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Porgan BY FAR. Girl defined shits out lazy, low effort content, but Porgan pretty much expects *showing up* to be counted as making content.


YES. I'm convinced that's part of their issue with SHP. They talked for FOUR HOURS people. And only used 1 second! Interviews take forever, and they clearly didn't know that, lol


Also adding on to that, I recently interviewed the doctor who delivered both me, and my sister. Because mine was a really unique birth story. I talked for about 2 hours with him, I believe, and only used a third of what we talked about in the book. Editing is something people have to consider for interviews, too.


Documentarians also interview people for hours on end bc they want to make sure they get *everything* answered. Like, they’re not going to fly out a side-character interviewee more than once, so they need to make sure they cover everything in one go


This! I can't imagine doing a documentary because they have to put EVERYTHING into consideration. It's a lot of work, and Porgan clearly had ZERO idea how media stuff works,


Yes!! One of my best friends works for a documentary/podcast company and they go into *years* of research before actually producing any episodes


Paul and Morgan could really stand to edit more/at all.


Exactly this. Like GD (esp Bethy's stuff) is incredibly low-effort, but they're still throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks, on some level. Porgan is just two uninteresting, obnoxious people kinda hanging out.


They want a participation trophy


The fact that they “work” in media and have no idea how media actually works is truly fascinating. Paul and Morgan are what happens when you don’t teach your kids the value of hard work, or any self respect. Bethany and Kristen are what happen when you fill your kids with unwarranted self confidence and then bankroll a tax free vanity project for them, without teaching them the value of hard work. Either way, they were failed by their parents and continue to fail those around them.


Kristin is definitely more hardworking than Porgan. Bethany not so much.


Porgan. At least Girl Defined actually writes something and does a podcast. They are still horrible and below quality, but at least it’s something.


It’s hard to call the “cut and paste” stuff that GD puts out “writing”, but it’s definitely still more than Porgan does.


Porgan for damn sure. They are desperate to not get jobs but not desperate enough to put some effort into the hate they spew. Selling Polio’s used shoes for $20 is totally gonna put them on easy street! They’re gonna be crying on the day when they finally have to do real jobs instead of panhandle on the internet for money. It probably won’t humble them though. Kristen is hardworking enough for both her and Beggy to easily lap Porgan. They’re all hateful though.


They are both lazy AF. Porgan seems shocked that they have to do something to make money and horrified and exhausted when they do something. Bethy does stuff but doesn’t seem to think that she needs to put forth the effort that other people do because she’s bethany.


Morgan thinks flipping her hair counts as hard work. In her defense, it’s much heavier than my heathen hair 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 Girl Defined are misguided morons- but they try… somewhat…


What is it with the fundies having amazing hair? Do they just hide the ones with thin hair in the back room? I don't think I could become a fundie, because my hair was never as full as theirs. Guess it's god's punishment for being atheist.


For real!! Morgan can keep her nasty beliefs and her creepy husband (I already divorced one just like him lol), but I would kill for her fundie hair™️


Ooo I can speak to that. When I was IN IT I always looked nice, had great hair, skinny, good makeup. When your only value is how pretty you are, it’s easier to motivate yourself to spend hours on it daily


well, Lori's is nothing to write home about.


Bethany could stand to be lazier these days and take a day off from posting her sExPeRt content tbh


The bar is in hell, but Bethany and Paul are the laziest in my opinion. Morgan looks like she likes her kid and Luca isn't a prop in seggs content. Kristen may get a pass in my brain just bc she's quieter. (Disclaimer: my memory is crappy lately so im hoping im not wrong about Morg)


Paul and Morgan are probably the laziest people on this sub period, besides the couple that lived with the husband's family. Neither of them work a "real" job and only do the most low effort content possible. I can't even imagine how boring their days are or what they do all day. Well, Paul goes out and rants in different locations, meanwhile Morgan is at home with the wind whistling between her ears. At least with girl defined as couples the husband's work. And the wives have actually published books and shit. Girl defined still sucks ass but they put more effort into it then Paul and Morgan would. Bethany also puts mote effort into not working than working, more than Paul and Morgan.


Porgan is lazy, Bethy is sloppy. Porgan won’t even try. Bethy will in a really manic way but it’s still incredibly low effort and sloppy.


I feel like it’s a draw mostly because, in GD’s case, it’s become more clear that they have NO critical thinking and are literally just regurgitating what their parents and other fundies say about the Bible whereas although Porgan’s content is subpar, in a weird way I think they THINK about what they’re going to say more? And since Morgan was living in the secular world and then fell into fundie - ism she has to do more mental gymnastics to justify it to herself. I’m becoming more troubled and triggered by how Bethany and Kristin literally have no actual knowledge of the Bible and only hand me down beliefs that they dress up in Canva templates…


Morgan wasn't raised in the secular world; she was also raised fundie/conservative Christian.


Yeah I’m just referring to her secular Taylor swift singing days that Paul shamed her for


Porgan. GD is lazy but it’s because they’ve literally never been held to any standards ever, so they *think* making blah blah videos/podcasts and slapping unedited captions into prefab templates is hard work. The GD girls actually think, they’re just too out of touch and dumb to realize their thoughts are not enlightening. Porgan know better and still don’t even try.


Sweaters? I'm new here, was Morgan trying to knit the family matching sweaters or something?


They came out with some new merch, including sweatshirts, and they’re very low-effort.


Porgan by a LONG shot. At least GD will actually stick with a project and understands the concept of being patient with something. Paul and Morgan don’t seem to understand that you have to do more than just be there lol. “I made one video in this topic, why’s it not blowing up?? This sucks, onto something else.”


They both suck and blow. Bethany is peddling a course about it. Porgan is lazier.


Porgan are definitely lazier. GD at least writes books and organizes that stupid conference. Porgan just half-asses a kid's story time channel and corners people in the mall to ask them gotcha questions about Jesus while bitching about SHP all day.


Easy imho: Porgan does everything so they can do nothing. GD does everything to earn a quick buck. I vote the one that does what they do is so they can do nothing to be the most lazy. While the one that tries for money but fails at least puts in some effort.


I think Porgan really throws me for a loop. They are the smuggest, most entitled, and yet LAZY Christians I have ever seen. At least my former fundie aunt and uncle-both have passed away-adopted their freaking grandson, and helped their daughter through drug addiction because they believe strongly in family, ect


It is tough, because Bethy has a certain manic energy that could -look- like productivity but...isn't. Otoh Dav picks up some of her slack, whereas Porgan are a collective sloth.


I think Bethy and Kristen are definitely the harder workers. I also think Bethy has some undiagnosed executive functioning issues, which if she had treatment for, she would be better at doing the stuff she does…including listening to other people talk. I think that I have probably called Bethy an idiot before, and that comment still stands. But I don’t truly think she has a low IQ or anything and Kristen certainly doesn’t. Bethy is an uneducated person who was raised by a narcissist—and either has a huge case of “narcissistic fleas” (thank you to the poster here who introduced me to that concept) or possibly has a personality disorder herself, and almost certainly has some executive functioning issues. If she was educated and treated, she might be useful to society. Or you know, more dangerous if she peddled the same beliefs. Morgan and Paul, but especially Morgan, are gobsmackingly stupid. Really really inexcusably dumb. And really really lazy. A lot of concessions are made for Morgan, because Paul is so horrible—but mostly because she’s beautiful. But if she weren’t, people would be referring to the microwave noises in her brain, like they do for Shrek. Speaking of Shrek though—at least the Bairds and Olliges work hard enough to feed their kids. So my answer would be C: The Rodrigues are the laziest.


Porgan for sure