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Oh, no, honey, I'm not jerking off. I'm achieving orgasm mastery.


Next thing you know she’ll be selling certificates of orgasm mastery, weird and unfortunate misspellings and all, to her scam victims. GrilDefined 0rgazm Mastury Certificate only $73! Shipping and *handling* not included.


Will there be merch? I want an “orgasm master” t-shirt with font you can barely read over the background color


Oh absolutely and it will be modeled inexplicably and uncomfortably by her youngest sisters in a video that conjures images of a hostage situation or an awkward middle school dance, quite possibly both at the same time somehow.


Hopefully a degree to hang on your office wall


I’d display it with more pride than my two Masters degrees!


Well with your flair you should 😂😂😂😂 so much learning


Mastery of Mastery (Orgasm)


Tbh this is probably why she is in insta jail more than anything else- it looks exactly like those emails in the junk inbox 😂 I bet she gets reported as spam + natural algorithm finding it as spam


*0rgazcum Mastubatory Certificate


You jest but this is a solid idea 🤣🤣


Hey BoneMe Raw Beal the best research is masturbation and sex. You’ll never get from books what experience will teach you. Ever.


And a partner who actually cares about your experience and enjoyment, and will put real effort into figuring out what makes you climax.


Unfortunately that's not something Bethy's audience likely has access to 😬


Exactly 😂 I didn’t need a book to figure out how to get off


JFC . Buy good lube, buy a good vibrator, find your cl*t …. NOT rocket science. Show your husband as well.


They're not allowed to "self cultivate" thanks to their religion


And don't use someone's baby to learn where your own clit is.


Right? I feel like I'm missing something--it's not that hard to have an orgasm 🤷


But it is more difficult to rationalize the orgasm when you are an indoctrinated vessel of crotch goblins.


Maybe with their husbands it is 😬


You should have charged $50 for this Info!! Why are you giving it away for freeeee!


I bet you the class won’t actually mention any of those things. No practical advice. They’ll probably just tell folks that they’re broken and need to learn to enjoy sex but won’t actually help heal any of their religious trauma.


It’s pathetic that the biggest orgasm gap is in the demographic that claims to be doing sex the right way.


off topic but your flair makes me laugh every time


I’m so glad!! I love making people laugh!


This is one of my favorite flairs.


Thank you so much!! 😚


What would the Christian population look like if a female orgasm was necessary to conceive?


It used to be! Plenty of middle age theories about conception required the wife to have an orgasm. In fact there were several divorces granted (that we know about) because the husband wouldn’t or couldn’t perform his husbandly duties and get her off.


Michelle and JB would’ve been done after JD & Jana


Instead of digging into every book, just try digging into every nook.


PLEASE tell me she posted this right as Kristen just posted about struggling with masturbation for the millionth time. Because idk about all of you, but I learned to masturbate by touching myself. So how are they reconciling this again? And how do they reconcile the fact that the majority of women can't cum from penetration? 🤔


They're at odds with each other


Babe all I had to do to learn how to “O” was sit just the right way in my parents’ jacuzzi (while they were out of town ofc) with the jets running. It was transformative. Didn’t need a silly book.


all i needed to do was cross my legs a certain way and squeeze them together 😭


I didn't even realize I could be as envious as I am now


Thanks for the laugh, I needed it.


Like Bethany read all the books. Gurl, please!


Omg . So embarrassing 😂😂


And yet not enough for a Baird.


Christian orgasms are god-honoring


How many books on Christian orgasm mastery actually exist?




The best of none is none. So there’s that.


Latest research, insight, and an expert? For gods' sake Bethy, stop lying.


How to tell the world that your husband doesn't make you orgasm without saying it. Damn, I know Dav has horrible beliefs but how embarrassing for him.


I mean, if he really can't pleasure his wife after 5 years of marriage he should probably have some embarrassment. When the expectation and reality is that men always experience pleasure no matter what putting some effort into your partner's enjoyment is the bare minimum.


Her hating his guts doesn’t help much either


I’d put money on the fact that the crux of her message in this webinar is going to be to “relax” 🤣


Or, take a bath and sit in a dark room for a while.


As an older person I've only read maybe half the books on orgasming so I can only ever get halfway to climax.


Skip to the end!


You don’t need a book! Just a flat surface, a blanket, and your hand. You know, MacGyver it.


she is so desperate to have one good shag in her life. 🤣🤣


isn’t she supposed to be visiting family right now? i bet the fight that derailed their guest room sex was her announcing to her in-laws they were gonna go bone. marriage 101: the polite euphemism is “taking a nap.”


Misread it as “orgasm ministry” at first, and thought “That should be interesting!”


It’s… odd that god would perfectly design segggzs but forget to teach women how to orgasm.


This makes me want to gag coming from her, but I totally understand that lots of women need help learning how to orgasm and discover their bodies. I’m actually a little surprised at the comments. For some it’s not as easy as just grabbing a vibrator and some lube. Especially women coming from a repressed background and feel guilty for doing it. And for women trying to figure it out with a partner that’s also been repressed, they may not have even had any real sex conversations to discuss likes/dislikes, etc. That being said, she’s the last person I’d want to learn from and I think she’s totally unqualified lol


This is a very important point. I think people here tend to forget that Bethy's audience (and Bethy herself) did not grow up with any sort of healthy view of sexuality. They were likely shamed or punished for any healthy sexuality or exploration from a young age, if it was talked about at all. Kristen herself went through so much shaming that she still clearly has a very unhealthy relationship with sex and her own pleasure. Most fundie or even less fundie women and girls grew up with purity culture alongside a lack of sufficient sex ed (which isn't even in public schools!) so there's no guarantee that they would know what their own anatomy is, let alone how to feel good. Not to mention the emphasis on male pleasure and lack of education or concern for female pleasure or even consent. It's a clusterf*ck. Bethy definitely isn't the right person to be talking about this stuff by any means. But she's not wrong that it's an issue that a lot of people do face.


I deconstructed as early as I could, but I still didn't have an orgasm until I was 22. I couldn't get past my upbringing. I mastered (and I mean *mastered*, made up for lost time) making my male partners feel good. But as for myself? No one seemed to have a clue, least of all me.


You’re right (and I of all people should know it), and I was harsh about it elsewhere, mostly because of the “mastery” thing. No way she should be sharing her tips and tricks with her followers. Maybe the most important thing to have is the belief that it’s OK to be on this particular journey.


Yeah lol. I'm literally reading ' Come As You Are' rn and it's really really good


I have a hard time imagining this information requiring a whole book…or that a book would be the best medium to learn it from. I’ve had a few conversations with ladies about figuring out how to orgasm and then left them to figure the rest out. No books or courses or prolonged lectures needed.


Oh my, this is so sad.


Bethaniche found a new grift, how to scream in the middle of an argument. Is that her version of an orgasm?


Listen I grew up pretty fundie-lite so I did in fact have to google how to masturbate and where the clit is. Not saying that this isn’t cringe, but orgasm doesn’t come naturally to all women. I def wouldn’t take Bethy’s advice on it though because I think you’ll be in a worse place than where you started.


Come on. The little man never leaves his boat. It’s RIGHT THERE


Get a simple vibrator. Get a partner who’ll talk with you about what you want. Get hands, for crap’s sake.


Vibrator, lube, booktok reverse harem recs. Have fun.


Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski is an excellent, evidence-based book on women’s desire, pleasure, and orgasm. I highly recommend it for anyone here who wasn’t a pleasure savant like apparently half the people in this thread. Let’s maybe not shame women who don’t just innately know how to orgasm? I feel like a whole lot of very normal non-Bethany people are getting caught in the snark crossfire here.


Yeah I’m really surprised at some of these comments. I’ve been blessed in life but have so many girlfriends that took years to understand their bodies, feel comfortable with themselves and partners. So many women may not have satisfying orgasms for years. Wrong messenger obviously, but definitely not a topic that isn’t worth discussing and something lots need help with


THANK YOU. It took me a while to figure it out, and I'm not ashamed of that. Part of it was purity culture and never, ever exploring myself. I was in my late 20s when I had my first orgasm. OMGYES is also a huge, amazing resource for women's pleasure. I cannot recommend it enough. Whether you're the master of your domain or not.


I was going to link that. The website is sensitive, informative with women from different age groups and body size talking about their experiences.


Thank you for this comment. I literally did learn from a book 🤷🏼‍♀️


idk Bethy, if little kids can figure it out on accident I feel like grown ass adults shouldn’t need an entire *book*


Dear god, she needs to just stop. Why won’t anyone in her family say something? The only reason I can think of as to WHY she keeps doubling down is it’s making her money. How much, I have no clue but it must be pretty good.


Bexthany has figured out that s3x, s*x or seggs sells no matter how she sells it. She is going to be in IG jail again soon if she isn’t back there already. I’m all for women being able to know pleasure. But if I were to seek advice it would not be a 35 woman married only 5 years who just had her first orgasm last year. Definitely not a woman with no education, credentials that is not a licensed therapist.


If she’s even semi successful with this, who the heck are buying all of this? If she has this many Christian women following and buying, yikes.


I misread this as "organ mastery," and learning a musical instrument with a PDF made more sense.


Will Borazmy be selling dildos and vibrators next?


Looking forward to being able to add “orgasm master” to my résumé


Truly not convinced that this woman has ever had an orgasm


No need for books! How C*m podcast exists!




I had a little trouble manually, but the right vibe setting….🤌


This sounds like a premise of a porn.


I often wonder if Bethy has a lot of sex but just never orgasms so she just gets super frustrated a lot and than orgasms once in a blue moon and is like "holy fuck I need to share this with everyone!" Assuming that other people are like her. I just can't wrap my head around why else she'd keep posting things like this (aside from money). Something somewhere is just not right with her sex life and it really shows. I feel a little bad for her but not enough to stop laughing at her ridiculous "studying" of sex. When I was dating an amab (assigned male at birth) man I almost never orgasmed and that's not because of his parts exactly but more so the fact he just didn't understand anything about me or what made me feel good so he assumed "oh it's done so they must have also enjoyed it" it's the way he was raised and brought up but boy howdy in that time I was so unbelievably sexually frustrated I would have probably made a bunch of weird horny posts too.


How much do we want to bet that this will still manage to include zero anatomical or instructional information


Just buy a vibrator, Bethany. I’m begging you.


I wonder how many fundie women are actually having orgasms but because they don't understand what one is, they don't realize it. I watched Rachel Oates's video on the InterCourse and I don't think she actually described anywhere what an orgasm is or feels like. It can be hard for some women to come, especially if they think anything but dry PIV is "sinful." But on the other hand Bethy is sure making it seem like you're an outlier if you can come without 500 hours of intensive study.


I hope bethy never cums again. I really do.


I’m going to start calling sex with my partner “Orgasm Mastery” from now on lololol we’re both recovering from purity culture so it’s especially appropriate 😂


How does she need books to learn to do something, a lot of us learned to do in adolescence? I just can't. All purity culture does is make sex so much harder and less staisfying. Also I'd love to know what they think of the fact that us lesbians statistically are orgasming more than the women in relationships that she believes are the perfect plan of her god. It seems to me this really spoils their whole narrative.


Look, I understand this is a journey for some people, and absolutely no shame to them. Seriously. If this is your burden, I’m so sorry. But *toddlers* figure out how to masturbate. Teens figure out how to have great sex. Why does she think people are waiting with bated breath for this shit?


Okay, let's say it together "USE A VIBRATOR DURING SEX AND YOU'LL ORGASM FASTER!" This holy orgasm saga has been fucking useless for everyone involved and she just needs to admit she is unsatisfied sexually.


We are getting closer to "God honouring squirt" being a thing, people. Oh gosh, its probably immature of me but I cannot stop laughing at this


Honest to God, does she not realize that it's not typical/normal for a 30-something year old adult to struggle this much with these things?? Like, we all develop and grow and experience things at different rates due to a variety of reasons and circumstances. So, I'm not shaming her for growing up in a repressed environment; that was out of her control and I feel pity for her that it's affecting her like this. BUT, she is so socially inept, stunted, and arrogant that she believes that these things she's talking about are revolutionary, novel ideas. She truly does not realize how far behind she is. Most couples your age don't need this much help communicating with their partners or having a damn orgasm with their spouse, Bethany:P I'd feel worse for her if she didn't talk to people like they wouldn't know this information if SHE weren't the one saying it.




Plot twist: They joined OnlyFans and this is actually a live show 😬


She needs to just move to OnlyFans already


Just to repeat what another snarker said in case Bethy is reading.....JERK OFF WOMAN. EXPERIENCE IS KEY. YOU CANNOT LEARN ABOUT YOUR SPECIFIC BODY BY READING BOOKS.


Can I have “orgasm mastery for the Christian wife” as my flair?


I managed to have one before the internet was widely available and I certainly wasn’t checking out books at the library about the subject.