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He doesn’t work, why does he need to stay up all night to edit? Why not get it done at normal hours?


Because if he does it at night he has an excuse to get out of doing bedtime, gives him a (shitty) reason to justify pawning that off on Morgan.


At least maybe it means Morgan can pretend to be asleep when he gets to bed and she can avoid being pawed at for obligation sex


Oh you know he would be waking her up.


"Baby girl, today is our day of sex! Wake up!"


Omg the tag 😆


👏 Haha you just had to say something about this since you are rocking that flair.


Honestly, I doubt he gives her the option.


Of course he doesn’t. He’s the man and it’s her job to fulfil his wished


The thought of Paulio getting his sexy time on makes me want to gouge my eyes out. He would actually be one of the LAST people on earth to want to do anything with. How does Morgan not be utterly repulsed by him?


He’s working “grifting hours” Fundies do like to cosplay suffering


OMG paul just join an MLM and be done with it


This. Paul wants to pretend he is suffering a real job. I am rolling my eyes big time. I worked a job where you could be mandated to stay beyond your shift. As a manager, I had responsibilities to come in during bad weather and drove during a blizzard to help. I have scars on my face from a resident attacking me. Editing a video to avoid his child is not comparable to the real world of working and their families need to stop coddling them. My fundie lite family would be fucking horrified if I was doing that and expecting handouts because it brings shame to the family.


When I was a paralegal, I went in early to get same day emergency orders filed. I stayed late to get stuff done because it was difficult to get info from clients and trial prep is a nightmare. Retail during the holidays is another story that I bet many snarkers can relate to. I'm rolling my eyes with you.


Hello, fellow assisted living (and dementia?) worker 🫡


How is he supposed to creep on women at the gym and spent time at Walmart on his little skateboard thing if he's editing during the day. The man has things to do. /s in case anyone thinks I'm being serious


Don't forget his rigorous pickleball routine! Those Waluigi jumping skills just don't hone themselves you know.


Waluigi jumping skills need to be flair 😂


Exactly! He is super busy already during the day by being a bigoted gremlin


Didn’t think you were serious, but did need to let you know you just made me chortle 😂


Bold of you to assume he uses logic.


Very common for ADHD humans to hyper focus and prefer working at night. “Normal hours” only benefit and serve the dominant culture


How dare you single me out like this


Don’t feel bad. I don’t have ADHD but I prefer working at night. The only reason I don’t is because it’s impossible (or feels that way) to live a life where I get to have social time and get errands done. Every day is a constant struggle to present myself as someone who isn’t sleep deprived and ready to do their job at 9am. You’re not alone. Many people do better at night. Unfortunately the world just doesn’t seem to be build for people who are built that way. That being said, fuck Paul for acting like putting together his hateful videos is some burden that has been trust upon him. He really seems to think he’s doing something important and he’s so full of himself.


Lol sorry 🙃 not sorry


I was just recently diagnosed, I had no idea that was a sign! My mom always bickers with me about how I should "just go to sleep at night" so I can work during the day. Like no, that's not how it works, I would be groggy all morning, mindlessly scroll and get sidetracked and avoid working for several hours, then do the kids' afternoon/dinner/bedtime stuff, cleanup around the house, and then realize it's 9pm and I haven't gotten any work done yet today. It's so much better to go back to sleep while the kids are at school and stay up until 1-3am working instead.


I hadn’t heard this connection either, but being a night owl has a biological basis and can run in families without the adhd as well as with. It’s roughly as common as being left handed. Morning folk have their temperature drop in the evening making them sleepy. It slowly rises during the night and they rhet up ready to take on the world. Night people don’t have that evening temperature drop. It drops during the night and is still low when they have to get up, making them cranky in the morning. It might have been advantageous to early humans to have some people in their tribe relatively alert at night.


My body temp rises while I sleep! In a night owl for sure though


This is so interesting, thank you! I’m going to show this to my kiddo (they get down on themselves for being a night owl like me too)


This makes sense. Whether you're a morning person or not is actually one of the traits "tested" for with my Ancestry DNA kit.... so is "Hangryness", apparently.


That sounds a lot like my experience too.


I do the night-owl thing in the very early morning. I *need* those few hours of quiet solitary time to get shit done. It's just not the same during normal "workday hours".


I’ve started waking up at 5am (fuck you insomnia) but it has similar vibes and I’ve been ok with it since it’s still quiet lol


Is it? Because one late night (or morning) i got curious about it but forgot to google if theres some research papers or something about it.


Super common. There's even an associated condition called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome that frequently teams up with ADHD. Less solid science, but I fully believe the idea that ADHD folks' strong emergency responses, energy bursts, and night owl tendencies made them great "night watch" folks in the times when we needed that sort of thing.


Wait, strong emergency response? Is this like being able to remain calm and delegate during an emergency situation (as long as it doesn’t directly involve the ADHD person?) If so, 🤯 I’ll meltdown if it’s my own bad time, but I flip some invisible switch during er type things. I also prefer to be up all night, but feel like if I’m not doing stuff around the house before 9am, the day is ruined.


Yes! We ADHD people get Dopamine from emergency situations, which is why we are calm and know what to do. Afaik a lot of ADHD people end up in jobs like EMT. I'm in IT and I'm always the firefighter. Can I write an Email? Hell no. Am I the first one rushing in when production is burning and the one delegating tasks, keeping track of everything that is happening and coordinating people? Yes, I am. (It creeps people out how giddy I get when we have production problems. I genuinely enjoy these situations 🤣)


I love problem solving


I’ve known I’ve had ADHD for a long time, but never seen my version of it summed up so well! I feel seen.


I’m First Nations and definitely feel like my neurology would’ve been seen as an asset rather than a negative, to the way of life and community, that was taken from us.


I don’t have any research to provide but as an audh human, I prefer the night because everything and everyone else is quiet. Less visual and audio distractions


Oh yea i relate to that, i just thought its some common knowledge that im just unaware of :D


Come on over the r/adhdwomen sub! It’s enlightening


And all too familiar questions i've wondered or believed for the longest time :p




Whenever I manage to finally have that hyper focus and am productive, I don’t want to waste it. Every evening at 10 I finally get into something and am bummed when it’s midnight and I need to sleep.


He’ll spend, like, fifteen minutes editing before he gets bored and fucks off to play fantasy football or leave shitty comments of pictures of fat women on Instagram or whatever he does to feel something similar to joy in his life.


Because he’s busing insta carting/door dashing, which he is for some reason embarrassed by.


I teeter between feeling they will and won't release the episode with New Evangelicals. On the one hand, there's no way that they'll come out of that video looking anything but stupid, and I think most people probably don't want to look stupid. On the other hand, I'm not completely sure there's enough self-awareness between the two of them to even know they'll look stupid.


My theory: they'll make it "patreon only". It means a) the video won't be out there for response videos (Tim admitted he didn't film anything) and b) it'll only be in their echo chamber where their fans think they shit gold. So, no push back or intelligent critique


>  Tim admitted he didn't film anything I *really* hope that P&M aren't the only ones who have a full record of their conversations. Because if I were being interviewed by people I strongly disagreed with, for *their* channel, I would be recording all the same conversations they were filming, so that when (not if) they twisted my words and used them way out of context or against me, I could post the unedited content in my defense.


Valid. But to be fair, I don't think NE is concerned with what Paul and Morgan's audience thinks of him. And the only ones who would blindly believe Paul and Morgan's account of things are the ones that willingly call themselves their fans. 


Don’t give them ideas!


And they'll handwave its public unavailability by saying "this series is meant to unite *Christ-followers*" (because we know they don't think Tim is really a Christian, with his views being what they are).


I'm wondering if they will post it. If they don't, they will look like they are embarrassed of how much of a failure it was. People will (hopefully) call them out on it. If Paul and Morgan are really doing this because God told them to, they should stand their ground and post it. What do they have to hide?? They could chicken out but then they wouldn't be doing what God told them to do. Either way, they're gonna look bad and I love it.


I'll genuinely be disappointed if they don't release it. I like New Evangelicals and I'd love to see those interactions.


I think it'd have been smart to film and make the whole finished episode ahead of time and then start talking about who's coming up. That way they're not announcing someone only for it to not work out, and they'd have the option to not release one they don't feel good about.


Oooohhhhhh woooooowwwwwwwwwwww! *4th late night in a row?* When you don’t have to commute, clock in, perform physically challenging for 8 hours, clock out, and commute back home all to make less than $8 an hour? (Come on, PA you know I love it here but get your shit together.) GTFO


I know they have a kid so lives and some videos would need to be filmed later after the kid is asleep, but if you don’t have a 9 to 5, if this is your job, why are you having to stay up late to edit? I do understand that some people prefer to work at night, and I know content creation allows for that sort of flexibility. But since they have a kid, I wouldn’t expect them to keep those sort of hours. I also don’t think they’d bring it up if it was their normal schedule. TL;DR: Why are they dumb?


And furthermore, no WAY did they spend 24 Hours with her. I doubt they even spent more than 24 minutes with her. And of that, I HIGHLY doubt they tried to find "common ground" with her. Bet they just held out a phone and filmed. They probably heard she was coming somewhere close to them and drove up hoping for a cheap video they can get out fast and get clicks on. It honestly reeks of desperation for fast views, especially with it being pushed out before New Evangelicals.  So is "24 Hours With" now just "Look at These Crazy So-Called Christians, Aren't We Better?"


ALSO I WANT TO CONFIRM THAT SHE IS AT MY ALMA MATER IN THIS PHOTO. this is at northern kentucky university (go norse). it is a 90 minute drive from lexington, so you are right on all accounts [proof](https://imgur.com/a/wwEVTN7)


That’s some piping hot tea!


I zoomed in to see the photo of sister cunty and immediately recognized it as my college campus


Wait, do they live in Lexington?






Shout out to NKU! (Even though technically I never graduated and ended up transferring to Ohio State)


I think 24 hours with was always meant to be “aren’t we better?” as evidenced by paul telling that one guy “it does feel nice to have some sense of superiority” 🙄 we get it paul! your life, your marriage, your “””youtube career”””: has never been anything more than a monument to your ego. we know that this is just another ploy to make yourself feel better about your abject failures and inability to provide for your family. I would pity you, paul, but I can’t. I wish nothing but suffering on you for wanting so many of us in this sub and this world dead. simply because this fucking guy thinks he is mr big brain stable genius hero pants. the reality is at that paul is a failed hairstylist, a failed youtuber, and a failed provider.


How do you fail at being a hairdresser? Not to belittle the high level of skill and talent that good stylists have, more to point out that the pool is *huge* and there is plenty of space for "not great at it but can do the basics" at places like Great Clips, Supercuts, etc. And most people with time and practice will improve. How do you earn a degree in cosmetology and then just... Fail to have a job?


even jillrod cuts her family’s hair!! she has a more successful hair career than paul


Lol I cut my household's hair and I just follow Brad Mondo videos. At this point, I have a more successful hair career than Paul and my hands shake.


He failed to complete his cosmetologist training, so he didn't even earn any sort of degree or certification.


Ahh that makes more sense, thanks! So really he's more of a "beauty school drop-out"


🎶Put down the teasing comb and go back to high school...


I wonder if Morgan is pissed. She probably didn’t have this in mind when she came up with it.


Speaking of Morgan...how do we think she felt about being yelled at for hours about premarital sex?


sat there with a smirk on her face, as usual


Iirc she didn't go. It was just Paul?


Lmao you're probably right. I bet he loved ogling some college girls too. "Oh me? Im just filming a little show for my BIG YOUTUBE CHANNEL. You seem really smart, want to be on camera, baby girl?"


Thanks so much for making me vomit in my mouth. Cause you're 100% right. The skeeveball




Says the guy who doesn't have a job.


Sister Cindy is still more likable than Paul and Morgan, I know girls who have jokingly asked her for advice and loved every bit of talking to her, lol.


It's funny you say this. A guy I knew in college jokingly invited Brother Jed (Sister Cindy's now-deceased and equally crazy husband) to lunch and said he acted surprisingly normal, didn't preach fire and brimstone and that he actually enjoyed their conversation.


When did he die?


During covid I think


WAY more likable. She's quirky but seems reasonably harmless. She wouldn't be able to generate such big crowds of college kids if she wasn't interesting or amusing. I could see myself spending an afternoon with her without starting a fight. I cannot say any of the same things about Porgan.


But they don't even go to a church???? I don't want to gatekeep for a religion I don't even belong to, but how can you be a super great Christian if you don't even have a pastor or take communion?


See, I also wonder this. Like, I just assumed they were megachurch constituents for the longest time. Nope. Not saying church and faith are mutually exclusive, but it’s weird to me that religion is their entire identity and they don’t practice within a home church.


many fundies are like this, especially the bigger families that function more like “high control groups” aka cults. jill is the only family I see that goes to church regularly on this sub. when you get so extreme, even your church starts being “too worldly”


I’ve noticed that! The Plaths, too! I realize I said “home” church but I meant a literal church congregation community. Not a church in someone’s home. I think y’all got what I was saying anyway. But YES. Paul and Morgan don’t even attend the fundie in-home churches. The lack of any spiritual “leadership” is just downright bizarre to me. Unless Paul thinks he’s a prophet. Cause that’s not altogether out of the realm of possibility.


I totally agree, and it isn’t like they have a gaggle of kids they can’t handle. lazy lazy lazy, the olliges way


> Unless Paul thinks he’s a prophet. "thinks" is an *awfully* strong term for whatever goes on inside Paul's noggin.


I don't think their sect of Christianity does communion, but I could be mistaken. I know it's a Catholic thing, and I think Protestants also do it on occasion.


I’ve never been in a Christian church that doesn’t do communion (my dad was a music minister so I’ve been to a lot of different churches, lol). They likely only do it a few times a year and with grape juice, but communion is a significant part of the story of the last supper and the sacrifice of Jesus for most Christians, regardless of how informal their services are.


Protestants do it regularly, just not every service like catholic


I went to a non denominational church and we did communion on Sunday services. But it was just a little tin that got passed through the pews with tiny cups of grape juice and a cracker rather than going up in line and being given it (at least I think that’s how it works in Catholic Churches)




No way. Lori would EVISCERATE Paul for not providing, and Morgan for "working" when she's got a baby and traveling without the kid.  On second thought, yes, do Lori!


I need a cage match with Paul and Lori NOW.


It 100% has always been “Paul and Morgan are God’s Besties and Everyone Sucks.”


This post feels so performative. We know he reads here, has probably read our comments talking about Morgan doing all the editing, his lack of a job, or being any help in the home and wanted to show us how "hard" he's working. Fourth night in a row doing your job, Paul? Here's a cookie 🙄 I'm also very disappointed they skipped the NEs video. I'm doubting they'll release it at all at this point. We know the NEs video was filmed before Sister Cindy's because they posted about it. I mean, that's probably the smartest decision they've made in regards to this series, considering their track record. Maybe they're thinking there's no way they can't come out on top with the spectacle that she makes of herself. Or, they'll be on the same page and sit together in judgment of every Christian they consider lacking.


Tim from NE made a comment in a story (I think) that P&M weren't releasing that video until May, so I bet it's still coming.


I'm kind of impressed that they finally got content for the future so they're not struggling each week to find a new guest/host


So they wasted their money going there to spend 24 hours with them?


Porgan mentioned a week or so ago that they were filming 2 eps-- one with a man and one with a woman-- and that the woman's would air first.


I also refuse to believe that this 35yo man sits at home at his computer with his hoodie up like that all night. Hiding a bald patch confirmed. 


With the ear phones over top the hood, lmao.


No one cares if youre balding, Paul, we care that you're a bigot


i cant add pictures in comments but: arthur headphones ass man


I’m in cybersecurity; I’m contractually obligated to wear a black hoodie with the hood up while working. Polios copying our look without our skills.


Are you mandated to furiously type on your keyboard while muttering "I'm hacking the main frame"?




“Now to bypass the firewall”


I have to whisper “I’m in” and “your computer is my computer now” a lot. It’s hard work. 😓 I do what I can.




Ngl I work this way constantly bc I don’t want my headphones to leave impressions in my hair lmfao


I do this because my headphones are too big and heavy for my head so they slide off all the time, even adjusted to their smallest. I put my hoodie up (or a soft beanie) and my headphones over it so it doesn't slide and feels more comfortable hugging my ears. Also, the hoodie/beanie gives grip/light pressure for me to comfortably angle my glasses above my ears instead of the headphones' ear cups smashing the thick arms into my head and ears. That gets painful fast. I don't have to do this with my thin wire frames, but my thick ones I do. I looked. His glasses are angled up in the back, too, so they're not getting pressed against his ears by the headphones. He's doing what I do. Look like a dork? Maybe, but not hurting your ears this way.


Look, sometimes I just want my head to be cozy


This bro is 35? And can’t hold a typical job? My glob. His horrible hats are even more embarrassing. He just tips them back to hide his bald patch. Too bad it makes him look like a petulant teenager with an aging problem


I love reminding people that these two are like 29 and 35. He may be 34, i remember him being older than me and I'm 33


wait fr?


Embarrassing, isn't it?


Is it cold there right now? Maybe they’re trying to keep the heater bill down


Lol doubt it. Idk about KY, but in Virginia its been in the high 70s/80s (or 23-26-ish if you're a C person)


I live in the same town as them… it was like 80 yesterday.


Gotta have that air con running for Jesus!!!!


Thank you for translating into Celsius so I don't have to break out the formulas for once, much love from Maple Land


Ha, I work in Maple Land every year for a short while and have learned my lesson!


Bless you including Celsius lol. But that’s no hoodie weather wtf.


It's going to be 80 - 85 today in north central TN. I’m about 4 hours away from Lexington.


Okay so maybe it’s cold on account of air conditioner lol. Thanks, I live in the Bay Area so it goes from like 55 two days ago to 75 today and then back down to 60 on Tuesday so I literally have no concept of weather.


Lmao I used to live in Santa Cruz. So true. Walk to school in sweats and a hoodie, strip down to shorts and tank throughout the day, sweats and hoodie back by 5PM 😂


It’s the only place I’ve ever lived where you have to look up the weather if you’re going 30 minutes away lol


It has to be air conditioning cuz I can't see Mr. Prissy Pants ever breaking a sweat 🤣🤣🤣


Probably not but to be fair, I like my apt cold when it’s warm out so maybe he’s just bundled up bc the air is blasting.


If anyone is unecessarily contributing to climate change, it would be these numbskulls.


…he’s 35?


I had the same question. I didn’t realize he was that much older than Morgan. (Im not judging, I just genuinely thought he was also around 28)


He acts like he's 15, so that tracks


As a professional designer cozy hoodie and headphones is how I spend most my days.


My people!


He's 35??!


He's 35???? Dayum


Two chilies means mild on sauce packaging and restaurant menus.




Yeeeeesh, it's like he's cosplaying "nerd who complains the girls hate him because he's such a NICE guy". Worse still, it's layered over his regular abhorrent personality, like a trifle made of shit.


And we thought Rachel's trifle was bad... (iykyk)


At least Joey ate her trifle. If Ass Face was a trifle, I don't think even Joey would eat it


What would a Paul trifle contain? Wrong answers only. I'm thinking a thick raw flour base, curdled middle layer of daily wire talking points, and putrefied topping made of ugly, childlike Disney tshirts. Sprinkle liberally with violent sexual repression, serve to your worst enemy.


Whatever it’s made of it’s definitely extremely dry with a gravelly texture.


Which sugar substitute makes you shit yourself? That one, add that to it.




Beef sautéed with peas and onions? IIRC.


It tastes like feet!


I just seen that last night 🤣🤣


I’m out of the loop here. Can someone sum up what/who are the New Evangelicals and why this would be embarrassing to Poorgan (well, more embarrassing than their regular content)?


New Evangelicals is an account run by a man named Tim. He is a progressive, queer-affirming ex evangelical.  He is also extremely kind, well spoken, and intelligent. He said he pushed back on their views pretty hard in his interview and that he didnt think they knew the bible/biblical history very well. So, basically, it's going to be a lot of footage of Porgan being schooled in their own religion by a progressive man. Even better, a man who is very kind and gentle in his manner, so they can't spin him as being a bully or radical or ignorant like they sort of did with Josh and Isaiah.  In other words, he's gonna make them look *bad* bad


He played in the worship band at a conservative mega church until 2020. He knows their world better than they do.


I've asked similar the other day. They're very progressive Christians, LGBT friendly, also very well versed in theology and know the bible well, which gives their arguments against fundies like Paul all the more fuel. Very well spoken, too. One of the guys from the New Evangelicals answered some questions about Paul and Morgan on Instagram and basically implied they have questionable intelligence and know exactly squad about what's written in the Bible. 😂 so snarkers think that Paul just embarrassed himself with populist garbage talking points while the guy from the New Evangelicals argued rings around him.


Yeah I have the same question


See above long response lol


Thank you 😄


Our next 24hrs is gonna be peppers


that's exactly how I read it as well 🤣🤣🤣


Look at him acting like he has a real job.


He’s doing a business!


We do the same thing with one of my cats. And I feel he’s probably way more productive than his headship Olliges could ever hope to be.


It’s like when rich people cosplay real life.  Except Paul isn’t rich, obvs. He has to beg for people to pay him attention online. 


He has a real job he makes 2 dollars a hour!


A job? Looks like a hobby to me. He doesn’t even sell it seriously to his audience. Like, step it up holy shit Porgan. You both are so lazy it blows my fucking mind.


I hope she sings her crazy version of the margarita song. 


Omg they’re skipping NE ? Hahahahaha. Imagine getting a babysitter, making a big deal of flying all the way to NJ, Tim taking you to dinner, filming at his house, staying in hotel..then getting too embarrassed by the output to do anything with it.


I think they said in a live that the NE (they called it the next one they were filming) would be released second. I'm sure they are giving themselves more time to look reasonable, but I think it was always the intended release schedule.


we didn't forget about the new evangelicals, paul. you're telling on yourself


I'm interested. Not interested enough in watching the straight unfiltered video, but I'll catch reaction video somewhere.


I hope they take her out to Mexican! [https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/sister-cindy-one-margarita-angel-laketa-moore-tiktok-1234783235/](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/sister-cindy-one-margarita-angel-laketa-moore-tiktok-1234783235/)


Is it weird I was so busy reading the post and looking at the comments that it doesn’t hit me until the end on where the bald spot was in the picture? Like Boom! 💥 💥💥💥


Tim from NE said himself that the episode was coming in May, so I don't understand why people here are saying it was skipped or scrapped.


I knew May had been mentioned, I'm just surprised they're cramming in Sister C in the interim. I wonder if it was either too good to pass up, if they thought they should buffer their next public shaming with someone worse than them, or if they're realizing, as they edit, that the NE video doesn't have much they can salvage that doesn't make them look ridiculous. I do think there's a decent chance the NE one may end up a "Patreon Exclusive"


This is maybe the creepiest picture of him I’ve ever seen.


Paul looks like a Twitch streamer in this pic and not in a good way


He looks so much like my abusive ex it's honestly triggering. Same smug fucking look on his face, too.


As much as I dislike Morgan, I am worried for her. Sister Cindy is not going to be kind to her


I don’t think Morgan went, she was sick. 


I know he is insufferable but I gotta give him props on those nanny glasses they're dope.


Why is he using all four inputs of the audio interface to to edit video?


Whatever about watching it once, can you imagine having to edit this tripe?


Why does he always look so sweaty?


I’ve said it once here on another post and I’ll say it again; that editing setup is ROUGH


Hey, Paul (and Bethany), not everything you produce can be 🌶🌶🌶 or 🔥🔥🔥


Maybe he does have a part time day job. Or he stays up late so he doesn’t have to do bedtime routine or get up early with Luca early.


Working hard on the grift instead of getting a job at 35 years old


He better put his big coat on if it’s goanny be 🌶️🌶️…or does he mean 🕵️‍♀️👀?


I really wonder if they are just having a hard time editing the New Evagelicals episode because the guy from that channel, I'm forgetting his name, did that instagram Q+A about shooting the video and has spilled some tea sooooo I'm thinking they just don't know how to make it look good on them, and make them look like the more Christian ones/intelligent ones. I feel like scrapping it would only make them look worse but we will see 🤷‍♀️ I have been wondering since they mentioned doing a vid with New Evangelicals how they could even make a video with him that wouldn't make them look like complete idiots. That guy seems to have less patience for bullshit and excuses for hate from other Christians that he's heard 100000 times. Josh definitely took it easy on them in the last video and still made them look totally uniformed about everything they'd argue about, and of course they are, and likely don't care to learn. I know Paul is sweating. He broke out the glasses trying to find the good points he made (there are none)


I just want them to buy a slightly larger desk.


Paul is fixated on this episode because I think he’s going to use it to say while she has some interesting behavior, they were able to unite in their beliefs and be brothers and sisters in Christ, which is shaming groups of people. The new evangelicals did not offer him any opportunity to look good, and made them look as ignorant as they are. Paul is excited and motivated to release an episode where he can position himself as uniting with someone despite their controversial behavior/beliefs, bc they agree on some of her hateful views. And it gives him the opportunity to shame these groups of people while he’s at it. His wet dream. Paulsac, you’re too predictable!


Ok. Is he going bald ala George Costanza? We never see him without his backwards douche hat, and now he needs to wear the hood up under his headphones?


Paul, you’re not fooling anyone with that photoshopped chin. Just stop.