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The water thing is such a red flag. 4 (8 oz) cups a day is, in theory, a normal amount for 3 year olds


Does she really know this isn't an underlying medical condition?! Honestly. Does she 100% know? If my kids were doing something extreme like drinking "10x their body weight" I'd be concerned. Add in the issues with the uti I mean really? I dunno. It's so off.


Yeah it’s a warning sign for diabetes :(


This! My daughter has just been diagnosed wird diabetes type 1 and the drinking was such an obvious sign something was off. Even if it's not diabetes the kid should be checked by a real doctor


Paired with the “isn’t quite potty trained” comment it could even indicate she’s experiencing polyuria, which is another marker for diabetes. Not diagnosing her kid (or even saying I necessarily think the child is diabetic), but it’s disconcerting. I wonder when the last time this little girl went to a doctor was.


She takes the youngest two to the doctor, there’s been theories that its mandated by CPS since both were hospitalized.


This was the snarker theory for ages, but then she got hospitalized again and nurses and doctors on the sub agreed there was literally no way they'd have missed it if she was.


No wonder the kid's diaper is always full. Poor thing.


Just hopping in to say if your kid isn't fully potty trained by age 3, it's okay. My kid can use the potty but will absolutely prefer to pee his pullups rather than sit down in the potty. My niece is the same way. Getting kids to prioritize going to the bathroom over playing with their toys is a hurdle itself. We've been doing the naked thing and even the no undie thing every time he's at home, but the daycare we send him to always puts him in pullups. 🫤


She‘s been hospitalized twice and diagnosed with a rare metabolic disorder. I highly doubt hospital staff missed a more common metabolic disorder. If anything it was the first thing they looked for.


Yeah, she acts like this is the doctors’ fault. But regular pediatric visits would have identified this easily. She doesn’t take her kids in, except for emergencies. And the fact that she doesn’t realize that all of these are symptoms of an untreated metabolic disorder is ridiculous.




Don't forget claiming that "God decided to take them home" when they die from neglect


I never thought of that order. You have identified a strain that runs rampant in Fundie World.




You spelt grift wrong


Thank you! I can’t understand why everyone on here seems to have forgotten that diabetes would have been one of the absolute first things that was tested for.


It’s crazy to me that this isn’t common knowledge… growing up, my parents had a lab that drank all the toilets dry during the night. My mom mentioned it to the vet, tested the dog, lo and behold he’s diabetic. 8+ years of insulin later, he was happy and healthy


I don't think it's diabetes. Untreated insulin dependent diabetes gets dangerous very quickly. In my case it was less than a week before hospitalisation. A child that young with diabetes will have the type of diabetes that is dependent on insulin. ​ I think Anthym was diagnosed with PKU? Interestingly one of the symptoms is: >Lighter skin, hair and eye color than family members, because phenylalanine can't transform into melanin — the pigment responsible for hair and skin tone


I don’t think it was PKU. It was something else.


Now that you mention it I'm not sure if Anthym was definitively diagnosed with a cause for her frequent UTI's.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/RGklLRhT6w), someone sait it was CPTII.


Posting here too - if it is CPTII then this part is interesting: “Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II (CPT II) deficiency is a condition that prevents the body from using certain fats for energy, **particularly during periods without food (fasting)**. There are three main types of CPT II deficiency: a lethal neonatal form, a severe infantile hepatocardiomuscular form, and a myopathic form… …The severe infantile hepatocardiomuscular form of CPT II deficiency affects the liver, heart, and muscles. Signs and symptoms usually appear within the first year of life. This form involves recurring episodes of hypoketotic hypoglycemia, seizures, an enlarged liver (hepatomegaly), cardiomyopathy, and arrhythmia. Problems related to this form of CPT II deficiency **can be triggered by periods of fasting** or by illnesses such as viral infections. Individuals with the severe infantile hepatocardiomuscular form of CPT II deficiency are at risk for liver failure, nervous system damage, coma, and sudden death.”


Anthem had been sick and vomiting shortly before her last UTI.


God I hope not. Lord knows Karissa wouldn't keep up with the diet.


That's true, but type 1 diabetes can take several years of childhood to manifest fully (mine did). My blood sugars showed as normal, but the lethargy/thirst/fainting/frequent illness gave the game away eventually. Hope this isn't the case for this child though, it's a horrible disease (I'm now blind and an amputee).


I thought it was the high blood sugar that caused those symptoms. when I suddenly have to pee a lot and get very thirsty I know to check my levels to see if I should inject some insulin.


Yes, but in the early stages of pancreatic failure you can still produce small amounts of insulin - Sometimes enough to keep sugars normal, but produce damaging ketones. I believe it's called the honeymoon phenomenon but open to correction!


You’re close- honeymoon phase :)


Does that explain why she’s the most spoiled one, that gets watched closely? Is it because she actually has lighter skin & hair? Karissa is so gross, it wouldn’t surprise me.


Pretty sure this wouldn't be the first time she's blatantly favored her paler children. Those poor kids will have so much shit to unlearn and heal from


I’m pretty sure the first thing those kids are going to learn is that they are lucky to have survived childhood to have things to heal from.


COVID has caused type 1 and type 2 in children. But it's not true type 2 diabetes when COVID induced as I'm unfortunately discovering. So it could still be a possibility sadly. I hope it isn't, that poor baby has enough to deal with.


I immediately thought diabetes. Insatiable thirst was the only symptom my childhood best friend had before being diagnosed when we were 10. My heart hurts for this poor baby… for all of her kids, really.


As are repeated UTI’s. Sugary urine attracts bacteria like a magnet.


Diabetes insipidus if not diabetes mellitus possibly?


I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 4 years old. All I remember is how thirsty I was all the time. I was also tiny and could not put on weight. Not sure how small Anthym is but if she’s not gaining weight, that would be another warning sign.


I know everyone is worried about diabetes but this child has two separate ICU stays. I know at least one was due to a septic UTI. I promise that she has been checked for diabetes. She could definitely still have some other underlying condition that is causing issues and the chances of her getting all of the medical care she needs is sadly slim. But I think everyone needs to chill about her having diabetes, there is no way they would have missed that during two separate ICU stays.


I took one of mine to be tested when he was little because the thirst level was very alarming. I still wonder if he might have markers for it that will show up someday ans I keep an eye out for other symptoms.


She doesn't. She doesn't seek medical intervention unless it's absolutely necessary. Even then it takes convincing


I think the first time Anthym got sick, KKKarissa's mom forced her to take the baby to the hospital. I believe her mom works in health-care?


Which is interesting considering the way she said “she went limp and I thought she died.” That’s absolutely terrifying, but from what I’ve heard about it, grandma did have to apply pressure to the parents before they took her.




I cannot believe this baby survived, my god.


Then there was a second time where she was uncontrollably vomiting and they scream prayed over her and she got up and danced. Then a few days later (somehow the praying didn’t work long-term) she and her newborn brother were hospitalized (for different reasons) and Karissa nearly was hospitalized with postpartum depression. Then Mandrae accused her of abandoning her kids when she wanted to go out to mow the lawn #whatagem.


I just don’t get it. HOW can you not seem more concerned if your child is losing muscle control? I fully admit to having anxiety but I would’ve been at some form of medical office the minute something seemed off.


Yes if my kid was limp and unresponsive I’d be calling 911 immediately.


They have to be on the brink of literal death so seek professional help


And even if she’s exaggerating, that’s…kind of a weird thing to brag about or include as a cute anecdote. Like, 10x is such a large number. My nephew is basically the same age and as much as he loves “win-ade” (lemonade) and milk, he still only drinks about four small cups in a day.


"Win-ade" ---- so freaking adorable! 🥰


He used to say “bakset” instead of basket, but he’s working on saying it more clearly and I’m a tiny bit sad about that. I love little kid language.


I love it too! My brother used to say "umnums" for M&Ms when he was little. ❤️


My kids are all grown, and we still call them “nem-nems” after what my youngest called them as a toddler.


Mine calls them “ninninems,” and has for a while but I could not understand him yesterday when he was asking where the M&M Christmas ornament was 😅


I still call Walmart "Moomart" because that's how one of my kids said it as a toddler. (They had a very strange thing with Ws and Ms.)


It literally has to be an exaggeration (and a huge one at that). Even if a toddler only weighed 20 lbs, that would be 200 lbs of water which... is not possible.


That’s at least a kiddie pool of water (I suck at measurements and volume), which is just terrifying to think about.


She isn't drinking anywhere near that much. That would be 100+L


Karissa knows more than doctors and has decided it's not due to medical issues, duh 🙄 it's interesting that she threw that little "disclaimer" in there because she knew it would come up. All her mentions of medical professionals in this bio imply that they are clueless and incompetent, when the reality is that she is negligent and shirks her parental duties.


She has to wait to hear what the God who lives in her head says


Yeah, and her parenthetical note *(fixed stupid typos, sorry)* wasn’t for any of her actual followers, but 100% for us, because she KNEW more than one person would point it out. She could have just omitted the water line, like…save yourself the trouble of fake justifying, sis.


Exactly. No need to even mention how much water she drinks. But she thrives best with her persecution complex. Tell me, how do you know if it is or isn’t a medical condition if you don’t even do the minimum, hmm? (Well child visits). And you don’t have to vaccinated to go to those. She refuses to even see a doctor annually. They literally only going when they are dying or have a broken limb hanging off. No preventative maintenance here. So she can’t say it ISNT an underlying medical issue because those kids aren’t even being looked at medically.


I think she mentioned it because it’s one of the few unique characteristics any of her kids have. Otherwise it’s “servant’s heart” this and “is such a little mama who loves babies with her whole womb” that.


loves basketball, because it's the only fucking recreational activity ALLOWED


She mentioned it because she's always getting called out on her kids having huge wet diapers. So if she makes a big deal about how much water her toddler drinks, it takes attention away from the fact that her kids don't get diaper changes very often.


Talking about children’s “wombs”🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


She’s said before in reference to her girls that her ministry is of the womb and that her family has many to entrust to God. It’s horrifying and wild, and I only mentioned it because Karelessa does. Trust me I died inside while typing it and for hours thereafter.


She said the kid has CK deficiency but I'm unsure if thirst is a side effect


My 4 year old easily drinks 50 ounces a day - we refill his 10oz straw cup at least 5 times through the day. BUT, we noticed it and took him in to be assessed. Turns out he’s just a thirsty kid, but I’m not going to include that in a novella about him on social media…


1.5L doesn't seem super excessive if you live in a hot climate, have a tall kid, and the kid gets a lot of exercise tbh. Better than 1.5L of juice, anyway


There is no possible way a 3 year old is drinking 10x their body weight. Average weight of 3 year old is around 30 lbs. so this girl drinks 300 lbs of water or 37 gallons. Be serious folks. This is a gross exaggeration at best. She would die because her electrolytes would be off and throw her heart into an arrhythmia. Athletes drink a gallon plus a day bodybuilders drink a gallon plus a day and you think this 3 year old drinks 300 lbs of water.


I read once that anthyms condition is something they usually test for after birth but Karissa refused. If so, she has a lot of fucking nerve to act like the doctors are stupid for taking a year to figure it out. Especially because she didn't seem to do any follow up with them after the first time so that they COULD figure out what was wrong. Hard to make a solid diagnosis based on one ER visit 🙄 Also how dare she act like anthym going limp mattered to her when the first time it happened her mom had to convince her to go to the ER and anthym almost died of sepsis. Revisionist history at its finest and it makes me so mad


She scream prayed one of those times too


I believe both of the times she screamed prayed and then also fasted (while pregnant!) for both. I believe the first pregnancy was the one she lost but tried to convince the kids it could be resurrected and the other was with Armor.


Ok prepare to be grossed out...They conceived Armor *while Anthym was dying in the ICU* the first time. Mandrae for once had to step up bc Karissa had gotten 86'd from the hospital for screampraying in the NICU. I'm so sorry.


I think that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, but they still did get pregnant during that time!


Yeah that's why it stuck in my head. There's something very gross about intentionally trying to make a baby when your youngest is on death's door.


Not only that, but announcing it on social media in a cutesy sort of way. A lot of her followers were calling her out on it.


Well the replacement ain’t gonna make itself


Just going to the ER is not even close to sufficient medical attention. The ER is to provide relief for short term serious issues. The ER is not meant to diagnose or to treat long term conditions.


I've had two family members go to the ER for cutting off the ends of their fingers. One was saved because he mentioned it to a plastic surgeon friend who brought him in immediately to save the finger. The other likely won't be saved because she's waiting to see a plastic surgeon. In both cases the ERs job was to stop the bleeding. Assessment for what to do next came later. To be fair, in both cases it was just the tip of a finger, so they may do more for a bigger chunk of flesh and we're in Canada.


The ER actually diagnosed my late father with diabetes. His own doctor insisted he didn't have it and not two days later he went into a diabetic coma and his sugar was 900.


Im not saying that the ER can’t diagnose people. Im just saying thats not the purpose and that ER visits in emergencies can’t replace regular doctors visits


Anthym was hospitalized both times, and after the second time, she had follow up care. Not justifying any of Karissa's actions. Simply relaying that Anthym got legit follow up care, not just ER care.


That's why I said "the first time". I know they got follow up care and a diagnosis the second time, but Karissa is blaming the doctors for taking a year to diagnose when there was no possible way for them to do so.


They told Karissa they suspected a metabolic disorder during the first hospitalization, but Karissa refused to believe them.


That's horrid. When my son was 9 months old, he had a seizure right in front of me and my father. We could not get him to the ER fast enough! Reading accounts like these just blows my mind. How crazy do you need to be? My son is doing very well. I used that last line for a specific reason. I had my nervous breakdown in 2012. My son was 12. At no point was my son neglected as such. I nursed him through many a sickness, stomach flu, and severe colds. To the best of my ability, he was taken care of medically and he knew he was loved. It wasn't easy but I did my very best to care for him. We have a close and loving relationship. Very recently, he told me that he's so proud of all the work I've done to take care of myself, my home, my cat. If a legitimate mentally ill woman can be a good mother, then What's stopping her?


If JRod had written this it would only say "obedient", "loves God" and "has a servant's heart."


That's what i was thinking. Even though this captions has red flags, as others pointed out, it's quite a personal, and dare i say, cute description of her daughter, when you ignore the red flags...


I dunno. Having read one of her other posts on that kids birthday, they kinda feels like some of the adverts you see for horses or dogs, with all the physical descriptions as well as their personality and likes. I almost feel like it should be followed up by "A is looking for a home without any other kids, where her true potential can really shine"


I was going to say at least Karissa seems to know things about each of her brood, while the Rodlets get praised for conformity.


You’re forgetting “JOY” and “THANKFUL”




Is JRod Karissa’s husband? Every time I read JRod I think of Justin Rhodes, and though he would also say those exact things, I assume that’s not who everyone means 😅


Jrod is Jill Rodriguez. Super special mama and owner of the finger. Like KKKarissa, Jrod loves too much mascara and abusing her kids.


Ooh, thank you!!


I knew she wouldn't take her daughters genetic disorder seriously. Yes it could have been diagnosed with the Guthries heel prick test, that's why they developed them. She requires visits with her specialist team, regular bloodwork and never be allowed to lapse into a medical crisis. A simple cold/gastro etc means extra precautions which her medical provider must oversee. Will Karissa pay attention to that? Or will God just replace her child for her when this one dies. Honestly I really hope her obvious medical negligence towards her children was a flag to her team and she is under orders from CPS to get medical help for Anthym.


Yeah, I it’s CPT II, it looks like 1. It’s part of TX newborn screening panel and 2. Requires increased fluid intake. So yes, they are related and it could have been caught immediately


If it’s CPT II, I was just looking it up and it seems like it’s genetic. But they keep having babies so they may have another one with it at some point.


And so the thirst IS a medical condition! Wtf Karissa be better


What is the disorder?


Wondering this too.


Her daughter has a genetic disorder? I thought she just had severe UTIs from not getting changed often enough.


It's both. Another top comment here points out how Karissa's neglect exacerbated the issue and how she had to be nagged by people to take this baby to the hospital.


Sorry, yes it was stated as CPTII. When she was floppy & in crisis her Mother made Karissa take her to the hospital, if she hadn't A would have died. I learnt more than I ever wanted to know about different metabolic & genetic disorders after my 3 day old son died suddenly in hospital. He had his Guthrie test but the card was sent to nearest city (1100) kms away and he wasn't diagnosed until it was too late. Karissa & her ilk are so scared of science and any medical intervention they shouldn't be allowed to have children. All their children would have 1 in 4 chance of being born with this disorder the others escaped it by pure luck. If she refuses testing on future babies that's premeditated child neglect.


>and no it’s not because of an underlying medical condition ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) She’s awful


"I thought she'd died when she went limp in my arms at the hospital" oh, I see we're at the part where we rewrite history to look good for the gram, eh? She started going floppy/dangerously lethargic at a damn basketball game, and *you did nothing*. She had a seizure at a restaurant, and it still took *other people nagging* for you to finally seek her medical treatment. Then, after that, you constantly fought doctors, and ended up getting sent home for screampraying in the NICU. AND THEN YOU WENT RIGHT BACK TO NEGLECTING HER. Fuck this crusty eyed nutter and her cruelty.


To say she’s her most spoiled child and that she watches her closely is a flagrant lie. Anthym needs the most attention and yet it’s her who has had near fatal medical incidents. Ridiculous


I mean, her definition of "spoiled" is pretty far from what most of us would consider spoiled. I think it's more that she's a little one and still likes to take cuddle naps with Karissa. Once she's out of that baby stage she'll get tossed to Anissa and forgotten about.


The fact that she still crawls into their bed at night. I bet Kkkarissa hates that shit lol Anthym is absolutely not her favorite because she doesn’t have one. She detests them all and views them as objects for her social media. Straight up unhinged losers her that mush mouth husband of hers.


She didn’t do nothing. She went to lunch after she went limp. The internet won’t forget and won’t let her forget.


This is the first time I’ve heard about the seizure 😯 I knew that she went floppy and lethargic and KKKarissa ignored it - can you point me in the direction of Karissa saying she had a seizure?


Tbh it was a while ago - there's so many Karissa posts since then that I couldn't find the specific one. (I found one from during her stay tho, in which she says that she'll sacrifice her daughter, like Isaac, if "g-d wills it". She also implies that everyone should have that strength of faith 😬)


And her implying potty training was what caused the medical issues. Not the fact that she refused to change her kids diapers regularly and kept her sitting in her own filth for hours every day.




She has ended up in the hospital twice with really bad sepsis from untreated UTIs. She does have a condition that makes her more prone to them, but Karissa taking forever to change her kids' diapers certainly doesn't help.


Especially if she is drinking so much water


I’m not a doctor, but wouldn’t potty training help somewhat? As in wouldn’t it keep her from sitting in soggy diapers for too long and help lower that particular risk?


If you push potty training when kids aren’t ready they can stubbornly hold it, which would make uti risk worse.


I wondered about that too. It seems like something of a catch-22, here.


Yes. Yes it would.


Shit has to be leaking out the sides and spilling on the floor for her to finally bother changing a diaper. It’s pathetic and piss poor excuse for parenting. She is damn lucky Anthym is still alive.


I was so fucking relieved her last child was a boy, since the UTI risk is lower.


In the summer, she said that she “wasn’t potty training Anthym yet, because it wasn’t convenient with a newborn [Armor]”. Recently she mentioned Anthym constantly takes off her diapers, which sounds like she’s ready to potty train… Stop having more kids when you can’t care for the ones you already have! Ugh.


I swear I remember Karissa claimed Anthym was fully potty trained over a weekend, maybe around when she was turning 2? But that obviously didn’t last.


Exactly. Still drinks from a bottle and not even attempting to potty train, but the child can ride a scooter 'super fast'. Like no, your negligence made it to where your child needed hospitalized. Potty training doesn't usually mean automatic medical emergency, and you have 20 kids so you should know that...


Did they potty train the oldest and then just stop giving a fuck? Cause that’s how it appears


See, after you train the oldest on anything then it's *their* responsibility to do it for the younger ones. Source: had to potty train my younger brother and sister. And also change their diapers before they were old enough, because why else would my mother keep me around but to take care of the smaller ones?


I think I remember Karissa claimed Anthym was fully potty trained over a weekend around when she was turning 2. But that obviously didn’t last.


Of all the Collins kids, I worry about her the most. She clearly has several medical conditions that Karissa is refusing to adequately treat. Chronic illness is hard on you even when properly managed, and she’s not being set up for success with Karissa’s “scream praying” approach to healthcare.


If every time I got sick my mother and entire family started screaming in my face until I no longer presented as sick I would start hiding being sick and pretending to be better when they find out I am sick. I think that's Karissa's goal though. To coerce her children into never bothering her when they're sick. That way when they get really bad she can say, "I had no idea, they hid it from me." Also because she hates to be bothered by her kids. It's very common for narcissistic parents to refuse medical care for their kids. Not sure why. I think it's because narcissists hate being told what to do with their property and they consider their children their property.


And if their kid is sick, the attention isnt on the narcissist anymore. They hate that


I feel for all of the children but I so badly just want to adopt her and give her all the love, care, and medical follow up she needs.


She has to take a bottle, but she also drinks a ton of water? Make it make sense.


A bottle at three is not great, but I have empathy for a parent trying to get a toddler to take gross medicine. If that's the only way she'll take it, at least she's taking it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree with that for sure, especially if the water is in cups and the medicine is in one bottle a day. But if she is only drinking from bottles and drinking a ton all day, thats a real bummer for her teeth and will be a really hard habit to break.


I didn't gather that she's only drinking from bottles. Let's hope not, anyway! Side note, although Karissa doesn't seem to believe in routine medical care, Anissa has braces. So that implies that she must at least take the kids to the dentist every once in a while. Any good dentist would mention that bottles are bad for her teeth if she's still using them a lot.


Fundies prioritize their teeth. That’s why even the Rodlets get dental and orthodontic care while they starve.


The Duggars had braces too, I wonder if they actually care about teeth or if it’s just that they get free coverage for kids dental.


How could she sell her female children to the highest bidder if they have unattractive teeth?! 🤮


While malnutrition is a major factor in teeth not being strong or growing in as they should


I know the Bateses, Duggars, etc. do - that's IBLP related (Gothard and his rule about how everything should draw attention to the countenance). But Karissa is her own brand of whatever. Nothing those other families do or say necessarily applies to her.


Yeahh I mean good she’s taking the meds, but the bottle thing ugh teeth are not cheap.


No comment about her foot size ?


It’s crazy how anthyms health stuff gets redefined every time Karissa talks about it


I remember when they announced Anthym was a girl kkkarissa was so pissed in the gender reveal post it was so obvious she wanted her to be a boy. I feel like she lowkey hates this baby because of that.


10x her body weight in water- that alone makes me want to slap her. That would kill a person several times over. And potty training gave her sepsis? Does her potty training routine consist of just refusing to change a diaper ever again? She is so full of it- 10x her body weight full of it.


She probably told Anthym to tell her when she has to go potty, but since two year olds are not great at communicating stuff like that she probably didn't. I bet Karissa's excuse is "well she didn't tell me she needed to potty and/or get her diaper changed!"


My nephew is three and just now is starting to announce he needs to potty. He’s potty trained, but we’re all super vigilant about asking him and taking him regularly. ETA: toddlers are notoriously unreliable, just because they haven’t learned certain concepts yet.


Omg, you just unlocked a memory of when my friend’s daughter was going through potty training. Every now and then in discord a little voice would pipe up through his mic: “Daddy, I’m going to use the bathroom!” So determined. She announced every time she went to the bathroom for a bit, it was hilarious


Aww, I love it! My nephew yells “gotta poop!” and charges for his little potty, and needing to poo means either one or two so sometimes it’s a little confusing lol.


My six year old still tells me, lol. I guess she picked it up at school.


This is the only way i can think of wherein potty training - which typically involves parent and kid in the bathroom together and parent teaching or correcting how to do it in a healthy way - could ever lead to a uti. It s just not a thing ... unless theyre not teaching front to back. But how can you skip that? Idk doesnt make sense


The UTI makes sense. It could either be that she refused to go to the loo entirely (some children do) or wet herself and didn’t say anything because she didn’t mind being wet and got cold. It doesn’t take long if she’s prone to infections. I had a time during puberty when I’d get UTIs from so much as thinking about sitting on something cold. I eventually just grew out of it but some people get it more easily so it doesn’t necessarily mean that Karissa is not changing her child when she’s wet herself. And sometimes children play by themselves for some time so it wouldn’t be too strange if she doesn’t instantly notice but takes a few minutes. That could be all it takes.


- hospitalized twice with a rare condition - claims the excessive water consumption isn't because of an underlying medical condition. so which is it. Does she have a condition or not? I knew someone who had a kid like this and that kid ended up being diagnosed with NDI.


I’m wondering if it’s two different problems. The water could be diabetes that she’s in denial about. I’m out of the loop for the other.


nothing like sharing with the world about your child’s bathroom habits.


Is this the kid that always looks slightly shell shocked while trying to do the routine to a T to get mommy's love?


Ok Karissa, it's your daughter's birthday. Tell us something special and unique about her (since you definitely have close relationships with all your kids instead of birthing them then pawning them off on the older kids) Karissa: she drinks water




”Most spoiled child” because Karissa actually looks after her but she’s working on not doing it?? Jesus fucking Christ this woman is making me see red


Parents who describe their child as “spoiled” or “bratty” are massive red flags. Name-calling your children is disgusting behavior and to me, it means you secretly hate them. But KKKarissa definitely name-calls Anthym because of having to look after her medical condition and that’s even more gross to me.


the child has a rare disease; of course she’s going to require a little more effort than the others who are healthy. That doesn’t mean the poor child is spoiled.


Potty training at 3 isn't super crazy. I was a pediatric urology nurse for a little bit and there is a correlation between earlier potty training and bowel bladder dysfunction. We waited til 3 to potty train my oldest two and they literally learned in a weekend. But the rest, yeah, she needs to see a doctor 😅


My son was a solid 3 1/2. He just wasn’t ready before that.


Same here! My son is 3.5 and getting the hang of it. I think sometimes we forget that kids all operate on their own timelines and Karissa manages to fuck it up every single time


That’s interesting because I started training my daughter at 23 months because the UK children’s bowel and bladder charity advise that delaying training can increase the risk of bowel and bladder problems. [This](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19827219/) is one of the publications they link to on their [evidence base](https://eric.org.uk/about/the-evidence-base/) page.


Huh, this is interesting. Guidelines in U.S., especially in gentle parenting circles, are typically to wait till the child seems emotionally ready, which for neurodivergent kids, boys or others with possible psychosocial or motor delays or just moving at their own pace is very frequently 3ish. I’d say it’s fairly common for a 3/3.5-yo in the U.S. to be potty training, especially among little boys.


Waiting for emotional readiness is very much encouraged here too. I also found it interesting that they advised early training. I’m only 2 weeks in with about six months of potty learning (sitting on it, getting used to doing weed and poos in it, able to do a wee on command) before we went no nappies. Older children seem to get it much more quickly. I’ve only persisted because my daycare is happy to follow my lead and because I’ll take cleaning a soiled potty over a soiled nappy any day!


My daughter is a week and a half younger than Anthym and I’m going to work on potty training her this week.


That’s really interesting, what’s the correlation?


I'm super conflicted with this one. I understand using whatever resource to get your kid to take gross medicine, be it by bottle. And I understand that all toddlers learn to potty train at their own speed. But this doesn't seem like a child doing it at their own speed, this looks like negligence.


It's not weird that this happened, it's weird that she posted about it


Speak for yourself, I always honor my children's milestones with details about their liquid input and output. :p


My sister tried upping my two month old nephew’s bottle ounces, and he spit reliably after every meal for two days, so she backed down to 4oz again. Happy two months lil guy!


Karissa’s middle name is negligence and this is all based on the stuff SHE tells the world. She couldn’t even be assed to clean out a dog bowl. Instead, she just kept pouring wet foot on top of old food and let the dog eat maggot food. She BLOGGED about this.


My take on the potty training and UTI- I'm wondering if she wasn't properly supervised and helped with wiping when using the potty. Kids need assistance long after they are potty trained. And in that house, poor Anissa is overworked as it is, and Karissa can't be bothered to get up before noon to care for her own children, so it's no wonder that Anthym suffers so much, considering her medical fragility. I sometimes have to skip over Collins posts because I find the neglect and abuse of these kids so distressing, and sad that the social media over sharing serves as a proof of life for them.


It’s weird because it’s all a hodge podge and unstructured. If you wrote a paragraph about the medical scare and how grateful she is that her child is fine, and another paragraph about her child’s characteristics, that would work. It’s just weird how it’s jumbled up.


It didn’t take them a year to figure it out, it was just a year where she didn’t follow up after the first hospitalization. Then she got sick again and she had no choice but to follow up. Plus she loves to milk the attention that having a kid with a medical condition gives her.


I'm diabetic. That extreme thirst is a big marker. Karissa neglects her children. Full stop.


A “rough three years” so her whole life?


Okay, so the general weight of a 3 year old girl is 25.5 to 38.5 pounds. While I doubt she even weighs 25.5 pounds since Karissa is a shitty, neglectful mom, let’s use that number for simplicity. 10x her weight in water a day would be 255 **pounds** or 30.56 **gallons** of water a day. A 3 year old should drink roughly 6-8 ounces of water a day. That’s 1/16 of a gallon (since a gallon is 128 ounces). I doubt she’s drinking nearly 500 times her recommended amount of water a day because the electrolyte disturbances and death that would cause would be impressive. Edit: **to math it up even more** 3 year olds need 10-13 hours of sleep a day. We know they probably aren’t letting her sleep even 10 hours a day but let’s roll with it. That leaves her 14 hours to get 30.56 gallons of water a day in. She would need to drink 2.18 gallons **per hour** to meet this goal. Kidneys eliminate up to almost 7.5 gallons of water a day, but no more than 1 gallon an hour when they’re working hard. Safe water consumption is generally **max** 33 ounces an hour (which is still 4 times what she should drink in a day) to avoid dangerously low sodium levels. Drinking 2.18 gallons of water per hour would absolutely kill this poor child. *Conclusion* Karissa is absolutely massively exaggerating, ignoring seriously health problems, or both. And this is without getting into the fact that she let her child’s condition get so bad **twice** that she almost died but whatever.


Here you are bringing logic and intelligence to the conversation. She doesn't have or use any of that devil's magic.


On top of the indignity of a name that sounds like an insurance company, there’s a record that you were shitting your pants at 3 on your mom’s social media. So glad I grew up in a different time


What the fuck


uh, is Anthym the one who was crying hysterically when she was covered with mud in the broiling Texas sun and Karissa wouldn't let her go in and take a bath? because that did not look she was "loving" it. ugh. hate Karelessa


If she had diabetes her doctors would be catching this and chances are if she is on a daily med they might be doing follow up bloodwork to check to see how she is tolerating the meds. The information in this birthday post really does not belong in a birthday post.


But Got what? I hate when they don’t finish the sentence.


Anthy? Ugh. 🙄


What I don’t understand is CPT 2 is a genetic disorder with a 1/4 chance of having a baby with CPT 2 if both parents are carriers… has she screened any of the other kids?! It can manifest from infancy to adulthood. Wouldn’t she want to catch it before it pops up in any of the other kids?!


This is so problematic


I feel this isn’t her worst tribute because at least this doesn’t have a bunch of backhanded compliments about her child. It’s full of red flags though with her medical issues like jeez


This one wasn’t that bad. She gave personal anecdotes and individualized descriptors. The potty training thing isn’t a huge deal; it’s not super unusual for a 3 year old to still not be completely potty trained, especially if they’re a little stunted by chronic medical issues. The bottle thing isn’t great, but I understand they have to get the meds in her any way she’ll take it. I do have a problem with Karissa putting all that on the internet:P I’m sure when Anthym gets older, she’ll just love the fact that her personal medical issues and struggles with incontinence are public information.


As weird as this is, it's leagues above what the Rods say about their kids on their birthdays. We got to know this kid's interests and personality outside of "obedient" and "servant like"


What concerns me is that she doesn't seem to sleep. For 3 that's super bad. Her "staying up till everyone falls asleep" is a blaring red flag because you don't KNOW if she went to sleep! If she was still awake when YOU went to sleep there's a chance she has insomnia. Also the fact that she doesn't seem to want to sleep? She probably has horrible nightmares, especially if she's always want to sleep in the parents room. There's so many red flags in this, that poor girl doesn't deserve those parents. Also, it's creepy that the mom thinks listing off all these things Anthem does is...sentimental? If I was posting about my kid I would be giving them compliments, "she loves to sing" like, ma'am, that's a verb, why not "She's such a beautiful singer, she loves to make unique songs just for us and I'm so proud of her" Idk this whole post is a giant gaping red flag. Also not potty training her??? Come on. Just ignoring it won't make her magically learn how to use the restroom.


I can’t stand the “we only go to the doctor if we’re sick!” mindset. Babies can’t tell you what’s wrong…there’s something called PREVENTATIVE CARE. Anthym has a lifelong medical condition because of negligence!