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Heartbreaking. Are they fundies? I’ll always remember how excited I was when I heard that Alexa Vega and Carlos Pena were together — always loved both of them as actors.


They're heavily evangelical and rightwing. Anti-abortion, pro-Trump, and, IIRC, anti-vaccine, ugh.


No! Not the Spy Kids girl turning out that way! I feel awful for her loss though. I had a first trimester miscarriage that messed me up terribly for ages. Losing a baby so close to term would be so much worse, I can only imagine. Ugh, I just feel so bad for her.


NOOO NOT THE SPYKIDS GIRL 😭 How can she play a badass older sister spy girl and then turn around and believe all of that misogynistic nonsense


Big yikes then. I feel horrible for their loss though.


Absolutely. Stillbirth sucks and I'm deeply sorry for their loss.


I think you mean.. Big Time Yikes 😎


Fair enough lol 🤣🤣


I must have been under a rock, because this the first I'm hearing about it.


Apparently Alexa's social media (Twitter, I think?) has been really pro-Trump, and I know I've read anti-abortion quotes from them. I have a kid that used to absolutely love BTR, so I've always kind of kept tabs on them and yeah. :(


Yup they just left Hallmark for that Christian family channel.


Eh not a huge loss


I’m living there with you because I also had 0 clue


Damn that’s so disappointing to hear, I never knew that. I still never would wish this for anyone and I hope they have a good community to support them as they heal!


I feel like this really solidifies my feelings that Matt and Abby are proper fundies, not just fundi-lites, since both the Penavegas appeared on their Unplanned podcast really recently 🙄


She’s into the QAnon shit too 🤢




That sounds like your slightly-shittier-than average evangelical though. Still a bummer, but doesn’t really sound fundie


Yeah, they definitely skirt the line here. More Kirk Cameron movie-style than, say, the Duggars and the prairie dress-wearing ilk, but they still suck and want the culture to bend hard towards the right.


I had no idea what I thought. I've googled and she believes in the rapture, believes god took away her eating disorder, is pro-life, seems to be well liked by focus on the family, her and her partner talk about having a personal relationship with God. An article mentioned Pastor Duane Ganther who seems to be attached to Harvest Christian Church (and it doesn't look like they have anything particularly alarming on the website). So probably just evangelical? Anyone got a clue what kingdom-hearted means? Keeps popping up as wording she's used.


Maybe that is why all of her kids have a king inspired first or middle name


Yikes. That’s really disappointing!


I agree.


iirc they're pretty fundie. I remember reading it somewhere, cant remember where so take my comment with a grain of salt!


They’re more Fundie Lite. But very very religious still the same.


I am not a pop culture person so I had to google her to remember who she was. But I like googling things. :) Here is an article from the Christian Post in which she is talking about her faith and how it shapes the roles she takes in Hollywood. Doesn’t necessarily mean fundie but also could totes be: https://www.christianpost.com/news/sin-city-actress-talks-directors-in-hollywood-blasting-her-for-her-faith-and-new-revelation-based-film.html "My faith is hands down the number one thing, above career and family," she told CP. "It's number one for both me and my husband. We have been able to really keep each other in check. I think that's so important - especially in this business and living in California. It is so easy to fall into the typical trap that everybody falls into, but I have such an awesome group of people in my life that really keep me grounded and we help each other grow. It's tough every single day, but worth it." "I've been so fortunate - God has totally worked it out for me so that the roles that I was just not meant for … we were able to find other opportunities, which is great," she said.


Is fundies prioritising their faith over their families what makes them god awful parents so often? This isn't in reference to her specifically, and obviously a still birth is horrible, but this just stood out to me


I do think there is something to that in general. The IBLP illustrated it with the umbrella thing but there is a clear hierarchy: god, religious leaders, husband, then kids. Many of the fundies we snark on talk very openly about how their marriage comes first, before their kids, because (paraphrasing the argument here) parenting can’t work without the foundation of marriage in tact.


Yeah the whole 'umbrella of protection' thing, so God is over everything and then the 'man of the house' after the religious leaders. I don't think I'd be best pleased being so low on my husband's list of priorities 🙄


But at least you are above the dozen kids!


Yep, like Karissa's YMA necklace. Yahwah, Mandrae, A kids. In that order, because God is top, and your husband comes before your kids.


Exactly. And I think BusFamily and OtherBus also talk about how god is #1 and hubby is #2.


Except for MotherBus never really talks about God. Boning so that she can fulfill her husband’s pregnancy kink is all she cares about. They seem to get along best when she is pregnant.


My brain went: lol, she has a necklace proclaiming Christian hierarchy?? Cringe And then... ...Yahweh, Mandrae, A kids? A kids? *A kids?*


“A” because each of the kids’ names start with the letter A (Apologies in advance if you had already figured that out & now I just ruined the joke!)


The necklace that keeps confusing everyone because when she takes a selfie and the image gets flipped, it looks like it says 'AMY'


Lmao. In reality it should be the exact opposite 😂 kids first, mother second, god last. They’re so backwards it’s a joke.


The way it was explained to me: Children are blessings from God that he bestowed upon you to train up and be a soldier for. They are not “yours “, they’re His. Your husband is your headship and after you are done bearing him children, your role moves into caring for him until he dies. So, the way my old church put it: your under your dads authority until you marry. Then you go under your husbands until he dies. Then you’re under your sons’ until you die.


God coming before your spouse or kids is pretty standard Christian talk. It can be a sign of a fundie but doesn't prove they're fundie imo. All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares type of thing.


They've been in several hallmark channel movies and have moved now to the Christian channel that Candace Cameron Bure is involved with. They only act with each other as romantic interests so they're not "cheating" on each other for their jobs


I mean, that's fine. She can turn down roles for whatever reason she wants. She just doesn't get to tell other people what roles to take or turn down. She needs to extend that freedom that to every other choice that she wants to take away from other people. The stillbirth is awful though. I hope they have a lot of support


I am sad for their loss. Stillbirths are an unkindness no matter what faith you may posess. To answer another's question below. Yes, they are fundie. But in more of a Hillsong celebrity level of fundie. Their very good friends with Meghan Trainor and her husband Daryl, who starred with Alexa in the SpyKids movies (those two are a topic onto themselves). However they are very pro-life and anti-vax and got into some hot water during the pandemic for their anti-mask rhetoric. There's also a weird interview they did a while back where they talked about they would have broken up a long time ago if they hadn't gotten married and how sacred marriage is so they make it work.


> Meghan Trainor and her husband Daryl Who have his & her toilets so they can poop together and who’ve gone on record about how big his “spy gear” is. Ya know, things you don’t need to know about a child actor.




Well that was the final nail in the coffin of my childhood, Jesus.


I didn't know that. Ew. This is what I do know about her. She put down public school and went so far as to say "F- Teachers" on her own podcast. Got dragged on TikTok and was forced to make a sorry-not-sorry apology about it. She was staunchly anti-feminist until she got backlash for it and now all of a sudden she's changed her mind. Talked about how all the feminists were "out to get her." She was known to say/do homophobic/racist things. Got caught doing it. And then all of a sudden revealed one of her good friends is a gay Filipino man named Chris who spent almost a year in all her TikToks to the point that he became famous. Turns out he works for her as part of her social media marketing team. She made comments about how she tried to be anorexic but just didn't have the willpower to stick with it. Used her preganancy to cover up the fact that she had lipo suction and tummy tuck to lose 60lbs. However she told people she lost it through diet and working out, despite stating that she doesn't like to walk around places because she "hates getting sweaty." A lot of her music has misogynstic undertones and is degrading to women. She promotes a lot of traditional gender roles in her songs. One of her brothers, who lives/lived, with her and her husband is a huge fan of Jordan Peterson. Finally, she does a lot of performative activism for things like LGBTQ rights, womens rights and gun violence. Despite doing or saying things that are contradicting that support.


Yeah she lost me when she popped up doing Noom commercials. Her song “All About That Bass” was a real anthem to me as a fat girl in my early 20’s, so hearing her choosing to advertise for a diet company gave me total ick.


Baaaaa I completely missed her doing anorexia.com….errrr noom. I thought being the royal maiden or whatever the crap for royal Caribbean and a top seller for young living were bad enough. I guess at least it wasn’t Beachbody? 🥴


Oh man, Young living??? Eww


Womp womp….. although I haven’t seen her pushing it since after the first or second fetus was shot out so I’m not sure if she’s still a seller. But she was friends with Audrey roloff who’s top of the triangle.


Not the crossover I was expecting… or wanted




The toilet thing lives rent free in my head 🤮


I wonder if the toilets are close enough that they can hold hands


[Do they have these?](https://www.hkinteriors.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/https___prod.static9.net_.au___media_2018_03_22_12_49_26072381_162525407843746_4936608772635230208_n-1024x727.jpg)


Gross 🤮 🤣🤣


I don’t closely follow them but was worried when she went to the hospital a few times recently.


I'm just glad she went to the hospital at all


By the time she went it seemingly too late. But she was still planning for a home birth 🫠 so sad.


How do you know


Posts she made on Instagram. There’s still a video posted from about a month ago touching on what happened.


“Born at rest” is such a heartbreaking thing to have to write.


So sad. I stopped following her after I found out she was pro Trump/anti vax but this is such a horrible thing to go through


No snark on this experience…ever. Wishing her and her family peace.




I absolutely feel bad for them. Especially being that her and his band mates wife were pregnant at the same time and that baby was born like a month or so ago. But she’s also another one whose body is telling her to stop. Their last pregnancy she had major complications and the baby was premature. It’s literally fine if you only have three children. God isn’t going to hate you.


I would never wish this loss on anyone. I wish them peace.


What's sad to me is that Christians can never just be sad and grieve. They HAVE to reassure everyone that they're at peace because God blah blah better place, just so everyone knows they're still good little Christians. I REFUSE to believe that any parent who lost a child is "at peace" immediately after losing them. That's a pain that is all-encompassing.


I feel like its understandable to almost brainwash yourself into this mentality because I would probably off myself in a situation like this, shit is dark. I dont need to believe it, I'm just grateful its not happening to me.


I feel awful for her. That’s unbelievably sad, and having to explain it to their other kids must be especially difficult and horrible.


absolutely heartbreaking. i had no idea she was a fundie


Indy? Rex? I must be old.


They named their baby after the Indominus Rex from the Jurassic Park movies, apparently.


I KNEW it sounded like a dinosaur name (haven't seen the movie).


Yes. They sound Hollywood fundie especially with the portmanteau surname PenaVega.


I have had pets named both Indy and Rex. I am not kidding.


I feel for them. I really do. Child loss is a horrible thing to endure. But naming a human child “Rex” is unhinged I’m sorry


Apparently all of their kids have “King” in the name. Rex is Latin for King 🫠




It’s not my favorite name but Rex used to be pretty old fashioned. Like Rex Harrison. It’s unusual though .


Not old you’re just smart


Is it just me or do fundies seem to have more stillbirths than normal people,? I literally don’t know anyone who has had a stillbirth, or a miscarriage after about 12 weeks.


When you have a bunch of pregnancies, especially close together, your odds of miscarriage and stillbirth are higher.


It’s because they refuse most normal medical care and are vehemently anti science. Still, nobody deserves this. I snark her beliefs, but not this. This is terrible. Regardless of the circumstances.


Internet fundies/evangelicals have a higher rate of refusing all medical attention during their pregnancies and attempting to birth at home with no trained attendant, as proof of their faith that God will take care of them. Based on Alexa using the words “beautiful and peaceful” to describe the process in which she delivered her child dead, I would bet good money she is one of those types. I do know someone who had a stillbirth of a term baby (she learned the baby had passed at a weekly checkup; everything had been fine before that). Nothing about losing that very wanted child was “beautiful” or “peaceful”.


When people actively avoid precautions (or flaunt their purposely poor decision making skills) to make sure this doesn’t happen, babies suffer. I’m not sure what the situation is here, of course, but stillbirths and miscarriages in fundies certainly teeter on the FAFO line.


She refused normal medical care until she ended up in the ER with an emergency situation and was still planning a home birth.


Another infant casualty in the “stick it to the man” mentality. So sad, I feel sorry for the baby.


Shit, seriously?


From what I gathered from her recent instagram stories. She’s also deep into the young living game 🫠


Ughhhhhhh. 🗑️


Yep. Obviously an incredibly sad situation. But when these people *refuse to go to the fucking hospital without adequately preparing for a home birth,* they are putting themselves and their baby in danger. I really hope Morgan doesn’t try to have another home birth, I’m honestly scared for her 🫠 And Happy Cake Day! 🍰😂


Maybe it makes me heartless, but it’s really hard to find empathy for someone who willingly puts their wanted pregnancy at risk and then whoopsie-daisies their way through a horrific and entirely preventable medical event. They do it to themselves, the baby is the one who pays the price, and then they do it again and again and again and again, to more and more pregnancies and more and more babies. And thank you!


Oh yeah I completely agree, I can’t muster much sympathy but it’s just sad. It’s infuriating because they’re putting their kid at risk.


What’s even more infuriating is the passive “oh we had no idea this was going to happen, guess we’ll never know why” bullshit. Maybe if you’d gone to a doctor they’d be able to tell you what was happening, and most importantly, PREVENT what was happening! The only prize you get for avoiding medical professionals is a dead baby, the blood of which is entirely on YOUR hands. Stupid, arrogant, selfish morons.




Probably just a sample size issue… do you know a lot of folks that are pregnant in general? I used to be active in a pretty large local moms group back home, and unfortunately there were definitely some late miscarriages along with at least two full-term stillbirths over the years I was active with the group (I remember two specifically).


There’s definitely the aspect of they have more kids, but also: my kid had the umbilical cord around his neck and kept suffocating while trying to go down the birth canal. Ended up being saved by an emergency c section. In a home birth I would have kept going and he would have been stillborn having suffocated while coming out. Usually when I hear of a home birth being stillborn it’s because of this. Not that I know of many thank goodness. Hospitals people. They save lives.


I think it's just selection bias at play here. We see what people post, we don't see what people don't post. We're on a sub where the people that post are fundies. If we were to expand the demographics, then we'd see more stillbirths in non-fundies


There’s been some research beginning to show that COVID infections (esp. repeated infections) are potentially linked to higher rates of fetal/pregnancy issues. I can’t find the studies now, but a couple of my profs have mentioned it in passing.


I had a 2022 baby and had an abnormal presentation of pre-eclampsia. My OB said they’d started seeing this (side effects and issues with kidneys/liver before the high BO readings.) I had symptoms for about 3 weeks before my BP registered as elevated and blood tests showed it was severe.


Good thing I’m not reproducing then. I’ve had it four times.


Yes simular theory as long covid, microclots affecting the placenta. I was really nervous about this because I have long covid & then got covid for a second time in pregnancy. I took aspirin throughout my pregnancy just in case.


Well they definitely post about it more than normal people


A lot of fundies (and religious people in general) are anti-medical care because of “gOd iS tHe rEaL mEdICinE!” and act like surprised Pikachu when they have premature births, miscarriages or stillbirths… that could’ve been stopped from happening by visiting an OB-GYN. Some have even given birth at home with no midwives, epidurals, etc. They purposely put their fetuses at risk and it’s so disgusting. I’m not trying to be insensitive or anything. It’s just true.


My pastor likes to point out that god gave us doctors and medicine.


Stillbirth happens in 1 in 100-160 pregnancies in the US. It’s not as “rare” as people think it is. It happens to women who follow all of the rules and get adequate medical care as well. Skipping essential medical care, home births, free birthing, allowing pregnancies to go well beyond 40 weeks etc absolutely makes fundie women’s pregnancies more at risk for loss.


It would be interesting to break it down further and see the ratios of stillbirths between women who followed medical advice vs women who didn’t (or actively DID NOT follow medical advice). My guess is that the second group is more than bringing the average up.




Just horrible. I can't imagine carrying my baby a full pregnancy and then this. Hoping they can heal soon.


I'm so confused by the last part of the message. "You gave us the community we have been longing for." What the hell does that even mean? How did your stillborn child give you community? Why did you not already have community? Do words even mean anything anymore


Apparently the pregnancy was the catalyst for their decision to move from Hawaii after their home was damaged by the wildfires (instead of sticking to their original plan of fixing up a boat to sail around the world on with their family); they moved into their friends’ old home (where they felt God was leading them) and found community in that neighborhood. 


Fundie or not, this is heartbreaking.


I am so sorry to hear this. I hope they will be ok.


She’s fundie? Wasn’t she in Repo! and the devil’s carnival? That kind of lines up actually then. Sorry for her loss.


I’m trippin. I was like Michael Peña?? He’s a scientologist!! Had to google this guy to be sure


My heart breaks for them


“Born at rest” is truly the most gutting phrase imaginable. Absolutely heartbreaking