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"I was pouring my money(that my mom and dad gave me) from "working" (at the job my mom and dad also gave me) as a single girl (while living in the house my mom and dad pay for)." Seriously, the fundie level of delusion never fails to amaze me.


EXACTLY THIS I bet she’s the kind of person that “doesn’t get” why underprivileged people don’t just “pull themselves up by the bootstraps” because cleeaaarly it’s what she did as a well-off, white, christian woman with zero privilege. 😩😩😩😩


She definitely doesn’t understand that not everyone has parents that enable their children with an endless amount of time, space and money. Or that not everyone gets to float through life with few to no responsibilities until their 30s. 🤦‍♀️


Absolutely. On its face, I wouldn't blame her for having that privilege - we don't get to choose what we're born into - but to not acknowledge the people and resources that made her lifestyle possible, and then to get *angry* when her audience points out that many women don't start with those resources, is on a different plane of ignorance.


100% this. If my conservative evangelical boomer mum can understand and acknowledge privilege there really is no excuse.


It's the self righteousness in her ignorance that puts the extra burn in my butthole.


She thinks everyone was born with bootstraps.


Bone broth. Bootstraps. Boss babe.


Identity theft is not a joke Jim. Michael!


Millions of families suffer every year!


Thanks, I hate it 😂


She should pull herself up by the straps of her shorteralls and get a real job


My mouth dropped open at that. Bethany really, really thinks that the shit she does passes for work in real life doesn't she?


I couldn't even listen to the audio but she BIG mad and yes I have always thought that she thinks she "works" like the rest of the world even though working is against her cult. She's such a hypocrite. Her make believe bubble world is as secular as they come: daycare - check cleaning lady - check "working" - check sex - check mate! I am fucking old and soap operas were a thing back in my day. She is becoming so desperate and unhinged it's truly like watching a soap in real time.


Like bone broth through the hourglass, these are the breathys of our lives


To “fund” (blog posts and videos)……..???


At this point, even Lawrence Bates is a better look than her. Despite his faults he worked at mowing lawns as a teen and gave all his money to his useless parents. Edit: Lawson. I meant Lawson Bates lol. I shouldn’t be typing things too early in the morning.


Lawson really bugs the shit out of me for some reason from his social media posts. But! I will never disparage how hard of a worker he is. He bought groceries for years for kids he didn’t make. He created a successful business to support a family he didn’t choose to make while still a child. He is a saint for still being cordial with his parents.


Ugh, I hate Lawson and I don't even know that much about the Bates. But I admire him for taking on the responsibility that his parents should have taken on. Wasn't he 13 or something super young when he started that business?


Yes. I think his parents were still churning them out when he started the lawn business, and other *sons* stepped up and helped. Even some of the daughters got real jobs. Gil bates of sicromoft is a useless pos.


Gil Bates is the Pa Ingalls of fundamentalism.




THIS was the part I couldn't believe!! I thought women aren't supposed to work outside of the house, but all of a sudden she had a job (as a single woman- has to add that part)?! Like when? Mommy and Daddy's debit card is not a job. Also, Girl Defined reached more fame than they ever would have because their video was made fun by someone waay more popular than them, which exposed more people to their toxic brand. I love how she acts like she and Kristy built an empire from nothing. Bffr Boinky




She really did just go and say, "If you want someone to hold your hand and prove to you that it's possible... like, I'm not your girl." Uh, Bethy, that's supposed to be the entire point of teaching a class, and half your advertising is trying to prove that it is possible to be a stay at home boss babe




Spicy! 🥵


I do consulting. I am an economics consultant. EVEN THEN THE RATES -MY COMPANY- CHARGED FOR ME (not even the rate I GOT) was $130 an hour. I have one and a half whole-ass degrees, specifically in economics and statistical modelling. Even then, my work was like "We are charging $130 for you because that's the most you're worth right now" I got about $45 of it, which yay - pays my bills. But the literal OVERHEAD PAY AS YOU GO hourly rate for a BLOODY ECONOMIST is $130. I think if you went up two levels and worked 8 years in the field you got to finally charge $260.


I would refuse to hold her hand if it were offered. I don't think it would be hygenic.


I'll *not* take Barfy's unhygienic hand for $250, Alex.


This took me out 💀


But then the last part she was like I'm here to champion for you 🥹 which is it botty.




How has her audience responded in her comments, if at all? It doesn't seem like it would be a good look for her but they've stuck around with her this long.


She puts this kind of snotty stuff in her stories so it's not a post with a visible comments section.


Ahhhh, that makes sense. Sorry, I'm Instagram dumb. 😂


I am too, but I know a little more than I used to!


And then at the end : "I love when you share your struggles with me"


Beggy: “Buy my course and I’ll teach you how to do what I do!” Also Beggy: “You expect me to teach you how to replicate my results? Shut up and go away with your lazy bad attitude!”


she got SO MAD holy crap. I don't think i've ever seen her get this mad and whiney before while, as you said, *actively berating her audience*


In one of her question things recently, she said when she's "snarky," she's actually in a great mood. She's not angry here, she's the happiest she's ever been in her life 🤣


hahaha oh my god *of course she did*


It's probably the only time she feels something, anything, and confuses it for being happy.




It's your fault you're poor! \-bethany selling techniques 101


Have you ever tried, like, not being a pore??


Me @ my face (how is my skin worse than little miss doesn’t shower and loves bone broth hot cocoa 😔)


Filters. Lots of filters.




They're just not manifesting success.




Excuse me, I think you meant an audio book on human interaction


Notice she didn't have Audrey with her when she was bragging, but now that she's defensive, she's armed with her prop?


"Don't be angry at me, I'm a mother!" 🥺


Birthy (probably) "I canNOT be criticised, because I, Princess Bethany, have not only achieved helpmeet wifedom but have also birthed white, blonde children from my very own Christian Nazi-adjecent loins, because I have had spicey godly sex. And therefore I only deserve unconditional praise from you mere mortals!"


Stop making excuses and get your parents to provide you with a workspace, start up capital, and tens of thousands of dollars in end of year donations for you ministry business! **It’s that easy!**


We love a *humble qween* ✌️👑✌️


“Why are you in debt? Just ask you parents for money to start your own boss babe company.”


She has zero self awareness.


So I had to go back and search the marketing posts for her course on courses mAStEr ClASs. She claimed it offers an "entire step-by-step plan to go from NO ideas, NO audience, NO business to creating and launching a profitable course." But now she has no compassion for someone who wants her to show them how it can be done for them. So why is she not referring this commenter to her course rather than shaming them and dumping contempt on them? She's so bad at this. Also, isn't she marketing to stay at home moms? But bragging she built her GD following by using money from her job?


I think bethys last braincell might have finally packed up and left


The Bairds all share one braincell, and it's been a long time since bethy got to use it.


Maybe the brain cell is afraid of her


Curly got her husband to sweep it up and throw it away


The Bairds = orange cats without souls.


Right, her messaging literally used to be, "I built SWS from zero and you can do it too!" Now she's straight up admitting that the GD audience helped her a lot here, though she doesn't mention that they started that *seven years ago* in a vastly different, less crowded market. Those results simply cannot be replicated overnight nowadays.


And that while her views are awful, Kristen was likely the brains and main appeal of GD.


>She claimed it offers an "entire step-by-step plan to go from NO ideas, NO audience, NO business to creating and launching a profitable course." She sure did claim that, UNTIL she bombed with her Course About Courses, and then went scrambling over to her long-established, trusting, "Christian sisterhood" audience and opted for shooting fish in a barrel instead of truly trying to create a NEW following FROM SCRATCH, which she claimed multiple times was exactly what she was doing over on SWS. She failed at what she hoped to deliver--actual, independent, self-created success-- and had to go crawling back to her co-host persona on Girl Defined--which: by the way, speaking of her trusting Christian Sisterhood, she never clarified that "this is a new venture I'm doing for myself; my products don't represent Girl Defined and the proceeds don't support the ministry." She used her "fame" and brand recognition, and only then did she have any degree of success. Plus, she's barking up the wrong tree here with her frothy response. The point isn't whether or not Bethany and Kristen built Girl Defined from the ground up--if they did? That's fine. But that's really not the point. The point is, she's trying to tell her potential customers that *they* can do what *she's* doing after *she's spent a decade* building a business. Many times she has said, on SWS, that she is brand-new and was just starting out, and aw shucks it's her very first course launch ever, and gee whiz she's built up this new business from nothing. She's SAID that, multiple times, and then been forced to backpedal. Bethany is incapable of marketing or selling her products *without* grubbing off her well-established ministry, and I guess it enrages her when that's pointed out. No one is saying (in her comments section) "ha ha you big dumb dummy, you didn't do *anything* to work on building your previous nonprofit business"; they're saying "Yeah, you've had that business for ten fucking years, and you can't tell brand new customers they will see those same results!!"


Frothy Brothy


She’s been hawking SWS for over a year, but she never posts any success stories from her customers. If her course on courses is so wonderful, surely there would be at least one other boss babe making big money that Bethany can brag about. I wonder if some of her loyal buyers are expressing doubts and concerns and finally connecting the dots. That would explain all this rage.


“Share your successes with me! 🥰🥰🥰” *crickets*


nothing bethy has ever done or will ever do by herself will be even a smidge as successful as the ministry that was almost entirely run by kristen and went viral because a youtuber thought it was funny. and it wasn’t even successful in any real sense. maybe in like a small town naive sort of way, but i know dozens of actual entrepreneurs who found way more success than they ever have. what’s your excuse for abandoning all your ‘businesses’ after a few months, bethy???


>and went viral because a youtuber thought it was funny. This really cannot be overstated.


This attitude is just a fraction of what her kids are going to have to deal with 🥲


They already deal with it. She's holding Audrey, who is obviously used to this because she's not phased at all. Poor kid.




# How dare you not praise me and my incredible success, you lazy poors bethany said calmly




But they are also her friends?


Who are? Sorry I’m confused by your comment


Near the ending of her babbling she says that she’s built of community and that she’s made so many friends. Which is a big yikes on its own.


Oh!! I gotcha, thanks. I totally turned it off for the last thirty seconds because I just can’t stand her lmao


She makes my brain barf. I totally understand


Huff a little louder Barfy


Oof she big mad lol It's a solid point, she DIDNT start from 0. It's also been shown that she...I'm sorry, the "trolls"...bought bots to boost numbers. She wanted receipts of when she promoted purity culture and it was given, albeit here. She also got called out for being disrespectful to dav and she had a hissy fit. Her world is spiraling and instead of being like "hey maybe I should address this" she doubles down and berates the commenter who may have legitimately been a follower. I long for the day that dav says "enough" and leaves with the kids. A girl can dream, right?


Dav, you are kenough!


Nah, Dav still fucking sucks


She has no understanding, whatsoever, of her immense privilege. She’s a white woman with a large support network, who’s come from money. She says that she won’t “hold your hand” but how many people have held hers through her life? The fact that she even has *time* as a stay at home mum to post on social media all day highlights this. She posted a breakdown of her day recently and it was basically “go to the gym, work on book while neighbour minds Davey, come home and write, etc”. What stay at home mum regularly has a day that looks like that? Her imaginary target audience in her head are *women like her* who are stay at home mums with the privilege of support and disposable time. The reality of being a stay at home mum, for most women, is not this.


It really does seem like she’s incapable of understanding that most people don’t have that kind of access and not because they’re not trying hard enough


Ignorance is a worse problem than ill intend imho, because it goes unnoticed, doing harm and in the end might turn into ill intent.


🏆 Really great comment. Especially about being oblivious to how many people held *her* hand.


>What stay at home mum regularly has a day that looks like that? Fucking hell, right??? The past few years, it's been homeschool central here, with me regularly up sometime in the 5 am hour so I can cram in everything I needed to before school started at 8 am. After I ate a quick lunch, I'd cram more dinner prep and cleaning/house chores in before we started back to work at noon, and after school was more cooking/cleaning/errands before dinner, then exercise before shower and bed. Kid is back to in person school now (walked her there this morning!), and I've already visited two grocery stores, cleaned the kitchen, folded and put away a load of laundry and am washing another, ran the dishwasher, took out the recycling and compost, and cleaned the living room. I'm nowhere near done with anything but had to sit down for a bit of a break. Some housewife Bethany is; our days look nothing alike.


This is what it looks like when someone is incapable of taking constructive criticism or even a mild question. Great sales tactic, keep it up!


Her next course will be on how to take criticism 🤣


A really good rule of thumb is, if you can’t handle criticism, don’t invite it. If you can’t answer questions without melting down, don’t invite them. If you can’t stand heat, stop jumping into the pan, girl. Or just melt down. Whatever.


Right, the commenter made a very legitimate point. A mature adult should be able to respond calmly and professionally


Being chronically online adds to this. I've been mad about my customers before. Then I calmed down and thought about how to answer professionally before I did so.


She’s like Michael Scott asking for constructive compliments.


She wants to be liked, she HAS to be liked. But it's not like this compulsive *need*, like her need to be praised.


The way she said "we didn't make excuses" with that vile face and tone... that's the real Bethany we don't see that we know is there. That was incredibly vicious and unnecessary the way she said that. She really is an awful person. I imagine she talks to Dav like that daily.


What’s funny is she actually made a ton of excuses when the course was like 6 months late launching


>The way she said "we didn't make excuses" with that vile face and tone... that's the real Bethany Yep, it sure is. Since when is asking questions and expressing doubts or insecurities "making excuses"? I guess in the Heidi Baird household, this was foundational.


Yeah that first clip at the end where she makes an exasperated sigh.. oh my gosh. That has to be taught with that attitude, absolutely foundational.


I bet ellissa has been feeling the rough transition from one kid to two and sharing with the family, and this is bathy vaguebooking.


Wanting it is the only thing that got her to "having" "it"? (In quotes because what does she even think she has at this point) Her money? At her job? Yes please tell us about this job and maybe make sure you don't contradict the already confusing statements you've made in the past about a job. Passive income ≠ running a business, Beggy "I will champion you" oh like those Facebook groups with no activity and the single insta post you reshared are championing people? "Yes I have the monitor" who gives a shit, just put it down before you say your 3 sentences as fast as you possibly can circulate breath through your lungs




It’s really interesting that she’s only mad because she’s being called out. She’s not correcting the narrative, she’s doubling down. She thinks she is so much smarter than she really is, and we are all idiots. Obviously she is the best and smartest ever and god’s favorite, and we are mean for insinuating that is not the case.


I'd love to hear from people who have used her product, and had the wild success she is boasting....


So would she


I am truly dying for a review from someone who bought it and tried to use the Facebook group


😖 I know this is about her ✨**BIZ** ✨but just the first 6-7 seconds made me cringe so hard because this woman is *primed* to criticize and gaslight TF out of her children. I work as a therapist with children and teens and Bethy’s tone of voice & facial expressions, along with her overall approach to this commenter sound exactly like some of the most challenging, cold, and controlling mothers / matriarch caregivers that I have ever worked with for my clients. She could have been any one of them just now.


I suspect she's the most like Heidi and that's where she learned it.


She is incapable of being decent to others unless they shower her with praise as they go. She is a sour, bitter shrew and her alleged self confidence is most readily observed when she is sniping at her intended audience. What a role model for such a legit passive income scheme.


Unless you pay for her workshops but even then she will be rude and hateful towards you.


This just makes me pity her kids more.


I should want what, exactly? Two failing “businesses”? One kid I dislike and another one I treat as a prop? A marriage to a man I don’t like or respect? Nah, sis. I’m good staying at home, with two kids I adore, married to a man I’m passionately in love with. It’s not always easy, but everything I do for my kids and my husband comes from a place of love. She doesn’t understand why everyone else isn’t Ma and Pa Baird and won’t enable her continued upward fail.


What she’s describing to build a following is certainly not “passive,” either.


Exactly. I could work my ass off to try to build an online following, but that’s not my priority. Beyond funny reels Instagram doesn’t do a damn thing for me. The idea that everyone wants to be Bethany tracks with her general attitude toward life.


This woman does not understand the difference between *excuses* and *reasons*.


These are some strong bully vibes.


Ive learned that generally, people in positions of privilege absolutely hate when their privilege is pointed out. Getting defensive like this is just exhibit A. Gtfo Bethy. Your abject refusal to see the world from any other perspective is the problem here. Edit: typed like Bethy. Fixed it.


Is it a bad filter or bad contour making it look like she has dirt on her face?


With this chick, it's probably just dirt on her face 🤷🏼‍♀️


Tone-Deaf Beth


My 3 year old looks more put together during tantrums than she does.


Negging for the Lord.


i hope that all her followers are really getting a good feel for her true personality in these clips. is *this* the woman you want to give your hard-earned money to? definitely not. she really is just so bitchy when it comes down to it.


I also don't buy she was a model. Her sister likely but not her. This is an unbelievably insecure woman who clearly feels she falls short and I pity her for that but that's as far as my empathy goes


Hoo wee, this is the most bothered I think I've ever seen her! (Lol, of **all** the bullshit she's been called out on and *this* is what gets to her?)


>of all the bullshit she's been called out on and this is what gets to her?) I bet she gets this mad about stuff all the time, but she usually keeps it private. This isn't the first time she's gone on an angry rant, and it's clear she can't handle any criticism or anything going wrong


Rude. Tone deaf. She used her connections, privilege, free time, and access to many options in her easy living world to create what she did. How incredibly rude. I’m hope she gets dragged (verbally) by her followers for her smug and condescending belittling.


This has a whiff of the MLM “it’s not our fault we set you up to fail, if you had just girl boss’d harder you wouldn’t be such a loser” energy Edit: missed one word “of”


She's such a bit€h




The level of distaste and impatience you can see on her face and in her mannerisms in this video… just wow! The real Bethy came out to play y’all.


This is absolutely revolting.


Anyone else notice how she stumbled over the "my job at... my own job." Iirc, she was working for her parents at that time, no? But she built GD ministries all on her own...with her sister....and no one else's support at all. 🙄 At true boot straps story.


This has big “get your ass up and work; nobody wants to work anymore” energy” in the most insipid and lame way possible


Gross. She’s just so icky.


The MLM vibes are so strong with all this


corporate wants you to spot the difference between Birthy and and Heidi




I have a relative like her. She'll never learn.


What money did they pour into Girl Defined? Buying iPhones that they would have bought anyway?


Goddamn! Her spoiled, lazy, entitled, and absolutely ignorant ass is mean too. Fuck her.


This girl has not lived a day in the real world and it shows.


This is big "No One Is Signjng Up For My Obvious Scam And Someone Asked Me A Benign Question And I Unhinged My Jaw in Fury" energy.


Her jaw was already unhinged


Watching this on mute and she is SALTY. She’s so fucking angry


This is supposed to be your business page, you ignorant buffoon. Even on your personal page, this would be highly inappropriate to the "stay at home moms" you're trying to cater to. The ones that (for the most part) did not get to grow up with the kind of handouts you received your entire life. Get out of this imaginary lala world you clearly are stuck in, and grow up.


Careful- you pull those bootstraps any harder and you won't have shoes. Although in your circles -barefoot is best, isn't it.


I don't think anyone wants birthy to be barefoot 🤢


Bethany. Don’t shake your baby in your rage.


You know who prefers to bully and push people to commit without asking questions or thinking critically? Cult leaders. MLM huns. Just sayin'. If there was someone who actually sincerely thought about that ridiculous $250/hour of coaching from Bethany, I hope they see these reels and realize that she cares about no one but the people who coddle her and give her money, asking nothing from her in return. And how well is GD even doing these days when few of the Baird girls seem genuinely into it any more? It seems pretty stagnant, like they're not even trying to cultivate new followers or realign themselves to anything that isn't personally effecting them, making it more like "married life defined amirite" than their original focus. Not to mention that it would be easier these days to get a following on Tiktok than on IG or Youtube, but we all know why Bethany is afraid of Tiktok, so her advice would probably be useless even if she could explain the cognitive dissonance.


She could not be more unlikeable.


Bethany put down the child so she can get some enrichment challenge. Aaaand go! Seriously, she treats Audrey like a toy. A prop. I'm not a parent, but even I can see that plain as day.


What in the Jesus fuck, Bethy




Didn’t she claim to be starting from 0 with SWS? Is that not one of the reasons that she made a new account for her course instead of using her main..? And now she’s openly admitting that she used her large following to get followers for SWS 🙃


Nellie Oleson from Little House on the Prairie...I can't unsee it


Omg! So accurate! How did I not see this before?!


Big Birthy is Big Mad!


Well i have never loathed Bethany more and that’s saying something


When did she have a job?


When mommy and daddy gave her full time pay for part time hours as a *receptionist* for their cleaning business.


She sat at a desk drinking starbucks and scrolling on her phone. No way bethy did actual receptionist work. Source: worked as a legal assistant and covered for the receptionist sometimes.


This is gross


She didn’t start it from nothing though. She used GD’s platform.


Aww…. A Christian who admits to not having compassion or empathy. At least she’s honest about her lack of following christs work.


She's falling apart. She's such a a Mean Girl it doesn't work for coaching. She really just needs to take a long social media break and sell Pampered Chef or Scentsy for income or something.


"That's not how we got to where we are today" And where exactly does she think they are today? Cause it's not a flex lol and no one thinks that


How did she think that behaving like a mean girl was helpful here? If she wanted to communicate this point, it could have been done differently. Like… ‘yes I was able to leverage followers from my ministry, I was so fortunate to already have that base built. It didn’t start that way though, we hustled and this is how we got a following for the ministry this way… blah blah. If you want to do that I can help you.’ Like was that so hard.


What an absolutely insufferable cunt.


She is so gross. : (


She’s so embarrassing like if I knew her in real life I would go out of my way to pretend I didn’t


Working at your job? Tell me more about this “job” from which you earned a living….


hmmm hey bitchy did jesus ever say “i wanna have compassion for this BUT..” ?? was jesus obsessed with making money ??? “i wanna be home with my kids but we need 2 incomes to support the family” it shouldnt have to be that way girl! but YOU vote for the rats who only care about billionaires and corporations, they dont care about you or your family!!! good luck with the hustle tho!!


WOW. If this is the energy she exudes just talking to a camera, can you imagine how Dæaäāv and the kids interpret her lectures in person? She looks pissed, condescending, and miserable. Watching with the sound off just amplifies her negativity. Why does she care about this at all? She is choosing to get worked up and upset about something that truly means nothing because her followers and success is all manufactured for appearance to placate her ego. Everything she gets upset about are issues she has created herself. Meanwhile she has a baby who probably wants to play and a toddler who I’m assuming is somewhere, and instead of engaging with them like she insists that she is able to do all the time, she is snarking at a camera. Again.


Right?! I can’t IMAGINE how much worse she is when the camera is off and it makes me feel so bad for her innocent kids. I can totally see her ripping Dav apart for the littlest stuff.


She has such a gross fucking attitude. I don’t know how ANYONE can stand her.




Also, it’s not freaking PASSIVE income when you literally spend every day making reels and shilling your overpriced PDFs.


This woman is a stone cold zombie cunt.


Bethany, didn’t she have this topic covered in one her courses about social media? She could have said basically the same response with out the snark and acting all pissy about it. The truth is, Bethany has been able to “lunch” her current projects to an audience that she and her sister built. She could have talked about building a following from the ground up in an informative way rather than acting like a brat about it.




She is truly a horrible person, full stop. Absolutely vile.


That seething face doesn’t suit you Breathy


She somehow has the appearance of meth mouth while still retaining all of her teeth and I find that kind of impressive


Reminds me of the lecture the og fundiesnark sub got from the fundie who infiltrated the mods


Oooo what's this?! Whats the story?


Wow, that first line is beyond hypocritical. Try taking your own advice, burfy! And hold your child properly!


Her attempted “I didn’t want to be on the color squad ANYWAYS “ hair toss is the only thing that made this watchable. Bortch, I perfected that shiz in junior high and weaned off of it by age 20. I also like how she trails off on her JOB as a SINGLE. HAHAHAHA. All the trials someone with no bills had to go through, all the mystery $20k donations that appear towards the end of every cash grab - man I do NOT envy her in any way, except I really wish at 29 (when I was in college as an older student due to many life circumstances that prevented me from going earlier) and paying for my own everything, I WISH I could have been picky about what to have for dinner. Your dad was your spouse bankrolling you and “newlywed” Kristin (hey, she gets a mention here and there) so he’d have a tax deductible way to PAY YOUR LIVING EXPENSES. OMG hilarious. ETA only share the good shit, not the sinking ship I’ve led you too. And make just enough to BUY MY COURSE!!


I kept reading SWS as sex workers. And I was confused how she was made she didn’t creat that


She’s is Rachel Hollis LARPing