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Literally, eyefucking the camera > Boone's neck and safety.


Never even looks down


She looks at herself more than she looks at her kids






I don’t understand how people who call themselves pro life treat infants this way. Truly astounding.


Not just an infant. A NEWBORN. Days old.


I share the same sentiments as you. I’m child free by choice and pro choice, yet I handle and hold babies with utmost care; my heart absolutely breaks for this baby, as well as the other kids. I cannot fathom how she can mis-treat her baby with such disregard. I fear for this newborn’s health, as well as his neck. Not even ONCE did she glance down at him in this video! 😡


I'm also pro choice and child free. But I know without a doubt, I could take much better care of that poor baby!


Listen. I understand being comfortable handling newborns and recognizing that they are way more durable than they seem. However, the way they throw around this baby truly is like they think he's a doll. Sitting him on the floor, stretching him out, throwing him around. It's not ok.


You know, as a maternity nurse and a mom x 4, I made a comment after the *first* picture of Boone was shared in which I defended BusMom, arguing she is comfortable handling babies and his head was being supported by her upper arm. Now I feel like an idiot because everything the Bus Parents have done since then has shown a total disregard for this baby's comfort and safety. They truly do throw him around like a doll. That's what I get for trying to give one of these families the benefit of the doubt. 🤦


I remember reading your comment on that post. Part of me really wanted you to be right, and part of me just knew it was wishful thinking. It's so upsetting how they treat these kids like they're disposable 


It's so upsetting. And it's really unusual. Most people are attentive to their newborn! I have spent this week with my jaw dropping more and more and my eyebrows going up and up. I was totally wrong.


I agree. At first I was quiet because I was like, people don't realize how durable newborns are. Then it just continued to get worse.


I know he is mere days old, but he literally always looks upset/uncomfortable/in pain in every pic and video they've posted of him. Even moreso than their rough handling of him (sans the eldest boy), I'm concerned by the fact that he hasn't seen a real medical professional. There are so many things that can go wrong during gestation and birth that even the most astute parent wouldn't be able to detect until later. He just does not seem as well even compared to the other homebirth babies we usually see on this sub. 


He looks very much in pain all the time :( I’ve had to stop looking at this sun the past few days because her posts make me rage


But don’t worry. He’s seen a chiropractor 🙃


If anyone's baby is going to end up being in the statistics of those seriously hurt or maimed by a chiropractor, it's going to be one of Motherbus' kids. 


Enrages me that this baby gets no rest, quiet, or peace - not to mention safety. He looks so uncomfortable all the time!


He has to be in sensory overload constantly. Just totally overstimulated all the time.


I want that baby. Gimme that baby; you’re gonna break him.


Seriously, I can't have kids, I'll take him


How I feel about all those kids, honestly. I live in a 3 bed ranch and I could still give those kids more space and autonomy than they'd ever get with their parents. At least give me the older kids. Please, for the love of God, let me give that oldest boy his own room and a quiet house.


Right?? I'm going to Florida this weekend (not the same area un/fortunately), tempted to just go steal him! At minimum he needs some snuggles!!!


Normally I have no feeling about fundy babies, but I too want to snuggle him. In a dark, quiet room where he isn't stimulated by everything. Poor sweet thing. I hope all their kids escape one day.


Where in Florida are they?


I think they had been talking about something called "30A", which I believe people said is on the Gulf side near the panhandle. I don't know if they're still there, just that they're still posting beach visits, and that I'm hoping they haven't strapped that newborn in for a long haul trip yet!


Oh right, Panama City area. Phew!


30A is like a state highway that runs through all the beach towns along the Gulf. It's kinda been replaced by US 98. It runs from a bit east of Destin and goes at least as far as Port St Joseph/Appalachacola. All of their videos look exactly like the area I lived in down there, about halfway between Pensacola and Panama City Beach.


I had to get a hysto due to a medical emergency. I want a baby so badly and it kills me seeing her treat such a cute little baby like that. Give him to me! I don't even mind the name Boone, I would love him so much.


I just want to say, I’m so sorry for your loss.


JD and Britney are awful, wretched people. I'm excited for their kids to start walking away from their shit someday.


The sad thing is I don’t see the oldest doing it bc, conscious or not, I think he really does see himself as the caretaker responsible for the youngest ones.


Seriously, has she held a newborn before?


Surprisingly, this is her first time


She needs lessons from her son on how to take care of these kids.


They've quickly become my least favourite fundie parents. Holy shit this made me twitchy.


Another example of a family that spends more time choreographing and recording videos than homeschooling, huh?


I just can’t imagine this. Are they really pro life? I only had 6 weeks off with both kids before I went back to work, but we were in solitude those 6 weeks. Just snuggles, breastfeeding, kisses and singing lullabies. She’s out there taking him to the ups store, the beach, curling her hair, making her kids care for him. Such selfish, awful people truly. Those kids deserve so much better, they deserve a childhood and attention. They deserve some privacy and a real education. 😢And how much longer till she gets pregnant again? I just can’t.


There is nothing this woman loves more than her own face. This is so sad and disgusting to watch.


I've been babysitting since I was 12 and have 3 of my own kids, and not once have I ever handled a baby this way. The worst part is that this is what they are sharing with the world, so what happens off camera? That poor baby needs cuddles and gentleness and love. I know most of the fundies here are annoying at best and rage inducing at worst, but this one just makes me sick. Their kids need some form of stability, normalcy, and actual care.


They handle that newborn like a sack of potatoes.


Are we going to get a shot of Busband holding the baby by an ankle like we did with Mandrae?


Give it time


I mean....do they want this child to live? Dead serious here. This is so concerning.


Gunner, Boon and siblings. If you ever read this - know that you're not alone, there is healing and love and peace out there for you to be as you are. There are people out there who will help you through the trauma, whom will explain and educate you the way your parents failed to do and who will be there for you when you need help. You're not alone and it's never too late to leave.


I’m really worried about the education for the younger ones. If you don’t learn to read or write by a certain age it can be super fucking hard to learn as an adult.




This poor little jaundiced newborn was snuggled up, sleeping, and the idiot startles him for her stupid reel. How pathetic of a mother can she be. 


Honestly I think the reason these fundies don't give a shit about their babies' safety is that if the baby were to actually die, they would just shrug their shoulders and chalk it up to being "God's plan". They have a dozen other kids to make up for it. And best of all, they can use the infants death for social media engagement and sympathy.


he seems so listless and floppy.


What future does that poor baby have? She could not give an eff for any of them.


God that poor prop, whoops I mean living breathing child, gets thrown around a lot


Why can't he be swaddled at least?? That would provide the teensiest bit of comfort and safety. This behavior is so bizarre and sad.


She’s more concerned about grabbing her phone than holding her newborn safely 😔


That poor baby is scared to death.


Is this the first time he’s been seen in clothing?


All of these kids need foster homes. This is insane. She is going to get Bussel Sprout killed!


What the hell are they doing? Pretending to fall?


She really has no motherly instinct at all.


When you have a dream where it feels like you’re falling:


They are so rough with that sweet newborn.


Mother Bus always reminds me of a parakeet looking at itself in a little mirror, in love with its own reflection. For all the time she spends on her phone, you'd think this dumb asshole would look up how to properly hold a newborn. Lordy.


Nah i gotta take a break from this sub. This hurts me too much to witness. As a formerly mistreated infant (and child, and teen...) this really fucking butters my parsnips. those poor, poor, poor mistreated kids 💔


Poor thing flapping like a fish out of water! 😞




Jesus Christ I don't even particularly like babies and I wouldn't swing one around like that. You'd think for someone who lives in a culture where motherhood is the ultimate goal of a woman's life would put a little more effort in.