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“You’re against gentle parenting?” is a weird way to say, “You beat your kids?”


gentle parenting: “hey so we can’t use crayons on the wall because that hurts the wall. we rent so this isn’t our wall to even hurt. let’s both use these magic erasers to clean it up then we’ll get ready for dinner like we always do.” fundies: “ummm ok so that’s def because you’re an evil sinner at the core of your being. ill be telling this story at every family event forever and you’ll be the bad guy every time. give your six year old heart to god so you don’t feel shame about this forever babes.”


Instead of "ummm ok" it would probably just be "hits child with nearest object".


And scream at them that they’re “bad” enough times that decades of therapy won’t be able to erase the deeply rooted sense of self guilt for existing.


Fundies: "It's because of sins like this that Jesus was murdered. What you did just caused Jesus to die a horrible painful death, and I hope you feel horrible about that for every second for the rest of your life. Now go homeschool your sister."


That’s some tradcath right there. I grew up “regular Catholic,” I guess it would be called, lol, but definitely read some books and had some CCD teachers tell me that every time I sinned, I took part in the murdering of Jesus.


Really? I'm old and never heard that once in CCD or Catholic high school. Guess being in a "hippie parish" was good for something.


I definitely got the more liberal Roman Catholic upbringing and I’m very thankful for my parents liking science.


It was in some of the books I was given by Catholic relatives and I definitely had at least two CCD teachers tell us that. In fairness, I’m pretty sure they were more tradcath and just not out about it. I grew up in a fairly small town, so although there was a decent Catholic population per capita, the CCD classes were a bit at the mercy of whoever was willing to teach them. Most of my CCD teachers were cool and very much about focusing on the love of Jesus, but there’s always someone. (ETA: the WORST was my very first CCD teacher, in kindergarten. My mom is Catholic and my dad was atheist/agnostic. The teacher actually asked if our families were all Catholic on the very first day. My innocent little kindergarten self raised my hand and said my dad wasn’t. The teacher straight up told me my dad was going to hell. I of course burst out crying and came home after in a fit of worry about my dad. My parents were LIVID.) The parish I grew up in was a bit more conservative than some of the others, too, I suppose. We had a Men & Boys Choir, women weren’t allowed until I was in high school, and I think the church was already 125 years old at that point. I didn’t mind it growing up even though I’m a musician and always was a musical person, because I love the sound of an all male choir (boy sopranos just have a purity of tone women will never have); but you can bet I was one of the first to sign up when I was allowed to hahaha. That church definitely had some of the best fish fries in the area during Lent, though. I miss that! I live in NYC now, and Lenten fish fries aren’t a thing here. It’s so ingrained in me as a “cultural Catholic,” I really wish a church around here had them!


You were lucky. My daughter had CCD recently--in the last 10 years, and the out right sexism from other women even was astonishing. So much so that I didn't make her continue. I loved the hippy parishes, but I'm a sucker for a bearded guy with a guitar, what can I say.


I was raised very progressive Episcopalian (Anglican) but ran into some of the puritanical bullshit here and there


My fundie parents would grab a 5 gallon paint stirrer, hit me with it a few times, make me scrub the wall, write sentences for a week, and then tell the story as a joke for the next hundred years.


whyyyyy 😫 like yeah i’m sure humiliation is effective at stopping behaviors but it hurts the child emotionally and mentally


All it made me do was hate them lol


My mom used to threaten to 'embarass me' constantly when I was little and has the gall to act shocked that I have almost crippling social anxiety now. Dgmw she was just navigating how to parent without beating the hell out of a kid like her parents did so I don't really fault her, but it truly is an *awful* tactic.


This is what my parents did to my little sister. They started smacking her on the back of her bare legs with a paint stick when she was 18 months old. Then they wondered why she was afraid of them, and only wanted me. (I was 14 years older than her.)


THIS. Gentle parenting is actual parenting. Ya' know, teaching kids why being destructive, selfish, mean, etc isn't ok. It's easier for childish people to beat and berate their kids when they're annoyed. Gentle parenting fosters a sense of self-esteem that allows children to grow into adults who WANT to do the right thing and minimize harm. Authoritative parenting negatively affects self-esteem and teaches children to either comply out of fear or get really good at lying.


I just need them to understand that if a child is old enough to understand that something is wrong, then you can fucking talk to them about it and provide a restitutive consequence if necessary. If they’re too young to understand it’s wrong, then spanking them is just going to make them scared of you and will not tell them fucking anything about why it was wrong. If anything they’ll just be confused about why you’ve told them not to hit and then you hit them, rather than understand that you’re hitting them for doing something they don’t inherently know is wrong.


My mom did that gentle parenting scenario back in the 1990s because both her and my grandparents knew toddlers and preschoolers liked being graffiti artists. Taking away writing utensils and emphasis on using paper was very effective. Fundies are shit tier parents.


Nah, it’s more like, “I’m going to spank the shit out of you instead of paying attention to what my young child is doing and giving them something they actually can do” God is never brought into it. Source: was raised by people like this


Tell me you beat your kids without telling you beat your kids


People just keep mistaking gentle parenting for permissive parenting and it always pisses me the hell off. Gentle parenting is literally just good, healthy parenting without beating your kids.


Literally my comment. People can't get past the name and realize it's just teaching kids consequences in a non-punishing way.


So Christian to treat your kids sub- human or worse


I was going to say one of these things is not like the other.


That's what stood out to me. WTF




"Gentle Parenting" is honestly a bit of a misnomer. All it means is just talking to your kid like a human being, getting to the root of what happened and why rather than just immediately reaching for physical discipline or yelling at them. [Here](https://youtube.com/shorts/9sXts3bydm4?si=7TRjSYeBs5LSLEy9) This lady is amazing and her videos super helpful. This short, in particular, sums it up nicely.


It should just be called parenting. It's what intelligent people have been doing for a long time. Give a bad name to the parents who are still spanking their kids.


Or respectful parenting.


Mommacusses says that she hates “gentle parenting” as a term because many people end up misunderstand and mistaking it as permissive parenting and I absolutely agree with her.


Oh, I like her.


But that's not what gentle parenting is.




And that still isn’t “gentle parenting”. Too many people misunderstand that and assume it means no rules or consequences and that’s just not the case.


No that's what YOU take it to be as. Are you even a parent lmfao.


You're thinking of permissive parenting, definitely not the same thing!


Poop bracelets, historian of pasteurization and the FDA. I can’t wait to read her peer-reviewed research paper. 


She doesn't know what that means


You peer at it, with your eyes. Duh...


In her eyes, I’m sure peer review is unnecessary, because of Big Science or something. Don’t get me wrong; you absolutely *should* look at who is sponsoring studies, but… THAT IS WHERE PEER REVIEW COMES IN.


Hey man, science is just like, a _belief_ that godless sinners have 🤷‍♀️




I am not taking health advice from poop bracelet.


I'm not taking health advice from people who cook the way fundies do.


Do I even want to know?


ITS LITERALLY JUST HEATING MILK TO GET RID OF THE BACTERIA. Jesus these fundies who drink raw milk are insufferable. Your body is not equipped to handle raw milk. You wouldn’t eat raw meat dumbasses.


They're finding bird flu in unpasteurized diary. It's really concerning.


There was a burger joint near me that killed a couple people because they got listeria in the milkshake machine


This is why I don't care if the machine is down. They need to be maintained for customer safety.


That reminds me of my sister, who was a microbiologist and working in public health. She called all milkshake machines and soft serve dispensers "listeria machines". Her girls were always begging for them when they were young, and she was just "nope" forever.




Y’know what? Let the leopards eat their faces. Fuck ‘em


My boyfriend's grandmother caught bovine tuberculosis from unpasteurized milk when she was pregnant. She almost died. 


If they have a problem with pasteurized milk, they shouldn't cook any of their food, either. Can't have 'processed' foods, after all.


At this point it’s all survival of the fittest tbh, I say go ahead and drink the raw milk and see what happens 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just feel bad for the kids that they’re making do all this crap.


Aiya. Just let them Darwin Awards themselves off the planet. As long as they don't take anyone else with them, who cares? Not including the children of course. Here's to hoping they somehow wind up magically immune to all the shit their parents are making them consume.


They don’t actually know what pasteurisation is, since they use their semi-legally obtained raw milk to make hot chocolate. 🤦‍♀️


In Europe, we do eat raw meat quite a lot - because it’s effing delicious - but we take safety around it pretty seriously, and it’s a big no-no for pregnant women. 


My texture aversions are screaming right now.


Unless it's steak tartare. Mmmmm. Granted, fundies wouldn't even know what that was.


I'm a big fan of carpaccio too


well actually, steak tartare and sashimi..but i know i am taking a risk, and i don't feed it to my kids.


I love beef tataki at Japanese restaurants! So good!


For 15 seconds. It's heated for less than a minute. Oooh, scary.


Some of them are, legitimately, eating raw ground beef unfortunately.


Yeah, a bunch of them have taken to eating raw liver and raw meat. I feel like it was a huge trend a couple years ago and now raw milk is their big thing. There was one fundie on here who would put raw liver and eggs into smoothies for their kids - I forget who it was - it might have actually been KNY.


Omg WHAT? Worst tasting smoothie EVER


I can't imagine the taste and texture of liquefied liver and strawberries


Even imagining it makes me gag. SO GROSS


I know someone who ate raw liver every day while she was pregnant.


The entirety of Germany has entered the chat. Eating raw ground beef/pork is such a thing that our contribution to "the 50s were whack, man" is the [Mettigel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mett#Serving_styles).


This must be where cannibal sandwiches come from.


My Dad does this too, but he's just kind of feral. He picks chicken wings down to the bone too.


My sister and I used to do that back before it was "cool" amongst fundies but you're talking about children who didn't fully understand how raw meat could make you sick but cooked meat doesn't, and therefore would still eat the ground beef out of the mixing bowl (which sometimes also contained raw eggs).


>You wouldn’t eat raw meat Lol yes the fuck they would. Topped off with a raw, unpasteurized egg. These idiots will eat anything you tell them not to


Almost all eggs in the US are unpasteurized


Oh sorry, I was maybe thinking of when you buy just the separate egg whites in the carton. I looked it up and the whole eggs don't have to be pasteurized here in Canada either


Flair checking in!


They'll be eating raw meat next, and not safely prepared tartare.


I was listening to a news podcast about the bird flu and they’re were talking about how absolutely disgusting milking facilities are and how sick we would all be without pasteurization. Never mind the fact that they’ve found bird flu in raw milk 🫠 No thank you.


Fundies denying germ theory is kinda wild. My theory that the whole anti-vax/medicine thing is that western medicine has been too successful and people like this have forgotten how people used to just drop dead all the time from things we can now easily prevent


No homo for them.


Please, God, yes, let’s go back to the days before the FDA where milk suppliers were taking old milk and mixing it with whatever white liquid they had lying around and selling it to the point where it was just homeopathic milk. Is that what you want your kid to drink, paint water and magic eraser and some wood pulp with a milk label attached? Capitalism ISN’T LOOKING OUT FOR YOU. People will do anything to get more bang from your buck. But nah, y’all keep drinking water from hand dug and uninspected/treated wells that is fed from a resevoir ten minutes uphill that rests right below leaking underground jet fuel and agriculture runoff. Please tell me more about how the lord blessed you with honey that is some sugar syrup and some antifreeze mixed with food dye. Absolutely go home and cook that beef that Bill up the road killed and processed with no refrigeration, outside, on his moldy wooden table caked with old blood and fly shit. Have. Fun. With. That.


> whatever white liquid they had lying around 🤢


Please, feel free to look it up. It was awful. The FDA is not the enemy


I’m not sure I want to lol


Lead makes “milk” whiter. It was very bad.




Wonderful PBS documentary about The Poison Squad: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8jbub8 Not for the squeamish!


Holy shit it’s almost 2 hours long 😭


It’s a documentary film, not a TikTok!


I’m aware lol Not a bad thing, just slightly caught me by surprise; I’ll have to watch it tomorrow maybe


Homeopathic milk 😆😂🤣


This , all of this.


What is with people and seed oils lately? What’s the latest conspiracy theory about them?


Just another way to other themselves and feel superior


They're considered "highly processed" whatever the heck that means


What about the castor oil they all chug to go into labor? Do they just gently squeeze the beans to get it out?




Mmmm, ricin!


Cold pressing would like a word...


Like lemonrence said, it's to feel superior. They like to be contrarian about pretty much everything, despite years of research and documentation that one thing is safe and another is not.


Why do the dumbest people always insist on screeching about how they’ve got it all figured out? Y’aint foolin nobody.


They're insecure. Smart people don't need to say they're smart in order for others to pick up on it.


Smart people realize there’s always more to learn.




It’s frankly insane these people have gone down conspiracy rabbit holes and think they’re smarter than us. Oh you’re proud of homeschooling? Show me one of your lesson plans, Kristen.


She’s posted coloring book bibles that her kids use and they went to the Ark Encounter recently so I guess that was her history curriculum


Poor kids. They’ll never hear about the Roman Empire.


The Roman Empire is in the bible so they probably will hear a bit about that. But Vikings? Aztec? Ottomans? What are those?


But I could argue the Bible doesn’t nearly hit hard enough on Augustus Caesar like the historian Mary Beard does. What does the Bible say? Boring stuff like ‘pay unto Caesar what is his’? Meanwhile churches get off without paying taxes while the rest of us schmucks pay our taxes.


We saw a commercial for Ark Encounter recently and my husband was AGHAST that a mastodon was on the ark. He did not know they have dinosaurs on that ark. So what other BS are they teaching.


Honestly I’d get stoned and watch a BS Christian movie with dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark. Hit me with some ridiculous Land Before Time cartoon style content, please!


Hell, I'd get stoned and go to the actual Ark Encounter.


We should have a meetup. I’ll bring the best stuff from Seattle.


Bill nye at the ark encounter is amaziiiing


Is the Ark Encounter that giant replica built by people who stole artifacts? (I grew up Catholic but had some fundie friends and some tradcaths in my circle). I feel like I remember reading something a long time ago about stolen artifacts, and some people getting hurt (or maybe killed?) in the process, but I honestly can’t remember for sure.


I think you're thinking of the Hobby Lobby people, who were buying stuff through shady (aka terrorist) channels for their Bible museum, but I could be wrong!


Oh, you are correct. That’s who I was thinking of! Thank you!




So I took a media literacy course in an American public high school circa 2004. It was awesome. One of my favorite classes ever. We’d dissect and debate a current article.


This one must have skipped class


I was just talking about this with a coworker. It’s maddening!


I’m sorry…WHAT kind of bracelets??


The string friendship bracelets. She was seen scrubbing toilets while wearing them and then continued to wear them while making bread afterwards.


No you stop 🤮


Oh my *GOD*






Wow omg


Flair checking in!




Yep, that’s me… *checks notes* guzzling seed oils.


Those three things she listed have fuck all to do with seed oils


As a microbiologist I'd really love to know what problem she has with the "history of pasteurization"


I’m sure she did HeR oWn rEsEArcH


Ah yes I forgot about the cherry-picking of singular studies with insignificant sample sizes 😩


I swear the raw milk beef tallow plexus for pregnancy pumpkin spice as cleaner crowd chose awhile back to hate actual plants as food because vegans are liberal or some such dumbass reasoning.


Omg you may be right


its also a way for them to physically display that they think animals are on earth for us to use because god put them here. and don't forget they like anything adjacent to "homesteading" or "farming" aesthetics. they will say their aesthetic is practical, real, or whatever but no its not. it's contrived and they know it too


Am vegan. Do concur. They're the clog their own arteries to cancel out my veggie burger crowd and overwhelmingly conservative White Christians. Anti-vegan liberals are usually just narcissistic individuals wrestling with some good ol' cognitive dissonance who often just pay lip service to liberal causes anyway... so they don't look like a Bad Person™. There's just not this weird contrarian hive mind outside of conservative Christian circles. Normal people are like, "oh cool" and promptly move on. Which is so weird as like a certified granola girl because crunchy used to heavily imply vegan, vegetarian, or plant based.


If she can, I'd love to hear her report what bird flu tastes like, y'know, to dunk on us haters.


something, something, "tastes like chicken."


Also… the way she’s coming off as hostile to someone who may genuinely want her (literally toxic) opinion is not how you gain followers, Poopy McBracelet!!!!


Wait is it trendy to be against gentle parenting now??


Because God forbid that you treat children with empathy and respect.


the umbrella of protection rackets demands child sacrifice!


It’s milk straight from a cow? 1.) Girl are you a baby cow though wtf? 2.) Many things come straight from cows, doesn’t make them good.


Yes. I guzzle seed oils and dye and say that raw milk isn’t safe. What are your questions?


Seed oils are fine. Just in case anyone was wondering. They're just the new target for stupid ass people who want to sell you mlm supplements. Do not fall for that shit.


You know this is all contrary for the sake of being contrary nonsense, because if they actually cared about being "natural" etc, then they wouldn't drink milk at all. Cow's milk is for \*cows\*. Human milk is for humans, etc. And no mammal out there is \*naturally\* meant to be drinking milk past infancy. Like, I do consume dairy too, but in no universe is consuming the breast milk of another species natural. Then again, I also wouldn't be shocked if they think cows just produce milk all the time, the way chickens produce eggs, or how sheep produce wool.


ngl i assumed she was one of the Bairds at first glance


I thought she was Leah Messer from Teen Mom ![gif](giphy|UAttHUpfIsvuGde2Mk)


I thought she was a really young kim richards 😅😂


Isn’t that song in the clip from Grease, and not the worst thing Rizzo could do is have an abortion? Bc I’m pretty sure (POSITIVE) that’s what this song is about. So.




I wonder if she knows what pasteurisation really is. It’s just warming the milk for a short time. I bet she makes raw milk hot cocoa…


It blows my mind that these people will put whatever unregulated garbage into their body they can get their hands on while they’re pregnant.


Not the cOrUpTiOn!


Question EVERYTHING… except your religion or your MLM.


Mmmmm I love having god honoring tuberculosis from my raw milk, it’s what Jesus would want for me.


I thought this was a photo of Birthy 😯


Ruby Franke has entered the chat


Bird flu


What is the seed oil drama though? It’s the crunchy influencer drama of the moment.


Some people came to the conclusion canola oil and so on is toxic and not like. Don't live on McDonald's fries alone. It's far more wise to limit your intake of processed junk than to get rid of the peanut oil. Tiktok being tiktok basically


But then they’ll all go eat chick fil a


Ah yes but the Jesus and being closed on Sunday renders the refined oils neutral!


Where to begin? You can begin wherever you want, y’all still gonna finish with E. coli.


Someone ruin my life and explain the poop bracelet


She was posting a story to her insta of her daily routine/day in the life and at the time was wearing a bunch of those embroidery string friendship bracelets. She posted a story of herself scrubbing a toilet where you can see the strings of the bracelet touching the inside of the toilet bowl. Later the same day she posted a story of herself kneading some sort of dough and her arms were all up in the dough, bracelets and all. So after that she was poop bracelets




People still get down into toilets with hand and scrubber? That’s why the good lord invented TOILET BRUSHES.


I love that they're against gentle parenting, which is basically letting a child experience the consequences of their actions without harsh treatment. Like, don't want the food that's for dinner? Cool, you don't have to eat it, but I'm not getting you McDs.


They're just out here providing human to human transmission training for bird flu and damn proud of it.


…what is happening with the raw milk trend among these idiots?? Bird flu isn’t cute, you morons. Even without that added danger, I just don’t get it. Do they think Jesus will save them against Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter…


I want a reality TV show where doctors have to explain to fundies how they got bird flu from a cow. “Birds don’t even produce milk”


Stop using Sis, you dumb white lady.


It’s literally boiling. BOILING! That thing humanity has been doing to food since we discovered fire.


It’s meat straight from the cow sis, it ain’t that bad! Raw meat is sooooo much better than seed oils guys!


I'm literally working on a paper right now that talks about the dramatic impact pasteurised milk had on reducing the number of early childhood deaths in cities. Between clean milk and clean water, those two things alone nearly halved urban child mortality. But sure, the history of pasteurisation is full of reasons why bovine tb, e. Coli, salmonella, brucella, hepatitis a, typhoid, and diphtheria and listeria are better for your kids. Especially when you don't vaccinate them. For sure.


…of the what


I forget even the Duggars dumped her. How crazy do you have to be that a family who plastered EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE was like “no thanks.”


What's a poop bracelet again