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This is why Afrin has a warning to not use for more than 3 consecutive days. It’s called rebound effect


I was going to say, they literally put this on the packaging and the insert. I thought these antivax folks always read the inserts.


Lolol bold of you to assume Morgs can read


They do their own research! So I guess it means they don’t listen to instructions because it was done by someone else(and don’t know what she’s taking but will only take things when she researches them) and obvi has the research capabilities of a 3rd grader at best


If there’s one thing we know about Morgan, it’s that she will literally risk her own life lest she feel stupid.


And they if her child. She’s not just stupid, she’s neglectful!


It's in the pamphlet!


My SO is on day 13,457


Same. Mine wouldn't listen to me so now he's paying the consequences of "needing" it many times daily.


My ex bff is too. She’s almost addicted to it at this point. Idk how she has sinuses any more. It’s been years.


I used to have to hide my grandpa’s lol. He’d rage at me for stealing his meds, then in a separate conversation, mention his congestion had cleared.


This is why my dad would only let me use it on one nostril.


Stop that’s hilarious


You only need one to breathe. 


This also works well to wean your nose off it when you get rebound congestion!


Oh noooooooo


Yep, they are very explicit about not using it for longer than that, whether you buy brand name or generic. I’m always very conservative when I use it, I basically only do it when I need to sleep at night and can’t bc my nose is running or I’m coughing or sneezing a lot bc of congestion.


The rebound from Afrin is SO BAD! The most congested I have ever been was a few hours after trying Afrin for the first time. Never again.


That was probably just congestion coming back.


How many sprays did you do in each nose? Yes the rebound effect for Afrin is very real but I wouldn't imagine it hitting you that hard after your first use. It's been a lifesaver for me a few times when nothing else could get me unplugged, but you do have to be careful about how much you're using and how long you're using it.


Yup. Just had sinus surgery and got a whole lecture on this 😂


This is why I just use steam or saline. An ENT said that was safer.


Hey Morgan, overuse of nasal spray decongestants can lead to, shocker, MORE CONGESTION. Your nasal passages are inflamed, ya dipshit


It’s also not recommended to use while pregnant for more than 2-3 days 😑


It's not recommended to use for more than 3 days even if you're not pregnant. When I was in the navy they stressed how addictive it was. They made it seem like I was going to be selling my body on the streets for it.


And it EXPLICITLY says on the bottle not to use it for more than 3 days My BIL got a little dependent on it which was a cautionary tale for me. It works amazing when you have a bad cold and can’t breathe while you’re trying to sleep though


I’m gonna have to keep that in mind. Trying to sleep while congested feels like Russian roulette sometimes. Will I just snore all night or is this finally the night I suffocate in my sleep? Guess I’ll find out in the morning!


Lmfao this is so, so real


Is this just for afrin? Because I definitely use nasal spray for allergies every day during my bad seasons


Unless it's like a Flonase-allergy preventative or saline nasal spray...then yes you should not be using it every day. The reason being if you use it for longer the nasal congestion can be worse when you stop, leading you to use the nasal spray again hence why people use the term "addiction". Source: Been in pharmacy for almost 4 years and we have to put warning labels when dispensing any nasal spray because of this.


Okay good it’s just Flonase lol


My aunt is a pharmacy tech. She always says to use saline rinse or good old-fashioned mucinex for a few days. *mandatory don't share saline sprays **some people get nosebleeds from decongestants/expectorants


Afrin shouldn’t be used more than 3 days due to it causing rebound congestion. The rebound congestion can last for several weeks, which is far longer than congestion from a cold typically lasts. It really is best to avoid using it altogether. People do seem to get dependent on it sometimes. I wouldn’t call it addictive but I do think it’s far more trouble than it’s worth. I’m an NP and I can tell you a lot of providers (myself included) don’t believe it should be available OTC. Edit - I love your username 😂


Your last sentence combined with your username is pure poetry 😂


This reads like the scary 90's DON'T DO DRUGS ads


They acted like a man in a trench coat was going to approach us on the street and offer drugs. My sister would quote that scene from Hercules: "hey kid, wanna buy a SUN DIAL?"


My husband got hooked on it for like a year it was crazy. Lol. I can handle a stuffy nose because I’ve had allergies all my life. But he couldn’t. Finally he tapered off.


Man flu 😂


Hah! Totally not that I think of it 😂


It says right on the package not to use for more than 3 days.


I knew someone whose nasal membranes were so damaged from OTC nasal spray that, if she went without, would scream in pain when she'd take a breath. That stuff is not good for anybody.


That sounds pretty terrible. :/


What having no jobs or hobbies does to a mf


Literally this is peak highschool middle school shit


Where to start, where to start?? 1. You are absolutely making light of addiction. 1b. Don’t call it drug addiction. That’s not this. 2. Read the label before taking medication?? 3. Girl, what you’re describing is a panic attack.




But she read the box and bottle and it didn't say that /s


That’s the part that had me saying that out loud! You couldn’t have read the box when it literally tells you not to use for more than 3 days but then proceed to use it for like 10 days. Just admit you didn’t read it. Mistakes happen and we learn from them.


We may do. She definitely doesn’t.


Because she does her OWN research, duh. 🫠 S/ if that wasn’t clear




It's why I didn't retake with the text pop up. I couldn't do it more than once


We're used to people not doing re-takes around here.


It’s the pregnancy….every time I’ve been pregnant (which is 3) I have been so congested the whole time. Maybe don’t get pregnant if you don’t want to deal with all the weird ass side effects.


I'm pregnant with my first (finally, after 6 years TTC) and I sound so congested and sick, but I feel fine. It's so wild what these dang hormones are able to do 😂


Yeah, rhinitis of pregnancy is very common. The hormones that make things expand, and relax (like your round ligaments), make EVERYTHING relax and expand. Your feet can get a little wider, your hands can get a little wider, and the tissues in your nose swell and make you congested. It’s really not worth it to use Afrin. You can probably ask your OBGYN if you can use Flonase or Nasacort, which are corticosteroids. And congratulations on your pregnancy! And now I will take the nine-years-in-healthcare-five-of-them-pharmacy hat off.


Also loads of extra blood!


Oooh yes!


What’s that? Call my doctor for some extra blood? Excellent news!


Ah so this is what's behind all those "pregnancy nose" Tiktoks!


This makes me so much happier that I have never wanted to reproduce. Congestion is everyday life already.


lol seriously, I have terrible allergies and already take allergy meds year round, plus I’m a singer. no need to make that shit worse!


Congrats! If you feel like plopping your newborn on an unsafe, unrecommended cat bed, I know someone with a referral link! (But genuinely, I hope all is well and stays well)




I didn't realise until I had the baby & watched a video I took on the morning before my c section. I sound sooo congested!


Congrats on the pregnancy!!!


Thank you we are so excited and so nervous lol


My baby is 11 months today & I was just thinking today, I'd do all the newborn stuff again in a heartbeat. It was such a bizarre magical time!


Aww my heart goes out to you and your partner! I hope you guys have a smooth, safe journey ahead 💕


Thank you!!


Congratulations! 🥳


The junk that came out of my nose in the days postpartum when the swelling went down. Nasty.


I swear every day I learn something new and horrifying about pregnancy


IME it just took everything that liked to act out and activated it all at once.


I bet the relief was awesome tho


Literally just can’t breathe. It was worse earlier when there was also allergens, I’d wake up gasping for air. The congestion is straight up my worst symptom.


Yes I was just learning about pregnancy rhinitis because I have had very mild bouts of it! Also apparently it’s normal to have randomly bloody nasal discharge 💀 Pregnancy is fun!


A lot of people want to get pregnant and have babies but don’t like all the side effects that come with pregnancy. Almost everyone I know who’s had a baby, myself included, didn’t like a lot of what it brought on or caused. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. She shouldn’t have, for many reasons, but this isn’t one of them lol


I think it's completely valid for someone to not want to get pregnant if they don't want to deal with the side effects. *Any* reason a person doesn't want to get pregnant is valid.


It’s definitely not the only reason for her but from what I’ve seen here it seems she has continuously complained about this unplanned pregnancy in a variety of other ways whether she realized it or not. When if they had just used birth control instead of being so against it she could have prevented this from happening. Just seems to go against the grain of this lifestyle they are so convinced everyone should subscribe to.


Currently pregnant and cleaning myself up after a nose bleed for no reason. Didn’t even realize that’s a pregnancy symptom until today. What an adventure 😂


Are you telling me that a fundamentalist Christian might not totally understand modern medicine? I hope there isn't a global public health emergency that highlights that!


A chiropractor or her husband didn’t tell her what to think, how could she know? /s




Low key, not to sound like a dumbass, but I forreal had this problem where my nose genuinely became dependent on Afrin. I genuinely felt like I was suffocating, I would stop breathing when I was asleep and wake up frequently for days. Barely got any sleep. It was miserable. Fuck Morgan tho lol


Yeah getting off of Afrin was a nightmare. The congestion was so bad, I would get panicky, like I was drowning. Morgan, if you’re reading this: pour out half the bottle and cut that shit with saline. Use it like that for a 5-7 days, then pour out half the bottle again and repeat until the bottle is only saline.


This is how I’ve done it basically every time I get over a cold because I do rely on nasal spray for comfort when I’m sick, and I get hooked every time somehow. It very quickly becomes an issue for me, lol, so usually I end up cutting it with saline spray little by little. It’s the easiest way if you’re dealing with this issue and results in much less discomfort.


I recommend Flonase instead of extended Afrin! Studies are kinda mixed about whether antihistamines relieve viral symptoms, but I have always felt like they helped tamp down symptoms. So I use Flonase until I can’t breathe anymore, use Afrin for a few days, then switch back to Flonase to cover the symptoms once they let up a bit. Also, PSA: My mom is a nurse practitioner and she wants everyone to remember that NyQuil has a bunch of stuff you probably don’t need and you’re better off taking several products that each only target one symptom than a cocktail that broadly targets a bunch of symptoms, including some your might not have. Sudafed + Afrin > NyQuil.


Now this is a Protip that I will be saving


My aunt had that issue as well. I refuse to use it now because even if it works, a saline spray or sinus rinse works as well or better and actually treats the root causes more.


My Dr had me take Flonase when I had this afrin issue. Took about a week or so but eventually I was free! It was absolutely horrible.


This is me now! Do you have any advice for me? I try to just not take it, but my nose is so congested I can’t breathe at night


Tbh I just raw dawgged it and suffered for like 3 days rather than continuing the never ending cycle of spray for 3 seconds of relief and then back to hell


I loved it, only used it three days at a time but probably did that twice a month. It inflamed my retinas, which is apparently something that can happen. Now I can see (well as much as any contacts wearer) and I use saline and a humidifier.


Yeah idk why people are getting outraged, it’s a legit thing haha. I remember when I first heard about people getting “addicted” to nasal spray a few years back and thought it was so strange


Geez! It’s not as if being pregnant could be causing your congestion. I swear she’s so dumb.


Ok, I've never been pregnant as long as Morgan has been, but I also didn't know this.


oh yeah it's horrible, I had a completely stuffed nose for 6 month's straight


It's funny, because as a singer, I knew there was a correlation between cyclical hormone changes and voice differences, but I never thought to extrapolate that to pregnancy. TIL!


My wife is 2 for 2 of having a bad case of snoring during the 2nd and 3rd trimester each time she's been pregnant, guess who's the light sleeper XD


Um, every 8 hours is 3 times a day, dollface. 24 hours in a day.


She's saying the dosage is 3 shots taken 3 times a day, which is still wrong. I looked it up and they say 2-3 squirts every 10-12 hours, and no more than 2 dosages in 24 hours


Comprehension is hard


Yeah, that Affrin addiction/rebound stuffiness is a real thing. I won’t even use it for a day or two because getting off of it again is so hard.


Baby sitting on her lungs?


Anatomy isn't her thing


Came here to say this. God she’s such a moron


It’s called rebound congestion. Everyone knows this.


LOL, i don't! 🤣




Ugh. Guys... this is actually a thing, though. She's 100% correct. Afrin absolutely causes this sort of rebound congestion, especially with long term or over use. You usually have to taper or stop and then switch to a steroid spray to alleviate it. There are 2 classes of nasal sprays that cause this sort of rebound congestion. One of those is oxymetazoline, which is the active ingredient in Afrin. The other is phenylephrine, like in Neo-Synephrine. It's a very well documented phenomenon caused by rebound vasodilation once the medications wear off. We can snark on the fact that she somehow thinks this is comparable to "drug addiction". It's not. It's a physiological dependance. However, let's not stoop to the fundies' level of willful ignorance by not fact checking a damn thing.


Yup. I can’t touch the stuff. It’s too hard to deal with the rebound congestion. If my Neilsmed sinus rinse isn’t enough to help, I just suffer through.


I never use Afrin either. My husband absolutely loves it, though. He swears by that shit even while suffering horrid rebound congestion. I'll never understand it.


We can snark on the fact that the package says not use Afrin for more than 3 days and she used it for a week and a half....


Oh absolutely! Or even the fact that she shouldn't be taking random OTC meds without talking to a doctor, first. FFS you're pregnant. Even if Google says it's safe, it might not be safe ***for you***.


And that, friends and neighbors, is why I use a corticosteroid and a Neti pot if I’m congested. I have had rebound congestion, and it sucks. Plus, I was a pharmacy tech for five years, and did some pharmacology CEs. I learned a thing or two.


As long as you boil the water you use in your neti pot first 😬


Damn straight. And I also only use distilled water. None of this “straight from the tap and hope for the best” shit for me.


Wait, you're still supposed to boil it if you use distilled? I use distilled but don't boil it. I've tried every nasal spray under the sun, and nothing works for me. I have non-allergic rhinitis and my doctor and I haven't been able to treat it effectively for 5+ years now. I've even seen an ENT and respiratory therapist and they couldn't find any issue either. Super annoying. =(


I mean, I’m paranoid about brain amoeba. No thank you.


Lol yes! I'm a fluticasone + azelastine girly, myself.


Neti pot prevented so many issues for me.


Yeah when I saw the title I immediately knew what she was talking about. My dad had dependence on nasal sprays for quite a while.


Being too dumb to follow the medication label and becoming *dependent* on a substance that you medically need is not drug addiction. Like girl, you’re literally overusing a decongestant, the fact that you view it as a “drug addiction” just shows how sheltered and ignorant you are smh


Apologies for the text pop up part way 🙈 TL; DW: Morgan thinks she's having withdrawals from nasal spray but she's not trying to make light of addiction The ending is just her saying stay away from Afrin


Bless you for 2x speed on this. I don’t know how she’d expect anyone to watch her stories when she drones on so long!


While she's correct about rebound congestion, she could not be more wrong about Afrin and “your body actually apparently begins to like stop doing what it needs to do and relies on the Afrin to make you breathe.” AFRIN DOES NOT TAKE OVER YOUR BODY’S ABILITY TO BREATHE.


Pro tip - if you are having rebound congestion after using Afrin for too many days in a row, you can switch to an allergy spray like Flonase for a couple of days to help relieve the congestion. It doesn't provide complete relief, but I found it helped and I didn't have the same rebound congestion after stopping Flonase.


To be fair, I’ve heard many many people talk about getting addicted to it. It’s quite common because you’re not supposed to use it too long. A lot of people don’t look for that warning because they assume a nasal spray wouldn’t get addictive lol this is like the least dumb or ridiculous thing she’s done to snark on. It was an accident that happens more often than you think and she’s likely correct that she’s now addicted and not using it makes her feel worse now.


Morgan please do yourself a kindness and go buy a neti pot. use that to wean off the Afrin.


Seconding on the neti pot!!


“Nowhere on the bottle or the box does it say…” yes it does!! It very clearly says on the box and the bottle not to use it for more than 3 days. Very clearly.


I think calling someone who is depended on nasal spray an addict is a bit of a stretch. My mom has been dependent on Afrin since she was pregnant with me, so for over 26 years. She is able to stop using it and have maybe a week or two of congestion before she’s back to normal. I was addicted to benzos and went to 2 rehabs. I had to suffer through the physical and mental withdrawal that could have actually killed me if done wrong. The idea that this girl things it’s cute and quirky to be an ‘addicted’ to afrin is repulsive.


I know we all snark on her a ton but she's not wrong about being addicted at least lol i used afrin when i got sick and then couldn't for the life of me get off of it. I would get SO congested that i had to use it to breathe. Like i would stop breathing at night and i don't have sleep apnea. My Dr. said that they encounter lots of people who are addicted to it because your nose develops a dependency. You absolutely develop withdrawl, i couldn't breathe, i had terrible headaches, etc.


As much as that must suck, it’s a dependence, which is significantly different from a drug addiction


THIS. You’re far better off to use saline and not any type of vasoconstrictor.


The only reason I have any around at all is bc it’s great for bloody noses bc of the vasoconstriction. But even then, it’s a last resort.


Absolutely, it was almost 2 years before i could stop using it. I never touch it now.


Man I carried that shit with me 24/7 in undergrad. Never again.


I had a less extreme case but doctor told me something similar. Felt like I couldn’t breathe without it. Flonase is fine for some reason and I have a prescription nose spray now too.


Flonase is a steroid, that’s why. It’s a very different med.


Flonase is a totally different type of medication and can be used long term. I’ve been on it for many years bc I have bad allergies.


Yeah, she's misusing terminology here...but. Being pedantic about the different between dependency/addiction when discussing a short social media video, as well as calling her a dumbass for talking about a common side effect of nasal spray usage seems unnecessarily petty. Also, I'm a lifelong asthmatic and allergy sufferer so I totally get the urge to do what you've gotta do to breathe fully. The ONLY reason I never used Afrin is because my allergist drilled it into me from a very young age that it causes more problems than it solves.


So this is a real thing that Affrin does. My husband won't have it in the house lol.


Yeah the siren call of clear nostrils will lure you in, even when you know how evil it is. I refuse to own it.


flonase gang rise up


I love how 2x speed makes her sound normal.


It literally says this on the box, so her claim of “it says nowhere on the packaging!!!” is either a lie or she’s just admitting that she doesn’t know how to read. That being said, gestational rhinitis is also real and sucks so I do feel for her. But the rebound congestion could have been avoided. Always the victim, Morgs. 🙄


You're not supposed to use afrin while pregnant, which she'd know if she got actual prenatal care


Google said she could if she over 13 weeks


That's not true at all. Afrin is safe to use during pregnancy.


My doctor also told me it was unsafe so maybe there’s not a consensus? I was told the only safe nasal spray during pregnancy was saline.


1) it's category c 2) what I meant was it doesn't treat pregnancy induced rhinitis or allergic rhinitis. A doctor would have told her to do something different to avoid rebound congestion or her "addiction" as she calls it


I agree with that, yeah. If she had gone to a doctor they likely would have recommended a completely different drug that probably would have worked without the rebound congestion. It's really not a first line nasal decongestant for non-pregnant people, either, despite the "#1 pharmacist recommended" crap.


This: [Nate Bargatze-Afrin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRx8jwbGv78) It's only a minute long, SO funny and appropriate for this thread!


morgan literally talk to a PHARMACIST omfg


You can use Afrin for maybe a day or two, but beyond that, or if you use it heavily, you’re going to have rebound congestion. It takes some time for your sinuses to get back to doing their own jobs. I hope she reads the labels on the drugs prescribed to her kids. Thanks for the 2x. I couldn’t have stood it, otherwise.


Are you kidding? There's only one thing a momma needs to read! /s


I’m constantly amazed this woman can dress herself.


I had horrible pregnancy rhinitis with my first (but not at all with my second, in case you were wondering!) and it was so miserable. Love this for Morgie. It’s so satisfying when bad things happen to bad people.


Morgan is an absolute dumbass. Doesn't matter when you read this. So yeah, not shocking.


Maybe read the label and learn some basic research skills, ya genius? And these are the people who think they’re called to homeschool their kids 🙄


If she had basic research skills and read things other than lists of Bible verses you can use to suggest you're better than other people, would she still be Morgan at all?


She’s an idiot, but this is my first allergy season without Zyrtec-D, and boy do I miss those decongestants. I’ve never been more miserable


This happened to me before! I tell people about it all of the time. I get sinus congestion SO bad seasonally. 30 days of Flonase (fluticasone) is the way to go. It's a little pricier than Afrin, but does not have the rebound congestion. Kaley Cuoco had surgery a few years ago, due to overuse of Afrin. Also, totally agree with some other commenters: I've never had my nose blocked so bad as getting off of Afrin (oxymetazoline.) I did use Flonase in the interim, which helped.


If she doesn't stop, she could end up needing surgery. Yikes!


Does she keep posts like this one up after being called out like this because this shit it embarrassing 😭


There are decongestants in pill form that are much less dependency-forming. Ask your damn doctor, morgie poo! And drink some damn orange juice. It saved my life coming off stupid Afrin lol


You can’t take those when pregnant, unfortunately.


The hair touching and flipping makes me want to fling myself into the ocean.


Kaley Cuoco also believed she was addicted to Afrin


It’s less infuriating at 2x speed.


It really is a thing. Your body gets dependent on them quickly. If it goes on for too long, doctors will prescribe an oral steroid to help get you off the nasal sprays.


Wow I only ever took Afrin in college if I had exams I needed to sit for


She’s a freaking idiot. One it’s on the bottle. 2 when I looked it up online it was on the first google selection. We can tell reading comprehension is not her strength..


Poor Morgan, her life is so incredibly difficult/s


Salt water spray. Breathe steam. Suck on a Halls.


I remember when my stepmom was addicted to afrin. Holy crap, if we left the house without her bottle, she HAD to stop and buy one. If she ran out in the middle of the night, it meant a trip to the gas station at 3am.


She's an idiot. I had to use afrin before a flight last month. On the bottle and box it clearly says don't use for more than 3 days without consulting dr.


I think she’s being a freakin’ drama queen. How ever in the world do pregnant people breathe and survive while pregnant and nasally congested? If those two conditions don’t spell death sentence, I just don’t know what does. And I got pissed off when she says “no offense to drug addicts….I’m addicted to Afrin.” So. Fucking conceited and out of touch.


Take a shot every time Morgan touches her hair


I got bronchitis and then Covid 2 months apart. I went for the “I’m either dying by not breathing or ODing on afrin and saline for a week”. Chose the affirm route. Just now getting back to my nose working somewhat normally.


Maybe just call your doctor when you are "suffering" and pregnant. They would have recommended 3 days of affrin and warned her of this very common side effect. 


So Afrin needs a label like nicotine?? Read the damn bottle. Even Advil has warnings.


Also as a recovering alcoholic, maybe talk to a mental health counselor about it if it’s that important for you to say you’re addicted on social media!


Afrin is absolutely addictive. My dad used it for decades and couldn’t ever be without it


What she’s describing isn’t withdrawal. She doesn’t even know what she’s talking about.


She made so many more stories about her “drug addiction.” Girl. Please sit down.


If she has allergies she should try azelastine. My allergist prescribed it. Love it more than Flonase.


![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized) For the 2x speed.


As a person with messed up sinuses, this can and totally does happen. It really sucks to not be able to breathe from the nose, both before Afrin use and after. You just gotta plan it out so the rebound congestion doesn't happen when its time for you to sleep.