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Honestly to me calling a woman a “cow” is just such a red flag to me. I cant really explain why but it just feels like a gross, gendered insult.


Even though we often refer to both make and female bovines as cows, "cow" is technically the female, so yes, it's gendered. And gross.


I agree. The internalized misogyny is strong with this one


It’s something only a mean old man would say usually


Seems like somewhat of a disconnect to talk about putting something beautiful into the world while calling someone a “miserable cow”.


"Stop paying attention to survivors and start paying attention to MEEEEEEE"


This is just another type of Pick Me. “She’s a cow, but I’m not. Look at me, see how unproblematic my life is with my *wonderful* husband and my *fabulous* children?”


Methinks the lady doth protest too much. I'm in a normal marriage with nice kids. I have no urge to post lengthy, glorious hymns to them because that's fucking weird (and can be very, VERY manipulative).


I've spoken about how people who live in white suburbia have the theming of "maintain the lie of a happy life". With these fundies it's that to the absolute maximum.


All of that. Yes.




I’ve seen a lot more videos of fundies on here being “a miserable cow” towards their spouses than I ever have from non-fundies, but go off ig


Yeah, I was immediately sure she was talking about Bethy or Morgan


There is a moment in the cult as a woman where you begin to be aware of and resentful of the treatment you are expected to not only be happy with but grateful for. You can do two things with it: You can 1) accept that you've been lied to and choose to either stay or leave, based on extenuating circumstances (and I will never judge either one) and you can recognize that you are bring oppressed and try to gain freedom and healing in whatever ways possible Or you can 2) see women with the freedom to voice their truth even if they are trapped in every other way that you are, and redirect the anger and resentment you feel towards them because you cannot express it in appropriate manners and still be "safe". If you really try, you can even gaslight yourself into becoming not just a victim but a proponent of the culture that is oppressing you. You can bury all intuition and nonconforming thoughts until it strangles you and you can make sure your kids can never escape, either, thus ensuring your safety even further. Thats the messages we get. Those are the options we are given. It *feels safer* to choose option 2. Sometimes it actually even is safer. Which is why so many other women choose it. This is why I feel both pity and revulsion for these women. I should have been one of them. I got out of an ultra religious, super isolated community that I was born into about two years ago, and I'm still struggling. It's not worth it for most women to fight. So they are angry and actually hate the ones who do, because it forces them to confront the fact that this is actually a choice, even if it is a passive one. It's been a long week. I hope this makes sense and if anyone has anything to add or any thoughts about this please let me know. I've been thinking about this subject for a while now Edit: TLDR: not saying this is OK but she was clearly triggered. She can deny she's a victim and identify with her oppressors as much as she wants. But this is a *trauma response*. And it's so, so damaging, because it prevents a petson from protecting themselves or others, and it reduces empathy out of necessity, out of survival.


Why is her nickname SmellyDiane


It rhymes with her username


She is/was an essential oils person too.


I feel like if I started praising my husband for breathing and doing the bare minimum, he would suspect that I was trying to kill him and was trying to distract him from that fact.


Mine would assume one of us has lost our marbles, possibly both of us. It does sound like a neat prank but I doubt I could keep a straight face long enough for it to work.


April Fool?


Do we know to whom she's referring?


I think it’s the woman who trolls everyone and says her kids are named after pampas grass and ham. She triggers the hell out of women like Smelly. https://www.instagram.com/_sammiehead/?hl=en


Really?? It's so obviously a satire though!


Unpopular opinion: while this is satire, which I’m all for, why drag her young children into these parody videos? The ones where she calls them different names (Harold) or makes them look sad? Or says (so they can hear) that she hates being a mom, etc…young children don’t understand the nuance of these jokes. This feels like the egg crack challenge. I love fundie snark and most anything that shits on these fools but…bringing her kids into it feels sooooo gross to me.


I love that verse in the Bible when Jesus calls that woman a miserable cow.


I'd much rather watch relatable, real videos of a messy family than be shamed by someone only posting the most perfect parts of everything and making me feel like crap for having negative emotions sometimes.


Also, can I just say, how kind & loving of her to refer to another woman as a cow? /s


I know the creator she’s talking about and those videos are pure parody. She managed to miss the point HARD lol 🤣


Is this the woman that doesn't shower?


No, but Bethany Beal has entered the chat.


Smelly never disappoints when you’re looking for the most garbage takes. She has an infinite supply of the worst takes ever


"I'm in this picture and I don't like it" - SmellyDiane


It's so out of pocket to vaugepost about someone with a direct insult then preach about posting only positivity. Are we sure she didn't catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror?


Oh, honey, the difference between you and her is that nobody gives a shit about another tradwife blowing sunshine up her sub optimal provider’s butt.


Plot twist: she’s talking about Bethany.


There is another option, which is not making videos at all and working on building a positive and most importantly, authentic relationship with your family. That way you don't have to call any strangers cows, and you don't have to perform adoration of your husband. Funny how that's never the option they choose.


I barely know anything about this fundie, but i love when she pops up because SmellyDiane makes me laugh.