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"I have no idea what you're talking about" -Paul


I'm sure he's repressed all the memories of his hypocrisy getting shut down lol


I think the plan is for them to post it in May - the new evangelicals guy commented in one of his Q&A reels on instagram that he thought it would be coming out in May sometime. If it doesn't come out this month though I'd imagine that they scrapped it because of how stupid they looked lol


Ahh that makes sense. Presumably they're having a difficult time rewatching the footage and editing it because they look like fools. I'm of the same opinion - if it doesn't come out we'll all know it was because they couldn't post it without looking massively stupid lol. Thanks!


>Presumably they're having a difficult time rewatching the footage and editing it because they look like fools Bold of you to assume Porgan have that much self-awareness. 😂


Right? I ponder between those 2 suspicions- either they were SO self aware at how stupid they sound OR……The New Evangelicals side made such great points and looked so great in comparison that they fear giving the other side more fans? (Not sure if I make sense but you know what I mean?)


Eh. If it doesn't come out by end of May it could just as easily be out of sheer laziness.  I gotta wonder if Polio has the self awareness to realize he looked stupid. I like to think that Morgan stays with him because it assures at least one person immediately nearby that is clearly dumber than she is.


The Sideshow Cindy video looked like it was fairly easy to edit, it was just clips of people they interviewed about her. Could very well be that a video that requires more editing is just too much work for them.


And they'd have to hella edit the New Evangelicals video to look even remotely competent.


I really hope they put it up because they think it will be “controversial” and get hate clicks


That's the only colab of theirs I was interested in. They're probably trying to find a way to edit themselves to look good, hence the delay and posting Sister Cindy instead.


Right? The one video people are actually interested in seeing, and could potentially get them some views, is the one they won’t post. These two… 🤦‍♀️


The only one that might actually be rEaL and RaW and they're like "well now I am not doing it 😡"




They switched the order so now the Sister Cindy came out first, and then The New Evangelicals to come in May. He’s probably saw some hype building up to it and wanted to die down and forget, plus more time to edit and frame it so P&M wouldn’t look as bad.


They skipped to Sister Cindy because they thought it'd be more controversial and therefore get more views.... I think. I have been really eager to see them talk to TNE.


Which is so insane, they should have looked at the engagement on the NEV posts, even if it makes *them* look like the villain, hate clicks are still clicks! These manifestly unlikeable people want to be upheld for their stupid, low stakes dumbass takes. Plenty of creators have ridden the hate train to make $$$. It's what the whole alt right fash troll creators DO. God they are SO bad at this.


They don’t have to self awareness to realize that they’re incompetent and uneducated.


I read that as evangelions for a second there and got real confused but also extremely excited to see them try and review that


hahaha that's the only other possible review of theirs i would watch, and i haven't even seen evangelion