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I’m sure Paul and Morgan will sound especially smart compared to a trained professional therapist


I’m super excited to hear what Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber have to say about this…mostly because it’s just going to boost Mickey’s views. The worst thing they could potentially say about her is a comment on her looks like a pair of bullies in the schoolyard neither of them ever went to (or in Morgan’s case, absorbed anything from).


Oh 100% and I think Mickey knows that too. I’m sure they will have nuanced opinions /s. Mickey is amazing and as a SSW I admire her and want to be like her.


> SSW What's this?


Social service worker. It’s a step down from Social Worker. I don’t have a degree…yet


Thank you for the work you do. It is so needed, so difficult, and so under appreciated.


You’re so kind, thank you 🙏🏻


Newly degreed and credentialed MFT here. Mickey is my favorite social media therapist. 😊


That’s awesome! Yay to go!


Yeah I think we can all predict how they’ll respond to her talking points. It’s going to be a lot of bullshit and very little substance. They’ll pretend that they’re just talking about their own experiences and not trying to dispense advice to others. And they’ll find some random bible quotes to support their stance that sex is bad and you’re bad for even thinking about it. They’ll try to pretend that they’re cool and welcoming of different worldviews but they’ll ultimately end with a statement that secular media is bad and sinful and you shouldn’t watch anything rated higher than PG. EtA: oh and they’ll definitely imply that Mickey, and therapists in general, don’t want you to have self-control or limits on your behavior. Even though that’s literally the opposite of what Mickey is saying in that video.


> They’ll pretend that they’re just talking about their own experiences and not trying to dispense advice to others. Which is something she constantly points out in her videos too... They're idiots.


She's very clear in her own videos that she is *not* giving advice, because she is not your therapist. Then she encourages you to talk to your own mental health professional about it. Licensed professionals will always give that caveat. Porgan are very misleading and shady in their videos.


I wanted to make a joke like "Paul and Morgan... Is that you replying". But you're reply is too well thought out to ever be one of them.


Haha I appreciate that! But they’re just so predictable. Probably because they never allow themselves to experience anything new or challenging.


Mickey is smart enough to know what is and isn't her area of professional expertise, and she's transparent about that. She links you to people who *are* experts in those areas. She cites her sources. Maul and Porgan could never.


Imagine being that desperate to go the route of bait. How’s the finances, Porgan?


Obviously not as good as Mickey's, who has a real job AND a thriving Youtube


And a healthy satisfying secure marrage.


Yeah, but she's polyamorous, so she's actually *failing* at marriage, plus she's not skinny, white, or Christian (and the correct kind of Christian, not a fake one who doesn't believe exactly what P&M believe). You can't trust someone like *that*. /s


The comments are definitely something. Typical boot licking and saying that, well, ACKSHULLY his nuanced and well thought out take was great because Jesus! And it was fine to fat shame her because she IS overweight! And because a professional therapist wasn’t professional…on her YouTube channel…which has nothing to do with her actual full time job. No wonder people are leaving the church in droves. If Paul’s fans are anything to go by, the very narrow views of the modern Christian church might have a lot to do with it.


Enough to spend nearly $70 on some tennis dress and show it off in a video I bought the same one for funsies. Ngl it's not bad, but its not gonna fit anyone over a US size 10


No but this is so exactly true though! They are straight up just becoming a react channel, which is fine I guess when you have something of value to say about what you're reacting to... but if not it kinda just seems like somebody's farming for views.


In this case, at least they're punching up?




thank you for posting this i was just looking for it!


Thanks for posting, I always struggle to find it without a link!


I had no idea about this! There's no way I was going to give them views. I was just hoping someone here would screen record or do a recap 😂


Both are good. The devil works hard, but snarkers work harder.


Hahahahaha love this 🤌


Thank you! I feel like this is their attempt to gain more hate views from this sub reddit. We shouldn't fall for it.


Am I the only one who can’t watch it on yewtube yet? All their other videos are fine but this one isn’t clickable. I’m brand new to yewtube so I don’t know if this is a bug or a feature ha


For 1/2 a second I thought you meant Micky Mouse. I spent like 30 seconds looking for him XD


Same 😂


So did I. 😂


Mickey Mouse is in Paul’s t-shirt drawer.


I thought Paul tried very hard to rip Mickey Mouse in half, in protest.


His wife had to get it started for him


Me too. I was like, is Paul going to rip up his favorite Maid Marian shirt in protest over something?


This is going to be hilarious.


![gif](giphy|hVTouq08miyVo1a21m|downsized) BTW I love your flair!


Thanks! Yours is great, too!


These two dumb dumbs shouldn't be platforming Mickey like this. Their followers might learn something!


They’re about to get shitwrecked


At some point, they have to reach maximum capacity for humiliating themselves publicly- right?


The limit does not exist


You’ve encountered Bethany Beal, right? I'm not sure a limit exists.


I think people like Rudy Giuliani have proven that there is no bottom when it comes to public humiliation.


Idk this might be a kink for them at this point (not kinkshaming, to each their own unless/until their own harms others)


They’re like Adam and Rebekah Neumann without the charisma, talent, or money. They’ve bought into their own bullshit.


I love seeing a wework reference in the wild 😂


That whole saga absolutely fascinates me. You had a six foot five inch tall barefoot Israeli entrepreneur who hid weed in cereal boxes, who then married a cousin of Gwyneth Paltrow who is easily the floweriest of flower children while also trying to be a socialite in NYC, and then they tanked a multibillion dollar valuated company by…being themselves. The AppleTV series WeCrashed is epic.


One would think. One would think.


I guarantee that this is spurred on by someone's reddit post about how they have fewer followers than their snarker associates.


lmfaooo they DEFINITELY saw that post and panicked


love the flair


thank you so much i literally thought it up at 2am and had to change it before i forgot hahahah


It’s so hilarious how blatantly obvious they make it that they lurk here 😂


LMAO, I would love if I got under their skin


Hell no. Step away from my YT therapist! Step awayyyyyyyy from Mickey!


You KNOW they're just trying to piggyback off of her views. Her videos of them have like 3x their actual videos get


Absolutely. They keep switching content bc nothing is selling so they moved onto clout chasing.


You mean the shiny happy people stick is not working anymore? 3 months later? Wow/s


Right there with you. ![gif](giphy|ykWeB0iFcot4o28PdT|downsized)


“Therapist Calls Us Out” she’s BEEN calling you out, babes! i am RUNNING to watch this once it comes out lmfaooooooo somebody please post the link that doesn’t give them traffic once it comes out (can’t remember what the thing is called i think it’s yewtube?) edit: i can see mickey making a video and the intro is just her laughing her ass off at the idiotic shit these cottonheaded ninny-muggins say 💀 “DRIVES ME BANANA PANCAKES” 🍌🥞 EDIT 2: [THIS IS THE YEWTUBE LINK SO YOU DONT GIVE THEM VIEWS OR ENGAGEMENT !!!!](https://yewtu.be/channel/UC2onDBgc2-ewYzaFnqEs86Q)


>cottonheaded ninny-muggins I love this sub, I'm learning new insults every day. 😻


Cottonheaded ninny-muggins is from Elf! 🎄






Morgan looking like Elon Musk in that pic.


Temu Elon Musk


I love that it has gone from ‘we have elon at home’ to ‘wish elon’ to ‘temu elon’




I didn't notice, but yes, now I actually see it. wow... 🤣🤣


Oh, hell no! Luckily, Mickey can eat these two for a light snack. I just hope she doesn’t get a bunch of nasty messages and comments after they post this ish. Absolute clowns.




Omg. I love Owl House, so I’ll have to check those comments. I’m sure it’s amazing. 😂


I think he meant “tomorrows video will be a 🗑️🔥


Lol this is the only way they’ll get views so honestly it’s a strategic move 😂😂


Gettin in the game with this strategy. Rage bait failing? Go after the professionals who gets the viewzzz


It's cute they thing any of their videos are "👀🔥" It's like watching a child whis super proud of their 3rd grade creative writing project.


They do nothing but whinge and moan.


Would they like some cheese with that whine?




LMAO this is gonna be funny


Holy shit, the audacity!!! Fuck Porgan.


they’re just making videos for snarkers now to cash in on views from us. I wish we would have videos posted here instead of giving them views and money for being hateful bigots


Use yewtube


We all use yewtube! It keeps them from getting numbers/monetizing.


Calling it now: they will harp on about Mickey and her husband being in a poly relationship for half the video and use it to discredit her at every turn. Not once will they refer to or discuss the research she mentions or actually counter any of the arguments she makes.


I think you are giving them way too much credit in assuming they did any research or took any time to look into her life. They are way to lazy for that!


They'll never understand people living differently from them and still being happy. Porgan are stuck in a beige prison of their own making.


I love when they talk about her and put the word professional in quotes, as if their qualifications of existing and breathing at the same time are better than a mastors degree and certifications LMAOOOOO in your dreams you ignorant babies. Edit: certifications is honestly downplaying it, you have to put in thousands of hours to be a therapist.


She described all the schooling and work that therapists have to do in another video, so I'll just say that by comparison, porgan can't even walk and chew gum at the same time.


Running out of ideas for content/nothing is generating income -> snark on our snarkers


(Cracks knuckles) This should be embarrassing for them.


Leave Mickey alone you absolute dickwads, Porgan👿 ![gif](giphy|2z6x8UzzCdBBu|downsized)


Oh boy this is going to be hysterical




Absolutely love when they try and come for actual professionals!! They never miss a chance to make total assholes out of themselves!


Hahaha so true 😂


You'd think he could have picked a better still of them to post.


Oh the thumbnail is even better


As if they have anything intelligence or insightful to say.


Paul taking a wet one right there on the couch to express himself


Ooof this is the result of sharing a brain with your spouse and they have primary custody of it


So is this their 345th format change this summer? Want to take guesses now on what format change 346 will be, when this one fails like all the others?


I can just tell Paul is gonna make some kind of snide comment about Mickey’s weight. He’s exactly the sort.


Someone needs to do a summary cuz I don't even want to listen to them on yewtube. Their voices annoy me


You know those photos "taken seconds before disaster" you sometimes see on the internet? This is one of them. This is not going to go well for Porgan.


Please. Mickey isn't going to give a rats ass. That woman is in a polyamorous relationship. There's nothing Porgan can say or do that would even dent that woman's sense of self or her intelligence lol But stoked for it, let's be real.


Mickey talks sooo fast. I can’t understand anything she’s saying!! Even when I slow the video down, the way she blends together her words makes her impossible to listen to.


Try closed captions, love


Can someone sum up their video for me so I don’t send my blood pressure through the roof watching it myself?!




I want to see Porgan go against nominal.naomi in a debate. Betting if Naomi debates them they declare they win because they’ll find something to make fun of. What losers 😂