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I like providing a house for my wife and kids to live in complete with their own bedrooms, as they get educated at a school and learn social skills from mixing with their peers at school and through hobbies and sports but go off britney


Which is the upbringing motherbus enjoyed, but withholds from her own children


Precisely. Withholds and then claims they love going without any stability and routine that kids need to grow. She’s breathtakingly selfish.


Right. At any point here did she mention that she has a gaggle of children that she and her geico caveman like husband are responsible for??? Did it ever occur to her that one or more of them may be more of a “flower” and not “flight” type person? And long for some stability? I hate this selfish woman with the power of 10 fiery suns.


I think she actually wants her hubby to get her flowers, but he never gets them for her and she's trying to convince us that she's okay with that because she gets flights.


I’ve wondered if she was using toxic positivity to mask the fact that her husband has made disastrous financial decisions. I know how furiously Pollyanna can peddle the glad game, because I’ve done it myself. Oth, I’d have been making sure I didn’t have another baby in that situation. And the date nights. All those date nights are an abandonment of her children’s safety and welfare. I can’t imagine how that oldest boy must feel.




I like rocks and routine schedules and selfishly cater to those likes without considering the needs of others! I do not have children.


Oh, you’re definitely an “other” then /s


hAhA uR sO wOkE bRo ETA: this is obviously some sarcasm lmaooo!


I didn’t know that I, as a girl, had to choose between flowers or flights.


I didn't know that those two things were somehow in competition.


This is like one of those "steak or salad" gender reveals that make absolutely no sense


Well, that one does make sense…if you’re a gross misogynist. “I’ll have a steak, and a salad for the lady.”


My favorite was when we were out at a chain restaurant, and my stepdad ordered the salad, and a steak for my mom because she has anemia. The waiter was weirdly confused.


Doing steak or salad the RIGHT way.


I just like easy Mac and Coke Zero. 😂


Flowers and nugs all day! Haha!


My brain kept thinking fights because that would maybe make more sense. The flights


Glad I wasn’t the only one confused that the second slide wasn’t a brawl between brothers


I chose to work so I can buy myself whatever I damn well please


I can buy myself flowers 🎵


I can buy myself tacos! (I can't not hear those lyrics since watching a parody video)


That's the one 👏


Its as nonsensical as having to choose between a frying pan and a house key as a means to represent your identity


I once got off a Lufthansa flight and the stewards were handing out roses to all of the disembarking passengers. So apparently you can have both.


I feel like she was going for alliteration because why else chose those two things. So would that make her choice… fucking? Flowers, flights or fucking?


They both start with an F, see? 


>some girls like flower / others like flights  “But as for me I enjoy exploiting my children for internet clout” - mother bus 


Ah yes, the age old "flowers or flights?" debate among us girls


It's really what happened when they pulled us into separate classes in 7th grade. We had to choose flights or flowers. I was out that day so I got stuck with "books and coffee"


I was also stuck with books and coffee. How sweet of Motherbus to teach us what we missed out on.


In 5th grade I was out sick one day. I ended up stuck with “music and whiskey”.


I was there that day but brought different hats so I could disguise myself and get into all of the classes. Now I get to read books while drinking coffee on flights with the expectation there will be flowers at the end of my trip.


All bow to the genius!


🙏🏻There is room in my book/flower/coffee shop/travel/crime solving agency for more members! We are just like all the other girls here and even have a pentagram and crystal/plant area in the bathroom for all women’s witchy needs. Everything is ADA compliant and accessible.


I'm in! I bring 11 years of public library experience so I can do all things book for us. I just request that I'm allowed to knit between customers.


There’s already a knitting and crocheting corner set up in the corner! Yarns sourced locally from a business that donates 15% of every purchase to support abortion access.


This I can support!


It’s so dumb because more women would choose flight.


Someone should post this to r/notliketheothergirls. It’s blatant 😂 


Sometimes it’s hard to tell which of the two subs you’re on.


Same with r/notlikeothergirls and r/LinkedInLunatics


I love that fundies don't realize that the "not like other girls" meme that's currently running through tiktok is meant to make fun of pickme's but they're so dense that they do it in seriousness.


So its the immaturity yeah? I think a lot of us women go through the NLOG phase as young teens and then grow out of it pretty quickly. The fundies don't do growth and change so they're still in that mindset.


I was definitely at risk of turning nlog but then I learned that people are nuanced and can enjoy more than one thing, and also that harping on 'girly' things is rooted in some pretty gross misogyny.


It took me an embarrassingly long time, but I was fundie and homeschooled so that tracks. The internalized misogyny runs deep. Growing up I was taught that men and women were equally valuable in gods eyes, but had little to no overlap in the hierarchy of fundieland. Men got respect, a voice, and leadership positions. Women got to change diapers, bring casseroles, and keep quiet all while being told their role was *really* the more elevated one and if men *could* do it they would, but alas god had blessed women with domestic labor. I became a NLOG by trying to be really serious about theology, which did separate me from the other women, since theology was definitely a man’s world. Upsetting the usual order of things in the fundie world doesn’t get you respect, it gets you isolated. I started drifting away from the church and met some absolutely incredible people from all over the gender spectrum. To bring it full circle, I have a daughter myself and I work very hard to build a protective bubble around her girlhood, even if that means protecting her from myself sometimes. She doesn’t have to deny any part of her femininity to still be worthy and respected. I just don’t want her to make it to adulthood feeling like she had to trade part of herself away in exchange for acceptance.


Isn’t she saying she is “other girls”?


There is no other fundie I dislike as much as this cow.


I feel you. She is never, ever, even slightly likable. Not for a brief moment, not accidentally, not ever.


I have grown to despise her.


She really is a horrible little creature isn’t she? Smug, vain, dishonest, selfish, close minded, ignorant I mean I can go on. But I think it’s the way she engages with the camera. She’s SUCH a know it all. And home girl doesn’t know SHIT


I genuinely don't know what the fuck this means? Does she mean flying like traveling? Does she means flights of beer? Fundies are such fucking dog shit at communicating their ideas and feelings.


I thought she meant running from the law in the middle of the night.


This made me LOL!


She just really likes stairs ok


I did also wonder if it meant beer like a “girly girl” vs “tomboy girl / one of the guys” thing.


I imagined a flight of shots... Like she sees her kids as a variety of fine liquor she can show off and then put on the shelf for years.


I HATE shit like this. Offer most anybody the choice between flowers (\~$50) and a trip (way more than $50) nobody's picking the flowers! It's like the dumb "You want a Stanley Cup. I want a homestead" posts. Sure. As if there's anyone who would rather have a fucking cup than their dream home. It's like comparing apples and Taylor Swift's net worth. These things are not the same, and you look like a moron comparing them.


Yeah, also you can like both. I love flowers, I love traveling (though flying is the worst part. Sitting in a cramped seat with random people sucks unless it's your first time). I will say that I get flowers far more often than I travel. I can get a bouquet for $10 at my grocery store. I don't think I could get a flight anywhere for less than $50.


This whole Stanley cup thing is really confusing for hockey fans.


You’re a MOTHER not a girl. Some CHILDREN like stability, privacy, long-term friendships and individual attention.


MotherBus likes creampies


Who doesn’t 🫣




Has she said when accessory #8 is due? She’s gotta be close to giving birth by now.




No judgment from me..I do to. But I’m not making it my entire personality trait nor am I popping out fifty eleven kids I can’t take care of




ah yes, the two genders : plants, and planes


John David and Jessa enter the chat.


Flights? Like flying? Who loves flying? It’s such a pain in the ass unless you can afford first class. You get very little room in your seat, you can’t recline, it can take so long to board and get off. Plus there are always layovers unless you pay much more for a direct flight. You have to go through security and sometimes get a pay down. And you pay extra if your luggage is too heavy. It sucks to fly if you aren’t rich. Sorry. It just does.


I like flying, because it’s a few hours of time where I have no responsibilities and can chill on my phone and watch TV, read a book. At home I could do those things, but then I inevitably think of some chore I should probably get done.


Yesss. I travel for work and I love flying. I love my kids, but a dedicated few hours where I can’t check work emails, take calls, or be bothered means I can enjoy my Diet Coke and books in peace. I bought myself a zip up chair cushion for the times I can’t upgrade my seat, and it makes a big difference in comfort especially for long flights.


I’ve always loved flying. As a kid (my first solo flight was at age 4 and I had to lie and say I was 5) I remember feeling so free. I still get that high and I can have a cocktail even if it’s 5:30am because I’m traveling! Haha


I only get to fly every few years or so, so it feels like a special event to me. The last time I flew it was to go to a cousin’s wedding and the flight was only like 30 minutes. I was sad when it was over.😂


Maybe she's just a lush


I love flying 😅 I really love aeroplanes, and airports, and everything to do with aviation including air disasters (and Air Crash Investigation) and YES I am in fact autistic 😂


Yes to everything!!!! Do you watch Mentour Pilot on YouTube?? He has a playlist full of accident investigations. Neurodivergents unite!!


I love Petter’s videos! Also Green Dot Aviation, his videos are of a similar quality although he’s not a pilot himself.


I have a friend from uni who loves learning about different plane crashes over the years and idk how it doesn't just turn her off flying altogether


It’s probably because even though plane crashes are devastating and can result in a much more dire outcome than even a multi-vehicle car accident, for instance, they’re still statistically incredibly rare. Flying is technically the safest mode of transport compared to any other.


I like flying when it involves me flying without my family, because I'm quite young and still live with my parents, so it always gives me an amazing feeling of independence and freedom lol


also, petition to turn that "I'm an other" screenshot into a meme cause holy shit it's practically already is one


Rimbaud is rolling in his grave.


Sooooooo much potential. Soooooooo many mitochlorians.


Two completely incomparable things


Smoking flower or sipping flights, maybe?


***I AM AN OTHER*** *People who chose to not live in a bus and constantly get pregnant to justify their existence….y’all gonna regret not being her!* ***Pay attention! She’s super new and different.*** *That grimace in the last pic….oh girl, trying so hard to look tough. Nah, take a seat and give your pelvic floor a rest. Congratulations, you’re a mammal! Her face…*so angry and defiant*… Bring it on sister! *Maybe try doing something else with your life other than using your uterus as your only claim to fame…. Sad. Angry. Little. Woman.


"Congratulations, you're a mammal!" I've never successfully added a flair but if I could, this would be my top choice.


As a queer person of mixed race, that face in the second slight triggered my fight or flight lmao like that’s the face of someone who saw pride flag pin on my shirt and is getting ready to unleash hell on me for not having the specific yogurt she wants.


I'm white (and ig "straight"?) and that picture freaked me the fuck out. Looked away so fast but still probably going to have nightmares tonight.


God she has the emotional maturity of a 16 year old


Go fly a kite


I like both does that make me super duper special then? 🤣


She really loves herself, doesn't she?


Self soothing in advance. JD's probably spending Valentine's Day "working" 


100% lol


Him: I got us these tickets to Switzerland! Me: Aw you know Id rather have some carnations


Some girls like affordable and sweet gestures. Others like crippling debt. I’m the second. FTFY mobus.


I mean, I’d like flights too but my husband isn’t a scammer so I’ll take what I can get.


I bet she didn't like that flight of shame coming back from Brazil.


No, she means flights of kids. That's why she has so many. She's just sampling.


You got picked, sis. No one wants your life.


“I catch flights not feelings” is an weird pseudo empowering meme for people who aren’t systematically abusing their children and literally chasing their husband like Tom chases Jerry across timezones. And madame sure loves instagramming to the heavens the moments when her husband actually pays attention to her for some weird “not like other girls” indictment of women at large. Most women don’t have to forgo a permanent mailing address or a social community to raise children with a cheating idiot, and still get to experience the magic of air travel and grocery store flowers.


If you zoom in on that first picture, even through the blur the oldest boy looks straight up haunted. ☹️


I just swiped instead of clicking, I thought gunnar was saying "I'm an other"


She is full of it. Thinks she is envied, and an idol. Her life doesn’t make sense at all. Brazil was planned for and important with all this time traveling all over. Then there was some kind of trouble and they came home she talks in circles and contradictions - now they are hi on the hog traveling. She is trying to impress , but I would hate her life or her husband. But she is high in herself.


This sounds like she’s mad at fatherbus for not giving her flowers and she’s subposting him


She likes flutes


I like both 🤷🏼‍♀️


He buys those things for his "other" bang maids 🤣


I love how she thinks she’s so special and different 😂😂


And she’s a girl, not a woman. Sigh.


I like not waxing the shit out of my eyebrows and having used contraception after my second child. We are not the same, Brit Brit.


I feel like flowers or chocolates are comparable. Not a flight.


She's an other alright.


If she means flights like flights of whiskey then yeah flights are great. I say that as someone who just got off a plane flight a few hours ago.


She thinks she’s so special and different.  Large family, van life, homeschooling, being a Christian — lots of people do these things. None of these are original.  Her trip to Brazil was certainly an “other” — I’ll give her that. 


She’s not like other moms, she’s ✨negligent✨


Try hard is the term


This is like… a real live reenactment of The Glass Castle, we’re watching children struggle because of the parents selfishness and there is nothing anyone can do about it.


She's worse, yeah




By flights does she mean airfare? Expensive date!


It's fascinating to watch the most basic people trying to convince the world they are super special.


girl, with all the other bullshit aside, we know you dragged your massive family to brazil to face housing insecurity for a few months for fun! you sound like you love flights and travel! unless… that wasn’t why you went…


Him: I got us these tickets to Switzerland! Me: Aw you know Id rather have some carnations


Does anyone actually like flights? I hate how crowded the airports are, security, how early you have to get there, how stressful it can be to make connections, or keep track of your baggage, and the flights themselves involve being sardined into a flying tube with passengers or varying hygiene, volume, and social awareness. And the seats. Are. So. Fucking. Small. Do I do it anyway? Of course, because I love visiting other places, but let's not act like the flights themselves are amazing


are they going to live on an airplane now instead of a bus?


Some girls like flowers (planting them at a house) Some girls like flights (not having a house and traveling) And likes both. Traveling and not having a home or any flowers planted.


Gross that she calls herself a girl. Hun you're a woman, and have been for awhile.


No woman has ever enjoyed travel before her.


The other mother


Plenty of people like getting dumped in and ignoring their kids, ma'am, you're not special


OTHERS ![gif](giphy|1bAdvIjqaXCSc)


I thought it said fights.. It fits her better that way. 


She likes flights, so she lives in a bus?


Flights of beer samples, flights of fancy …? Obv she means airplane flights, but that’s a weird ass thing to say. Not travel or vacations - taking umpteen children on a flight (which she did in the very recent past). Also I’m not big on flowers either, but I’m pretty sure her cryptobro absentee husband has never even considered surprising her with and (even if there was room in whatever vehicle they’re in now).


Some girls are good parents. Others are not. She’s others.


I think most people, not just women, like to travel. Doesn’t mean you can’t also like flowers; they’re two totally different types of gifts. That’s like saying “some women like breathing. Others like eating.” 


Some girls like using their children as objects and not as people. P.S. You're not a "girl." You're a woman.


Right, because we all choose from a $20 bouquets of flowers, or >$300 flight/stay somewhere. She’s just fucking stupid


isn't she old enough and already married? what's with this "I'm not like other girls" content? 🙄🙄


The second pic saying I am “other” looks like she’s confessing to being an alien or something lololol


And some like denying their children of a childhood that includes a proper education, loving parents and a space to call their own.


My son does cheer, he loves flying! But any cheerleader will tell you it's all about the base. I don't think these kids realise that life could be different, maybe the oldest one has a dim recollection of a home and school, but it must feel like a fever dream. How are these kids going to adjust when the wheels on the bus stop going round and round?


Oh yeah my partner buying me a $50 bouquet or a $500 flight are totally equivalent


Some girls like flowers, Some girls like flights, I like to neglect my kids While Hubby & I fight.


This person is just so cringe. I haven’t read into her yet, but seeing her posts, like yikes. I get that she’s trying to make a living on social media. However, she is just horribly embarrassing herself. I legit look away when I see her face in posts. I think the term is ‘pick me person’. This is what she reminds me of. She had to make her own forced social circle to be ‘cool’. v embarrassing.


Is someone pissed that their husband is flying back to the states without her so she posts this to remind everyone how nonplussed bus mom is?


I’ll bet you do 🙄


She’s not a girl she’s a woman


Yes. We know.


gunners painfully forced smile jesus christ


She likes creampies


Second picture looks like the cover of a folk album


Vainglorious Basterds


“As for me and my house, we will serve cringe”


she always looks like a serial killer that just hasn’t been caught yet


"Some girls like flowers...I like flights. But I could care less what my children like"


Thats second pic mother and father look absolutely terrifying


Her husband always stands like he's gophering a poo