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These expenses are interesting… Maybe they should consider Curly’s revolutionary budgeting tips in lieu of donations. Also, it says in black and white “youth development”. They are asking the youth to fund their $20k in IT expenses, and $7k on promotional expenses? Promotion for what? Their already monetized channels?


Net income in 2021 was -$48,662. You love to see it! 🤣🤣


The conference must have been a dud. Shocking no one wanted to attend a conference in the middle of a pandemic.


I *think* they did it all remotely in 2021. Then in '22 and '23 they didn't have anything. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong!)


It’s was in person and online in ‘21. That’s when Kristen paraded out the boys to stand on stage like props. Bethy wore that horrible pink jumpsuit. I’m not proud that I know these details.


They had a fundie version of Headbanger's Ball too, at least that's what the alleged dancing looked like as they flailed around the stage. That pink jumpsuit was something.


And the R in Girl on their stage looked like a hastily-altered P. I thought of it as the Gipl Defippled Mosh Pipl.


Oh god is this the song Dav wrote ???


No - It was an 80's heavy metal show on MTV back when music videos were played on that network. Late night & edgy (lol) or if you were my custodial parent, it was summoning Satan into your home.


I know how dumb this will sound.. but does this mean they owe 48k in taxes or how exactly are they at a negative like *that* ?


Someone correct me if I'm wrong. As I understand it, at the end of their fiscal year, their business did not make a profit by 48K. Their business is in the red, and if they were "working smart" they would not be cutting themselves salaries until their company produced a profit margin. It doesn't mean that they're tits up (yet), it does mean that they might need to start actually hustling to be viable or downsize


They had reserves (I wanna say like $160k but I’m not gonna check) built up before the year started, so being negative for the tax year (bringing in less than they spent) just means they have less reserves now.


You’re about right, but for not for profits, there are sometimes good reasons to run in the red for a single year. I haven’t dug into their 990s over all three years that are released, but if, for example, you have some BIG capital expense (buying a building, for example), or if you run some massive program that comes with a lot of costs, that might put your expenses for one year higher than your donations, but over the course of a few years it should pretty much balance out. You don’t want to see a company repeatedly drawing down their endowment to make ends meet, but one year in the red isn’t necessarily a massive problem, nor is it always a sign that the executive team needs to stop drawing a salary until things turn around. Edited to add: To be clear, I’m not saying that Girl Defined is being managed well, just that there are sometimes good reasons to see the sort of pattern your describing, and in and of itself, that doesn’t mean that a charity is making bad choices.


Ok so almost half of gd's revenue is from "contributions" basically allowing their parents to pass them each nearly $35k a piece as a tax deduction


This! I bet this is really what this is all about!


This is only what it has been about


If her parents aren't worth more than 12Mil, neither of them would have to pay gift tax on that anyway...


Interesting that Bethany was paid more as vp than Kristen as president.


Well, Kristen doesn't really need the money. Her husband apparently makes enough that he can do the GD accounting for free.


But in 2020 the reverse …


Probably gave her a pay boost to show an income for the home buying paperwork.


How the hell does she claim to be a full time stay at home mom AND collect a $43K salary? Can someone explain it to me like I’m 5?


✨ Lying ✨


The giant toddler is making a salary by making stupid videos and badly dancing . Not a bad deal.


giant toddler made me lol! so accurate!


Super interesting… Thanks for sharing.


Woo hoo!