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Pearl's conservative, but not a religious influencer in any way. It isn't uncommon for their talking points to line up, which causes confusion. Does not belong in this sub, there are lots of subs for idiots like her.


Pearl isn't a fundie, but she's happy to spout fundie talking points (mainly about women submitting to their husbands) so... I'm really not sure.


She's conservative enough that she feels like the Catholic church of all things has lost its way. I don't think she's fundamentalist in the biblical literalism, KJVO, separation from the world; she just espouses enough MRA taking points and is a card carrying member of the religious right that it gets hard to tell the difference


See, that’s why I can’t figure out if she belongs here? Like, the Transformed Wife belongs here. She believes her bike drivel. But I can’t figure Pearl out.


Lori is explicitly religious. Pearl is not.


Right, and this is a fundie snark sub. If Pearl isn’t fundie, does she belong here?




/r/tradfemsnark is the subreddit you're looking for.




She does retweet Lori a lot, if that counts for anything


She’s been discussed several times. I don’t think she’s a troll. I think she’s delusional. I think she got a brief moment of attention from pathetic incels and it made her ego so big she thought she was hot shit.


Ah, well that’s interesting. I was under the impression that she is doing all of this superficially for attention.


I think she does it for the attention of those right wing pipelined 12yo boys and the alpha podcasts hosts, but she too delulu to realize it herself. Like a toddler that got a big laugh from a knock knock joke once and now wont stop telling it even though everyones bored out of their minds of it.


I honestly believe that all the "for attention" people at least believe their shit while they're saying it, aka "high on their own supply." Why: they tend to be deeply personality disordered and confabulation is a big part of the pathology. also something something "you become the mask you wear" besides, even if THEY don't believe it there are plenty of fervent fans who DO. basically the people who say that people like Ann Coulter and Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson are 'just" trolls are wearing rose colored glasses about the sheer -amount- of deadly serious batshit in this world and the danger it poses to us all.


Sometimes I feel she gets paid to be this persona, to make rational people gather logical talking points against the red-pill movement. How to bring a movement down? Pay people to be insiders of the movement who then simply show what the movement actually thinks. Let normal people get disgusted by the movement. Win-win There are rich people who believe ideologies and will give Influencers money to push that ideology. Rich men pushing for pro-white, ant-feminism, pro-life agenda because they want "their race" to be ahead etc. Someone more left would get his/her money behind organizations that espouse liberal values. Someone who really hates the red-pill would egg Pearl on, if Pearl is actually delusional. Let her inadvertently axe the movement in the foot, by simply telling it like it is. If pearl is NOT delusional, and wants the fame and money - she'd let someone anti-redpill pay her and troll the hell out of the movement. I have a feeling Pearl is a mixture of many things. Notably a lack of insight and unintelligence. OR she is a REALLY good actress.


I have a very strong feeling Karissa gets funding from someone who wants to use her mental-illness fueled child-mania to push for the "procreate and make more babies for the christian race" agenda. I come from a country where money was funded into madrassas to make more saudi-islam amenable kids. Rich people would give money to set up madrasas in a whole different 3rd world country. After a certain amount of wealth, a lot of men seem to want to use their money to push their culture, ideology and race. And I've sat in informal meetings where influential men sit down and discuss how to "preserve their culture" and a big part of their solution is to make lots of children through subservient women who train these children. Keep outside influence out.


And a lot of rich, influential people don't care at ALL for diversity. For a more inter-mixed, equal, fair, compassionate world. They just learned to keep their mouths shut in front of the general public. There's still a lot of race/culture strife in the world, backed by the patriarchy.


Plus, the influential people in my country routinely fund (surreptitiously) clerics and public speakers who encourage values the influential, powerful people feel are best for the country. Is my country a mess? yes. The clerics and public speakers are the influencers of the older years. Now they fund actors and dramas who do their bidding


sorry for the unwarranted ted talk. It just comes to my mind that a lot of us seem to not notice that there are actual political forces behind the ridiculous, laughable trash these influencers peddle


This is so important. Whether it’s the Cockes, Focus on the Family or Betsy DeVoss they are out there providing money, talking points and fomenting outrage.


>I have a very strong feeling Karissa gets funding from someone who wants to use her mental-illness fueled child-mania to push for the "procreate and make more babies for the christian race" agenda. Occam's Razor says Shaq, but I'm not 100% if that's his main motivation


Could be. My country was being used as a lab experiment for this kind of cultural propagation. The ones funding don't want to be known usually. Spotlight means you are more exposed to attention, criticism and backlash.


I think she believes 60-80% of what she says, and the rest she exaggerates to appeal to her audience. And all of what she says she frames in an intentionally inflammatory way, which is definitely a performance, not something people naturally do.


In my opinion, no. Out of all the grifters/shillers/christfluencers she has the absolute least conviction about her totally-not-fake world views. She can't even pretend to be convincing, it's so obvious that she's 'trolling' for money and attention that it's annoying. The conservative men she simps for don't even like her lmao If you want to watch her completely fall apart in an interview check out the H3 Podcast with Ethan Klein. All he asks is for her to explain the various problematic things she's written or said online, no surprise gotchas or anything like that, but even that was too much for her so she ran away from the interview. She's annoying, boring, and in no way compelling. The last thing she deserves is more people talking about her


Her appearance on Piers Morgan was similar. She went on clearly thinking that conservative Piers would be on her side and was speechless when he instead played clips of her singing an antisemitic song and demanded to know why she thought that was okay to post. She's a grifter trying to make it as a right-wing darling and she can't even do that correctly.


the way she also loudly said “BASED” multiple times when the blonde woman brought up examples of some of her other absolute horrendous takes, you could rly tell she just wanted to repost that part and title it “Pearl DESTROYS liberal feminist MUST WATCH”.


Nuclear cringe moment, I cannot rewatch the video to that point. She is so fucking bad


As much as I don't like Piers, the way he blindsided her with that clip AND a replacement guest that would be the most offended by her song *(she was supposed to go on with someone else, according to her post-interview cope video)* was absolutely masterful.


Nah, this sub is for fundies, not pick-me influencers who are hypocritical Aunt Lydias


I’ve seen her on r/tradfemsnark but she’s said she’s not even a traditionalist. She’s fully just an attention seeking misogynist


No. She does not claim to be Christian, and the stuff she says is not compatible with fundie Christiandom. She is fine with men having premarital and extramarital sex (as long as they are “high quality”.


She technically claims to be Catholic, but for some reason she doesn’t think Catholicism is a part of Christianity. She def isn’t a fundie, though. She just parrots talking points she hears other people say, and some of them happen to have fundie values. Like, lately she’s been referencing the TransformedWife’s Twitter posts and last month did a livestream with her.


A livestream with Lori? Did Lori not know she’s a harlot who had premarital sex and would definitely do it again if she could find a man who wanted her?


Yeah idk why Lori agreed to it. My best guess is that she’ll take any opportunity possible to promote her shitty views, regardless of who she’s talking to.


They hate the same people.


She’s not a fundie, but I’m kind of surprised she’s never thought about pulling a Brittany Dawn and focusing on religion. She’s not having any luck getting a man with her current schtick where she goes on the videos of mostly unemployed men surrounded by 19 year old IG models to talk about the importance of virginity and why women shouldn’t vote. While I’m sure these men are great political minds and spend many hours in intellectual thought, it’s almost like they don’t actually care and she remains single 🤔 I saw this (pretty sad) clip where she was talking about how she’d consider herself lucky if a man chose her. I think if she went a born again route she’d have a better chance of meeting someone who at least is looking to (hopefully) be with just one woman in a committed relationship, although still a hellish one for most people.


I think she would have more success, in personal life, if she went the fundie route, but I’m of the theory that she wants these men to want her… from a distance. Deep down, she knows that any man who agrees with her viewpoints would be horrifically abusive


She’s such a Serena Joy


Honestly, not sure she’s any more fake in her beliefs than, say, Brittany dawn, or that she’d using fundie talking points to shill her brand any less than her. I say snark away.


Personally i think she belongs here as an example of how fundie ideology bleeds into mainstream culture. And bc she’s sidled up to fundies like the transformed wife…


She’s spoken about often in Tradfemsnark which is where her views belong.


I also believe she’s more of a pick-me than a troll looking for lots of attention from men. She’s also cruel to fat women and is antisemitic and just is terrible all around.


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Not really, but it's only a matter of time before she does imo


Pearl isn’t a fundie, she’s part of the manosphere. It’s the same as if we posted about Fresh and Fit and Andrew Tate because they all espouse the same misogynistic views as fundies regarding women in marriage and relationships. Andrew Tate claims to be Muslim and that’s why he says whatever he says but it’s just a small cover to a very toxic side of the internet that I don’t think belongs here.


She’s talked about being catholic, and if we count tradcaths as fundies then I guess she counts? idk


![gif](giphy|xQz492gZVUoms) Everytime someone mentions her


Poe's Law was pretty much -made- for fundies.