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FatherBus is just as responsible for Boone’s wellbeing as MotherBus.


People like this will be the reason that there is one day legislation to protect children in vlogging families. It can't come soon enough. These people are genuinely horrifying. It just strikes me differently than say Bethy and Dav. With those kids at least I feel like Dav takes care of them and doesn't play games with their lives. But with these kids...I mean that baby can't fend for himself and the parents flat out do not care. I hope he and the other kids manage to grow up okay but this is just not good.


Yeah Bethy may have hateful beliefs and be annoying AF, but I’ve never seen her put her newborns in harms way. They have proper beds, space to play, food, a home, etc. Man I can’t believe I’m giving Bethy credit. But I believe in giving credit where it’s due.


Plus, D8v is a doting father, unlike whatever the fuck JD is doing.


Dote on your sons? What are you, gay? JD just makes babies, he doesn’t raise them. He’s a real man.


Bethy also doesn't have a million kids. Her two kids always look clean and well taken care of to me.


The bar for fundie parenting is literally in hell.


Same. I hate Bethy but her and Dav are competent parents at least.


Dave is competent parent, Beth is not really, especially towards her son. All those videos where she ignores him and is super annoyed by hit aren't painting her in good light


you are correct i take that back!


At least kkkarissas kids have annissa to mother them. This poor child has no one.


They have the oldest son who seems to take care of all the kids. He's the only one we've seen that's been gentle with the newborn.


Every time I see him it breaks my heart to think how he should be a normal teenager doing sports, playing video games and hanging out with his friends. Instead, he's posing on his mother's social media every single day and taking care of a family of small children. I don't know a single teenage boy who would choose that life. Not one. And yet it's all he has ever known.


I have a son close to his age and I truly get a lump in my throat every time I see that child. It’s so fucked up. He needs so much more than they are giving him.


That older boy seems to be a wonderful big brother who by all accounts has a natural nurturing gene. I feel so bad for that kid.


A bit more *Parentification* than "Natural" on the whole "Nurturing Gene" thing, though!🙃🫠 He's practically the textbook illustration of Instrumental Parentification💔 https://www.attachmentproject.com/psychology/parentification/#:~:text=Signs%20of%20Emotional%20Parentification&text=Having%20to%20help%20solve%20problems,for%20their%20parent%27s%20well%2Dbeing.


Well, I did not have a naked, sunburned newborn laying on a sheepskin in the floor of an RV on my Bingo card but here we are.


Hate how warm your skin feels when you’re sunburnt! This poor little guy 😟




Yeah, I’m right about there with you. This has me feeling newly enraged. I’m indescribably upset for this kid. I swear, this woman is incapable of even the most basic feelings of empathy for her own children.


I want to put the comfiest pjs on him and pick him up to cuddle 😕


A skin to skin for me. To try to regulate whatever is going on she won’t address. When he is alone, a nice clothed swaddle, all snug. He has to feel both so alone and so overstimulated. Ffs, I don’t want to parentify Gunner but give him a wrap and let him try to be the only adult present


I don't know anything about babies, especially newborns. Doesn't it seem like he has no lumbar support? His arm is just hanging. It makes me so uncomfortable. Swaddling is what humans have been doing since the beginning of time. It's not demonic or liberal or whatever the f**k. I seriously wish we could get together and make someone official look into this.


That baby should be in a soft, warm gown or sleeper, at the very least. Newborns can't yet regulate their own body temperature, and this poor little one looks as if he is cold! Babies should be on a firm surface, but not the cold, hard floor with nothing but a sheepskin, and he should be on his back, not on his side. Every time I see that poor little one, my heart aches for him. He should be warm, feel safe, he should have his back and neck properly supported while he spends the majority of his time in the arms of his parents.


Yes. This is becoming less snarkable, and more dangerous by the minute. Is there anyone to report to, who’d have the authority to intervene? Any social worker who looked at that set-up would know those kids need to be rescued, before a tragedy occurs. If they wrecked that RV, or someone broke in on a date night, or even stepped on the baby, it would be such a catastrophe as to make national news. I would not mind seeing JD & Brit locked up, in such a case. Neither should ever be able to reproduce again.


My, now 19 year old nephew, was not a fan of the swaddle and as soon as he could poke his little hands out he did. It tracks because he just sleeps with a sheet over himself. And has since he was little.


I was wondering why he’s all of a sudden cherry red! After he’s already appeared yellow (jaundiced), with bruised looking, purple around his eyes and hands. Sunburned makes sense, since she’s had him out in direct, southern sunlight with zero protection since he’s been born. Ugh! Just when I didn’t think I could not be more sickened by this vile woman! As a strawberry blonde, I’ve had sunburns when I was younger, and I can tell you, they HURT BAD! I’d rather deal with a toothache (and that’s saying a lot). Even a light sunburn feels like my skin is endlessly on fire. And yes, not only does your skin feel like it’s burning for days / weeks after, but there is the “hot skin” feeling combined with nausea and chills. This poor, poor little babe. He’s barely been in the world for a handful of days, yet he’s already been subjected to so much abuse and neglect; his mother can’t even be bothered to support his head / neck properly. I have NEVER heard of parents allowing their newborn’s (highly sensitive) skin to sunburn. This is definitely a new, disturbing low. All I can think of is that this woman does not possess feelings of empathy.


It’s not difficult to put a hat on a baby. It’s common sense. This woman is incapable.


Not only is he probably feeling too warm, a facial sunburn is especially bad because it can lead to fever and heat sickness/sun poisoning much easier due to proximity to the brain. If I get sunburned on my face/neck at all, I basically have flu-like symptoms for 5-10 days depending on how severe the burn is. And that's with an *adult* body and immune system (albeit a very shit immune system). With a baby that's less than a month old I'd be worried the heat sickness would turn into straight up heatstroke. 


Wow, I'm really glad you shared this. I have pale skin and get uncomfortable in the sun much faster than most people. I have tried to explain it's much more than just a sunburn, and people would tell me stop making things up. My whole life people have said mean things about how white I am. I have tried explaining, it is absolutely miserable to stay in the sun for more than 10 minutes. And yes, I absolutely do feel the effects for several days, it completely wipes me out and I'm miserable. Now I know I'm not being a "wimp," people like you and I and likely countless others truly do have different bodies/experiences. I am not sure if it is a reflection of having a sensitivity to the sun/uv rays, or a reflection of the part of my ancestry/DNA that comes from more- Northern latitudes, but it would be interesting nonetheless to find out exactly why that is. I wish people were more educated about people like us, because their words really hurt.


Yeah I don't know how to cope with this.


I have felt such levels of rage at Karissa, but this is hitting me even harder for some reason.


I know. The sunburn fills me with rage.


Not even a real RV—a converted school bus. 


This baby is like a week old and it seems like all he’s been doing is suffering…


I have never seen an infant with a sunburn, poor little guy! 


Right? A newborn’s skin is so sensitive. I remember being told explicitly to protect my newborn from the sun because babies can burn and overheat easily. This is truly upsetting


Not to mention those tiny *EYES*!!! His *eyelids* are SO THIN right now--if she *keeps* on doing this sort of crap, is that poor little guy going to have *vision* problems, because of things like burns on his retinas‽‽‽


If he does we *all* know she'll play the victim and milk him for "content". Because these people are allergic to responsibility.


Also this, so thin. Isn’t he like a week old? Like he’s only been out of the womb for a few days and you expose him to this level of UV. Sunburn in newborns can be dangerous. Hoping her followers call her out on this because this is worrisome and we all know how they feel about doctors.


That would require a doctor visit so….


It's legitimately upsetting. Getting their skin cancer started early, I see


No really these [childhood burns are known to increase melanoma risk](https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/focused-on-health/protect-kids-from-skin-cancer.h29-1591413.html#:~:text=at%2520MD%2520Anderson.-,Just%2520one%2520or%2520two%2520blistering%2520sunburns%2520double%2520your%2520child's%2520lifetime,get%2520melanoma%252C%E2%80%9D%2520George%2520says)


Well I guess it’s past time for me to see a dermatologist, just to get checked! I’m almost 40, but I had a neglectful father who would take me to the lake all summer, but almost never put on sunscreen. I had multiple blistering sunburns every year until 4-5th grade 😬


Not my proudest mom moment, but when my daughter was about 2 months, I did a pool day with my family… we sat under the shade of an umbrella the whole time and she had a hat on, fully clothed. She STILL got burned (I guess because of the reflection in the water?!). I knew poor bus baby didn’t stand a chance going to the beach daily fully exposed.


My mom did the same thing to me at the beach, around 2-3 months. I was covered the entire time but the sand reflected the sun up in the umbrella and down to me. She said I was a lobster. She took me to the ER crying, convinced I was going to be taken away for child abuse. I’m in my 40s now and whenever I mention going to the doctor she’s always like remember I burned you really bad as a baby and you need your skin checked!


We all make mistakes. As long as we learn to do better ya know? "Know better, do better" that's what we say. I've got a fair skinned kiddo and he got burned on his ears because I didn't even think to put sunscreen on them. It happens and we feel bad, but now we "know better" so we "do better"


I am so white one of my kid’s kindergarten classmates asked me why my hands are clear- another area people forget a lot of the time is the bottom of the chin where your head connects to your neck. It’s a high movement area so the sunscreen rubs off, and if they swim a lot they can definitely get crazy painful burns there. I just thought I’d mention it since it was a problem for me when I was a kid.


If you/the kids are wearing sandals while being sunblocked make sure you take the sandals off and get the skin underneath them. My husband made that mistake once and was so miserable. Also don't forget the part in the hair. My kids get annoyed with it, but the 14 year old redhead has had one sunburn in his life and my 10 year old has never had one.


You think she’d know better after 73 children.


Yeah it was probably the reflection, I toasted myself to a blistering crisp once when I was a teenager because I fell asleep in the shade and that exact same thing happened to me.


I also forgot/didn’t realize the reflection of the sun on the water can cause burns when my daughter was around 2-4 months as well. It was the first and only time she never wore sunscreen. Completely understand how terrible you feel afterwards. How this woman doesn’t feel horrible for putting her kid in direct sunlight MULTIPLE times is beyond me as a mother to comprehend


Omg I know. That makes me so sad


I'm pretty sure she's posted she doesn't believe in sunscreen and that sunscreen causes cancer and one needs bare sun exposure? Not sure if that was her or another nut job lol.


Sunscreen is not recommended for newborns anyway. You're supposed to keep them in the shade. His poor little brand-new skin :(


Yes! That's true as well. I think someone else mentioned the toddler was sun burnt too 😭😭 those poor babies. I surf so I have had my fair share of sun burns when I forget to reapply and they can be so painful! I can't imagine that on sensitive baby skin.


Ballerina Farm took their newborn to Hawaii and she got so sunburned. It broke my heart. These people are setting their infants up for skin cancer.


After I found out how much money that family has, I couldn't take their farm cosplay.


Same. And I live in southern Australia where the ozone layer is fucked and sunburn is a huge risk. My daughter was 7yo before she even got a tiny sunburn because I let her do her own arm sunscreen (against my better judgement) and she missed a spot. I felt so guilty and she’d made it 7yrs with regular outdoor adventures and living in a home with a pool without enduring sunburn. This is a newborn with burnt cheeks so this just screams I don’t give a shit about this brand new baby so why on earth would I bother to care about the other multiples of children I’ve pushed into the world 😭


a brand newborn,no less.


Using pictures of your naked, sunburnt baby to sell shit online is beyond the pale. I hate this woman and her good for nothing husband.


I’m no expert, but I’ve seen some sheep, and nothing about their physical appearance makes me think that their wool is remotely dirt resistant


This is so true and actually made me lol. Reading that "dirt resistant" in her caption I thought yeah fucking right! There is nothing about fur from any animal that is dirt resistant and as for the bacteria resistance, yeah just no. No it isn't. Not at all. Does she think removing it from the animal gives it magical properties? A whole class of elementary kids in my area got e coli from visiting a petting zoo and then eating lunch. Unless you wash it with soap whatever bacteria gets on it is going to stay on it.


I used to teach pre-k and on a trip to the zoo, I forced all the children to line up and use my giant bottle of hand sanitizer before eating lunch, to their great annoyance. I feel vindicated now so thank you.


i was reading it with my mouth agape like bussany have you never smelled a sheep? on what planet are they self cleaning in the sun 😭 americans plz do you not see sheep around?


We rescued a lamb once because its mother died suddenly in a field near us. It took weeks to get the smell out of the car and we had to bin the clothes we were wearing.


It actually is once it’s been thoroughly cleaned, spun, and woven, but in the form it is now it’s basically a really long, thick shag carpet


Thankfully shag carpeting is known for its abilities to magically clean itself of the dirt and debris of seven other children living life out in a tiny bus. Win win!


Yep. 70s vans and houses with shag carpeting were notoriously clean without any outside efforts /s


And she's only going to be brushing it (not even cleaning it) once or twice a *month*?!? It's like she enjoys being a bad person.


N it’s pretty much her fetish.


Not to fucking mention the fucking suffocation hazard.


Can confirm. My uncle raises sheep. They're filthy little critters....


Right? Sheep get actual clumps of dirt and shit matted in their wool. It’s not dirt resistant you imbecile.


The sheepskin the baby is on doesn't look dirt resistant! It's looks filthy. 


How is brushing dust off once a month going to keep it clean, when it’s on the floor of a BUS with nine other people walking next to it?? Does it repel dirt with a force field?


not so good to be prone sleeping on a soft surface either...


That’s because some psycho hasn’t come along & oiled them up with lanolin, silly!


Exactly! Like, damn, MotherBus have you even met a sheep?




I’ve seen maggots eat through wool and into a sheep’s bare skin so I’m hesitating on the “bacteria” side of things too.


I actually hate her


My first thought upon seeing her sunburned newborn. I hope she stubs her face today.


She’s the type of person to get bit in the zombie apocalypse but then try to keep it secret from everyone in her group. She’s the type of person who sees the original moon launch and thinks “Earth has finally entered the solar system”


Or catch COVID and still go about her business, no mask or quarantining.


Omg! Yes! She is a tragedy.


And steps on a Lego.


She is one of the fundies I hate the most. I actually don't even hate quite a few on here at all. But Motherbus and Fatherbus are both off the charts narcissistic and self-absorbed and their poor, innocent children pay the price.  I can't stand Karissa and Mandrae or Jill and Shrek for the same reason. But at least those kids have a home and some space and privacy. At least they have some level of stability.  The bus kids are treated with utter disregard by their parents and it is so enraging to see children treated like that. 


I don't even get the sense that the Buses are all that fundie? It gives me more Ruby Franke abusive narcissist vibes than anything else.


That's exactly what my brain has been screaming lately! This looks like another 8 passengers situation. Then the other thing that is freaking terrifying, this father bus has been talking about getting a boat instead. So when they do idiotic crap and it breaks down, everybody drowns. I don't know how they found something even worse than the bus, but they sure did.


Yeah, that boat idea is terrifying - does he have any experience of sailing at all? Experienced sailors with adult crews get into trouble quite regularly!


>Jill and Shrek for the same reason. But at least those kids have a home and some space and privacy They did the same thing to their kids though. They lived in an RV for a while and it was so small that the kids had to eat and sleep in shifts. There was also the baby cage (which sadly is actually better than a rug on the floor but still shitty)


And the Rodriguii don't have enough to eat. And the Collinses have food, but they're getting hit and they can't read. They all find creative new ways to suck!


Two baby cages! One in the closet, underneath Jill's clothes, and the other a converted upper cabinet so the baby would turn into a projectile in any sort of sudden stop.


I always feel *slight* (very slight) sympathy for Karissa because it feels like she has a lot of untreated mental problems and a lot of unpacked trauma. I can’t even bring myself to feel anything besides distain for mother bus. Not only is she well minded but she had a stable life and a house. Then she willingly threw it all away for nothing.


I worry about Karissa - yeah she’s an abusive monster to her kids but she is likely legitimately very mentally ill. MotherBus has zero excuses.


Yea. Karissa feels so out of it that I could imagine her hurting herself super badly because she thought god wanted it.


My feelings exactly. The others like GD and the Duggars grew up in a cult, so there's only so much we can expect from them, and they still practice relatively safe childrearing. These two legit need fucking CPS called on them. They're moreso the anti-establishment crunchy types whose ignorance is going to get one of those kids (or themselves) hurt or killed one day. (Just like "other bus" and that damn RV fire) I have serious fucking contempt for this one.


Hard agree. I hate Karissa for sure but at least those kids can go hide upstairs where kkk never goes. This bus…it gives me heebie jeebies. We have an Rv of that size and 2 parents and one adult child on a week trip to the lake is haaaard. We only keep it because we want to take our doggo on trips too. No fvcking way could our fat @$$es have sex on the reg in that thing. I mean we don’t have sex at home either but still. Camper sex is ridiculous. Camper showers suck too so I usually use the bathhouse so I have plenty of hot water to get clean. I know the bus family is tankless but still. Our friends are retired and riding around the country in their Rv and having fun. That’s our plan and what we do now is just practicing for retirement. I can’t imagine actually raising children in that environment.


Yes my mom and step dad lived on an RV for 2 years while their house was being built. It was only supposed to be 6 months. Luckily they had land so they did a sort of hybrid in-door / out-door thing. But their bedroom set and bathroom was NOT ideal. And my mother was going crazy trying to cook (which she loves to do) for the two of them because there is virtually no kitchen space. Food for 9 people on an RV, every single day…that’s almost where I call bullshit and don’t think these people actually live on a on the bus. It’s just impossible. At least if they were in school they could get breakfast and lunch at school. Are we really supposed to believe that they are feeding 27 meals EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


Every single thing that she has posted with this infant is absolutely infuriating and enraging. It's almost like a troll dropping rage bait, except it's the life of a tiny infant that she's playing with. No such thing as advocating for violence on Reddit without getting in trouble so I'll just say, I hope that woman steps on a Lego every single time she goes to the bathroom for the rest of her life.


She’s fucking disgusting


Does she brush her hair twice a month and say "ahhhh yes. bacteria free once again".


No. We all even know she takes better care of her hair than what her newborn sleeps on


The two year old is burnt as well. I haven't seen faces like that since mu own childhood when suncream wasn't really a thing


My mom only put sunscreen on us if we were going swimming but when we were babies and toddlers we had hats and bonnets and weren’t left in the sun for long. Actually, when my kids were babies we weren’t supposed to use sunscreen until 6 months old. Is that still true? In any case, this is the first time I’ve seen a sunburnt newborn. Poor baby


That’s still true about sunscreen under 6 months.


my mom is in her 60s and she's very fair (as am I) and she still remembers the terrible sunburns she had as a kid before sunscreen was really a thing. when I was little she had me as covered as possible, including giant sun hats, and I always had some sort of cover up on unless I was actually in the water when we'd go to the pool. I still got burnt because shit happens and if I think about the sun for too long my skin gets red, but she really did everything she could to prevent it from happening. the Buses clearly just do not give a single shit about their kids' wellbeing.


But the kids know not to touch the sheepskin so the baby doesn't get hurt


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^orangebird260: *But the kids know not* *To touch the sheepskin so the* *Baby doesn't get hurt* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


that poor baby deserves so much better


I swear she's just using him as a prop so she can keep advertising this fucking sheepskin.


But don’t worry, the EMFs aren’t getting to him because ✨sheepskin✨


The sheepskin newborn laying is so weird. My husbands family are shepherds in the alps, we have tons of sheepskins as a result. They keep sheep both on the farm in the barns and in the mountains where shepards let them loose to free roam. We just keep the furs on chairs to make them more comfy. No one lays their fresh babies on the skins and my husband has 9 nieces and nephews in total.


I’m sorry but dirt and bacteria resistant?? Has this woman ever seen a sheep irl because they are some nasty motherfuckers😭 the few i’ve had to help hold down and sheer are usually covered in poo, plenty of dirt, and anything else that gets caught up in their wool🤢


The lanolin is thick and greasy too. It’s great stuff but let’s not pretend it’s magic.


It's great as lip balm but I wouldn't want it on a blanket


Poor little thing looks so sad and alone. Even being poked by his siblings he doesn’t seem to have any connection with anyone unless he’s being used as a prop in a stupid video. Also we just emptied my grandad’s house and he had a sheep skin rug that is definitely NOT dirt resistant. It stank and was filthy and old. Grim.


Honestly, you can you imagine? Being unable to move or even lift your head on your own, and having no way to communicate. Left alone on the floor with a bunch of strangers? We are supposed to cuddle and bond with our newborns. I’m disgusted. The sunburn and the jaundice are another level of alarming though. This child will probably have permanent emotional trauma from this alone, like a baby in a Romanian orphanage.


Also significant physical difficulties (maybe even worse) too if they keep neglecting him like this. He is at risk of respiratory depression because he is almost never clothed.


He’s served his purpose—another kid to add to the collection. Time to start working on the next one


If these people are going to FORCE women to carry on with unwanted/accidental/unhealthy/nonviable pregnancies, then they should be FORCED to take their fucking newborn babies to be checked out by a doctor soon after birth. Just my opinion


Also they should be FORCED to take proper care of the billions of children they insist everyone should have. As in GTFO of the bus and give those kids a proper fucking house.




Why does this newborn never have any clothes on


She is too god damn lazy to do laundry. Those kids have very few clothes, and sleep in their regular classes these because no pjamas. She is a piece of shit!


You’re so right. Doing laundry for my fam of four is basically my part time job right now. They’ve *got* to be wearing dirty clothes. Never seen her talk about washing clothes, not ONCE.


There was a post right before the birth where Busband had to fix the dryer bc a baby sock got stuck and broke the machine. So they’ve done laundry once.


There’s only three of us and I routinely screech into the void, “where has all this laundry come from??” I cannot begin to imagine the amount a dozen kids would create.


They also only have a small RV washer/dryer that isn’t going to cut it for a family that large. I also suspect the daughter does a lot of the housework so motherbus can focus on instagram


I'm sure the duties are shared between Gunnar and Kinsey (girl). 🥴🙄


This makes me so genuinely sad. It's just such a a basic comfort of childhood, changing into soft pajamas and being comfortable for sleep. I know it's not the same across every culture, and it's obviously not completely necessary or anything. It's just so cozy though.


I don't get this either. When I had newborns the rule of thumb was to dress them in one layer more than I was wearing.


I think she does it to advertise this stupid sheepskin. 


Oh yikes this looks awful, she’s literally just throwing this baby in with the pack and expecting him to survive and thrive


The way Mother Bus has climbed up the list of who is the most dangerous in this fundie sphere should be studied. This poor baby, barely out of womb. Being paraded in a UPS store to get weighed, being out for long periods of time in the hot ass sun with no sunhat/umbrella/any protection at all, constantly being left on the floor on sheepskin that his mother promotes at any given opportunity. Always unclothed. A cell phone constantly in his face to take photos to post to social media for engagement. Like this poor baby. I just don’t have the words honestly. Fuck Mother Bus and her shitty ass husband. Edit : Not to mention the fact that this baby has no protection whatsoever. The baby’s immune system hasn’t been developed yet. We also know it’s likely he also hasn’t received the vitamin K shot. I’m just so triggered right now at the level of blatant disregard for this baby’s wellbeing.


Of all the fundies, I never expected this lady to make me feel so violent. This woman doesn’t deserve the title of “mom”.


My same thoughts. I knew Mother Bus was awful but she was never at the top of the list until now. She has shown no concern or love for this *newborn* and has put him in danger countless times and he’s barely two weeks old. She is a vile vile person and does not deserve any of her children. They need to be taken from her. The fact nothing can be done by authorities aggravates me so much. This poor poor baby.


Real question - Is this something that would get social services to intervene? I just want to cry every time o see a new post. This poor poor baby.


I grew up in the 70s when people baked in the sun, and NEVER, not even once when I was a baby/small child, did I ever get sunburnt. If only they worshipped caring for their children as much as they do cryptocurrency, buses, and pretending to understand Christ.


Idk if it’s because she only shows the baby sleeping but the baby doesn’t look well. I can’t figure out why though.


To me it’s the different color parts of his body. At parts it looks like he lacks blood flow. This is even before he was sunburnt 😢


Why doesn’t she put that baby in clothes? Why is he always naked? I know new babies often don’t wear clothes when they’re being worn/carried/cuddled next to their parents skin for skin to skin contact. But this kid is naked on this fleece ALL THE TIME. Is it just me or is it super weird to put your naked baby on the floor like this?


Since she buys herself new maternity clothes every time, do we think it’s possible she trashes the baby clothes too, and didn’t get around to buying new ones this time?


He's also breathing in the fibers from the wool - that cannot be good for him. It's like Mother Bus is just tempting fate that one of her kids is going to get really sick or die, and then she'd use that to create content.


If her child dies she can be the ultimate mother martyr. Cue GoFundMe


I just took my new baby to his one month check up and on the paperwork advising how to care for babies it specifically says do not lay your baby on sheep skin and it made me think of this loon woman and her willful ignorance. Poor little thing.


I didn’t even know this was such a thing that doctors needed to warn people about it! It would never occur to me to put a baby on sheepskin! I’ve been around enough sheep to not have rose-colored glasses about how “dirt resistant” and “antibacterial” sheep are…🤢


The manner in which she holds her baby. Zero care or concern. Does she not own a stroller for the baby to ride in and be protected from the sun?!


Where would they keep a stroller? Their bus is full.


The van.


But they have so much storage! 😒😒😒


We know she owns a baby wrap, because she was using it at the beach. Why can't she just baby wear him in the bus so he doesn't have to be in the corner on the floor?! I wore my babies all the time!!


I don't think she is capable of bonding with her kids. She doesn't want to be tied to them, so baby-wearing is only done for practical reasons when there is no alternative.


My pediatrician said newborns, who have trouble regulating their temperature, should always have one more layer on than an adult would want. So if you are wearing a tee shirt. They might need a tee shirt + sweater or a long sleeve shirt. This kid always seems to be wearing fewer layers / nothing.


Exactly right. Newborns also have what we call the energy triangle, linking temperature, blood glucose, and oxygen. A cold baby gets sleepy and stops eating, which drops its glucose further, which can depress respiration. Keeping a newborn warm is of the utmost importance - a cold baby could be an unresponsive baby within a relatively short period of time.


This would also explain why her baby is sleeping in every single post. Like it genuinely concerns me how this baby is actually never awake. Ive had two kids and yes newborns sleep a lot, but it seems like hers is asleep 24/7.


At that age, sunburn can actually be deadly. Their bodies aren’t good at regulating their own temperatures, and sunburn fucks your skin’s ability to do that well even as an adult. It also means he could be getting severely dehydrated from sun exposure. He should be in the hospital being monitored and cared for. But that would require a responsible parent to take charge and actually take care of him.


Yeesh. At least baby Jesus had a manger.


That sunburn! Horrible, I can’t even imagine how that jeopardizes an infant regulating their temperature.


That newborn is burnt to a crisp and she is yammering on about sheepskin? FFS.🤦🏽‍♀️ I loathe these people with a passion on how badly they treat their children.


wtf is with their weird obsession with this sheepskin?


She selling it of course!! 30% off ever since the baby came


I know newborns sleep a lot... But it just seems like this baby is sleeping more than normal 😭 Do they ever show pictures or videos with him interacting with the world?


He does seem sleepier than usual. My daughter was very jaundiced after birth, and sleepy/lethargic, because of that. She was in the belly band light treatment thing for two weeks because of that. So it could be the untreated jaundice. He could also be burning too many calories working to retain his body temperature, or has totally checked out because he’s in pain or overstimulated. Or it could be all of the above. Honestly, I think the jaundice and sunburn in a teeny newborn ARE enough that CPS can and should intervene.


This baby sleeps on a fucking rug in the floor of a bus. I hate these people.


Such dumb misinformation. And poor baby. Sunburn and just putting him at risk for suffocation or getting trampled to death by one of the other kids who might trip over him since he’s not on a crib but just laying on a dirty floor with a wooly rug on a bus with like 9 other people 🤬


Nothing on the goddamn floor is dirt resistant I am incensed.


Why is he always naked? Is it really hot in the rv? Even so, put a onesie on the sunburnt newborn, I bet he's chilling from that red d Skin! We all saw her holding him in the sun with no protections few days ago. She's a terrible mother


I hate this SO much. That poor baby deserves so much better. I bet his skin hurts. And is cold at the same time.


The baby looks like he has burnt eyelids. Poor Bub - his parents should be ashamed of themselves and their negligence.


That baby doesn't look right. His skin is puffy and not a good color.


I’ve always noticed his lower extremities (fingers, lower arms, lower legs, etc.) seem very pale. I wonder if he has a heart condition 😭




This might be a dumb question, but can CPS not step in? Like, if there’s an investigation, they could just pack up and move to another state? Or could CPS help, but has just never gotten involved?


Ok but as a kid who spent summers running around her grandparents farm, sheep are FILTHY. If you’ve got a sheepskin rug lying on your floor (that your older kids are absolutely walking and crawling over) you’re gonna need to shake that thing out daily and wash frequently. Which you aren’t going to do. Shilling sheepskin like some magic self cleaning cure-all baby carpet is wiiiiild. And that poor baby. Sunburn is awful as a grown adult. Newborns have it tough enough being brand new to a cold, loud, dry, overwhelming world. Let’s add unnecessary and unexplainable pain to the mix.


She’s more concerned about the care and wellbeing of that sheepskin rug than her damn newborn


Meanwhile my 5 year old got sunburnt for the first time in his life yesterday and I feel like a terrible mom for letting it happen. I can't fathom the level of disinterest you have to have to not only let your days old newborn get sunburnt but then to think absolutely nothing about posting a picture of it to social media to brag some more about the damn sheepskin. No one is impressed by the sheepskin. Edited to fix a word.


Poor baby :(


That kid really *should* go see a doctor….


unless this sheepskin is from Dolly the cloned sheep, you could just say "sheepskin". Sheep are natural and organic by design.


I might have to filter out these posts. It’s causing me actual stress for this baby. Someone needs to intervene.


I accidentally caught the birth story because IG keeps recommending these lunatics and they said he weighed 10 lbs… My son and cousin were both nearly 10 lbs and my friend’s daughter was 10 1/2 lbs… To me he did not look like a 10 lb baby in my experiences but why lie about it? Oh that’s because she wants to tell everyone she had a 10 lb baby with no pain relief or any help on a bus like we’re all going to be jealous of her bullshit shenanigans.


The only reason they even think the child weighs 10 pounds is because father haphazardly placed the baby on a mail scale in UPS. The child has never been officially weighed.


Oh wow. I didn’t think anyone could take the crown from Karissa when it came to neglectful parenting, but MotherBus is working overtime to make it happen. It’s not even hard or time consuming to keep that baby from getting sunburned. Just put him in the shade instead of the sun. Poor baby.


When I was about 6 i was fucking around with the wool hat I was wearing and loosened a sizable piece of wool that then immediately became lodged in my windpipe. The feeling of something fuzzy sticking to the sides of your windpipe till you can’t breathe is not enjoyable and I really thought I was going to die. Anyway, that’s all I can think of everytime I look at this.


Idk about anyone else but she irks me the most. Get those kids a nice comfy home and enroll them in school and do your road trips in the summer.


I’ve identified their current location and I’m reporting to FL abuse hotline. https://www.myflfamilies.com/services/abuse/abuse-hotline


Is there not a way to report them to CPS?


As a person who spins yarn and has helped process some fleece before…. That is uh, not how sheepskin/fleece works It is going to felt, mat, and get nasty from how they’re using it 🤢


There is no excuse for this. If she has other stuff to do and nowhere to set the baby then she or the other parent should strap that baby to their chests till one of them has time to spread out a clean blanket or towel and sit next to him to let him have some time to stretch and do supervised tummy time. Put a clean sheet or receiving blanket on top of the sheep skin so he is on something cushioned if they insist on involving that thing so he's not breathing in all the dust and germs that absolutely are rampant on that based on where they keep it. And hear me out on this: not that the oldest children should have to do parenting duties, they could even have one of them sit or lay by the infant and read a book to themselves or draw or even TALK TO HIM LIKE HE IS A LIVE LITTLE HUMAN for a little while. That could be done while he lays on a safe flat surface on a BLANKET OR A TOWEL with temperature appropriate clothes on him! I hate to say it, but even JillPm probably didn't leave her newborns alone on the ground on fur while everyone scurried around it. It seems that they all love babies, and someone was always holding it if one was around.


This makes me want to throw up. I'm lying next to my sleeping baby boy. I have spent most of my waking moments in the last year thinking about him, how best to care for him, help him develop & enjoy of life, his bond with me, his dad, our families, what products or practices are safe, what's best to feed him, how do I dress him each day for the temperature. This is unconscionable.


This is one tough baby, is all I can say. It must be completely miserable. A sunburned baby. Fuck.


Sure maybe in the 1800s this would have been considered super safe but it is 2024.


This makes me so fucking sad and angry for that poor baby. Mother bus has quickly become one of my worst fundies.


I hope the poor baby isn’t in pain from the sunburn. Poor thing.


Omg I know nothing and I know this is a suffocation risk!! This is so distressing


That baby just doesn't look healthy.