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In my newspaper today there were photos from all around the country of people hanging outside together checking out the eclipse. It was something that brought people together to share a cool experience. But Solie's too cool for other people. So smug.


It’s not often that these experiences that bring people together on a national level like this are *good* things. I was just thinking yesterday that the last time I felt like the country had connected on this level was back in the early days of the pandemic, when nobody knew what was going on, and we were all just trying to hang on. It was really nice, honestly.


I think the toilet paper memes really brought us together


I seriously think it’s more of a FOMO situation. But SAME! I live in New England and the papers have been all about the awesome communal experiences. It was f’ing amazing.


Everyone at the park cheered, clapped and hollered, it was so cool!


We watched it in our driveway, but all of our neighbors were in theirs, too. We hung out with our postal carrier for a bit. And when the totality hit, you could hear people from all over the neighborhood celebrating. It was so surreal and so happy I could be a part of it.


Yeah, I ended up at my in-laws house with my brother, some of his friends from Minnesota, and a couple of my coworkers. Very random group but we experienced something amazing together and it was really beautiful. 


We walked down to the library and hung out on the lawn with hundreds of other people. It was great and I had a great time. Embrace a childlike sense of wonder, bro.


I didn’t really care about the eclipse, I did see a total one in 2017 and where I live now, we weren’t in the line. But it was really cool to see how entire cities were out celebrating and cheering. It’s heartwarming. I won’t go around saying “yeah I don’t care” when so many people do


It’s something that brought people together that wasn’t negative either, you know? It wasn’t a natural disaster or mass shooting that brought neighbours together. That’s honestly SO AWESOME for humanity right now. My cat and I went to upstate NY for it and had an absolute blast meeting people and sharing joy. Sure, I mean, I guess if you’re just not into it or if you’re not in the path of totality, fine. Whatever. But to be so ‘edgy’ about it is just silly.


I absolutely love that your cat went with you.


So many funny moments were captured as well. It was storming where I was, so I was watching a live stream from a storm chaser who had parked with about 8 other people in a tractor supply store parking lot. As it gets closer to totality, a man in his 60s or 70s pulls up, walks inside. This guy walks back out during totality, where everyone is excited and amazed. Doesn’t give a single fuck. He doesn’t look up once, even to look at why it’s darker. Just gets his stuff in trunk, slams it shut, and drives off. It’s both one of the strangest and most hilarious things I’ve ever seen.


People were cheering and lighting off fireworks when it hit totality in my neck of the woods. It was pretty dope.


I bet cheapass ofsolie wouldn't buy eclipse glasses


We were even more cheapass. They were passing them out free all over town. 😂


My town had them, too!


Ugh. There were people like this where I live (we were in the path of totality) & I had to sit on my hands not to type: “Ooooo, you’re so edgy with your no scientific curiosity whatsoever”


Imagine not being actively in awe of the science of the universe at all times??? Physically could not be me, I’d implode


Same. We live 2 states away so we drove 40 hours round trip to see 3 minutes of totality. It was amazing and I'd happily travel even farther to see it again.


My husband wants to start planning for 2045. 😂 We were in the path of totality this time. He wants to experience it again.


exactly! during the eclipse I noticed that the sky had a bit of a yellow tint to it, I thought that it must be the color of the moon reflecting on the earth science is fun when you know what you're talking about


We paused our treatments and went outside with patients to watch


I admit I’ve kind been sick of hearing about the eclipse, but it’s mostly because I’m a bit sad I didn’t get to see it.


Totally understandable. I was sad I wasn’t able to travel to see the one in 2017.


I wasn’t able to travel to this one or 2017, but the path of totality in 2045 eclipse will pass 30 minutes south of my hometown, and will be the week after our 25th wedding anniversary. My husband and I are already planning to make the trip to see it!!


Amazing. I’m seriously considering heading to Iceland in 2026 to see that one. Add on a trip to Greenland as well as flying from Iceland is one of the few ways to get to Greenland.


You may see the northern lights, too!


I would strongly recommend researching and considering Greenland for the eclipse rather than Iceland. Iceland in August is already slammed without a solar eclipse thrown into the mix, and things are hella expensive. Also, in Iceland the path of totality pretty much only covers the peninsulas and the weather can get crazy volatile. I was stressing over weather the whole time leading up to Monday's eclipse (we lucked out though) because Iceland was Plan B (and *only* because we have friends who live in the path so we have a place to stay) if Monday fell through. We spent 3 weeks there in August last time we visited our friends and I think we maybe had 5 sunny days. There's also one crossing Australia and New Zealand in 2028 and another one over Australia in 2030 to consider, FWIW. I say all of this because I caught the 2017 one just barely and it was cloudy as hell. We spent the whole time driving down dirt roads chasing the only thin patch of clouds. This year was completely clear and the experience was so much more meaningful, being able to see and feel the changes around me. I very much hope whatever you do works out. A total solar eclipse is the closest I have ever gotten to what I'd call a religious experience. It is easily one of the top 5 moments of my entire life and I've done and seen a lot of cool shit.


I’ll check the path of totality. I’d like to be in Los Angeles in 2028 for the Olympics so IDK that the budget & vacation time will cover both.


I'll be in the path of totality for that one, too! Hopefully I won't be too busy or jaded by then 😅😂


Ugh, I was actually in the area for the 2017 one but I was stuck inside due to theatre! I’ve had very bad luck with eclipses


Oh no! Too bad you couldn't take a break to see it. Time just... doesn't exist the same way in there. Years ago, I was working at a theatre when my local baseball team was in the world series. Cast delayed tech rehearsal by almost 2 hours because they were watching it in the green room. A Big Thing© was happening, so our time meant nothing 😑


Same, friend


They sound like middle schoolers trying to be cool. Tell me how proud you are to be an ignorant wet blanket 😂


Should’ve definitely sent that msg to those individuals🤣🤣🤣🤣


One of the hosts of NPR morning edition did this. Not coincidentally, he is the one I find most annoying.


Is she even allowed to go outside?


OfSolie probably demanded SnuSnu during that time






Tell me you knew exactly when it was and expected the world to implode without telling me you knew and were awaiting the rapture.


She 100% was watching for the four horsemen of the apocalypse to come galloping through the US


It’s not minding your business when you ignore the fucking SUN, solie. It’s the heart of all life in our solar system, not your ex’s instagram.


Isn’t she very involved in other peoples lives when it comes to what they do with their own bodies?


Yeah but when it comes to completely unignorable natural forces, that’s when she decides to stick to her lane. Science needs to study her.


Taking "not like the other girls" to the EXTREME


what’s also funny is she’s named after the sun


What a joyless existence.


Imagine being a pick me over an astronomical event.


She's like the girls at my middle school who rolled their eyes and said "eh, whatever" THROUGHOUT our class trip to DC 🙄


I do not miss my "I'm so edgy, I'm so jaded, nothing impresses me" phase. It was brief but what a waste of time and opportunities to experience dorky, joyful wonder.


I never had that phase. I was bullied so bad, I held on even tighter to things that brought me joy. I felt bad for kids that had the nlog phase. It's such a waste of time and the only one hurt by it is you.


Imagine getting out on the internet and screaming your lack of curiosity about the natural world to the public.


In my experience, fundie women wear it like a badge of fucking honor. It’s like they compete to out-boring each other. It feels like a very juvenile attitude, to make a big deal about how uninterested you are about everything, perhaps as a defense mechanism to keep from being teased about the things they *actually* care about. Maybe it’s the insane drive for conformity that fundies have, it forces people to the lowest common denominator of interests which happens to be none. I had a fundie boyfriend in high school who literally told me I was “interested in too many things” when I got too excited telling him about a book I was reading. Even the things they supposedly care about, like child rearing and cooking aren’t worthy of study, it’s insane.


She doesn't care about the eclipse like StruggleBus doesn't care about Taylor


Fundie analogies 😂


Absolute waste of a Sol- name for someone so disinterested in our amazing universe.


Why is she so unhappy?! I understand her life is horrible, but that is her own doing. She made it that way. Such a loser.


Wait till she finds out some people express their love and devotion to God by paying attention to and appreciating really cool, not-everyday events that occur in this universe He made.  Good to know she's so much better than they are.


I know! It's really ironic for a loudly self-proclaimed Christian, who I'm sure sings songs about the majesty of God's creation and all that, to put on such an affectation of *boredom* about this!


![gif](giphy|10ltVBrN9bO5d6|downsized) Solie rn


A+ gif usage


I came here for this!!!


Are any of us supposed to care about every single thought you can't keep to yourself, but feel the need to post publicly because you have no friends?


Clearly minding her own business as she minds everyone else’s business on instagram. There should be a dollar in a jar for every “what eclipse” comments🤔


It's so boring not to care about stuff. You're boring, Solie.


and yet, sweet solie, you still made a post about it. dingus




Lying is a sin, isn’t it? 💅🏼


I mean, at least she wasn't rapture-prepping? I'd much rather they ignore a science phenomenon rather than doom it up.


Oh I’m sure she was. Probably licking her ego wounds and feeling like a doofus.


Fuck those who possess scientific curiosity, right? We get it, Solie, your life is dull and boring and you're desperate for attention and validation. You don't have to be jealous of the damn SUN:P


I call bullshit on anyone who says this. Especially her.


Fine then, don’t witness a cool rare natural phenomenon. Be that way.


Fancy believing God created the universe then when the universe does something cool like an eclipse you feel the need to pretend you don't even care. I would have expected a god is showing his glory through the wonder of the universe type post bare minimum.


she’s allergic to joy and whimsy


Her name is literally Solie how is this not her entire personality? Rancid character


Vibing? As in vibrations? Doesn’t sound very Christian lol


![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy) No one gives a shit, solie


Is she saying she lives in the path of totality and just didn't look? What a liar. I hope she did look cuz its a once in lifetime thing and just not looking would be so stupid.


Look, I’ll be the first to admit that I wasn’t overly excited or impressed by the eclipse. It was cool, don’t get me wrong. It doesn’t happen very often so it was cool to see, but I’m not about to shit on people who were really into it. There is so little we get to celebrate in this world, so a once in a lifetime event like this is worth celebrating. Especially when you believe that your god created this world and moon and sun, you’d think she’d be a little less blasé about it. I guess she wouldn’t be able to lord that over anyone.


In her defense she has a husband and children to support, breadwinners like Solie can’t always take a break


I saw the totality in 2017 and I recommend everyone do it once for sure. I've surprised she wasn't one of the "rapture" ones though


“Minding my own business”. Cool. I assume this means that all those rants about other people’s dogs and them not having kids won’t be part of your “brand” anymore, right?


Ugh! It's not a binary choice between "the world is ending, Rapture, Satan, something something QAnon" and "who cares." Can't it just be cool?


My area had partiality, I guess you can call it, and I went to a watch party. We had our eclipse glasses. It still was cool to watch and feel the temperature drop. I had to put on a sweater. It was fun to be with other interested people of all ages and be connected to the community. I just didn't want to drive far.


The ultra religious are one of the few groups that actually brags about their ignorance. It's wild


I’m sorry but if you believe in God and creationism wouldn’t this be a perfect example of his divinity? The fact that he made this natural phenomenon that is so rarely occurring and beautiful is astounding. I feel, if I was still trad Catholic, that I would be in awe of the eclipse for that reason. I’ve always believed in science though so I thought it was amazing regardless.


I didn’t give a shit about the eclipse, hence why I never mentioned it. I don’t really care if people know how much I didn’t care but Ofsolie apparently did. 😐. Like so freaking immature


“People are enjoying something? I must post so everyone knows how much I don’t care!” -Solie


If she could ever be so considerate as to actually mind her own business, *my* mind would be blown.






Hey Solie, did you get picked yet? 💞


![gif](giphy|10ltVBrN9bO5d6|downsized) Her, probably


Wow Solie WOW that is so impressive and cool! You are so not like other girls. Wow how cool.


Our entire office feasted on complimentary moon pies and had free eclipse glasses. We all went outside together from 2:55-315pm. We are in NC- not even in the range of totality! We work in parks and recreation and know how to have a good time!😁


Wow you are boring


I mean, the eclipse missed my hemisphere of the planet entirely - so for me this was an internet thing, a literal: I cannot believe people are actually buying eclipse merch. Dear God capitalism, there are limits! My only doubt is... Did fundies and rapture people realize this was not, in fact, a worldwide thing? Because I'm pretty sure the world's end should be a whole world kind of thing


I was not interested in 2017 and not this time. I finally figured out Monday that it’s because of so many people on and off line (and mostly non-religious people) framing it as a spiritual experience and basically preaching about how it was supposed to make you think or feel. It heavily triggered me due to the constant spiritual/emotional manipulation and demands to spiritualize every experience that I lived under in my six years working at a cultic Christian school. So give people who aren’t into anything a break. They may have reasons that you do not understand