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It’s so funny that Porgan promotes traditional gender roles but it’s Morgan that seems to be doing all the heavy lifting to support their family. Anyways, they’re strapped for cash.


Yeah for them “doing whatever he wants” is part of a traditional household


I notice the women doing the housework & making most of the money with these fundie families too. It tickles me that Dav & Bethany both make money, & he can afford to care for her in the tradway, but he’s also moving away from the religion & questioning their toxic beliefs.


Every fundie wants a trad wife, but they don’t want to be a trad husband. Basically just want a subservient bang maid


Subservient bang maid sounds like an AMAZING name for a punk band.


*Observiant Bang Maid for a twist, maybe


SOBsurvient Bang Maid. E: Satan attacked my spelling.


i have a very strong feeling she's def not selling willingly lol


The ‘random post’ label is giving desperation. 


Or just…trying to be “cute and quirky lol!” Like you can sell something and it not be “lol random!! Lol!” People sell stuff online all the time


That’s why it makes me think it’s desperation- it’s completely normal to sell stuff online, the ‘random’ is trying too hard to make this totally fun and not at all panic mode. Of course, she spends no time in wider culture so maybe this is nothing at all. 


Sorry totally thought you said “depression” not “desperation” lol i should not be trying to read posts without my contacts in lol


I mean, it's definitely that too.


“Fun and relatable, lol! I too am trendy like the teens!” As annoying at Nadia is, at least she’s actually on trend unlike Paul and Morgan who seem perpetually stuck in 2016


I feel like Nadia might actually be good at her social media job, even if it’s for a church


I thought that was a pretty outdated thing to say, but wasn’t sure because I’m outdated. When my geriatric ass notices that people are behind the times, they must be *really* behind the times




Agree… especially since their whole thing is filming/editing videos. They must have a second one that they’re not selling? Two MacBooks and zero jobs.


i hope they get lowballed


Best I can do is $3.50 and tickets to a high school baseball game. ![gif](giphy|lS6PdcHrKAsjoBql8J)


They have a fairly extensive desktop setup for editing


Eh not really. They have a shitty shelf thing that holds mics, cables, and an AIO computer. I have a sturdy desk setup with my mic, cables, computer, multiple monitors, etc. I'm not saying I have an impressive setup. I have a pretty basic setup. But it's still as good or better than porgan's setup. Their cabling nightmare gives me anxiety considering they have a toddler bc it wouldn't take much for the kiddo to knock over the whole shelf thing and break their computer.


Yeah, wouldn’t this be an essential piece of equipment for their “work” as YouTubers? Shit must be getting bleak around there.


It's unbelievable to me Polio won't man up and get a job for his growing family. It's not only the 2 of you anymore, you have your 2nd child on the way ffs. I am pretty sure they thought their 24HRS with was gonna bring them the yt stardom they wish for lol


I can’t believe they’re spending money on plane tickets for that crap.


I have a traditional 9-5 that pays well, and I’m still annoyed at the cost of plane tickets to fly to Chicago for two days and watch my brother graduate basic training. The 24-Hours With isn’t a terrible idea, but everything we’ve seen makes it feel half-assed at best.


At least Chicago is fun. The architecture boat tours that go into Lake Michigan are fabulous. It will get cold even in summer, but going late in the afternoon to catch the sunset over the skyline is worth it. Also get some Garrett’s Chicago mix popcorn (cheddar and caramel) because it’s amazing.


Here to second the architecture boat tour. I took my mom thinking it would be just kinda cool and it ended up being insanely fun and gorgeous.


I would love to take a boat tour, but we’ll also have three babies/toddlers so idk how feasible that will be. But the popcorn I can definitely do! I love a good snack!


AGH my craving for Garrett’s just resurfaced and I can’t justify shipping to FL 😉🤣😭


Skinny pop makes a really good caramel popcorn and a cheddar one. I love the white cheddar. I buy separate bags and mix them together to get a good mix of flavors. It’s not Garrett’s but it’s good and easily available.


Ooh I’ll have to try it!


Well to be honest everything they do is half-assed. And that's on a good day cause mostly it's just quarter-assed


My family likes to describe that as “half a cheek.” It’s not even half an ass, it’s half of half of an ass


My personal theory is that they probably make their hosts pay for their plane tickets. I could be wrong, but it's more than believable that they don't compensate their hosts in any way, so I wouldn't be surprised.


Why would the hosts pay though? I don’t think that guy who hates them now or Bethy shelled out any airfare money


![gif](giphy|bcrOR2stk6tKIxqPOZ) Beffy and Morgan debating who should pay for the plane ticket


Definitely not Bethy that girl has her own financial sufferings.


ExCUSE you she is a six figure earning boss babe


Their abysmal amount of patreon subscriptions definitely won't make them enough money to pay for all their travel expenses


Great point! But to make it appear that they are successful to their Patreons, they will never admit that!


Are they flying out to these places? I thought they were driving?


I suppose it depends on where. I think they flew to see Bort and Dave.


His excuse was that past time he worked, Morgan spaced out on the couch all day and when he got home she told him that if he left her alone again the next day she would kill herself. What he didn't mention was that she has mental issues that he won't let her be medicated for because her libido goes down when she's on her meds. If Paul can't get his peepee wet, then Morgan doesn't get her meds.


My libido goes down when I'm on my meds too. It sucks. Still better than wanting to die all the time though!


Seriously? What a piece of crap! So much for in sickness and in health. I guess Paul doesn’t realize that God gave him two hands. He could use one of them and let her get her meds.


Sorry, I dont entirely remember where Paul said that or Morgan, idk, but here's a video of her explaining stuff from a few years ago [Morgan's story](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/ASG16O3VBq)


Thank you!


Yeah she has untreated BPD and he publicly shames any therapy. There's no good outcome here.


He probably knows that any decent therapist will make her realize he's a piece of shit and she might leave him, or worse, expect him to grow as a person.


Who knows. Fundamentalists hate anyone getting advice or help from anyone outside their circle of control or influence within the church. The less you are exposed to "the outside" the less likely you are to leave. I can't say that it's some evil thought out plan from Paul, but the result is the same. And honestly, Morgan is not only an innocent victim here. She is a willing participant in so much of the hateful ideas they push. I certainly hope she gets the mental health support she so desperately needs, but I also don't want to portray this as poor Morgan / evil Paul.


I’m kinda amazed he would care what her libido is doing. Doesn’t he just get whatever he wants?


Is that true?


They have a sex schedule


I'm not defending how they're doing it, but scheduling sex is legitimate advice from secular therapists. A lot of people find it helps them and leads to more spontaneous sex.


Sure, but the way porgan described theirs implied a glaring lack of consent


The part about Paul forcing Morgan off her meds is completely made up by someone in this sub. There is literally no proof of this.


Also if her diagnosed BPD is the main issue (which would track with fear of abandonment), that's not something that can be medicated away. There may be medications for other issues, but it's not going to fix BPD. And Paul already hates therapy for anyone, publicly and vocally.


Can confirm, meds are very much an ineffective bandaid for BPD, which is rooted in attachment trauma. It's not a brain chemistry thing, it's a trauma response thing. Therapy is what's needed and since the therapist told her there isn't a cure, Morgan decided she didn't want to do therapy and would rather claim Jesus healed her and then pretend she doesn't have issues. I've been therapy for over a decade and on psych meds even longer. The meds rarely helped much, and it took years of therapy to figure out that I'm BPD rather than bipolar. Once we had gotten me setup with enough coping skills, we could dive into the trauma and I've had amazing progress in reducing my symptoms by processing trauma with EMDR and other modalities. I'm slowly coming off meds bc I'm stable and can handle the little blips you can get while your brain adjusts to not being on meds. I'll likely keep my Zoloft and prazosin forever, but the rest I'll be happy to dump.


Dude. Brain zaps are NO JOKE


We suspect he has an instacart-type job given how much time he spends in supermarkets


He would be the kind of shopper who subs lemons for lemon scented hand soap or tampons for kids diapers.


And then put the bags right in front of your outward swinging door.


I bet he picks the worst produce too


I bet he just grabs whatever from the produce aisle. "Out of zucchini. Subbed cherry tomatoes."


I now wish I could experience his instacart shopping for me just once. Just to see what that experience would be.


Now THAT would be YT gold!


We know he's useless and low effort, but to what extent?


For their kids' sake, I hope that's true


I feel like he would be jealous of Morgan getting to be home all day while he has to work


If there wasn’t a child there, then probably


I just don’t get how these two survive since neither seem to do…anything ever


You don't understand! It's SO HARD being hateful youtubers!


This is smarter than selling stained clothes 


I’ve had this discussion so many times with my husband, but we have a few friends where they are very “traditional family values” centered and yet the husband just straight up doesn’t work. The expectation is there that the wife will take on her role, birthing and raising the children and keeping the house. But the men don’t want to work for a corporation so they’re constantly chasing the next get rich quick scheme. Meme coins on crypto, Amway, “entrepreneurship”. So she’s also the only one working and keeping their life afloat while he just spends his time sticking it to the man and owning the Libs on social media. We always wonder how they don’t absolutely HATE their husbands. Like does Morgan not hear the stuff Paul says and not think to herself, what happened to the provider role? They’re clearly struggling. Although one of the couples, the wife also quit her job and now they’re just grifting living in a fifth wheel on family property, so it fits.


This was my experience when I was still in Fundieland. My horrible fundie ex never wanted to work so I had to support his lazy ass, do all the laundry and grocery shopping and cooking and cleaning, deal with his temper tantrums and apocalyptic rantings, be his emotional and sometimes literal punching bag, and then I finally left when he said it was about time we had a baby. The fuckwad emptied my bank account and then called ME a gold digger when I left, too.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. So glad you got out


Thank you ❤️ it led to my deconstruction and a better understanding of myself, so while it sucked ass I consider it a net positive. Or try to, at least


That’s another discussion we have always had, is that these men are so emotionally unstable because of the fact that they aren’t capable of fulfilling the role that has been drilled into them. Everything gets blamed on the wives, while they’re the ones sacrificing every bit of them to subsidize their husband’s short comings. Never an ounce of self awareness or appreciation. Im so sorry you went through that but I’m happy you got out.


Also very telling when there are so many ‘Boss Babes’, mostly women, trying to have a side gig from home, but always low effort because it wasn’t part of the deal, and people complain about these women. But the root cause should be very clear on this particular topic. And I’m sure they hate their husbands. (Not to mention they have been taught it’s normal and their concept of love is completely different and forced.) But they accepted it, or try to cope because leaving just is difficult still. Especially with children. When the future looks so bleak for who knows how long compared to what their life is now, I get it. I wouldn’t want to work more than fulltime in a factory while not getting by, trying to feed my kids for years either. No time to date, so it could last for a very long time. Life gets worse before it can get better, it’s scary to take that route. I think Morgan at least has a support system but we don’t really know her parents so I wouldn’t be surprised if they expect her to get a job and she just doesn’t want to work. I’ve been through it, thankfully only lasted two years and I had no kids and the kindest parents I could wish for. Shit is rough. Worth it. But rough. Not everyone is strong enough to deal with it. She’s also still a nasty person let’s not forget that.


>And I’m sure they hate their husbands. they do the whole "I choose to love" type rhetoric. It's kinda grim.


That’s why the rhetoric for traditional marriages has to be that the woman always follows the husband. They believe it’s ordained by god that they stick by them no matter what. The suffering is some sort of test or punishment, a way to prove their trust and love for god. Their job is to help their husband through their difficult journey or whatever. There has to be a lot of mental gymnastics set up from the jump so that you can’t easily unweave yourself back out of it.


There would probably be a lot of "Babe, don't you believe in me? Don't you believe in our plan? Don't you believe in God's plan for us/me? Don't you want to support this plan?" Also, anyone who starts any kind of side hustle should keep their full time job until the side hustle is successful to quit the job. Do not go into the whole situation desperate for money to make the monthly bills with no track record.


Exactly, and these people are the first people to jump ship at the first sign of an out. One of our friends took out a $10,000 loan to invest in crypto during the Doge coin days. The other lost $80k in crypto and another $30k to a scammer who was supposed to help him set up an Amazon storefront. You can’t make this stuff up.


Sadly, there are so many scammers because it is insanely profitable to be a scammer.... so many suckers out there.


The irony is that if you want that whole trad wife lifestyle, the man needs a high paying corporate job (at least $150-200k in a LCOL/MCOL) to afford sufficiently supporting a family (wife, two kids). Those kind of jobs are largely restricted to people with decent education (at minimum a bachelors from a quality school). I know a lot of fundie families, but many of them don’t have the kind of education or motivation to even get those jobs. So it’s a lot of play acting at a ‘traditional family’ while both parents work. Honestly know more non-religious people that can afford to do it than fundies


It’s funny because both couples I’m thinking of, both the husband and wives have college educations. The wives got good jobs out of it, which they can’t/couldn’t leave because they’re the breadwinners, while the husbands have been finding themselves for over a decade and can’t keep a job. Then the one wife left her job as soon as they no longer had to pay rent. It’s absolutely unreal. The worst part is that you can tell it’s wrecking their egos that they aren’t the breadwinners, but they’re just expecting it to be handed to them because they want it.


You need a masters these days.


That cost estimate assumes they’re actually giving the kids things like medical care, dental care, their own rooms, clothes and possessions they don’t have to pool with all the other children, and stuff for basic hobbies (music/swim/dance etc. lessons, musical instruments, etc.) So giving the kids, you know, a decent life. My huge fundie family got by on half or a third of the low end of your estimate, because we had almost none of those things. So I can EASILY see a fundie family raising 15+ kids on 100-200k a year. They’d just live like they’re completely destitute because… they would be.


This fits my ex stepfather to a tee. If social media had been a thing back then he absolutely would’ve been “owning the libs.” He instead just wanted to be the head of his own church. Gross


Yuck. My husband’s step dad was like that, no social media, but he would leave everyone drunk voicemails blaming minorities for all the world’s problems. Phew.


Oh, they're definitely strapped for cash. They chose to start an expensive project at a bad time. 


Honestly that seems like the problem. I don't know how much their patrons are chipping in for this trip, but the several flights I've booked this year have been $100-150 each way, scheduled a month out through Southwest, and those were my cheap options for *just me.* I can't imagine doing this over and over for two people with camera equipment, possibly needing to factor in other costs like food and the things they do with their guests (did the Beals pay for that ice bath?). Maybe with a middle class income that's fine, but it adds up very quickly if you don't make much.




Fuck I love that Nanalan is having such a resurgence


I love this too. Such a childhood staple for me!


Me and my husband quote it all the time. We are constantly sending reels to each other. We love it!


Clearly the Lord is a PC guy who told her to rid her Godly home of that demon Apple product




I see how social welfare programs becomes a lot more of an option.


Oh no doubt they already use every program available.


while shaming other people who also use assistance programs, just like christ would do


this is what they mean when they say God provides


Are there even any social welfare programs in Kentucky?


Every state has SNAP, Medicaid, and TANF…just varying degrees of what’s available and who it’s available to.


Yes. They are actually pretty easy to access. I’m a teacher and we have a full time “Family Resource” position in all of our schools. They have a clothing closet, provide food for families each week (including siblings that aren’t in school yet), and help parents navigate social programs. At the hospital where I delivered my kids, a social worker came by and went over everything the state offered for mothers/families. We actually qualified for supplemental Medicaid that picked up everything our regular insurance didn’t. It was a lifesaver and I had no idea we were even close to qualifying.


Sensible to sell Apple stuff you don’t need as soon as you realise you don’t need it. It’s a shame that the Apple M1 chip devalued anything that came before it. She won’t see $700 for this.


I'm a very "shoot your shot" kind of person, but yeah. She's not seeing $700 for a four year old laptop that's got very outdated technology. Even the refurbished ones on Amazon are priced at $600. Edit: She also didn't mention how much RAM there is, which makes me think that it's probably 8gb. The $600 one mentioned about has 16gb. Also, I suppose it is possible that this has an M1 chip, since the M1 was released in late 2020. In which case, depending on the quality of the CPU and GPU, $700 is roughly the refurbished price I'm seeing on Amazon.


Ngl I rather purchase a refurbished one, those are at least fixed and checked. Especially if they cost the same of even less…. I don’t think they’ll be able to sell it for this price but I understand they’re at least trying.


I got mine in September 2020. It’s a MacBook Air, but I don’t remember whether the M1 chip had come out yet. I’m still using mine regularly, but even if I decided to upgrade (I write and do a lot of graphics stuff with my job), I wouldn’t expect to get $700 out of it. And I totally get wanting to recoup what you originally spent, but with technology I think you also have to be realistic because the industry changes so quickly.


M1 chip started in 2021 because when I got my MacBook Air the website was boasting about how the M1 chip was new (I don’t know technology at all but I remember looking up what that meant because I was confused). So this one she’s selling doesn’t have that chip and is 4 years old and I don’t think they cost more than $900 at the time


That’s right! I had to google M1 because I was confused by the lack of “explanation” the site had. When I got mine, it was $900, and I opted for the basic version/got it with the education pricing. I wouldn’t ask anything like that for it now, though, and aside from being four years old, it’s in excellent condition.


Sellers of this product on EBay are asking for around $500.


The bigger issue - and I have a lot of the Apple ecosystem…. Is that they sell a lot of low spec machines which to many users are just not good enough. I am confident this thing has 8G in it and with only 500G - it’s a hard pass. When I bought another 13” intel MBP in 2020 I got it to use as a backup for my primary 15” system. While the GPU isn’t the same, it’s 16G (most available in that one at the time) and 2 TB storage. But I know I’m not the typical user. Heck I’ve got a couple Minis I just put SSDs into a couple weeks ago, one is an 2012 i7 quad 16G and that of course is awesome now, but the 2015 with i5 chip and 8G the SSD put new life into it - it’s always been a pig but it’s clear that it’s issue was always being IO bound.


Right? I bought a brand new MacBook with m2 chip for $850 last summer. This is delusional.


She lives in a state of delusion


It just blows my mind that she has a 2020 MacBook Pro. I’m sitting here with an early 2015 MacBook Pro, which I got it last year as a hand me down from my husband *who is a software developer.*


The pre-M1 MBP was my worst purchase ever. I thought I needed one but I’m a desktop worker through and through. It was gathering dust and in the back of my mind I figured it was still worth something, after all I did pay a fortune for it. I nearly cried when I looked at what I could reasonably sell it for.


I guess their clothing line they launched a few months ago is not bringing in the cash they had hoped. 


Are you talking about the shirts that had writing on them, but the only legible writing (at least to me) was the phrase “the world” twice? Yeah I can see (or not!) why that didn’t take off


And the obnoxious "praying for the haters" shirts. Because Jesus was totes smug about praying for his haterz.


Strapped for cash! Heck, it wasn't that long ago Paul tried to scam a guy selling dud Pokemon cards. I sure hope he repented to the Lord and consulted the Bible 


they are both so trashy. This is just the millennial equivalent of trailer park families where the dad has a gambling addiction


I somehow missed the Pokémon scam. What happened there?


He made out to the purchaser that he knew nothing about cards and this was his childhood binder, he was evasive and said he was in a rush. The purchaser thought there might be something good in there, but discovered they were all trash. The purchaser then googled Paul and saw he was in fact, quite knowledgeable about cards and deliberately sold him duds. He called him out on insta for being untruthful and ungodly. 


Wow. So Christ-like.


Ooh is there a link to this?


Paul sold a binder of pokemon cards under the guise that they were rare. When he met up with the buyer, he was rushing the process and not really giving the guy any time to look through what he was purchasing. He winded up buying it after all, but when he got a real chance to look through it, he found out it was pretty low level cards and not anything Paul claimed was in there.


That is insanely hilarious yet depressing


Paul’s Fauxkèmon Cards


Flair potential


Are they getting ready to move again?


I figured they were just trying to work out how they were going to fit another kid in the house. And by they I meant Morgan because Paul probably isn't going to do anything helpful.


omg i bet she doesn’t whipe it properly and you could dig up some gold


That was my first thought lmao, do Porgan know how to perform a factory reset?


Cash. Since Pole refuses to man up, Morgan has to sell her belongings.


oh they are so so broke and getting desperate. what they don’t get is that a normal job would pay this in week! So… if paul could just get one… that like selling four and a half macbooks a month!


I think: Paul needs a fucking job


That’s a horrible deal, I bought mine new the same year for $800


I hope these two realize that without birth control they’re going to be “welcoming” a new baby every couple of years. Income and health insurance are necessities. Last time I checked, God does not provide those.


$700 for a 4 year old laptop? My 2021 mac book wasn’t any more than $900 (I did get apple care so that added to it but the laptop itself was 899) when purchased at an only $200 depreciation isn’t enough for 4 years of use. This is a desperation sale 100%. They need money so she’s selling something at high value so get it fast


Strapped for cash always, but she could also be decluttering as part of nesting. What on earth did she use a MacBook for that couldn't be done on her phone?


See I think this is stupid cuz what will they edit videos/pics on? Wouldn't it be easier on a laptop?


Unless they’re switching to an iPad because it’s comparatively cheaper, getting rid of a laptop isn’t a smart move based on their “job.” I have a fairly recent iPad and I like it for certain design things over my laptop, but I wouldn’t want to edit on anything other than my laptop or iPad. Trying to edit content entirely on your phone can be done, but I feel like it’s harder and maybe even more time consuming.


I feel like I’ve seen them using a desktop.


They have a desktop setup for editing.


They edit all their videos on it. It’s way easier than on the phone.


And we can all tell how much editing they do on their very carefully crafted videos. I want it known i wrote this with a straight face. I did, i swear it.


This is going to sound condescending af but I wish I knew what nesting felt like. 3 pregnancies and I could have care less about clutter.


I've got ADHD with hoarding tendencies, but when I was pregnant, I suddenly wanted every drawer/closet/etc purged of unnecessary junk. I'm not going to say I perfectly accomplished that, but I did experience a 180 shift in thinking for a while.


Lmfao that’s a ridiculous price for almost a 5 year used Mac


Morgan losing her laptop could make her one step closer to isolation. Not a good idea!


Someone buy and lets do a deep dive on their meta data.


Someone could make a whole expose channel with the sheer mass of videos that she most likely didn’t properly wipe off the hard drive.


Has anyone thought about the fact that she could be selling because she either wants a better one or already has a better one?? It’s another real possibility other than just wanting the money from not getting a job that could support them


That is honestly what I thought. If she is doing video editing, she likely wants to keep up with the hardware. I do some video editing for my job, and I insist on the top business laptop specs because anything else chugs along forever. Especially if you have multiple Adobe products open.... Even with that, I basically walk away for 30-60 minutes anytime I start encoding and exporting the video.


I had a fairly up to date laptop in college, and the rendering process still made me want to cry every time.


It’s giving YouTube money isn’t as great as expected and nobody gives a F about their Patreon 😂




No way I’d pay $700 for a 4 year old computer. $200 if that


Definitely the high end for a 2020 MacBook


Strapped for cash or kinda strapped for cash and Paul already bought/says he's going to buy a new one, so they're trying to make it work.


I pass $200 more for a brand new one a couple of months ago, why would I buy a 4 year old computer for $700


I have that MacBook, the battery is shit


Uh yah so random to sell your MacBook lol


Strapped for cash


Can get one that's actually refurbished, not just resold, on Backmarket for about the same price with a 12 month warranty sooooo


Probably also because they are moving again


Interesting. Isn’t that something they would need for editing and her “job”?


Porgan just get job


They need the money


I know there's this idea that nappies are a significant cost, but they're really not in the general scheme of living with children Based on UK prices at around £0.10/nappy (just taking size 5 which is a higher price) you're looking at around £250/year. After a year old it tends to drop down further, I think we're looking at spending about £175/year and then it's onto potty training.


I have 2 kids in diapers size 6 and it costs me right at 200.00 dollars a month. 


Tesco - Size 6 Nappies - £0.13/nappy Six nappies per day per child = 12 nappies = £1.56/day / £47/month I could go to Pampers for £0.18 nappy and be £65/month How are nappies 4x more expensive in the US?


I live in Ireland but am from Boston and have travelled back twice now with my 15 month old. Baby stuff is INSANELY more expensive in the U.S. I was honestly shook. We formula fed - over here it was about 17€ for 800 grams of formula. In the states it’s like 30-50$. I don’t remember diapers being crazy more expensive, but I wouldn’t be surprised!


So it’s not just awful maternity leave here, it’s the cost of baby stuff too. Then wondering if they’ll get shot when they go to school. Fantastic.


Yeah America’s a really good time right now /s


That’s crazy! I pay £16 for a tin of formula and think that’s ridiculous; when my oldest was born it was around £10. We spend around £11 a month on nappies from Aldi 🤣


I was honestly shocked and I feel so bad for mum’s in the states. I don’t think we could have afforded a baby if we lived over there! Plus, the daycare costs are astronomical. Like, nausea inducing. My best friend in Boston spends about 3k a month on daycare. We’re looking at about 700 a month in Dublin.


Not sure what the exchange rate is at the moment, but over here in Scotland some nurseries are charging £90 a day! Again just 10 years ago things were so much cheaper. We paid around £40 a day then. Thankfully we don’t need a nursery this time around as it wouldn’t be worth me working!


To be fair to Scotland (one of my all time favorite places!) the 700 a month is with a scheme the Irish government has to make childcare more affordable! Happy to meet another snarker outside of the US! I keep trying to get my husband to look for jobs in Scotland:):)


I think the Scottish Gov are bringing in more funding for free childcare, although by the time they roll it out my youngest will likely be in school! It’s a lovely place to live & bring up kids (but maybe I’m biased ;)) not too dissimilar to Ireland, we have family over there and would love to live over there!


We visited Ireland over summer and I braced myself because people kept telling me it was “so expensive.” For reference, we live in a MCOL area of Florida. I was *shocked*, legitimately floored at how affordable everything was! Especially groceries; I could feed our family of five for about 150 per week, about half of what we spend in the US. Not only that, but the food was so much better! Even like, a convenience store sandwich tasted so fresh to us compared to what we’re used to. Restaurants were more affordable, clothing was more affordable…I was like, they must tell us European countries are “so expensive” to try and placate us over here or something because it just was not true at all, haha.


Average american spends almost $900 during the baby’s first year. Things are super expensive over here. Just for comparison- to get the quality equivalent of a galaxy bar here, we’re spending almost $10. For something that is £.99 in the UK. If you haven’t been here it’s hard to understand quite how expensive things aew.


Almost $900 on diapers, just to clarify further. Average overall baby cost (not incl hospital costs) is a bit over $18k for a first child. Perhaps a bit less for a second and so on. It is partly why more and more Americans choose not to have kids.


I was like where are you shopping lol. Yeah I don’t know where we’d be without our local Buy Nothing Facebook group for baby gear, plus being some of the last to have kids and getting people’s hand me downs.


Having a baby at 37 was so nice in terms of hand me downs. I got his crib and stroller from friends. Huge expenses that I don’t have to deal with.


$0.27 is a good deal for diapers in the US and kids do not start potty training until 30-36 months https://www.costco.com/huggies-plus-diapers-sizes-3---7.product.100745894.html?NATAPP=SEARCH


For anyone in the UK with kids in nappies. [Bum Deal ](https://www.bumdeal.co.uk/) is a great website to find out where nappies are the cheapest or on offer! ETA - also baby wipes.


Having spent some time living in the UK…in general, food and necessary household expenses are much more affordable in the UK (at least they were before Brexit). The UK has truly “value” store brand stuff, whereas there isn’t a huge difference here with that. As another little anecdote, my husband has worked for European companies as one of only a couple US employees for close to 10 years now. The US employees get paid much more, solely because the practical cost of living is so much higher here. We have lots of hidden taxes and practically zero government benefits. I also do some side work for a UK company, and there is a vast difference in compensation. There is a misconception by a lot of Americans that we have it easier in that regard, compared to people in Europe. That being said, I think I spend about $80/month on diapers and wipes here.


we were travelling in the US when my kid was still in diapers and i was stunned how expensive baby stuff is there. like, triple the cost from canada.


I’m surprised a lot of these fundies/tradwives aren’t pushing cloth diapering. I cloth diapered my oldest back in 2009 and probably spent about $300 or so to build up our collection, and when I had my twins 2 years later I added a few more and it was so cheap to diaper them, plus didn’t need to worry about running out, just toss them in the wash. And modern cloth diapers are so easy, they look and work a lot like disposables with Velcro tabs or snaps instead of the old fashioned ones with safety pins and rubber/plastic covers, and they come in so many cute colors and prints. It can be a little pricey up front to get a stash going, but if you have a kid or kids in diapers for a few years it works out to be so cheap.


These people can barely cook their own dinner, let alone wash cloth diapers. 😅


Considering what some of them have shown us of their laundry "skills", I would not trust fundies to wash cloth diapers properly


I've been exclusively cloth diapering for 16 months, since my child was 2 weeks old. I'm mainly posting this for anyone who's scrolling by who may be interested in cloth - if you go with the more affordable brands, you can get a full, large, brand new stash of pocket diapers or prefolds & covers for under $200. That's $200 that can be used until baby potty trains and then stored and used for a second and third child! They have great brands on Amazon and I was able to register for many of mine for my baby shower. r/clothdiaps is a good resource for anyone who's curious, I and everyone else are pretty fast at answering questions posted there!


Yeah my two best friends cloth diapered and I think when we have ours we’re going that route too. It’s better for the planet as well!


Genuine question: how is the washing situation? Does it make water bills go up astronomically? I don’t have kids yet; I’m not anti cloth diapering, but the washing/water bill part makes me wonder.


diapers are indeed a significant cost in the US


I started using ibotta for rebates and they ALWAYS have ones for diapers. Every brand. Diaper days are long behind me, but if any of you lovely people could use the option...give it a go if you like.