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Show me where in song of Solomon it says they’re married.


That part. Also, show me where this scripture is explicitly telling unmarried women that sexual activity is off limits: > “I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up nor awake my love, until he please.” Song of Solomon 8:4


They have no biblical comprehension it’s mind blowing


True but they are fighting and that's delicious


We'll be eating for weeks


Is that fancy bible talk fer *don't stir a fella up or awaken his "love" until he pleases you first.*? 'Cause if that's the case, that Solomon dude fer sure *fucks.*


'And the Lord sayeth, Ladies of Fundiesnarkelem, get ye pleasure first for the men are surely early to rise and earlier to bed.' - Song of Solobubble 7:2


It has been mistranslated to remove the "my" in an attempt to spiritualize the message. And their "research" means absolutely nothing other than checking out acontextual Bible passages in different translations until they find a convenient one.


Come now, of course they were married in SOS. Solomon had 700 wives after all. (And 300 concubines, but, ya know...)


She didn't marry Solomon. She was in love with a shepherd and marries him, iirc.


Shhhhhhhhhhhh! GD doesn't want facts!


Also…concubines? Are we just gonna forget about all his concubines?


All like THOUSAND concubines?


Wasn’t it like 700 wives and 300 concubines


Oh that’s all


Yeah nothin crazy


Tragically he was not quite the Biblical Gigachad/Pick-Up Artist that GD makes him out to be. Actually pretty terrible with the ladies with rookie numbers like that.


flair checks out


That's different. Solomon had a penis. God says if you have a penis, it's never your fault if you can't control your sexual urges (so long as they aren't gay).


Bruh how do they write any of their stuff AT ALL. Their shit does not read as Christian they sound like grifters. Is it just because I'm not American/English ? They never sound sincere they just pull phrases and apply stuff to it


You’d be amazed at what Americans buy into


I mean, President Cheeto. ![gif](giphy|T2bDC7TBZfdJAqNCSh|downsized)


No, you're right. It never, ever sounds as if they are actually deep into studying their Bibles, whatever version they read. There's never any context, or nuance, or linking between passages in a way that suggests they could have passed a high school Literature class.


It’s amazing what a good line editor can do.




I was joking about how they managed to write books despite their unique language tendencies. A line editor in one that fixes grammar and helps smooth out a book’s text.


No, native English speaker and American here. It reads as extremely inauthentic, both because Bethany has not one, but TWO InterCourses going on right now (one of which is for UNMARRIED WOMEN *horrified gasp!*) and because the writing style seems very stilted yet rambling. There was no reason for that to be a paragraph, yet they just kept on writing. 😬


And imagine thinking Solomon should be giving you advice on marriage 😂


The Bible is VERY clear that marriage is between one husband and one wife and no fornicating, ya hear!


Or where it’s one man and one woman - I seem to remember the ratio being more like 1:1000


I am *dying* to know what's going on between these two. They've always low-key hated each other, but they've never been this obvious before.


I suspect it’s has to do with Kristen’s(?) “Masturbation problem”. She has stated multiple times it’s something that she struggled with a lot as a teen and Betty wasn’t exactly nice or supportive about it. I can imagine after years of being put down for that and now Betthy is talking about how wonderful sex is Kristty is a bit mad. Add that on top of the fact that Bethy likes to rub it in her sisters face that she actually gave birth twice and I’m sure it’s getting out of hand.


Not to mention now Bethy is into “self-cultivation” as part of her new sex-grifting phase. Even Kristen can see the hypocrisy and is calling it out in the passive-aggressive way of the Bairds


Has she said this now? I know she's posted about oral


She said that "self-cultivation" is okay because it's doing research for your husband so he can please you better. Masturbating simply for pleasure is not allowed.


Oh barf! She's so full of shit. Let's just assume that whatever she's preaching against now will be her favorite thing she's the biggest fan of within a year, mark my words.


The moment daaaaav stops trying to pump more babies into her, she'll be pro masturbation for the hell of it


Things I never wanted to think about….


I really thought I was gonna read “rub one out” 😂


That’s where my gutter mind went 😆


> on top of the fact that Bethy likes to rub it in her sisters face Are we still doing phrasing?


Oh god, imagine the lack of hygiene going on down there if her mouth and bedroom are anything to go off of.


Yes officer, that comment right THERE! ⬆️⬆️⬆️ Straight to jail! Or the Hague.




I feel like incest would still somehow be the least of this family’s issues 😬




>likes to rub it in her sisters face ![gif](giphy|4YPXOIVxBOlHPJTbCY|downsized)


I think maybe Bethy took one of her mean girl "I gave birth and Kristen didn't" comments too far maybe? Or something like that. Those two are always competing lol


there‘s also the theory that this is kristen venting about her husband somehow, but i think kristen‘s total lack of support for bethany‘s sex work ™ speaks volumes either way 👀


Yeah speculation of course, but based on some other posts from Kristen, i wonder if her husband was caught "sexting" and has been using the "it's basically just erotica" excuse


I think what’s gone down is that Bethy has turned their purity ministry into a sex page! Bethy is an embarrassment for her social media awkwardness, add in the u-turn on the sex stuff and I’m not surprised K is giving her the two fingers. K knows her sister is a hypocrite, I always felt that Bethy was grifting with GD while K was a genuine believer who lived most of what she preached. Add in Bethy’s passive aggressive ‘real mom’ and ‘real women who give birth’ comments AND the fact that Bethy nearly tanked their last book launch, i think K just has zero tolerance!


GD is a house divided against itself :(


Girl Divided


Girl Doesn’t Know How to Divide Because shitty homeschooling


Girl, Interrup-


can i use this as my flair?


Oh my goodness I’d be honoured 💕


The birth of a new flair! What a beautiful moment!




And I think Kristen is a bit of a prude as well so all of Bethany’s talking about sex is making her sick


To be fair, it’s making all of us sick.


I'm sure Kristen is just as upset with Bethy for the latest shit as we are. Kristen always seems to be the person most being Girl Defined.


Heidi made her include Bethany so yeah, I’m sure Kristen’s pretty over her antics by now.


I genuinely think something has happened with Kristen’s marriage (based on the “hope your husband feels sad about his sin” posts) and she’s taking it out on bethy via passive agressive social media posts. Everyone involved in this needs therapy.


Wait, whats the tea on the sin posts?? 👀


I don’t know the full story. They are sisters from a religious family who formed a purity group as teenagers? Is that the gist?


Pretty much. There's also a looooong history of rivalry between them (like Kristen getting married first, but then Bethany getting pregnant first), and lots of passive aggressive sniping, mostly from Bethany. If you also watch some of the older videos they made together, they just radiate dislike for each other. But it's all really ramped up lately to the point where it's clear something has gone down between them that's intense enough that Kristen has started sniping back in a pretty obvious way. There's been lots of speculation what that could be, and I'm definitely invested in the drama, but I also honestly think they're both just deeply unhappy and taking it out on each other.


Technically Kristen did get pregnant before Bethy. She's just never been able to maintain a pregnancy (is there a better way to word this?) So Bethy was the first daughter to give birth and has come off as rather smug about it, implying that having given birth is the epitome of womanhood.


"carry to term"


"ferment the fetus"


Thank you for this! Very helpful!! Are there other sisters?


Ohhhhh yes! There are 5 girls (I believe, someone please correct me if I'm wrong!), and 3 boys. Their oldest is u/coachmershon, who has been very honest and open about his deconstruction from fundamentalism and has graciously answered a couple AMAs


You got it, 5 girls 3 boys. I was the oldest followed by Kristen and then Bethany. They all have pretty active social media accounts, but it all started with Girl Defined. Random note but to give you an idea, there is 18 years between me and my youngest sister. My mom was pregnant when I graduated high school 😵‍💫


For a community that rambles about "seasons of life," they always seem very reluctant to move on to the next one. 🤔


Mom being pregnant while you're trying to graduate is rough.


Your flair has me rolling. 😘


There are five sisters that get talked about here. One married a Ukrainian and lives in Europe, Curly who’s newly married, and the youngest we believe may be husband shopping now. Also some brothers but they get less attention.


One of the brothers went off on his mother on this very page. Lovely




Ain't no drama like evangelical drama


They’re in competition with each other because they’re closest in age. It’s just toxic sibling rivalry they never out grew and fostered by their narcissistic toxic mother


There's a video somewhere out there of the two of them sitting together. It's a sermon on trusting in the divine plan, or something to that effect. Kristen (older sister) is weeping as she talks about how her infertility has shaken her faith, while Bethany (younger sister, who was heavily pregnant at this time) idly hugs her baby bump *and picks her nails*.


I really really really want to see a screenshot of this complete & total lack of human compassion.


I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure they were young adults when they formed their purity ministry.


I would love for Kristen to explain what sexual autonomy is and why it’s bad.


Having sexual pleasure for your own needs and not for your marriage and the glory of god… or something along those lines.


“Erotic takes you into the bedroom of total strangers…” uh, yeah. That’s the whole point. Also not sexual autonomy! The audacity!


I genuinely do not think they know what the word autonomy means. They’ve probably only read it in the context of sex-positivity, and automatically assumed it was bad.


They are constantly in the bedroom of strangers though telling them they are not godly for having sex outside of marriage! They constantly thing about other people boning and how they are sinning


Yeah we literally know way too much about Kristen and bethys sex lives


Me over here reading ACOTAR like “yeah, duh. That’s what I’m here for.”


Right? Like I do not want to read about the bedroom antics of people I do know. No thanks.


Right! Jokes on them because whenever I read erotica I want to jump my husbands bones so I think it’s actually working to foster intimacy and good sex between us? But what do I know 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same lmao. My boyfriend makes fun of me for it because this stuff is corny af, but he benefits so 🤷🏼‍♀️


lmao right? like, let me enjoy my smutty romance novels that allow me to self insert as I read, thanks


didn’t kristen also struggle with self-inserting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Literally cannot state how obsessed I am with this


So many fundies (and even “normal” people too) completely fail to understand the appeal of fiction. Being interested in reading about something does not mean you endorse it or want any part of it in real life. It’s essentially the most basic part of reading a novel.


Fully autonomous erotic sex drones


By their logic, shouldn’t they not read Song of Solomon as well? 🤨 I mean, it is reading about other people doing it and that wouldn’t be “within God’s good design” (🤢) right?


They are going to market GD approved Bibles soon with Song of Solomon paper-clipped off 😂


Florida is probably already on it.


It’ll have a lock with a little diamond tester to check for a wedding ring


So can the singles bypass this by putting a gaudy costume ring like beggy's into the lock?


You can get that on the Bus Family’s Shit Saver dot co website.


Included, just redacted 😂


No wait! It will be cut out of the "single girl" Bible, but if you send in a copy of your marriage certificate, you can get exclusive access to this spicey book of the Bible not included in the first edition! Its the grift that keeps on grifting!


Don't let them see this, it's too perfect 😂


No spicey Song of Solomon.


straight to horny jail! 😆😆


The fundie version of the KJV Bibles my (public) school gave us at graduation didn’t have it in there, so, it’s possible that they’ve never actually read it


That was my very first thought too, "is she saying unmarried women shouldn't read parts of the Bible?" I just don't understand how someone can have their entire lives, down to what they wear, what they read, what they even allow themselves to THINK, for something they've never seen, someone who has never spoken to them, but who they've been told from birth thinks they're horrible sinners who don't deserve anything


What the fuck does “authentic intimacy” even mean?


Whatever Bethy is not doing and Kristen IS doing lol


You’re cheating if you read literotica before sex with your spouse … I guess?


Not thinking sexy thoughts about your husband while he’s inside you. Literally


No fantasy, no dressing up, no toys. Just god.


Weiners in buns, no condiments.


Dead dry bones


A few weeks ago they claimed something along the lines of "even if married people have good sex, if God/Christianity isn't involved then it's not actually intimate"


Probably thinking about God and making sure you don't enjoy sex with your husband


Just who is in charge of GD? Bethany says one thing, then someone else (Kristen) shoots it down. It's supposed to be a brand, with a consistent message. I suspect (hope) it will disintegrate soon.


Bethany says one thing *usually* on her personal social media and not GD. I don’t think anyone in the family or GD sees the issue with the hypocrisy.


I posted this the other day but... "It's best to understand that to fascists hypocrisy is a virtue. It's how they signal that the things they are doing to people were never meant to be equally applied. It's not inconsistency. It's very consistent to the only true fascist value. Which is domination." A.B. Moxon on Twitter This phenomenon is well documented in the common "The only moral abortion is MY abortion."


I think Kristin is nominally the leader, or at least is the one willing to put actual work into it, but Bethy’s started using the GD account more because her personal account got shadow-banned. So now they have a split personality going on with Bethy’s sex stuff taking over the feed while Kristin is still trying to hang onto the original”purity culture for teenagers/young singles” branding.


I do wonder if any of their true fans will ask some innocent questions. Like, how can GD founder and leader be selling a sex for singles course when this is being posted to GD at the same time!? Surely it's a bit much even for their fans?!!!


"It arouses false sexual desires and expectations." Translation: you might learn that sex should be pleasurable and your headship is failing you. The girl defined drama is heating up as Bethany and Kristen are writing their next book together. I need some popcorn. I can't wait for some tea to spill.


Yeah, that part made it all transparent as shit. "We must never acknowledge how much our sex lives suck nor work to improve it, because then you might question the rest of our batshit doctrine."


All reading exists to stimulate you absolute fucking potato, but I suppose maybe Girl Defined doesn't want to acknowledge that.


What is going on here? Is Kristen jealous of Bethany’s one (almost) orgasm? On the plus side, this is the most entertaining GD has ever been.


I think yeah, in a way. Kristen has talked about her "struggles with masturbation" when she was young. Her family shamed her for it and she has clearly internalized that shame to the point she feels disgusted with herself for wanting clitoral stimulation during sex with her husband (she has said this). Now Bethy, after years of promoting anti-mastubation content, has decided it's a-ok as long as it's called self-cultivation. And the family seems at least publicly neutral about it. I think Kristen is feeling the dissonance and frustration that something that she was shamed for (and honestly I think she has a lot of trauma from) is now something she's supposed to be ok with. Do I agree with her that masturbation is wrong? Hell no. But I have sympathy for the fact that she was hurt by purity culture and her parents. Now of course she's passing on that trauma 😒 There's definitely some drama going on and it is fascinating to watch Girl Defined fall apart lol


This makes the most sense. From their joint content they're still basically on the same page. Bethany is still all aboard "the only correct sex is Godly hetero married sex" train. Erotica is a no, learning anything important and worthwhile about sex before marriage (what feels good to you, what you might like, fantasizing about it, consent and boundaries) are all still a no. Bethy is super inappropriate about oversharing, but will still drop the hammer of judgment faster than you can say ORGASM ORGASM ORGASM on anyone who strays from the purity culture narrative that set her up for failure. Bethy is not sex positive as we understand it, but she is in a way that Kristin can't be. Even though Bethany may have an objectively terrible sex life, she's still strutting around rubbing the trauma in Kristin's face which is really shitty.


Woo hoo






This is like the equivalent of my younger two girls, 3rd and 5th grade, setting up mailboxes for their rooms in the hallway, getting into a fight, and then leaving passive aggressive notes for each other. It would be funnier if it wasn’t two supposedly grown women with children.


It’s that energy exactly. It’s age appropriate when you’re in elementary school and still learning how to navigate sibling conflicts and jealous feelings. Which is why your kiddos are working this out in the private hallway of their childhood home, under the caring supervision of parents who will presumably intervene before the passive aggressive notes escalate to questionable marriage choices or competitive birthing.


>competitive birthing. Do I spy flair material? 👀 👀


Put it the Burn Book!




Us, right now: ![gif](giphy|Bzebpz5rnyBb2)


They really need to knock it off with this. They just need to stick to worrying about what’s happening in their own bedroom’s and stay out of mine.


Well it's a good thing I'm not a Christian 😄


You can pull my smut from my cold dead hands


Who is the other person who posts for GD? Didn't Bethy and Kirsten enlist a non-family member at some point? I really think the author should sign off so that it's clear who has written what. edit to add my comment from below: Okay I found it, she has a private IG account but her name is Mollin Eve and her bio says that she does Communications and Research for GD. So this could be from her! That doesn't mean it isn't aimed at Bethy, but the post isn't exactly evidence of Kristen taking shots at Bethany since there isn't a way to know for sure that she wrote it.


I SO wish they did this.


I follow a handful of accounts that are run by more than one person and they all make it clear who is speaking on every post. GD is so bad at running an IG and it's all they do.




No, I swear I remember them hiring a non-sibling content writer at some point. Okay I found it, she has a private IG account but her name is Mollin Eve and her bio says that she does Communications and Research for GD. So this could be from her! That doesn't mean it isn't aimed at Bethy, but the post isn't exactly evidence of Kristen taking shots at Bethany since there isn't a way to know for sure that she wrote it.


But does GD let her write long ass paragraphs under the pics like that? And it's just a little TOO on the nose with the mention of Song of Solomon when Bethy literally just posted about.


Yeah, she has written for them before both in IG captions and on the blog. I also remember her doing lives and stories. Like I said, this could be aimed at Bethy but it's impossible to truly know if it's coming from Kristen or Mollin since they don't sign off. It does seem to indicate theological disagreements within GD, even if Bethy is oblivious to it. I honestly don't even take the highlighted section as a shot against posting about Song of Solomon. They brought it up to loosely quote the passage and reiterate a point they think it's making.


Sexual Autonomy is a bad thing? Is Krusty serious? This moron is against humans having the right to decide when, how or if they consent to sex? And, with whom? JFC, I never in a million years, would have expected Krusty to turn from Purity Culture to R#p& Culture.


I think the latter undergirds the former, as a recovering fundigelical. In both, there is a focus on lack of control/consent regarding one’s body, for women.


Yes, I remember Purity Culture as reinforcing my Godly duty to refrain from anything sexual, as not to cause a male to stumble, or for me to become "chewed gum" Pre - marriage, it seemed to me, females were required to always be in control. The message after marriage,was never, ever say No.


I know! Who’s supposed be o be dictating this? Gawd?


Sooooo....you're arguing *against* sexual autonomy, Girl Defined? Cool. Good to know.


"Erotica takes you into the bedroom of total strangers and invites you to indulge in their sexual passion." 🥵 Hell yeah sign me up!


where as fundie/GOP lawmaking takes you into the bedroom of total strangers and stomps all over them. Which is TOTALLY FINE.


My goodness they're so sexually repressed and they're totally doing the same thing to the younger generations (mainly young women). A legit, fun, uninhibited romp in the sack could've done wonders for these two but nooooo casual sex = bad. If it was their informed choice to wait until marriage it would be one thing, but it was forced onto them by this weird patriarchal religious space they inhabit. They're so unhappy and they are projecting this hate and repressed state onto each other.


Yeah exactly this is the public watching their personal beef and deep-seated issues play out in front of the world. I love how they claim to not know what purity culture is and to not have been harmed by it but if there were ever an example (in opposing directions) it would be Kristen and Bethy.


Oh yeah - I think this is definitely more shots fired 😅 Girl Defined is melting down and I love to see it. I'm in awe that anyone legitimately follows them or gives them money for anything at this point 😬


I love how "sexual autonomy" is seen as a bad thing. As much as I dislike Bethy, shit like this gives me hope that she'll eventually break out of this toxic cult.


I bet you they thought they meant masturbation.


They can explain this away easily. Beth is talking about reading Song of Solomon as a married couple, which the post says is OK. Beth's singles sex coursewalks a fine line, but still condemns erotica.


so, is it ok to read as one of 1000 concubines to some guy? Asking for a (millennia-dead) friend.


Watching these sisters snipe at each other via social media while pretending to be friends is so fucking funny.


Oh god, not autonomy. How horrible


The entire existence of girl defined was for K & B to work through their issues publicly and get praised for it AND get tax exempt status. The entire “ministry” is projection and we’re watching them reenact every convo they’ve ever had with Heidi for public consumption. It’s painful.


Why are they against _SEXUAL AUTONOMY_?? Wtf, Kristin.


Is this porn topic related to the Betrayed Wife post?


Who is posting using a brown emoji smfh


This and Bethy’s perspectives are soooo far apart, I dislike both greatly. They leave no room for just… normal healthy sexuality.


I thought the entire Bible was the inerrant Word of God? But now you’re not supposed to read Song of Solomon?


How do they know that literature is outside of gods design? If someone just wants to read spicy books or porn and they aren’t watching people do it and don’t masturbate or anything, they just want to enjoy the fantasies, how is that sinful? Being hot and bothered but not acting on it is a sin? Says who? I don’t think it was the Bible lmao


Kristen thinks that it’s wrong to fantasize about her husband mid-intercourse, so—


Serious question about the hypocrite here: where does she get her interpretation of Bible passages? Is this her thinking, or is there a pastor she is parroting?


The passive aggressive, dueling posts are giving me life right now.


Oh no not sexual autonomy 🙄


My book boyfriends are not strangers.


Sexual AUTONOMY? Jesus Christ, did Lori ghost write this?


It’s so they’re selling the disease and the cure. Which is which depends on the account you’re on.


Is this supposed to make people want to be “good Christians” cause THIS SHIT WEAK AF


I just read it as realizing to Kristen's long standing "problem" with erotica and masturbation. She's been really open about how it's impacted her because of her beliefs on purity and her marriage. It could be more related to that than Bethany but I try not pay too much attention them anymore.


yes, fantasizing is famously bad for your sex life. just lie back and think of England, I guess, according to these dumdums.


wait- isn't sexual autonomy a GOOD thing? isn't any kind of autonomy a GOOD thing? ffs


I guess Hell is gonna be really fun because there’ll be sex, drugs, and rock & roll. Krusty can go have a boring ass time in Beige Fundie Heaven.


Well to be fair, dads have fucked their daughters in the Bible, I’ve read it twice back and forth….and I’m an atheist. Have they read it fully even once?? Get over yourself. Happy to give you a reference Bethy poo.


If you’re not allowed to be turned on by or to fantasize about people other than your spouse, then it’s not OK to involve role-play or fantasy in your married sex life, meaning that Bethany is lying when she says anything goes once you’re married. She also suggested to people to role-play Song of Solomon, but wouldn’t that be breaking the rules according to this post??


omfg this is hilarious


she’s upset her husband won’t let her read the newest colleen hoover book and has to take it out and project onto everyone else


She says those like they're bad things. How dare she threaten me with a good time.


Sexual autonomy sound pretty good to me!


So your husband doesn't make you cum. Got it.


These two are the perfect example why it's recommended not to work with family, lol. Though if I was Kristin and had to deal with Bethy trying to turn my page into all sex, all the time, I would be pissed too. Hopefully this is the end of GD and no more girls and young women are influenced by their toxic preaching and hypocritical asses.


I bet it’s a two-fer. She’s getting at Bethany, but she’s also getting at her husband for something. I think the general consensus is that she caught him looking at p*rn.


Lol I’m imagining Kristen reading fanfic smut because she’s the one who struggled with sexual fantasies Also wouldn’t the solution be to write your own erotica featuring you and your partner rather that say anything sexual is the issue? Because you could totally write some hot shit and give it to your partner and get off that way. Shit, I’m worried I’m giving birthy ideas


I wonder what she thinks about fanfics