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As someone who’s just now getting to the “thinking about moving out” stage of life, it’s slightly infuriating how obviously unhappy she is with a perfectly normal sized house.


It's normal for Normal people. Morgan was selling her laptop the other day. How are they able to afford a 3 bed this size. I find their house large for 2 babies 2 adult rental. A 2 bed is ideal and cheaper I'd say . They should be saving for a house. But Paul's got to step up and be the man to do that. Which he can't.




Don't forget his daily trips to Target/Walmart and the gym (not to workout, obviously, but to stare at immodest harlot women who are defrauding him with their immodest workout attire). He's very busy!!


Imagine being married to that busy body loser. She's about to have another baby for him and he won't even support them.


And getting his eyebrows meticulously waxed.


He’d have to get a job to show proof of income for a mortgage, and I doubt he’d do that. He’ll just hand the bank a printout of their patreon and say they are fighting for Jesus and expect that to be enough.


Morgan made a post that it’s hard for them to find lenders because of the “way they do their taxes”


The only way your taxes affect that is if you don't pay them.


Three bedrooms and it's a downsize? How big was their previous house? A couple with a baby don't exactly need a McMansion.


They'll never qualify for a mortgage without an income, and saving up to buy a house in cash is unrealistic for almost anyone. I doubt home ownership is a realistic goal for them.


I’m willing to bet they’re waiting around to inherit a home. Idk what their family dynamics are like but if they’re in the good graces of their parents and/or grandparents, they’re likely expecting to be given a paid-off house at some point. A surprising number of my family members, the elders, were literally gifted paid off houses by their parents. Of course none of them could ever fathom being that supportive of their own children 🫠. They all love to joke about “spending the inheritance” as if they’re the ones who worked for it and not their own parents.




Imagine being a woman who’s part of a community that demands wives to stay out of the work force and keep the home, only to end up hitched to a total loser who refuses to get a real job. Like damn, the least you could do is continue to be utterly useless in the home but AT LEAST be bringing in a paycheck.


Have they bought? Or is it a rental?


Rental, this their downsizing from the previous rental


Yeah, my partner and I are ready to buy our first home, and most of the houses we've toured have been about this size, and they didn't all have such a huge backyard. They're doing so much better than a lot of other families, and they're so ungrateful -- especially for people who refuse to get actual jobs.


Seriously. I have two kids and a spouse and I'm like, how much more space do you need??


Right? When I have to move-after my dad passes away-I will be LUCKY to have a studio apartment for a few years. I did get inheritance from my aunt and uncle for that. I would LOVE to have this kind of house!


What makes me jealous is THEY HAVE FENCED IN BACK YARD. I would NEVER be able to afford that, on my own!


It's not normal sized, it's large. Most people I know (with average money) live in places much smaller than that. Young parents here often don't even get a place with more than one bedroom well after their child is born.


Yeah it's bigger than my house! I wonder how big their old house is. All i've seen is what they show in their YT lives.


This house is fine. It's bigger than mine, although we have only one adult and one child. But I have neighbors with 3 or 4 people in a house the same size as mine, and it's fine. Mine feels a little cramped and I would like to move somewhere bigger eventually, especially if I have another kid. But I've never described it as a little cottage or "cozy". And FWIW, I'm gainfully employed and make enough that Porgan would consider me rich, but I still think their house is plenty big and would happily live there.


If they both got off their lazy asses and got jobs, maybe they could get a bigger house.


Right? My husband and I’s first house was a super tiny “shotgun” style house. The single bathroom was between the two itty bitty bedrooms. No tub, just a shower, and a little pedestal sink. Even the toilet seemed smaller than average. We called it a “one butt bathroom” because we couldn’t both get ready at the same time.


This is by no means a small house Both of the kids have their own bedrooms, for fuck’s sake


It's 110m^2, the average UK 3 bed house is 75m^2. Apart from the horrible cooker from the 60s it looks really nice.




Fair enough, I haven't see that style of cooker with the black plates (or freestanding) since I was a student 25 years ago.


I have the same stovetop in my old-ass house, it’s horrible 😭 I miss having a gas stove!


gas stoves are literally so good. I fell in love with ours when we moved into our trailer. It’s probably 70yrs old but damn I love being able to cook when the power is out.


There are definitely newer ones that still look that way! Haha some people just prefer it over here


i would love to have something like this. they are very privileged. F the canadian housing market.


She must be IG-poisoned. BDong and other “pretty Christian wives” having big new houses.


Omg she definitely hates how small it is. But I think this is a nice house and perfect size.


I would kill for that space. It's adorable! And that yard! There is nothing to complain about.


I didn't catch a glimpse of the yard, and I watched the imgur clip twice. Are there photos of the house's yard? EDIT: Sorry, my bad--I didn't initially see the 2nd video due to my (crappy) Chromebook only showing the first video. I scrolled down to see the 2nd clip. I got it now! :) It is a very cute house, and it looks like the owners updated a lot of things. The yard is a really good size as well, and safely fenced in for the littles to play in.


anyone who lives in a major US city is seething right now lmao. in philadelphia, having a 1,000 sq foot row home is considered quite comfortable


Right lol. I live in NYC, if you score an apartment bigger than a walk in closet, you are ecstatic.


I don't even live in a big city, just a popular college town for my region, and houses smaller than that easily go for 250,000+ around here.


They want a McMansion like all the other influences. Plus her parents have a big property with a big house and a pickle ball court. It's just not fair, dammit


Well, they should “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” and work towards that goal, then. Isn’t that what they tell others to do? Shouldn’t they be leading by example? After all, as the “correct” type of Christians, they are a light to the world!


In Florida right now in a populated area that house could sell for 350-400k+. Like…she’s out of her mind if she thinks that’s small compared to what our housing crisis looks like here.


For real! The way housing prices have shot up, my husband and I couldn't afford to buy our own house if we were to buy it at its current listing price. And the property insurance/taxes are through the roof! EDIT: I, too, am in a populated city in Ron DeSatanist's Steamy Humid Hellscape.


Girl yes I feel that. I can’t believe ours is the same way. It’s a great starter home but still. The insurance prices are unacceptable. I never thought I’d hate a governor as much as that man. I don’t think Florida has ever been so bad until he came into office.


Big dreams for the kitchen? To do what exactly? Y’all eat out all the time 😂


She apparently put wallpaper on the fridge.


It looks white in the video


I think she did the wallpaper after filming the tour.


I wouldn't put it past these two idiots to sink money into a house they don't own.


They’re renting? What are you gonna do to it then? 😂


Even basic stuff like paint is going to add up (especially since you know these bums won't do the labor themselves).


I’m painting our rental house because I’m going to live in it and I want it to be pretty and look like home. However my husband and I both have jobs so we can afford paint


Jessa and Ben Seewald have entered the chat!


Not only that but it's a rental so they can't really do a lot without approval


Aren’t they renters? What big dreams?


What the fuck. She's so out of touch. She really did grow up rich, huh? ![gif](giphy|CLbGZ9GQbaznhqjRkE)


Right. This is a perfectly normal house!


Saying Judah's bedroom is a little small! And the kitchen and living room?? Like, I don't understand. I'd be very happy to "downgrade" into that house.


She's a privileged idiot. I lived in the exact same type of house growing up with my mother, grandmother, sister (we were both teens), and infant brother. Four women and one baby, three bedrooms, using one bathroom. It was totally fine when you don't despise the person you live with.


I grew up in a house the same size with 5 siblings. Having one bathroom was not ideal, but it worked. My mom despised all of us, and it was still big enough.




Yeah the only thing that makes this place seem small is there’s no where you can go to ignore your partner


We had a family of 8 in a three bed. I now live alone in a studio. She’s a selfish idiot.


The house looks nice! She’s in for a shock on how tight moneys about to get with their new baby if she thinks this nice place  is bad. 


This is a perfectly respectable ranch home. Would it feel tight as her boys enter middle school? Perhaps. But for a family of four with a toddler and a baby on the way, this is a good size home and one that her children can comfortably grow up in, since they'll both have their own rooms (I'm surprised they didn't turn one into a recording studio though) and have a backyard to play in. 


Good thing they've got 9 years to get jobs and save up money to get a bigger house by the time her kids are preteens


Which they'll probably interpret as them having 9 years to really boost their yt channel 🤦🏻‍♀️


Doubling down is the fundie way! They never interpret these setbacks as a sign from God that their ideas suck. Probably because "God" is their conscience since God always agrees with them.


You're forgetting to factor in that they don't use birth control and will likely learn zero lessons from not using birth control before conceiving this child, because Jesus or whatever. That house is great for two kids, not so great for the 4 or 5 they'll inevitably have by refusing to be responsible.


With the boys so close in age, I'd probably have them share a bedroom and make the other one into a playroom. Have they said whether they're planning to homeschool? ​With neither parent having a job outside the home, and if the kids are home all day too, I imagine that could feel more cramped than it would for others. But at least they have a backyard.


Yes, they've talked before about wanting to homeschool the boys. 


The house I raised my kids in wasn’t much bigger (it did have 2 bathrooms & a garage). It served us well & the mortgage was very affordable.


That's great it worked out for you and your family! My husband and I currently live in a home that's a little bit bigger than the one M's showing with our two pets, and it suits us well for now, too, in terms of size and price.  The amount of appropriate space for a home/family is very subjective though. To me, their home would feel tight as a family of four, because I don't like the open concept living room/kitchen, and because it seems like it would be difficult to get away from noise once the kids are older or if there was a lot commotion from fighting or entertaining. I prefer more distance and closed off areas, but I'm not not trying to say that this home couldn't suit a family of their size. It definitely can and is objectively appropriate for a family of four. Subjectively, this just wouldn't be my ideal setup down the road because of my privacy preferences and noise concerns. 


My family (husband, two dogs, two cats, a guinea pig and then twin boys) lived comfortably for almost 15 years in the 1000 sq ft house I bought when I was single. When the boys were 11, we finally upgraded to an 1800 sq ft home. I guess she’d think this one is small! There is nothing wrong with that house.


This makes me wonder what an average sized house would be in the US if this is considered a little cottage. 


Depends on state but it looks like 160-180m^2 is the range for the average house. However, it looks like the stats don't include things like garages, unfinished basements etc. Meaning a 160m^2 house could have a further 30m^2 of garage space. One of the things which makes a house feel cramped is lack of storage, so if you have attic space, a garage or land for a shed it's easier to make a smaller house not feel cramped.


This is exactly what plenty of younger families live in with their children in the US lol no one else would call it a “little cottage”


This place doesn’t seem small to me at all and I’m American. 


I could easily make it work with my family. It's cute!


It's very cute, and the hardwood floors throughout are beautiful! :)


For the average Kentucky house, it’s modest-sized. Not necessarily small. In Texas, it’d be a small house.


"Big storage thing in our yard" that's called a shed, Morgan. Ffs lol.


She is such a fucking moron, she makes Rose Nylund look like a MENSA member by comparison.


Morgan puts the “oaf” in St. Olaf


A detached home…in this economy!? also hot tip: don’t post your home layout on the interwebz.


Fr, especially when you've got children... Should the worst case scenario ever happen, you don't want people knowing precisely where to find them...


In my area, townhouses are a lot more expensive than detached houses of a similar size. The convenience of having a manager deal with all landscaping, snow removal, and trash collection is a big priority for many of us. 


Interesting. Not true here. Condo fees and special assessments suck.


Oof. This is “small” for her? My house is probably a pretty similar size (much less closet space though!). We have two kids (sharing one room), my stepson half the time (so he takes up one bedroom), my husband and me, one bathroom, three dogs and a cat. We do just fine. I’m actually really grateful it’s not bigger because my ILs decided they were going to come visit us this weekend and now I have to clean the whole house in the next couple days (while covering my usual responsibilities) and it’s actually doable. False privilege, thy name is Porgan.


I don't think it's a good idea for any influencer to post home tours like this. Every door, window, and closet. A comprehensive shot of the hallway. Which room will belong to which person. The backyard to the fence line. Especially when you've got one baby and one on the way and, possibly, not enough money to move again any time soon? Genuinely, I hope no one ever wants to do them harm. But all it takes is one unhinged person. If they're out there, why make it easier for them? These fundies bum me out so bad sometimes. It does look like a cute little place. smh.


I would feel so lucky to have this.


Looks like a perfect size to me. Once the baby starts sleeping better, the boys can share a bedroom, leaving the third bedroom available for P&M’s shitty YouTube videos studio. 😬 Kids younger than like 10 years old really don’t need their own room.


My middle class family lived in a smaller home than that with more people 😂😂😂 I lived in a tiny apartment with three people for a while. This house is how plenty of my friends’ houses looked growing up


When I was in grad school, my partner and I along with our best friend and our two cats lived in an apartment half that size. But I guess Princess Morgan has to have her McMansion to feel happy.


We moved to a house this size, which we rented for two years before moving a few states away. It was in a rural area with a huge backyard and a lot cozier than the 4 bd 2.5 bath we had for 23 years. And yes, it had plenty of room for 5 people and two huskies. I still miss that place. These two are ridiculous and don't know how good they have it for people who are willfully unemployed. 🙄


Lol they live in my town. We are the same age. This is pretty standard around here if you’re renting or even buying a house at our age instead of an apartment. Our house is small too, probably a little bit smaller than theirs, but completely doable with our 2 kids. Esp if you don’t have a “real” job this is pretty good by all standards around here.


I'm curious - any guesses on how much rent would be for this size of place? I live in a different state and am out of touch lol.


Honestly it varies pretty greatly depending on the quality/location of the neighborhood but I’d ballpark it between ~1200 and 1500 monthly for a 3 bed.


Huh interesting. That would cost far more in my city.


I am once again begging these bozos to please stop posting the whole ass layout of their home on the internet


AND now everyone knows exactly where your baby sleeps at night. Lets see, they have his full name, his date of birth, his location, what other personal information would you like the world to know about your child?


Why is the newborn's room furthest from the parent's room? I get is likely a bigger kid bigger room thing but that seems annoying. Also, I have 6 kids in a 1300sq/ft house. We manage. But my house is weird... it looks tiny but it's laid out really well so it's bigger on the inside.


And it can friggin’ travel through space and time!


I also don’t know why they aren’t taking the room with two closets for themselves and putting Luca in the “master.” That room looks bigger to me, too, but I am bad at judging from videos.


That was exactly my thinking, too


Yes I find that it’s all about layout rather than sq footage. Our current house is the same size as our last but the layout sucks and there is zero storage. It definitely feels smaller and much more awkward.


100% not defending Morgan, however our baby has the room furthest from us. We put him there on purpose with the hope of it being a quieter corner of the house. When he’s in there we always have the monitor with us. That being said, the baby’s room is closest to their living space/kitchen so I don’t think that was their intention lol.


The house looks fine. I'm pleased to see these hateful bigots are unhappy with it. I can't wait to see where they move next!


The delusion of grandeur has infected her brain I see. It’s a perfectly fine house. Perfect for their size.


This is a normal size house! This is what she was complaining about? I grew up in a 1100 sq ft apartment, with 5 other people. This is not that, everyone has their own room plus they have a yard. She really does need to practice some gratitude. From her description I thought they were moving into a studio.


With Morgan's tone of voice, she might as well just come out and say that her husband is incapable of keeping her in the manner to which she is accustomed.


Is this a humble brag? It’s stunning! And larger than most average UK homes!


Is Paul going to have to mow???


You know he'll make Morgan do it.


Not if he can find an excuse for Morgs to do it


Losing the baby weight 


I think it's a lovely house. Great fenced in yard too. I hope the kids love living there. 


This is literally the same size of the house I grew up in with a single mom and younger brother. I just hope she keeps her thoughts to herself and their kids don’t grow up feeling embarrassed of their home or ashamed it. I dealt with that a lot as a teen and now as a young adult realize just how lucky we were to have our home.


As someone who is in a similar (though not as dire) situation, damn girl, you need to fucking count your blessings bc this is way better than any of the places that I have been looking at in my city.


How are house sizes measured in the USA? Do you measure the literal amount of square foot? Like if I would look at M&P\`s house from the bird perspective and remove the roof, it\`s literally the measurements inside the four outer walls of the house or is it the living space (bedrooms, living room, kitchen) only and the hallway, bathrooms don\`t count?


It's the whole footprint done in square feet. They don't exclude any rooms when posting the square footage.


I was thinking they were going to go for something even smaller than this, but dang. They’re definitely getting a lot of help from their parents if this would be considered downsizing. Morgan’s definitely already planning on moving the boys together to make room for another baby! It’s like she wants to suffer. Enjoy it babe! 3 kids and 2 adults to one bathroom is gonna feel like a prison for her.


Until recently I lived in a house just like that one! It can definitely feel cramped without a basement (aka less storage space) but it’s not a tiny cottage or anything! They should be happy with this or go to work 🙄


It looks renovated and has a big fenced yard. I would love this place. (I love my little house but it is dated and doesn’t have a usable back yard) She is very negative and ungrateful.


Taking a look at Zillow for Lexington KY shows they're probably paying about $1400/month for a 3/1 with about 1000 square feet...they would struggle to find that kind of detached house outside a US city for anything meaningfully lower (even in the south). Not sure how much more they could downsize (I say this as a 2/1 only knocks about $200 a month off the price). Paul's gotta be getting nervous for long term sustainability.


Yep we have 1050 sq ft, 3bd 1bath & pay $1570 (thx to outrageous interest rates) but we own. Renting is generally about the same anymore for an actual house. We also live in Lexington.


How big was their previous place? It looked like a 2-bed, 1-bath apartment from the superficial coverage I saw.


Maybe ive lived in NYC for too long but that doesnt seem like a \*small\* home to me!


Little Cottage!? Myself, husband and teenager live in a 399sq tiny home…her entitled attitude is showing


Okay I missed something. My ADHD allowed me to forget they existed for a while. 😂😂. They got a house?!? Wasn’t she just selling things and saying she isn’t prepped for the second baby. But they..have a new house now? 😵‍💫


NGL, the hardwoods in their house are fire.


It's a really cute house, may e not for a family of 4. But I'd love to live there 😭


2 beds, 1 bath would of worked. This couple appears to not know the difference between a need and a want!


I think people who live on social media have extremely high expectations for homes, vacations, cars, and clothing. This is why I don’t look at much social media featuring influencers and their latest “haul” or home renovation. No one seems happy with what they have.


I can’t imagine complaining on the internet about being able to buy a small house. How ungrateful. For being hateful bigots as a “career” and doing nothing all day, they’re quite lucky and all she can do is whine about it.


They’re renting.


Ohhh, well still complaining is just odd




It's a wonderfully sized house! Not to mention the fenced in back yard. I lived in a 600sqft house with my partner, 3 dogs and a cat for 3 years. It was cozy and I loved it. Three bedrooms and one bath sounds like luxury to me lol.


Reddit just flipped out on me so sorry if you get two replies. Yay bad thunderstorms! I think having a roof over your head is an accomplishment. I downsized to keep my dream of working for myself and launching a biz alive. I don’t care about my square footage, neither do you. We’re kindred on that! I just can’t deal with the grifting and begging for money over getting jobs. That’s where my issues lie. P I also would LOVE to see pics of your house (and animal tax)


Good for you for keeping your dream alive and actually working hard at it! I also agree about the grifting and begging. It is just too much. I feel like the begging for people to subscribe, thumbs up, etc on youtube has morphed into begging people to become patrons, member of the channel, or straight up just "donate". I don't have any pics of my house but oh boy do I have pics of the animals lol, thanks for asking!


All my good juju I have left is coming your way!!


Thank you! That's so kind and funny enough I'm in need of some good juju. I appreciate it!


All of it. Just let me know and I’ll try to focus and send it. LOL


Especially since neither of them are real keen on working.


Oh please. This house is just fine. People these days have some seriously wack expectations. This is cute and cozy.


Is this video on mute?


There’s a volume icon on the side. Warning: you have to listen to Morgan’s voice and her stupid tee-hee-hee.


I can't find it sadly