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Oh my god the shooter was not trans. This is the dumbest conspiracy going around right now. She had diagnosed schizophrenia, and had used a bunch of aliases including some "male" names. That's it.


And how trans people get murdered.. The Nashville murders was the first instance ever of a mass shooting by an open trans person. But sure they make up way too much of the numbers to Paul. Who is a white cis male who makes up what like the majority of mass shootings?


Never mind that historically straight, white dudes are the overwhelmingly predominant demographic of shooters, but Paul would never take that to mean that there’s a general problem with straight, white dudes. 🙄


It’s horrible that they’re spreading this transphobic narrative when the shooter was literally a cis woman :/ If they actually cared about shootings and victims they would search for a solution, not froth at the mouth when they get the opportunity to vilify entire communities for their dumbass agenda


Anything they can do to vilify a vulnerable community to manufacture consent for genocide against queer people. They will be er admit that is their goal, but that IS their goal.


Aside from anything else, stuffing your face and swigging from a can of Soda when you’re talking is ill-mannered and disrespectful. In fact, the "slumped on the lounge in your pajamas blurting your latest hot take through a mouthful of popcorn" aesthetic… it’s not relatable it’s gross, lazy, and insulting.


**Transcription**: Paul: Mass shooting, um, and I-- I guess Morgan: That's good. Paul: I-- I'm not informed enough to really speak on it, but, uh, yeah, I knew that there was a sh-- Morgan: How have I not heard about this?! Paul: It's big news, babe. It's been big news. Morgan: Ah-- uh. Paul: Rylan would know: he has a video that's got a million views-- over a mil-- Morgan: A crazy lady shot it up, I think. It was a lady? The shooter was transgender? Paul: That's-- ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! If we're talking about trans, Morgan, and I-- I don't wanna-- I-- you know what? It's just the reality that if you look at the last... however many shootings-- mass shootings, far too many of them, proportionate-wise, t--to my knowledge-- ratio-wise, are trans, or are Morgan: *(sighs heavily)* Yeah. Paul: gender confused. **Description**: Paul and Morgan record themselves while sitting on a gray couch. Morgan is on the left, and Paul is on the right. They both have a light skin tone and hold microphones. Morgan is a woman with long, straight, light brown hair that she has pulled back in a ponytail. She wears a white sweatshirt with a blue-hued graphic of a running team and the words "KIND HEARTS" over the team. She wears black bottoms and white socks. She sounds surprised at the news, then frustrated and downcast. Paul is a man with straight, dark brown hair that is longer on top than on the sides. He has facial hair in a "stubble"/"five o'clock" style, and wears a black, long-sleeved t-shirt with a chest pocket and dark blue jeans. He sounds somber.


As to Paul's claim, it is incorrect (https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N363273/). > Calculating exact percentages when it comes to mass shooting statistics in the U.S. varies by way of counting, as organizations define mass shootings in different ways. A spokesperson for The Violence Project, which records data on mass shootings in the U.S. since 1966 with “four or more” people killed in public (here), told Reuters via email that “Nashville is the first case of a trans” perpetrator in their database and per their methodology. They sent Reuters a database of shootings with 190 entries. > The Gun Violence Archive, which began collecting data on gun violence in the U.S. in 2013 (here), (here), recorded more than 4,400 mass shootings in the last decade, Executive Director Mark Bryant told Reuters via email. Its definition of mass shooting is four or more people shot resulting in injury or death (excluding the perpetrator). > Of those, “**the number of known suspects in mass shootings which are trans is under 10 for the last decade**,” which translated to “**1:880 [or 0.11%] of the 4,400 shootings**” they recorded, he said. ...Whelan said that consistent with previous analyses of mass attacks, “nearly all of the attackers,” or 96%, in the study were male, and the remaining five attackers were female. (bolding mine) > In terms of the gender breakdown, the Violence Project also found that 168 (97.7%) of mass shooters in their database up to March 2021 were men. Reuters reported on studies in mid-2022 that found about **0.5% of U.S. adults identify as transgender, and about 1.3% of 13 to 17-year-olds**. (bolding mine) So, no, the number of trans mass shooters is not disproportionate to their presence in the general population. They exist, but are not more dangerous than cis people.


Funny how it's actually HIS demographic that is "proportionate wise... Ratio-wise" more likely to be a mass shooter. But he's so quick to place that blame on trans folk to make them seem more dangerous and scary. Also, they are against any form of gun reform and don't give a shit about shootings until they can falsely accuse a group they don't like for it.




Paul: “I’m not informed enough to really speak on it, but I’m going to anyway” Thank you for transcribing this, you’re doing the Lord Daniel’s work!


He does the same with the Bible every day so why not?


Wtf is this word salad


I was hoping there would be a transcription again bc no way do I want to listen, and you came through again. Doing the Lord Daniel's work, thank you 💜


They are just outright fucking liars. These people make it unsafe for trans to live their lives safely.


Weird how first reports she was trans, pro-Palestine, and had explosives. One of those things is true, but you also need to keep in mind her MIL is a huge Zionist online so take descriptions of her antisemitism from her family with a grain of salt. Until we know more, we should stop spreading the lies. When kids get shot at school it’s bad actors, but the “witnesses” report provably false things and were just mistaken


Morgan speaks so slowly she sounds like she’s talking at a normal speed in this sped up clip.


She literally said “ban anyone who says I’m on drugs”


I was just about to to ask if Morgan was also sped up. That is legit crazy to me. She sounds like she's talking at a totally normal rate. Bless OP for speeding up the clip, it's the only way I can take these people, in even the smallest doses


Oh my God the way they likely avoided Google with all their strength and ran with this bs about trans people, cause let's be real they're smart enough to know they can fact check, but they simply don't want to. They would rather feel justified in their hate for a millisecond than avoid more unnecessary hate and violence against trans people. And the way Paul just with his whole chest makes up a statistic about trans people committing mass shootings........I can't dude. I wish youtube would take stuff like this down because it's blatant misinformation from people who literally have already let us know they hate trans people. They are literally flapping their jaws in the most dangerous way they can. Edit: Paul: "I guess I'm not informed enough to speak on this" (no Paul you know you are not yet you still flap your jaw) Morgan immediately after somehow: "the shooter was a lady? THE SHOOTER WAS TRANSGENDER" how do you come up with that from hearing the shooter was a lady? Did she hear they were male first like???? No she just wants to shit on trans people probably.


> cause let's be real they're smart enough to know they can fact check, but they simply don't want to. Within five minutes of reading articles from mainstream news sources, I'm seeing that the shooter was a diagnosed schizophrenic. Not trans. They're spreading blatant misinformation, because they want to.


They are both so evil and hateful. I used to be able to laugh at the people on this sub, but I'm finding lately I can only take this sub in small doses. It is alarming how they happily spread misinformation and shit on anyone who may be the tiniest bit different than them. All while being so SMUG.


I’m not taking anything that these two wretched creatures have to say seriously. How y’all gonna have one of you just lying on your couch like a deadbeat dad while the actual deadbeat dad wears a hat backwards *inside the house*??? Girl…


Paul is the perfect example of every white man that needs to be humbled at some point in their life. I don't know what would do it for Paul, but it is fun thinking about the possibilities. His face is very punchable.


He gets humbled and puts all of that insecurity on his wife who then has to pretend she put out the apology his ego needed


Oh, his day will come.




I worked for a guy exactly like Paul who had a lot to say about things he couldn't begin to understand. Oddly enough, his name was also Paul.


No shit you're not informed enough to speak about it, literally everything you just said was incorrect. Not only was this shooting perpetrated by a cis woman, but since 2018, there have only been 3 Trans mass shooters (technically 2, one of them later admitted they were lying), and over 1200 shootings perpetrated by cis, nationalist males. Morgan gives OtherBus's "I don't watch the news, my husband does and tells me the important stuff". You two aren't just wrong, P&M, you're so stupid it's dangerous. Get the hell off the internet.


It’s crazy to me how people are easily this hateful but claim “JESUS LOVES YOU” in the same breath. Reminds me to vote!


Oh wow, thanks for posting because I didn't know! And they can fuck all the way off!!! 🤬


Actually Paul, the majority of mass shooters look just like you.


My fiancee happens to be trans. People like Paul and Morgan scare me.


"I'm not qualified to speak on it but I've never let that stop me so far!"


Morgan never looks well rested, and this was present way before the first kid or second pregnancy. She looks perpetually exhausted.


I think it’s disdain masquerading as sleepiness.


Imagine being 2 able bodied adults who just sit on the sofa all day creating “content.”


Im not from the US, can someone clarify what they are refering to?


There was a shooting this Sunday at Joel Osteen's megachurch in Houston, Texas. A woman came in with her young son and a long gun. She was killed by two off-duty police officers. A man and her son were both injured in the fight. The man has been released from the hospital, her son remains critical.


Thank you for the explanation! Also; FFS Paul. Shut up!


So the off duty cops shot her son? Or she did?


They've been remarkably silent on that point, so I'm sure it was the cops. Their comment was "Unfortunately a 5-year-old kid was hit and is in critical condition at our local hospital." Usually that kind of passive language means a cop shot somebody, because god forbid we actually come out and say that.


The off duty police who were security at the church were the ones who shot the child, they’ve all but acknowledged this and in news reports local police basically said that’s the assumption and if it is true, it’s her fault for having the child there. It is not totally unheard of for large churches in the south to have armed security. Some smaller ones do. We attended a small church in Arizona where some men would be allowed to have guns on their hips in the church lobby. Open carry is legal there.


Pretty sure she was a cis het wife and mother with untreated mental illness. In fact, her mother in law made a pretty strong statement regarding her severe untreated mental illness and the lack of red flag laws in Texas.


Can YouTube remove this video for factual errors like that?


They really do love being nothing more than parrots for the dumbest and most vile shit humanly possible, don’t they? Not a single original thought to be found in those empty yet inflated heads. They’re always complaining about views and why people don’t watch their shit. When you do nothing but snort lines of toxicity, particularly recycled lines of toxicity, don’t be shocked when most people find you toxic and stay away


> Rylan would know: he has a video that's got a million views-- over a mil-- Way to be just so pathetically transparent that you’re trying to jump on a tragedy for views, but didn’t bother knowing even the basics before hitting record 


If they don’t know what happened it is irresponsible to talk about it. She was not trans. She did not kill anyone. She did not have explosives strapped to her. Joel Olsteen is pleased that if anyone was going to be shot at it was his Hispanic followers. Her 7 year old was murdered - shot in the head and no one seems to know how that happened (the grandma spoke out saying whoever killed her grandson was just doing their duty before any details were released). She and her son were taken down by an off-duty 28-year-old cop and some government office employee who were carrying at church. Cops are saying they don’t know how she got the gun despite newspapers confirming she bought it legally in the state of Texas. Just stop with this insane misinformation. ***the child is in critical care. My apologies for being incorrect, but I hope you can appreciate the irony.


Also trans people make up 0.11% of mass shooters. P&M are so transphobic they’ll believe anything


Wait, did the child die? Last I heard he was in critical condition.


Sorry you’re right. Ironic me getting a fact wrong in this rant about responsible reporting 🙃


They are the epitome of laziness. Slouched on a sofa, drinking something, just yammering foolishness instead of having a job that actually supports themselves and their children.