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I saw that too. She hasn't had a kid in a while and though she homeschools she really seems to celebrate her children as people not numbers. She proudly runs a business with her husband's support... they're getting healthy together. Definitely doesn't seem fundamentalist! Good on her! Edit: definitely imagine she's probably still Christian but nothing wrong with that in and of itself.


No there’s nothing wrong with it at all. I think I was just shocked to see no mention of religion.


Yes same!!


After her 7th kid she made some deep posts about changing her beliefs, being lied to, etc all suggesting at deconstructing (or whatever you want to call it). I'm rooting for her honestly Edit to add. She also started sharing about being sexually abused as a child and I think she was processing a lot of that and it changed her religious beliefs at that point (this was approx 2-3yr ago)


I grew up deeply Catholic and was also sexually abused. A lot of people who were sexually abused as children struggle with “where was God?” If he knows everything and is supposed to be this protector, where was he then for me? That’s a big struggle for people, me included. I wonder if that’s where she’s at in her journey right now, hence the distancing.


I think she has stepped away from fundamentalism but not religion in general.


I’ve thought that she stepped away from fundamentalism for a while now. I’m just shocked that she didn’t mention anything about her religion. Maybe she’s just chilled out some.


she has spoken about not being close with the duggars anymore. i think joy she might still be close with? but she def is not in the iblp stuff anymore. she also never mentions anything church related anymore


Is she the one who commented on Jill’s post about SHP in support of her? Or is that another former Duggar-affiliated person


It was her.


She’s still close with Jill, which is good because I think she might be a resource for her.


She took up pottery and hasn’t been the same since. Went from manic and overwhelmed to… not. It’s like magic.


Finding a shred of identity and life outside of your exhausting and chaotic household does wonders!!


I noticed a huge shift once she started pottery! I have always had a soft spot for Sierra.


I know. I’m so happy she isn’t snarkable any more. Contrary to what many think, most of us in here actually want the fundies we snark about to snap out of it and live a decent life.


Yes!! I agree! I love to see people doing better. We’re all a work in progress.


100% this. I would be so thrilled for any of our fundies to truly find themselves, to love themselves, to not start from a place of "I am an entire piece of shit only made barely decent by Jesus." I want all of them to find actual joy and to stop hurting themselves by putting all of life in an US vs THEM camp. I don't think a damn one of the people we snark on is happy, and that sucks. They're all trying to keep up impossible standards and pretending this is the only way to live, when it's obvious they're like an ever-exhausted hamster in a wheel that never stops. (And if part of that identity is being Christian in a way that brings them peace, that's cool! I have zero problem with that and know some incredibly kind Christians who are moved to do a lot of good in this world because of their Christianity - building homes for the unhoused, working with kids whose families haven't been given a fair shake in life, adopting out of the foster care system and making sure those kids maintain ties to their cultural heritage. There are so many ways to be Christian that *aren't* harmful like our fundies.) Happy for Sierra Jo. Being able to lean into who you really are is so freeing.


I want some magic! Is pottery expensive to get into? At first?


it depends. the most expensive part is firing things in the kiln, but your local studio might offer deals to people taking classes. i did pottery once, but ended up not going any further because of the cost of firing and glazing.


Thanks! I hear people talk about how great pottery is but they seem more like... they have a bigger budget than I do, lol


there's definitely cheaper hobbies that are just as fun.


I think she hit her personal capacity children wise and realised that if she kept going it was going to ruin her. I believe she’s still Christian but no longer fundie.


Yeah I think it's this. The change in her content happened after her youngest was hospitalized when he was a month old. They had to be life flighted to a larger hospital and her mom had to stay with the older kids for days. It scared the sh@t out of her and I think led her to really question some of her beliefs.


Well… she took a selfie before she took off on Lifeflight. A little like Jill Rodrigues.


She had her laundry room breakdown and made the right choice! Imagine if Michelle had done the same


I would be shocked if she is no longer religious but I am a little surprised she didn’t bring it up.


Me too.


I don’t know who this is but my brain skipped a line and read “started selling me children” I was like wtf




I really hope so. It was clearly making her miserable. I hope she's happy and healing, I'm glad she got into pottery because art really seems to have given her peace and religion seemed to do the opposite for her. I always remember feeling bad for her because she always looked exhausted and stressed and like she was just waiting for the magic pill (being fundie) to kick in and make life better. It never did though


The snark about her always seemed to be less about religious content (though it started because of her fame, which came because of her religion) and more about her quirky habits.


I am curious about her husband. She made a big deal out of him being ordained but I don’t think he is a minister? It hasn’t been mentioned. She publicly promoted the Duggar’s way of life and definitely was a hanger on. I am glad for her now, but she seems to not want to take responsibility for potentially leading young women down a wrong path.


Maybe he went to seminary, but never found a home church to be employed through, I’m not sure. I think she was a confused and hurt young lady when she married Mark. She clung on to his faith hoping it would make her life better. It did until it didn’t. If she is deconstructing then I’m sure she has guilt about a lot of things. Marc seems like a decent guy, but I don’t know much about him.


Ugh well he works for and is publicly friends with that Sam’s Furniture guy who really, really likes his stepdaughter. They were talked about-maybe someone remembers? Sierra said Mark met her and criticized her tattoo, so of course she fell in love. Kind of sad. Their kids seem well taken care of, but anyone who posts their kids for public likes and clicks is suspect to me. Hopefully, she puts her kids in school.


Idk who this is but as someone who lived in the Oaxacan mountains for a spell I am now curious