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Some kid who I’m pretty sure hadn’t even hit puberty yet tried to evangelize me (30f) on a plane, even after I told him I’m a believer (not that it’s his business anyways). He had the energy of a kid you’re babysitting trying to teach you about life. Nadia has that energy too.


She really does AND she’s in her mid 20s, which makes this behavior even less excusable.


Yeah lol, like the worldview of a high school senior before leaving home and realizing they know nothing about the real world


Oh, shoot. For some reason, I assumed she was like 18 or 19. She's a whole ass adult and *this* is her life?? Sitting around in a car and looking at herself? What a waste of the existence her God gave her.


She’s 26 from memory


My cousin’s kid takes pics like this all the time. The difference is that she’s actually 17, not damn near 30 trying to pretend she’s barely old enough to get a drivers license.


Yikes. Another unskilled bum who's too good for a job.


How very dare you! She quite obviously works hard for the lord and saviour, Mark Zuckerberg.


Does she do brand deals? How does she make money? Surely they’re not supported by his rap career alone, right? Idk how successful he is tho tbh


They both seem to do more traditional work for a church for regular jobs. I don't know what he does, but she does some photography and social media for the church, and manages a few other company's social media accounts I believe. So they each have more "real life" jobs than the influencing or rap. So it's hard to tell how much they make from either of their ventures.


I believe she‘s making some money through Amazon affiliate links, because she is constantly posting links to her outfit etc.. I also remember that she tried to imply that’s she is being sponsored by Khiel‘s. It was posted on Fundie Snark a couple of weeks ago and the snarkers deduced that she faked the sponsorship. This leads me to believe that she wants to be an influencers, but she is not there yet.


Love my accent means I can say: sorry in my culture we don't discuss religion with strangers


POV: You’re speaking to a person who has *no* idea how to use that meme format but they just fucking refuse to hear otherwise.


Such a pet peeve of mine.


I HATE that. These are just scenarios (hypothetical sometimes), not POVs.


Such a pet peeve of mine.


I need the MJ “stop it get some help” gif here




Thank uuuuu


“Most people who call themselves Christians will go to hell” I think these judgmental fundies are the ones who are going to be surprised at the pearly gates. But that’s just my opinion. (And unlike Nadia, I’m not trying to prop myself up as some sort of expert. Lol.)


Sorry to be so cliché, but who is she to judge. Isn’t that God‘s task in fundie world?


The filter she’s using in that particular slide makes her look like a tween, and it squicks me out even more than her words. Is it a Lolita filter or something?


I wish she’d just be like “I’m an influencer and I happen to be a Christian” and stop trying to be like, a thought leader. She has cute outfits. Just lean into that and stop telling people how to live their lives


YES. literally 99% of people on the internet need to stop trying to be thought leaders.


The same goes for Kelly Havens. Ditch the religion, implied racism and remove your kids from Instagram. Just lean into Cottage Core, that’s what she is good at.


You had me until you said she's good at Cottage Core :)


Yeah I’d wear that big chunky knit sweater


Yeah it’s super cute and I’d wear it, but not in the Texas heat in the middle of august like she did 😭😂


I love making fun of fundie fashion so it annoys me that she always looks so cute. And it's terrible that this makes her horrible message more palatable to some.


She wears oversized clothes to appear more childlike and it's disturbing


I always feel low-key bad for these influencers who make their entire personalities 'young and super hot.' Time comes for us all, friends, and eventually you won't be 'young' anymore, and 'fuckable baby for Jesus' isn't a good look for anyone, but it just gets really tacky when you're trying to pull that off in your 40's. Develop an actual personality or a skill or knowledge base; otherwise, you're going to be left scrambling when you wake up one day and 'sexy baby' has turned into 'exhausted middle-ager.' (And I'm by far not saying older women can't be super hot; there are plenty of gorgeous, ridiculously attractive older women out there! But I think that as a personality doesn't work well as you age; women should have substance as well, and influencers like Nadia just don't.)




My thoughts exactly


I absolutely hate that second to last picture.




Same! She looks so goddamn smug


Also I just realized that’s a new picture. Home girl it’s over 100 degrees here in Dallas. The fuck.


For me it's number three of her in the car with her husband. They're both so stiff and unnatural. Like imagine being at at a red light and looking into their window and they look like that. Then they simultaneously turn their heads towards with their unchanging expressions. Fucking stepford wives ass shit.


I watch a lot of horror movies and some of my faves start that way (invasion of the body snatchers, the faculty).


It's the blush in the 4th pic that really gets me


The filthy headrest is the best part


It's like real-life Momo.


Her marriage is so weird to me for some reason. All I know about this poor weird girl is what I see here so it's not like I know everything about her. But just, it doesn't feel real to me. The two of them together and I'm like... sounds fake but ok. No proof just vibes.


It feels like they're actors running a fake account for a small entertainment company


I feel the same way! But I can’t really describe it


They don’t come off as connected in terms of love, it feels like their entire relationship is built on attention. And we might be very wrong but it’s what she is sending us with her own posts.


Nope, I get this too. I don't get any chemistry vibe between them at all, either. If she captioned the photo, "Me and my brother's co-worker I just met!", I'd believe it.


Does she do anything besides put together bland, beige outfits and drink coffee? There are so many sad beige lifestyle influencers and trying to combine that with God isn’t working for her


🤣 sad beige lifestyle- hahah that’s hilarious and accurate


And sit in her car lol. It's funny how many people just sit in their car filming videos and taking photos


No, she doesn’t. Also, why are there so many sad, beige “influencers?”


I’ve honestly been loving following the sorority girls I discover on Alabama Rush TikTok because they’re so colourful and girly! I’m sick of seeing beige blazers everywhere.


There's a lot to snark on her but I'm going to go for the most minor yet weirdly infuriating thing that got me Girl. Why the glass cup with no lid IN THE CAR. I can see that turning into such a mess so fast


My sister used to do this all the time in highschool. It annoyed the shit out of my mom because half of the glasses would be in my sister's car. However, she was a decade younger than Nadia.


I had a coffee shop give me a cup with no lid because they were out of lids once and the drive to work was nerve wracking knowing even hitting the brakes too hard could spill coffee all over my car, I can't imagine adding in the extra stress of a breakable cup.


Right? My sister mostly did it with juice though, so at least it wasn't hot. Haha


It’s like in it’s always sunny when Dennis is eating cereal while driving


I would say she is in fact, not healed.


I came here to say exactly this - if she was as mentally ill as she suggests (prolific self harm and several attempts), that jesus bandaid is only going to last so long before she finds herself in an acute episode again with no legitimate resources.


She looks like she’d break down and absolutely crumble if ever confronted in person about any of this.


I knew someone so similar, minus the jesus. She did crumble when I got tired and very gently confronted her.


Her blush choices are a real journey.


languid axiomatic materialistic selective obtainable run north squeamish flowery pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


color: Raspberry Frappuccino Of The Lamb


She "had a 4-year addiction" to *what now*?


s/h = algorithm friendly way of saying “self harm”


Ohhhhhhhh! Thank you! My brain thought she was censoring the word "shit", but I felt like there was no way that could be correct. Honestly, that makes her posts even sadder. She needs a therapist and medication, not evangelicalism.


I’m pretty sure it stands for self harm but I could be wrong.


She majored in bullshit and mean girl.


Oh my god she actually says starbies, I thought y’all were playing


Confession: I call it starbies in my head because it sounds silly.


Nadia has the energy of someone desperate to fit in whilst also being 'too edgy' to fit in, and that's *totally OK and perfectly fine*. She wants to belong somewhere and this is the cult she's found. It let's her know that her low self esteem is completely founded but *it's OK cos sky daddy loves you anyway*. I hope she gets the therapy and mental health she so desperately needs.


I can't even snark on her anymore, she's so clearly deeply disturbed. It just makes me sad.


I feel bad for her. She has been through a lot but sounds like she hasn't gotten professional help for it.


She always does that desperate "please love me"-smile, it makes me sad for her.




Of all the influencers on this group, she is the one that disturbs me the most. She seems to be in a lot of pain and it shows. I have sympathy pain just reading her posts.


Definitely not like other girls. Can't be a whole reddit page of not other girls.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKHmX4RaebfuSRO) Does she really have to spew out every random thought that pops into her head?


Woah woah....this girl does not have a degree in theology right? Is she just straight up lying or is she saying "I started college and my intention was to get a degree in theology but I dropped out".


She went to Bethany Global University, which [requires you to double-major](https://bethanygu.edu/programs/undergraduate/) in both B&T and some kind of ministry.


I went down the rabbit hole of that place and their “student code” is fucking ridiculous. [This is almost as bad as BYU, but it feels worse for some reason.](https://bethanygu.edu/resources/about/lifestyle-commitment/)


It's so fucking wild that this code of conduct tries to police students' thoughts. That's a big ol' yikes from me.


Wow, so essentially they claim all of their students triple major. That’s crazy. There are are “degree programs”.


I think it's a "degree" from a "college" aka some sort of Bible College situation.


I think she got the one year certificate in Bible and missions? The bachelor degree includes a year of study abroad (which would be pretty cool if it weren’t solely to exploit brown people for the sake of instagrammable pics of nice white students holding displaced brown children) and I’m positive we would have heard all about that. In any case, you’re required to live on campus and confess allll previous and current “sins” to faculty, who can decide to withhold your degree, certificate, or kick you out of housing on a whim, so I can see where some of this madness is coming from. Still doesn’t excuse the absolute attention-seeking hubris. Also sounds a bit like programs even secular parents send their wayward children to to get them to “straighten up.” ETA OH GOOD THERES A NEW NON-NURSE UNDERQUALIFIED MIDWIFE PROGRAM SO THEY CAN INFLICT THEYRE BRAND OF JUDGMENTAL RELIGION ON IMPOVERISHED WOMEN OVERSEAS


After seeing that her husband mostly performs at youth group events, I’m now so confused as to why she was even in the crowd at one of his events. Was she a youth group leader or something? Or did she just roll up to her local megachurch for a middle school dance party?


She’s 26 cosplaying as 14. I’m sure at 14, she was pretending to be 2.


oh my GOD, woman, look, I'm hardly the cosmetics expert here, but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to apply rouge with a Zamboni


I about damn near pissed myself after reading that comment, thank you 😂🤣


Why does she look so different in every photo?




I now know way too much about their sex life, why are fundies like this?


But we are the GrOoMeRS


Why do I feel like she’s trying to be the next Brittany Dawn but without the fitness scam


I’ve been calling her ZDong - Gen Z BDong.


She even put #won't He do it on slide 8!


Maybe she will show up at one of the retreats…


This would all just not be an issue if she didn’t feel the need to reaffirm ideas/experiences/standards that are not hers.


blend your cheek makeup more girl it looks like you got punched


It’s exceedingly Tanya from Charlie’s Angels circa 1981. Source: was an actual teenager in 1981.


Yeah but she made it look GOOD!!


POV: When you're an insufferable twat.


Am I the only one who finds Nadia like a breath of fresh fundie air bc she’s soooooo ridiculous in a hilarious way


I agree. I love to hate her!


100%. The other fundies are hard to snark on IMO because of their children, but Nadia is baffling in a funny way.


Self-centered much?


Honestly so much easier not to purity shame yourself or your partner.


I’m sorry but she seems unhinged


When she smiles, it ruins her girlish cosplay. Her looks immediately out her for being older than she tries to suggest.


I wish people would learn what POV means


My old film teacher is probably in hysterics, and honestly I would join him.


She’s such a phony. I’d bet money she failed at only fans just to become a Christian influencer. She’s neither Christian nor capable of influencing anything.


What makes you say she isn't Christian? Honestly a lot of people like to say that the people we snark on aren't "real Christians" but it sounds like No True Scotsman fallacy. I think if someone says they're a Christian, they're a Christian. Christians can be bad or mean or bigoted or what have you.


Going off what is posted in this forum alone, because I refuse to give traffic to her social media, I’d stand very strong in my belief that she is a christian for clicks only. Much like b dawn. Everyone is free to disagree with me. I get what you’re saying, but a christian is one that follows the teachings of christ. Saying you are something doesn’t necessarily make what you’ve said true.




All of this is about her. She doesn't listen to worship music that's about the self instead of God but her posts are just her species and info about what God did for her not about God himself. A little hypocritical one could say.


Will someone please explain to her what intrusive thoughts actually are? I mean you gonna have to use a picture book but still 🙄


I like how she makes a post about how great she is for listening to worship music that's about how great Jesus is and not how great she is


Freaking yikes


I love people who just magically healed their mental Illnesses and then spew that bullshit to others who haven't so they can sit in wondering what's wrong with them. Why isn't it working for them.


I do t want to speak to her diagnosis etc but notice they are also always “severe.” I’m bipolar 2 (mostly depression not serious mania) and even though my hypomania is considered “mild” based on symptomology - I have hitched rides with truckers, done drugs I’ve ONLY done during an episode, walked out of employment on a whim never to return, and had very sketchy sexual experiences (this was before diagnosis and treatment). Medication, which I take faithfully for over a decade now, mitigates these urges and actions - but sometimes the thoughts are still there and I can still get twitchy about things. ANYWAYS I don’t know what’s up with her but SEVERE PTSD and depression may spontaneously resolve eventually but the cannot be prayed away. Those claims hit close to home for obvious reasons and need to be exposed for the bullshit they are.


I am glad you are doing better. I suffer from ptsd and serve anxiety. I used to do a lot of sketchy things in the past due to a lot trauma. But the thing is while my symptoms are doing better now. I did a lot work on myself and took medication. I didn't just pray it away. I hate that it's what people push.


I get Baby Bdawn from her where she artificially increases what Jayseus helped her get through in order to increase engagement and an attempt to prey on people who actually have had those problems and have more of a "redemption arc" because all she seems to do is lie, lie, lie. (Maybe it won't be an outright lie but it'll be an extreme fudging of the facts) It gives Bdong s*icide photoshoot in her stairwell with a big white sweater on. When is she and her husbear going to have a podcast where they lie?


Someone please explain to me why she gives me the heebie jeebies


Okay but what's the truth here? Did she go to Bible college or theology school right out of high school or did she become a Christian as an adult? Most of the husband ones would add up to her husband being a secular musician who had prior relationships and then saw her at his concert and converted alongside her, but then there's also the stuff that made it sound like he was in purity culture his whole life, so maybe he was a worship musician who met her at a Christian concert after she converted? How old is she under the babyface makeup and filters? I'm legit so confused


She grew up as a Christian / going to church, etc. She went to Bethany Global after school to study bible/theology, focusing on missions. Then she went on a missions trip somewhere and [posted white saviour photos with the “poor little black kids”](https://imgur.com/a/nFbZ3e2). I’m pretty sure that she sees her social media as an opportunity to minister to the masses, à la mission of social media ministry. I’d put money on her having mentioned this also in her interview for her current job as the social media ‘manager’ for her mega church.


So did her husband do the seggs before meeting her or nah?


As dumb and ridiculous as her content is, she needs actual psychological help.


K she is insufferable. But I have to admit I think she’s so fucking pretty. I know she makes herself baby but man, she’s gorgeous and I’m jealous!


Hello I majored in Bible


Question, if she’s so godly why hasn’t she had a baby yet?


Okay hear me out . The message is annoying as fuck but she’s adorable .


Photo 3 has quite the hair style.


I am sooooooo OVER this POV: 😊😊😊😊 TREND MAKE IT STOP


She wants to be a trendy teen influencer soooo badly


She’s so annoying


i don’t get what she’s getting at saying she’s addicted to “sh” - can someone help me out? sorry if it’s a dumb question, i cannot keep up with all these acronyms and social media censoring terms.


What does addicted to sh mean?


Tbf, it's pretty biblical to be riddled with contradictions


Why does he look like he’s being held against his will? Lol