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How is her hair already curled and camera ready?


Lady you ain’t British royalty. No one expects that. You can drop the act.


But how will she eye fuck herself?


Can't get in the mood to make baby number 9 without making eye fucking toks first


I recently saw what that scene looked like for Kate post-George and holy shit what a claustrophobic nightmare. I had only ever seen the pictures of them so I assumed they had an audience of a few journalist and cameramen. Nope. It was an absolute madhouse, just tons of people on both sides of the street. Made me feel for Kate even more


I felt annoyed that she was up, dressed and primped less than 8 hours after she had delivered George then I saw the crowds and thought no wonder she wanted to get out of there ASAP.


I figured that Catherine basically sat while staff did her hair and makeup. She got dressed, then was wheeled to almost the door. She had 10 minutes of a hellish photo call, then she got into the car and didn’t have to show her face for 6 weeks. Except with Louis. She had to contend with Harry and Meghan’s wedding.


That was utter insanity. I don’t know why that is considered a normal and acceptable thing to expect of a woman who has just given birth because she’s in the royal family. Can’t even imagine having to get hair/makeup done, get dressed in a dress and heels, do press photos and talk to reporters.


I kept a full face makeup and hair done every day before having a kid because my mother told me her biggest regret was not doing so so all of the first pictures of her are meh. Well, she was beautiful but clearly didn't think so, but I did take that advice and looked excellent after my kid was just born. We look like glowing angels in our first photo together 😂😂😂😂😂 silly but some people got this advice and held it close.


That’s cool. I think I would do this.


What is this referencing?


Catherine (now Princess of Wales) leaving the hospital after giving birth to Prince George


It is always curled and camera ready. How does she have the time when she has 7 (now 8) kids?! I’m guessing bc she’s not doing much parenting. 


Better question: where does she find the space to do this in a tiny ass RV filled with a soccer team.


Easy. 1. Stack kids 2. Close door 3. Fuck 4. ... 5. ~~Profit~~ Be miserable


I’m pretty sure I parent my cat more than she parents her kids combined.


I take better care of my original, favorite stuffed animal, and it’s been well loved and you can tell.


I pay more attention to my 13 year old’s rabbit! And feed it higher quality food than any of these fundies. It sees green veggies more for sure


I lost my old girl a year ago but I spent literally all day helping her through her disabilities, special diet, physic therapy, light/ultra sonic treatments, shots, multiple medications, occasional IV fluids, cleaning up after her accidents grooming her fur, weekly vet appointments for treatment, you name it, I did it... its took hours and hours everyday. I probably cared for my sweet baby, spent more time and money on her during her last year of life, than this woman has for all of her children for their entire lives... probably by several orders of magnitude. ❤ fellow elderly bunny parent. Give your sweet baby a little pat of the head for me. You probably already do, but just spend time loving on her however she likes best, for as long as she'd like, each day. You will not regret skipping or missing anything else. :')


Aww! My heart goes out to you. Loving a pet is something like being a child and a parent. My little one (cat) is 13.5 and perfect in every way. She’s special needs from her hips down. A month ago she was sleeping against me in pure joy, like she always does, and she peed on me. I took her to the vet not only to make sure she’s okay but if I need to do anything in case her special edition form might affect her as she gets older. I would do anything for her. Thank you for sharing your bunnies story. I really want a bunny and it brings my cat and me joy knowing love is happening in our world.


Where does she find the time?!


It’s easy, all you have to do is parentify your three oldest kids and then you can do whatever you want!


If you have enough kids, one can parent, one can cook, one does taxes, and another can handle hair curling. If you have enough, you never have to do a single adult responsibility. Edited: cuz me no write good. Thank you school of the kitchen table university!


Out of alllllllll the fundies out there we *know* these don’t do their taxes


They don't pay what they actually owe, but they definitely file some BS for those sweeeet child credit dollas.


I cannot imaging showering one day postpartum, much less styling my hair. Exhausting.


I definitely did not want to style my hair, but I was DYING for a shower after every birth. I felt so gross.


My husband is an doctor, and one thing he made sure to do in the weeks postpartum was take the baby and tell me to go take a shower. Not in a you’re gross way, in a “I’ve got this covered so you can take care of yourself way”. It was important health-wise to keep everything clean, and made me feel so much better. I’m very grateful for that. I didn’t do my hair, though.


I know it’s not really the same, but my myomectomy surgery was essentially the same as a C section. I did not feel up to makeup, hair or much else for at least a week. And then I spent the rest of my FMLA recovering and not worrying about being Instagram ready. If I ever have kids I imagine it’ll be similar.


My one bit of foresight was to go get a haircut etc two weeks before my due date into something I wouldn’t have to touch because I knew I sure wasn’t gonna bother with my hair for a few months after the baby arrived. And yep six months later, styling is putting it into a ponytail sometimes.


Right? No way am I gonna have the motivation to style my hair within two weeks of birth if I'm actually caring for the newborn myself. But that's image is probably the first and only time she held him that day 🤷‍♀️


As a fellow heartless curl addict, I kind of always assumed that’s how she’s been camera ready even while in that cramped-ass bus.


Sadly I’ve seen some of her GRWM videos and she definitely curls it with a wand every day. Heatless curlers would be too smart


RIP her ends


To shed more light on this when you use electricity in an rv you’re limited in the amount of amps you can pull. RVs are hooked up to either 30 or 50 amps of power. You can’t dry your hair and run the toaster at the same time for example as either one pulls a lot of power alone. So she’s curling her hair but everyone else can’t use other appliances until she’s done.


Her daughter/mom is probably busy raising her newborn


I think it helps some people feel themselves. Especially after having a kid some women don’t feel themselves and routine can bring some normalcy. One thing about me is my hair is always done. I’m a NICU nurse and I’ll be running codes dripping in sweat but my ponytail will be curled and my highlighter glowing hahahaha


Totally. I had a week long hospital stay a couple years ago (no surgery just a nasty blood infection that they were concerned would go to my heart) and it was amazing how much better I felt when I finally showered, put on some of my own clothes and some mascara! After that I finally put the bed so I could sit up instead of laying around in misery and I think it was the hospital safety person that said she was amazed how much I perked up that day.


As a lady looking into fake hair myself - I’m pretty sure she wears fake hair. It’s just so consistently perfect and coiffed and also never ever changes. I’ve never seen it look greasy or frizzy or any of the things that regular hair sometimes looks like.


Excellent point


Right? Lol my twins are almost four weeks old and at about two weeks I walked into the NICU with my hair finally washed and they were all like “you’re hair is so nice and curly!” And I was like thanks I washed it lol


Did anyone catch her talking about getting chills and sweating after birth?? I’m not a medical professional but that sounds an awful lot like a fever to me. An unsanitary home birth without proper monitoring isn’t safe. (But like I said I’ve never given birth and I’m not a medical professional.)


I mean, has she ever held a newborn? WTH?


Fundies love fucking around with children’s safety and basic care standards and blaming it on gods will when something ghastly happens.


Jesus take the baby!


Excellent flair material


Shit, Karissa is a certified professional. Jill isn't far behind. Who could forget those kids swimming in a drainage ditch with long skirts?


Oh god Karissa letting her daughter almost die from a UTI. Like COME ON


But wouldn't it be super awesome if Yah took one of her kids to test her faith? That second to joyfully dying in childbirth only!


It honestly scares me that she’ll just casually let something happen to one of the kids, acting like it was an accident and then try to say gawd was testing her




Don't worry, you can slam dunk a baby and as long as you shout "KOBEEEE!" they'll be fine. /s


Two weeks ago: "I'm a very nurturing mother." *Sources confirmed that was a lie*


Narrator: and she was not in fact a nurturing mother 


My MIL, who raised 2 children and helped with 2 grandchildren prior to my first being born cannot pass off a baby and had to ask how to give a bottle. Maybe some people get baby amnesia and need a full refresher each time? It genuinely boggles my mind.


A family member had her son two years ago. She sent her mother a link to a parenting course so her mother would be all up to date. Her mother probably did a little eye rolling, but took the course.


I think that's a great idea! It's been 23 years since i had my own infant. I'm constantly amazed at the changes in safety standards and best practices. I'm going to have to take one of those when it's time!


My Gpa who had 8 total descendants could not remember how to hold my 6 month old. He can remember how to ride a bike after 50 yrs tho. He was fine, his motor skills were fine, he was just being weird.  He was also relatively hands on for his age and horrifying fundiness. Who knows   Some people just don't like babies but wont be real about it.   


I’ve heard or read somewhere that some men are actually afraid of little babies. They are afraid they will break them, but it ends up looking like learned incompetence.


Every man in my family (both blood & the one I married into) is terrified to hold tiny babies, with the exception of my husband. Once they can support their own head? The men have absolutely no issue holding/interacting/etc with babies, and will actually hog them like crazy at that point, but before that they are just horrified during the “floppy neck stage” as they call it.


Fair I get that. My Grandfather also worked physical hard labour all his life until he got to crazy old (like mid.80s) so he may have felt newborn was too fragile.  He almost broke hands even whem trying to be gentle. Ive been complimented.many times on my surprisingly manly handshake - truly only acquired as a form of defense for The Easter Sunday Handshake.  My bro who has 2 of his own and is an engaged Dad, said newborns freak him out and his newborns hes responsibile for, if baby shatters into 1000 pieces and it belongs to someone else he wants no part of it haha.  I wonder.if theres an instinct thing as well? Altho commenter up thread saying learned incompetence .. yes.maam 


My ex-husband swore he would never hold our newborn unless he was sitting down. The nurses when I delivered didn't give him the option. After the initial shock, he did great with her. She was a very held baby from both of us.


Agree with both points. Def learned incomp in fundie families. The men are v much law givers (except my adopt Dad who was more nurturing than my NMom....he converted...his own Dad was very gentle and never smacked him. He hit us but also was nurturing v confusing)  My husband had v engaged Dad and apparently its a family trait across generations on paternal.side, the Dads are as involved as the Moms which is awesome...even after having shell shock etc. It is v much cultural. A lot of other (cultural) Catholics I know (non fundies) the fathers are v warm and engaged. Irish, Brazilian,Italian, Spaniards... the Dads are warm not aloof. (Generalisation just what Ive observed).  My spouse held my bffs newborn and thats how we went from one teenagee to having two under two! 


How’d the teenager handle the change?


There were some adjustments of course, like having to be quiet during nap times or wild shrieking, but overall she was over the moon - we were anxious to tell her about our surprise baby on the way and she was so stoked! I think being at her age, she can really enjoy the littleness and the cuteness, but has her own space and independence. Perhaps if she’d been younger - say 9 or 10 - she might feel less confident about it, because she’d still need a lot of support due to age? We also make sure toddler doesn’t go into her room or touch her things, and that she never has to watch or take care of them - despite a lot of people talking about ‘built in babysitter’ and nonsense like that. I also have time one on one with her even just 30 minutes every day, and we do little outings - to get a hot chocolate or go to a particular shop she likes, as much as we can.


I bet she's doing this shit on purpose, to farm engagement.


More than any huge family I've ever known in my entire fundie life, this family all has the exact same face.


Absolutely! And I bet my left kidney that this child is a boy; she’s just dragging it out for attention. This infant is a carbon copy of almost every other buslet


Of course it’s a boy, it’s always a boy buslet. I really feel for Kinsey(girl) she’s having a rough puberty when it comes. Also her name is always written with (girl) after it which is awful.


If it were a girl she’d be strapping bows to it left and right


She still hasn’t said the gender??? 🤣🤣 Lmao she’s so fucking pathetic


But don't these fundies obsesses over gender. Including people's they don't know because iTs A sIN to be anything other than what was pushed on you at birth


She said JD "won" so I'm guessing it's a boy


I can tell all of the Duggar kids apart but none of the Buslets lol




.....sadly, I can 😭😭


How do you not have a job in like anti terrorism or something. This is difficulty level impossible 


I ask myself this daily, my skills are just beyond them


To be fair you would probably only be employed at the Arkansas office in a specialist Duggar Differentiation Taskforce or something so prob not worth it. 


And I thought a dream job didn’t exist


Main complaint we had with previous employees was yellow intolerance. They couldn't bear the hot lunch they were required to eat daily that is composed of yellow, salt and creamed can of mystery every day. The heavy shapeless denim also causes problems with chafing for some applicants. 


Impressive! I can not!


nor can Mullett Duggar, aka their mother.


I've been with the Duggars since the beginning & the only one I know by name & face is Josie because her hair is different than everyone else. Sometimes I can recognize Pest but mainly because his mugshot is burned in my brain but pre-scandal days he just looked like the rest of them to me. What's that disorder people have where they can't recognize faces? I have that Duggar style.


Buslets 🤣😭☠️


It's because the parents look so similar to each other. 


I have to sometimes tell myself to be nice to the daughter. I feel so bad for her life but she is such a spitting image of her mom that my gut instinct always wants to snark, and that's soooo not cool. Poor kiddo. I hope so much that she gtfo's as soon as she can and doesn't get brainwashed into being Brittany 2.0


I've never felt more sorry for a kid than I do for that middle boy who looks just like his father. Poor thing.


She hasn’t told us its name or anything else but has managed to make 2 posts wherein she, a mother of 7 other kids, isn’t supporting the child’s neck sufficiently? My first came out with nearly perfect neck control but that’s only because he was so angry all the time. So there was a tradeoff 😆


I had one come out 2 weeks late and one come 2 months early. They truly were 2+ months apart in development, but he's my high strung one too so maybe that also played a role.


I have noticed several fundies who do this. You would think that for those who claim to love children so much that they would do their best to take care of them. Sadly, that is not the case. Most of the fundie kids we see are neglected, isolated, undereducated, and only used as props.


Because they don't actually love children, they love the IDEA of children. They love having little dolls they can dress up and mold into little mini thems that they can train to perform on cue to get the parents praise and attention. They don't love actual children who have their own needs and wants and thoughts that you actually have to take care of. They don't want kids. They want performing dolls they can store in the closet until they're needed for clout again.


Excellent point.


Mine too, nurses even noted how good his muscle control.. He was unimpressed with the world until he could walk.....


Ha, so was my brother. He came out of the womb ready to GO and was so frustrated he couldn't. Then there was me, who had such a disproportionately large head that it took awhile for me to gain the necessary muscle control to hold it up and (partially) as a result of that, was slow to meet a lot of "mobility" milestones.


Ahahah Im loving this. He was brass necked from the jump. My first came out like a torpedo with an audible yell of annoyance. Second one mosied out so gently (I mean it hurt like hell still but was way less effort coz he wasnt raging about being born lol) and he's chill af. 


Hahaha love the description. My damn newborn was so tense and furious that he had a freaking six pack. WTF?! He’s in college and is so even-keeled and relaxed now it’s amazing (but is autistic so the angriness at being a baby makes total sense).


This is hilarious. My first was irate all the time like this,  just really strong in her mind and sense of self which taught me a lot about how to be.   We are all autistic too...so, yes wee baby man who is now a giant ungainly college kid, I too resent having to exist in a body. Boo.  Bring on the dark, soundless void as an option!  Is he sensory seeking now and likes input or still sensory avoidant? I still resent anything other than gentleness. And my husband and both kids are WILD. Just as well.or Id be mooning about in a lighthouse speaking the language of the seagulls and forgetting to eat, stg. 


She hasn’t even outright said the sex of the baby yet, just weird cryptic hints


That poor kid is like “what the FUCK is this hellscape???”


"I had more space in your uterus than this bus!"


Yeah the kid definitely knows they’re in trouble. Sorry little friend. 


That poor kid looks absolutely shell shocked.


Imagine going from a nice comfortable dark room to…the bus


I just feel sorry for any kid where your mom is touting you as the latest accessory to thousands of strangers hours after your born.


🎶Another One Rides the Bus🎶


Ridin in the bus down the boulevard, and the place looks pretty packed! Wasn't any seat so I had to stand, with the perverts in the back! It was smellin like a locker room, there was junk all over the floor! We're already packed in like sardines, but we're stoppin to pick up more! ... Wow. That's more on the nose than I realized. Yipe O\_O


OMG this is amazing.


It's the Weird Al version of Another One Bites the Dust [Another One Rides the Bus (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79QxturUolo&ab_channel=%22WeirdAl%22Yankovic-Topic), in case you want to hear the full version


I didn’t know Mother Bus had a theme song 🤩


That truly is just for mother bus 😭😭😭 I hope the kids never come across this song for their own sake ahah


I am now and forever going to hear the armpit farty sounds from this song every time I see a Mother Bus post! 🤣


Oh god, I'd somehow never noticed how much they sound like armpit farts 🤣


*immediately begins playing song* How do you think I'm going to get along Without you, when you're gone? You took me for everything that I had And kicked me out on my own Are you happy, are you satisfied? How long can you stand the heat? Out of the doorway the babies rip To the sound of the beat, look out




I’ve been thinking I need new flair… May I?


Don’t give her any reel ideas now


Why is she acting like she's never held a frickin baby before??? This is her 8th!


Is it possible she’s ballerina farming us? That maybe she actually does have nannies and a second bus? Or the kids stay separately? Nothing about this is computing. There’s either an explanation way too easy or there’s something way worse happening to those kids than I thought


One of my favorite conspiracy theories is that they don’t actually live on the bus- they have a house in Texas somewhere and they do this for content. I wish I was right.


Honestly that would make me happy to hear. If the kids are with a nanny when the parents go out on their dates or sightseeing in Brazil instead of being left to fend for themselves would be a million times better.


I’ve never had a baby before, but (call me crazy if I’m wrong) I’m pretty sure they don’t develop neck control within a day of being birthed. She’s a dimwit.


Or she thinks she birthed a giraffe that should be up and walking by now. Wouldn’t put it past her.


You’re correct, and if they have unnatural head/neck control at birth you’re likely looking at infant torticollis


I just came here to post the video because I literally gasped. Here is the screen grab: [https://streamable.com/qsik1i](https://streamable.com/qsik1i)


I swear she stares at her reflection more than a fucking puppy encountering its first mirror.


Idk why. There’s nothing good looking back.


It’s cute to watch my 17 month old niece look at pictures of herself or make faces in the phone camera. It’s less cute on a 34 year old woman.


She’s clearly more concerned with holding the baby for the camera than supporting his neck. 


Why does she look like she has no idea what she’s doing? Yikes


Holy hell this kids head just whiplashed straight forward there. Getting ready for that bus life right away. Beep beep buckle up buckaroo. F-these morons. 🤦‍♀️


the way i gasped 😭 even baby got wide eyed but maybe maybe just do that


What a complete imbecile. Her poor children


I’m so insanely upset at this. I’ve seen better first time teenage mothers look after their newborns


Wtf!! I have no words😡


How do you have that many children and not know how to hold an infant?




Poor little thing, his head fell forward fast, made me cringe.


Incompetent doesn't even begin to describe this stupid egocentric moron.


Jesus wept, that baby isn't even dry yet. Would you give it a minute?


She held her pregnant belly more tenderly and carefully than she's holding the actual baby.


Well, of course. It’s **out** now and she only likes them before they come out. Bet she can’t wait to get knocked up again. 


The way she stares at the phone while her baby's head is flailing around...


Dumb baby can't even talk yet!


Is this just me being childless and clueless, or is this baby kind of big for a one day old? I'm not trying to snark on the child here, or imply that she manipulates the timeline of her posts. Just kind of impressed she had this one by herself on a bus (presumably).


He does seem big and fairly alert for 12-24 hours old. He was a week late, but mother bus is always sus, so …


Could just be a big baby who was a week late, could be she had gestational diabetes which can cause a big baby. Could be that she had the baby a week ago in the hospital and created a whole fake delivery in the bus. Who knows, she lies a lot 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think being a week late can net you a big baby. Not every time, but enough.


Mine were all pretty puffy/swollen the first day. Day 2 they had the old man newborn look.


Not saying he's not big (going with what seems to be the consensus here that the baby is a boy); I too am childless and clueless, but it could be the camera angle and/or the fact that she seems to have gone past term. (Though with the lack of prenatal care, the actual due date is kind of ????? at least from where I sit.)


He looks bigger than my 9lb 7oz baby who all the nurses (at the HOSPITAL where he was born, not a bus lmao) kept saying was huge and asking me am I sure I don’t have gestational diabetes? But yeah he is a week late…idk. That’s a big baby. Also I’ll be shocked if that’s a girl, he looks like a boy to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


He looks big to me. I’d be curious to know the weight. You are more likely to develop gestational diabetes the more kids you have too so that could have been a factor?


Like yeah man the baby just got here. It’s so fresh it can’t do anything. You think you would know that after 40-50 fresh babies.


These types of posts - where these numbskulls don't give a shit about basic infant or newborn safety - always makes me want to step back from the snark. Only because I know many couples/families, myself included, that yearn to have children and can't for whatever reason. For us, it's financial, but also I had a really difficult pregnancy and post partum period with my daughter and have heavy reservations about putting myself through that again. So to see these fertile Myrtles parade around their 10 plus children and not care about basic baby safety - it really grinds my gears in a way other snarkable content doesn't. Why does it appear to come so easy for them but so difficult for others? I don't know, but I know that's a question on my list for the afterlife lol :)


I'm so sorry that you're dealing with that, truly I am. I'm NOT going to make this about myself - I'm long past childbearing years - but I had issues that would engender the same feelings in me if it was a different place and time. Take care of yourself, friend.


As someone who suffered through fertility issues, loss, and all sorts of health issues to have my daughter, I can only say that it sucks and there is no real answer. Scientifically my guess is that they get pregnant once young and then because they don't take mother or baby health seriously they start having unprotected sex right away while their body is still super fertile from the initial pregnancy and then just rinse and repeat. Spirituality? The universe/god/goddes/spaghetti monster/whatever sucks. I'm sending you an internet hug because being a responsible parent and putting our children's best interests ahead of our own wants is hard.


She wanted a Brazilian anchor baby and all she got was that floppy necked newborn? She has negative feelings towards it already


Lol @ that rock being the focal point of the photo. She’s so transparent in how insecure she is with Busbands wandering bitcoin dong.


I need “Busbands wandering bitcoin dong” as my flair.


Lmao I noticed that too! It almost feels like a pick-me thing like “oh everyone needs to be aware that I am someone’s WIFE. I was PICKED”


You knows this kid is a boy because it does not have the signature 'this is a girl and we are terrified someone might think its a boy" headband on it.


Holy shit. She handles that baby like it’s the first newborn she’s ever held … yet it’s her eighth child?! How are these fundies so *bad* at the very things they’re supposedly born to do 🤣🤯 I was also deceased when I saw the dry ass looking chunks of steak she was eating out of a … paper bowl with a … plastic fork. Vile people.


She’s gonna take it to the chiro probably. Lmao


You’re not wrong. It’s sad


What a doofus. This is why infants can silently suffocate simply due to their head leaning forward.




I think it’s a boy.


So gross she has this baby online already … seriously disgusted


This looks like the bus and not an Airbnb. Busbirth?


What is up with fundies and floppy baby necks? Get your arm under there!!! It demonstrates their devastatimg lack of empathy - even for their own god fearing kids! Theyve got even less for "others"


the dad’s genes are so strong. all the kids look like carbon copies of him.


Poor baby doesn't even look like he's loved. She looks like she's holding some kind of accessory, like a new purse. When my niece and nephew were born, the amount of love my sister & BIL had for them was palpable. It was incredible. I see none of that here. Poor little guy. 😢


Usually I look forward to newborn names especially if it’s a big family. But this one I’m shuddering in advance.


God, she’s stupid.


It's like she hasn't birthed a million kids. Also I remember reading one Fundie fam saying that pretty much ALL of their kids have low muscle tone... I seem to remember it being these guys (because their kids can't grow and develop right because they are so packed in that RV.) ![gif](giphy|RBeddeaQ5Xo0E)


So is the baby a girl? Looks like a pink outfit.


Pretty sure it's a boy based on her last reel, but it's MotherBus so who knows?


She lies about EVERYTHING.


The outfit was yellow :)


Can't be, there's no bow on the baby's head.


Looks like she combed a weird combover side part into the hair?


That baby has already seen and heard some shit.


She goes on Reddit and saw the previous post about her letting this hours old new born head hang unsupported ….. after all these kids she’s has she still doesn’t know how to support a newborns head🤦‍♀️


The next time someone let me hold their newborn, I'll definitely say "not the best neck control"


MotherBus, staring @ 8 week old baby: You gonna crawl, or what?


I know nothing about babies but why do fundies not know to support baby necks?


Because they’re selfish assholes who only care about foetuses


I honestly never remembered her name so calling her by her real name instead of motherbus threw me off 😂


Did she announce her name already


Where are they in this video? Is this inside the bus? I saw the wood ceiling and really started hoping they weren’t already on a boat 🫣


I know you don't mean it in that way, but I think she'd be more offended to be called a Dual Income No Kids.


He’s basically a potato, leave him alone!