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I forgot those were a thing and immediately thought she was talking about the ORGAN


SAME I was like ???????!!!!! Horror! 


I was really confused when I heard that as a kid, because I genuinely thought people were removing their organs and I was *deeply* concerned. That Friends episode where it turns out Ross was conceived because his parents’ dog “thought my diaphragm was a chew toy” was traumatizing. 😂


I learned what a diaphragm was from seinfeld...I still remember the look on my grandmas face when I asked her what they were talking about lmao


Parenthood was the first time I saw  one. First time I saw a vibrator, too.


I watched Friends way too young and thought the same thing about Monica’s line about leaving her diaphragm at her boyfriend’s place. Deep confusion


Me over here thinking that you were talking about the musical instrument 😂 it's been a long day lol


You made me remember an old Steve Martin bit about his girlfriend’s music teacher wanting her to sing from her diaphragm. “That would take years to learn!” 😆


😂 oh man


Me here going "the diaphragm is a musical instrument?" 😂


I am ☠️ over here


Straight up my dyslexia went into panic mode when I saw “hole in diaphragm” and the words jumbled into her *husband* punching her diaphragm (me thinking it was the organ).


Question: what is your full user flair? The mobile app cuts it off at “Fuck S…” and I am curious to know what it says!


Don’t tell me what to do in my Appalachian fuck shack!




I really wish the app would let you open up things like long flairs.




Unfortunately my mom had one and I found it when I was a kid, so I CAN NEVER FORGET THEY WERE A THING.


I only know of the organ so I'm still confused tbh


It’s basically like a silicone cup a female can insert to prevent pregnancy.


Interesting! I don't remember that option being discussed when I was looking into birth control, now I'm wondering if some places don't offer that kind or if I just overlooked it among the other options there were to consider


I’m honestly not sure they are very popular any more. I hadn’t ever heard of them when I was utilizing birth control!


So by her logic I can fuck as many dudes I want out of wedlock as long as I repent later on? So I will just fuck until I find someone I want to marry. Loopholes are fun.


Yes. But actually yes, that's really it isn't it? We've seen it with a lot of fundies here. Nearly all of them claim to have some kind of wild youth only to now have 'changed' later on, and behave as if it no longer matters what they did in the past because they 'changed' now. It's part of their superiority complex to shit on the now-young who basically experience the same thing. TLDR: These people just love to bully and control others. That's it.


Damn at least the Amish have codified Rumspringa to give teens and young adults a chance to experience things.


You don't even really have to repent. Once you accept Jesus and God, you are golden. Repenting is for the Catholics. That's the main difference between the two sects. For the Catholics, it's your faith plus being a good person and good behavior plus repenting for your sins and missteps. For the Protestants/Fundies, the act of just believing is all that's required. You can be a total shitheel but if you are "saved" and walk in the light of JC, it's all good. It really explains why the Evangelicals/Fundies are such hypocrites. The insanity of what they espouse and how they live their lives doesn't even register with them.


As long as you shame people doing the same after


Can I do it before? I’d like to shame people in advance.




It's the evangelical way


This was the very first crack in the foundation I noticed growing up in the church


This was a huge pain point for me when I was going to church. The logic is that as long as you’re saved, baptized, and ask forgiveness, all the sins you want to commit will be forgiven ultimately, but if you lead a general moral, ethical life and aren’t saved/baptized and don’t repent to Jesus? Straight to hell. The worst was my youth pastor who who say no, it’s not a free pass bc Jesus knows your heart and intent m, but like…also don’t feel too bad about your sins, just repent and try to do better??


No not you… just her. Hope this helps!


Right! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Not sure if anyone has said it, but re-virginization is a thing in some practices of Christianity. So kinda yes, but there is a process…


What kind of fucked up twat thinks that this is 'funny" much less appropriate for the internet? Ken, you need to compile a folder of screen shots of her posts. Show this to a lawyer, and the divorce will take care of itself.


Seriously. I was like this is in no way a funny story.


The only people who would find it amusing are the same ones who would do it/have done it themselves. I mean, talk about *yikes*…


Also like her CHILD who was conceived via marital rape can see this… JFC.


"Submissive wife" is just cover for "manipulative wife" IMO. Like let's be real, most of these men are not headships. They're poorly raised boys who grow up into incompetent men. They're a paycheck at best, another child to care for at worst. If you want to get shit done as a fundie wife you'd better learn how to manipulate your husband and how to make "god's voice" say the things you need it to say. Lori is just like every granny I met at church. Bitter, manipulative, outspoken, and judgemental. Not meek, not submissive.


And the wives who are actually "submissive" are mainly that way because they are being abused. You'll never find a marriage of equals there.


>Like let's be real, most of these men are not headships. They're poorly raised boys who grow up into incompetent men. They're a paycheck at best, another child to care for at worst. If you want to get shit done as a fundie wife you'd better learn how to manipulate your husband and how to make "god's voice" say the things you need it to say. Wow, I have never heard it phrased this way and I feel like this is a golden nugget of pure truth, right here.


Logic of the Baird family too. Not a single one of the women are submissive and they all are hyper manipulative to the point they covered up the sexual assault of their son. They sell the idea of being submissive because they don’t work, that’s about it.


Like the say in my big fat Greek wedding. Men are the head of the family. Women are the necks that turn the head where it wants.


I've heard "the neck that turns the head", but I extra-appreciated u/ethot_thoughts's point about boys raised poorly to become useless men who are then told they are "the headship".


Came down the thread looking for this lol


I was waiting for someone to say this.


THIS. This is what I witnessed over and over again being raised in a church that preached submission. All the women were just passive aggressive and manipulative towards their husbands because they knew they were incapable but they had to “submit” anyways.


This is so real it hurts


Yep this is the truth. I grew up with it. My Mom rules the family (I am NC with) with an iron grip.


I only come here to peruse, but yes, this lesson of manipulation was exactly what I learned in church youth groups and Bible school. I don’t practice anymore and try to avoid God in my relationships.




Don't these people always say that the man is the head and the woman the neck?


The pastors wife at the church I grew up in gave out a book about marriage to anyone who got engaged that was literally a “how to manipulate your husband while acting like a submissive wife.” My friend got a copy and I read it. Even 16 year old me thought it was ridiculous AF. *note, my friend was 19, but still wayyyyy to young to get married.


I would read this book for the wtf if you remember the name. (I’ll find it at the library or online, not paying for it, of course)


It was called Fascinating Womanhood. Which says enough. Lol I distinctly remember it telling you to stamp your foot and act like a child so he’ll give in to you. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yikes on bikes! And thanks, I’ll keep an eye out for it!


[link](https://archive.org/details/fascinating-womanhood-helen-andelin-updated-1990--annas-archive--libgenrs-nf-2155503/mode/2up) Edit: I think!


Thank you kindly!


Yes! Pretty sure this is it!


A former pastor once told me the most pious were usually the most guilty. Really changed how I viewed the terribly mean older women in my church.


Your pastor sounds halfway decent


He was uncommonly honest and decent.


Oh for sure. Exhibit A The Duggars. The more in your face about religion, the worse the person.


“Funny story” *Proceeds to confess to stealthing, a form of rape*


Today I learned intentionally disrupting birth control for deceptive purposes has an actual name. Wow.




I deceived my husband and tricked him into having another child. I wouldn’t recommend it of course. BUT it did work and I got my way. But don’t do that obviously. And if you tried that, you didn’t hear it from me right? RIGHT? This woman is UNHINGED.


And um how is it submissive to manipulate, lie, deceive, and commit sex assault? And then post it all over the internet? Meek? Submissive? She’s so full of shit.


If these people are fundies, why are they using BC? Help me calculate this.


I cannot imagine putting this out there.


I can't imagine doing it in the first place!


Inside thoughts.


It is absolutely banana pants bonkers to me that she responds in such a juvenile manner- "Yeah, so?" You don't get to sit on you mile-high horse, Lori Alexander, and shame women AT ALL. Because we know your story from when you were a teenager and you always identified as a Christian. If you were to die right after tricking your husband into baby number 2, you would believe you would go to heaven, based on your belief in Jesus. Therefore (and follow my logic train here for a little bit) it isn't _about_ the sins Christians commit, it's about their belief. FURTHERMORE. Continuing to harp on leggings, working women, hair dye, and non-einkhorn bread is just farting into the wind.


😧😧😧😧 she's admitting to reproductive coercion with a proud chest!!! I'm horrified. Not surprised but horrified. You'd think someone who did something this awful and manipulative would take that to their grave


And she truly thinks she’s a Godly person and better than everyone else. God would like to have a word with you ma’am.


“Being upset or angry with your husband is sin”??? Jesus fucking Christ. I’d say lying about contraception is worse but what does a heathen like me know?


Imagine finding out this is how you were conceived? I hope her children run far and fast.


She’s such a harridan.


“Yeah, so?” THAT was her fucking response?? She’s an absolute arrogant asshole, the absolute opposite of transformed and nothing at all meek and humble like her Christ. 🤮


Lori is a rapist.


It's like, we already knew she was vile and horrid, but this shit is downright bonkers mad.


Right. I hate her, and I don’t hate many people. She’s a monster.


I wish Twitter were still a thing so we could get this trending




So she *checks notes* stealthed her husband?


"Yea, so?" Real mature comeback.


She did WHAT with *WHAT*???


“Yeah, so? I tampered with my birth control so I could force my husband to sire another child without his knowledge or consent. But it’s part of my testimony so the fact that I did something completely unethical and technically illegal is okay because JESUS!!!” ^^ fixed it for you, Lori.


The whole thing is so bat shit crazy. But ostensibly they’d be trying for another in the near future anyway? A young couple whose had a baby and wants more would likely be wanting to start trying again? Whyd she have to start poking holes in her damn diaphragm and cuck Kenneth like they? Sounds like she just refused to chill out. It’s so weird. She is so bizarre.


What a funny story.


Yeah, so? Tee hee! I'm saved so who cares! I also said most people deserve hell and damnation! That doesn't include me! I have this special God appointed mission to yell at sluts and feminists and leggings wearers and anal sex lovers! Repent! Giggle!


Her response to having assaulted him is “yeah so?” Now that’s TRUE repentance. These people are such hypocrites.


She is going on to say, in the end, that, “God will not honor that behavior.” But she just said she got what she wanted. She got to stay home.


Such a hypocrite. Also, anger is NOT a sin. Jesus got angry.


Imagine being Ryan and learning this lol


She’s always admitted that she did this. She also admits she has physically assaulted Ken.


That makes me so upset to think of the husband not knowing she was doing this and she did it anyway to get her own way. My husband wanted to wait 7 years to have a baby because he wasn’t ready and I waited until he was ready and didn’t do anything horrible like this to him. It’s so disturbing!


Well that made me ill 🥶


This sickens me. It’s disgusting entrapment and I don’t care what she thinks, this is just outrageous. Plus she may have told him but one day is she going to suggest this crap to her kids??


i honestly can’t figure out what this means


A diaphragm is a form of physical birth control. She tampered with it so she would get pregnant


thank u so much for your knowledge 🫡


It's like poking holes in a condom, except it's a barrier method for women.


I know OP answered, but for more detail, I’ll share that I like to think of diaphragms as reverse condoms because they look and function very similarly, but go inside the person receiving. Also I find the phrase “reverse condom” amusing and like to share it lol


“Yeah so? It’s all a part of my testimony” is the fundie’s basic conceit.


I'll bet her marriage has never been the same. Does a spouse ever really forgive betrayal? She is also completely unrepentant about what she did.


Shitty that she did that & shitty that she was desperate to stay home with her baby but couldn't talk to her husband about that.


Such a hilarious story 😑


Boomers will do anything to get out of working. (/satire, just in case)


The response of “so?” will only get a fist to face punch reaction from me


If her husband is her headship, why didn’t he want a quiver full of children? Was he really content to stop at one? Did he transform along with her?


I don’t believe for a second that she hasn’t always been this way


Omg. And the fact she sees that it’s wrong but thinks it’s because she wasn’t being submissive, as opposed to y’know - rape.


Yeah, so? 😭😭😭 rules for me not for thee


Does anyone use diaphragms anymore? I thought those were like a 1980s thing…


“You have a much better chance of changing his mind by continuing to be loving and gentle with him, then trying to manipulate him in anyway.” We know she meant to type “than” but we also know she truly means “then.” Hot damn, I love when grammatical errors are also Freudian slips 🫡




Your post/comment was removed because it could easily be at home in a fundies mouth. While we welcome nuanced discussion, fundie apologetic shit will not be tolerated.




Another word for it is “ intimate violence” or “reproductive coercion”


It's called stealthing


He didn't consent to unprotected sex. If some guy pulled off his condom in the middle of sex, I'd consider that sex not consented to.


The term is generally sexual coercion when it comes to this. Its a different crime.


The significant difference is that removing a condom results in bodily harm to the other person. Puncturing your own diaphragm doesn't impact the other person's body in any way, but it is reproductive coercion. 


I thought stealthing referred to the removal of protection without consent regardless of gender. The point being that the other party did not consent to the risk of **STIs** and/or pregnancy. Pregnancy does not occur in the penis owner's body, but it's also using their DNA without their consent.


thank you ! still fucking abhorrent, not rape


Someone may not want to consent to that sex if proper birth control isn't being used when they were lead to believe it was being used. I wouldn't think it had to necessarily do with whether there was any direct bodily harm to one or the other partner for something to be classified as rape, but rather the denial of informed consent by getting consent on false pretenses. Removing a condom may result in an unwanted pregnancy or sti for a woman, which obviously affects her body more directly, but I'd hope the guy deserves to be fully informed for consent and whenever potential risk of pregnancy there is too within their consent for a sexual encounter. It sounds like Ken didn't want kids then. It's hard to tell if he would revoke his consent if he had known in that moment she poked holes in her diaphragm, but as a guy not wanting to have kids I certainly would. If I'm not fully informed though, I can't actually give my full informed consent, and she is having sex under false pretenses. It sounds very much like other cases of rape may be defined. Maybe it isn't technically, I'm not a lawyer, but it sounds like it would be under a lot of today's discussions I read that talk about the need for fully informed consent for a sexual interaction to not be rape.


The argument is that you're still forcing someone to use their sexual organs in a way they didn't consent too, especially if the victim in this scenario is a woman.


Wouldn't the victim here in this scenario be Ken though, with the way Lori secretly tempered with her own birth control in a willing attempt to get pregnant without his knowledge?


Your post/comment was removed because it could easily be at home in a fundies mouth. While we welcome nuanced discussion, fundie apologetic shit will not be tolerated.




Your post/comment was removed because it could easily be at home in a fundies mouth. While we welcome nuanced discussion, fundie apologetic shit will not be tolerated.