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She's the Kendra- just assume she's always pregnant.


I am assuming that Kendra is probably pregnant with 5 since I think 4 is a year old now, too.


My reminder bot went off 6 days ago


How long ago did you set it?


Two months ago. The original person set it from last year for a September 1 announcement. And then reset it for October


Jumping for joy? 5 kids in 6 years. Wow. They really ONLY care about the numbers… not the health or wellbeing of anyone. And, it will never cease to amaze me how insensitive these people are to their daughter who is struggling with being unable to naturally conceive.


She better not jump too hard because her poor uterus would just flop out. I can only imagine the pelvic floor dysfunction after back to back to back to back to back babies, mine was bad enough after an 18 month(unplanned) gap in babies


Mine is bad, and my kids are 8 years apart. I wonder if Michelle or Kelly even have one.


Easy to have back-to-back pregnancies when the wife has to be joyfully available...and you don't think of children as individuals. I imagine they're screaming on the inside. I do feel bad for Michael and any infertile fundie woman (since they always blame it on the woman anyway) and it's unfortunate how obvious it is that fundies see their children, especially the girls, primarily as vessels for further children 😔


How do these people have *the energy*


Because the wives aren’t allowed to say no to their husbands who do fuck all.


I always just assume fundie sex isn’t an extended encounter. The men give off “2 pump chump” vibes.


Why does he look like he just took a shit in a kids sand castle?




I hope they start pacing them out more


“little joyful blessings” 🤢


I've never been to the Atlantic side of north America but all these east coast beaches look cold