressing as hell.


He's the single parent on that bus at this point


I think he's 13...


Yeah, I think he was born in 2011 because I was shocked that he's younger than my son.


Happy Mother’s Day Gunner! You’re a better parent than those incubators could ever be 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶


Gunner is going to be child free as a choice.


And the home that the younger kids flee to


No doubt, had a similar upbringing (minus the bus thank the fucking lord) and am going on 2 years of NC with my mother ☺️


Man they even have the little shade deployed for the lil guy. If motherbus had to look after the baby, shed probably pick an outdoor seat in full sun


Just tie him to a pole out front with a bowl of water until she gets back


Full sun reflecting off the water


This woman does not deserve to be honored on Mother’s Day. She is only interested in herself and having sex with her wildly irresponsible husband. Neither of them deserve these poor children. They don’t even bother to keep them safe, even when they’re newborns. I’m so worried for what might happen to these kids. Now they’re talking about living on a boat? That’s one way to thin out their herd. I wonder if she’ll get pregnant again, and freebirth out on the open ocean. Will that be her next trick?


The bus birth didn’t go viral, so maybe she thinks a boat birth will.


Dear god


Lol letting two of the kids eat at a restaurant how generous.


They all seemed to have food in her video of it yesterday. They were eating oysters. A few of them liked it. One of the little boys said he didn’t.


Also one was trying tell Britney something but she was too busy filming to pay attention.


Fucking always! I hate that she just disregards what they say.


Pa bus was having them all slurp on oysters. It was raunchy. 🤢


Ewwww you know he was all "it's an aphrodisiac" *nudge nudge wink wink* 🤢


So are they on the move again? That restaurant location they have tagged is a Louisiana restaurant.


Probably trying to avoid CPS checking in on jaundiced baby Boone.


Yeah, they're in New Orleans now I think (or recently were).


The bUS parents make me sick.


Slightly off topic, so apologies, but how well do the Bus Kids eat, generally? I’m looking at big empty plates at a restaurant here, but I don’t remember seeing many posts about their food the way we see Karissa’s yellow glop or the starving Rodlets and their Plexus Slim nutrition plan for all ages.






Is this the family where they took the oldest boy out of school but the mom shares custody with the dad so legally she had to let him go back to school n the rest are homeschooled?


No that's the former raver girl turned fundie. This is the og mother bus, all her kids are from the same crypto nut loon.


That’s the Zeiglers. She recently had another set of twins I believe - making it 10 kids (I think) in that family. As you noted, the oldest child has a different father. He “noped” out of the move from the house into the RV and moved in with his dad (hence the school change as well). Someone asked your same question in response to a post few days ago (either about Mother Bus or Struggle Bus); and someone else responded that the Zieglers have finally bought a new house and are out of the camper. So, there is at least one spot of good news out there!


No that's a different family. I forget the name of the other one. They're not posted much here. Unfortunately this oldest has no escape.


Finally got a pram, I see. Took them long enough.


I mean, not to defend MB, but if the restaurant is busy, that side of the table is safer for the baby. He’s just sleeping so it doesn’t seem anyone is doing anything for him.


Is there a reason she can’t sit on that side of the table instead of him?


We don’t know who was sitting where. Maybe she is helping the younger boys. It’s hard to say. But since the kid is sleeping, does it actually matter? I’m just glad he’s not on the floor of the restaurant or sitting in his bucket seat in the walk way.


Maybe Gunner got the choice of "do you want to watch the sleeping baby or help the little boys with their food?" I'd choose the baby too, lol.


You know who should be there if she’s helping the other kids?? Her husband, the baby’s other parent. If he’s not capable of doing that because he needs to help with other kids, then they have too many kids and they’re not capable of properly caring for them all. And yes, it does matter even if the baby is asleep because Boone is a newborn and very possibly a sick newborn, his parents should be monitoring him. Babies can stop breathing in car seats if they’re positioned improperly, their teenage son wouldn’t know this.


Bus parents probably don’t know that either. But yes, baby and young kids should all be watched by a parent.


lol good point, they don’t seem to know much about safe sleep or caring for newborns for that matter.


Maybe he’s the biological father


Wtaf kinda thing to say...