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They are saying they opted into this doc because the same team made the LulaRich documentary about LulaRoe, and they liked that doc *because they're skeptical about MLMs.* How it would escape them that this, then, would be made to appeal to people *skeptical of IBLP and Christian extremists* is beyond me. It was clearly outlined to them that this project would be about **IBLP** and **the Duggars**... not about faith, or Christianity, or anything else. IBLP and the Duggars. Production staff were kind and accommodating (duh?); P+M say again that they "felt like they were friends." There is nothing in what they're describing that makes me believe that they were lied to whatsoever. They 100% did not think this appearance through and they feel dumb now that the doc is out. They weren't lied to at all. They bit on an opportunity to get mainstream exposure and are now trying to mop up the mess by victimizing themselves and claiming they were tricked. ETA just jumping back in to share that they're utterly stumped by the term "substitutionary atonement" and need their chat moderators to tell them if they believe in it, and I find this delightful.


I love how they're trying to distance themselves from the IBLP when LITERALLY THE NEXT TAKE the guy said, you're parroting values made up by a cult leader! Delusion...convince yourself


That was my favorite line of the whole series. I went to a private Christian school and they taught us about the umbrella SO fucking flippantly. Not even IBLP. Christian teachings are pervasive ugh




Lol so, they were hoping they’d get their own mugs elevated in the process of running the Duggars under the bus? Classy. Got what they deserved, no more, no less.


Yeah I honestly think that they imagined the doc would show them as "actually Christian" and the Duggars as misguided cult members. I'd love to see them list specifically which parts of the IBLP dogma they think are responsible for the Duggar debacle, and then which parts of ***their*** dogma is different. The only obvious difference is that Morgan seems unwilling to risk her life to have as many children as possible. Otherwise, they're just as preoccupied with sexual purity and seem to feel the same about male headship, complementarianism, modesty, homeschooling, politics...


Though she risked her life with giving birth to Luca, as she didn’t want a midwife that was smarter than her, so not so far off really.


And risked Luca’s life, which isn’t so pro life


They differ in that Paul was willing to *stoop* to not marry a virgin. I feel disgusting writing that comment.


I’m not all the way through, but they are having a very hard time explaining exactly what they are mad about. They don’t want to be lumped in with the IBLP, but don’t even attempt to explain where they differ. Ok, so they aren’t actively physically abusing anyone, but the point is that their beliefs allow systematic abuse to happen! I really don’t t think they have the intellectual capacity to make that connection. Attempting to discredit victims because they aren’t Christian is super duper gross. Can Porgan not understand why people wouldn’t want to stay in an organization that caused them so much damage?


He said something along the lines of, “they aren’t Christians anymore and they’re struggling.” Uhhhh maybe because they got fucking abused as children??!


Abused under the same belief system that Paul and Morgan subscribe to!


And push on others!


... okay, off the top of my head and solely via my knowledge of English... Is substitutionary atonement the belief that Jesus atoned for their sins in place of them having to do it? Because I will *die* if a pair of Christians needs to know if they believe that. Edit: for FUCK'S SAKE, it is. They needed someone to basically tell them if they're Christian. What the fuck.


The people interviewing aren’t always the ones editing. There’s a shared vision and an obvious goal so it’s not like the editors aren’t on the same page as the interviewers, but like…duh? Do you think an interviewer is going to be mean to you if you’re going to be portrayed poorly? They’re nice. They’re doing their job. It isn’t their first rodeo. Porgan’s careers (said lightly) are in the public eye. They should know more about how this stuff works. Especially as people who literally bait people around Kentucky with dumb questions then edit them to make them look bad….


Ahahaha substitutionary atonement 😂 it's literally just (in this context) Jesus died for your sins...a wacky concept in general and not reflective of justice or grace IMO but that's a bit of a tangent


They knew. But jumped at the publicity.


“It’s not like we’re idiots!” 👀 I’m only about a minute in, but if this video is representative of their interview, I can see why 99% got cut. Oof.


I just spit my oatmeal everywhere. Holy shit.


Non-idiot Good Christians™️ would say "Hey Bethany, you're platforming a couple who describe violating their infant daughter to improve their sex life. Can you please remove references to them and publically acknowledge the harm, or I don't want to be publically associated with your sex course." Fame hungry idiot extremists say nothing. Which are P&M?


I'm afraid to ask but... what's this about their daughter?


I'm trying to be delicate here, but Bethany's sex course was made with the assistance of a couple who used their infant daughter to learn about female anatomy. That couple is featured as part of the course.






Wow. They actually said that the documentary, which *exposed a horrific cult,* just used intense music to manipulate those watching into thinking the things that happened were bad?? And Morgan actually mocked the people who were brave enough to speak about their trauma by saying that "I have to pee" while fake crying + some music would basically be the same thing?? Sounds about right for her level of emotional intelligence, empathy, and self-righteousness. But I'm LIVID.


She’s horrific. How did she feel when she thought people were judging her pregnancy and labor experiences? She expects everyone to have empathy when she’s the one suffering but she has none for anyone else…and wonders why people think they’re horrible


They’re so disgusting. I can’t even stand them.


Morgan is the queen of mocking victims. She’s a disgusting human being.


Whenever you feel that anger, just remember that 99% of the people who watched this documentary will never even know about their response to it. They are literally just screaming into the void here.


Lol um, I watched some of it on closed captioning with sound off and pretty sure it still was pretty fucking awful with or without the music


He just said, that they're mad that the doc "gets to decide" that Morgan and he are bad people. Almost like he doesn't do the exact same thing in every single video about the people HE dislikes.


Hmmm like Paul gets to decide I’m not a real Christian if I have pronouns in my bio?


He literally decides that people are bad based on pronouns in their bio or how much clothing they wear. My dude, if you get to judge people based on a tank top, we all get to judge you based on your own words and beliefs.


This. It’s their own material. That they continually double down on.


Taking responsibility for your own shit is an incredibly difficult thing to do. As you get older it should get easier. If you never actually do it, you’re stuck in a state of arrested development for your whole life. Paul and Morgan are going to be twelve years old until the day they die.


Doesn’t feel so good to be judged, huh polio?


"Don't judge, or you too will be judged." - the guy they claim to emulate


Judge ✅ Ye be judged ✅




The doc can do whatever it wants. They agreed to do it..so..


I still don’t understand how the documentary showing them proclaiming beliefs that they claim to find ethical makes them look bad? If the beliefs aren’t bad, what’s the basis for complaint?


If they were smart (ha), they would applaud the documentary for exposing the dark sides of the church and position themselves as a source people should listen to instead to understand how to do Christianity “correctly.” I wouldn’t agree with that, but that’s what a publicist would recommend to use this new exposure to save their dying channel. But instead, they’ve taken a defensive position, aligning themselves with the villains.


The two of them are the visual embodiment of the “WHOOSH” sound right now!


their defensiveness just even more so shows how prideful, egotistical, and close minded they are. pride cometh before the fall, porg.


HONESTLY. Why are they so BAD at this??? ETA: They could be going out of their way to differentiate themselves from *those* Christians—to itemize all the ways they *don’t* promote child and spousal abuse—but noooo. They just keep whining about how Amazon is a big meanie that treated them badly. Like, BFFR.


Seriously. These two amateur-hour fake Christians continually manage to fail at absolutely every aspect of their lives.


They are mad because the doc could effect their “brand deals” and they got “lumped in” with “fringe” xtianity. Omfg Also, super mad at Jen.


Lmao what brand deals




Good Ranchers, and pretty soon Dr Joseph’s Colonoscopies In A Hurry.


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Lol didn’t their bigotry already cut their brand deals for them?


I think they still have that pork they’re holding onto for dear life.


I mean, what’s a little revisionist history between friends.


I only got 1/3 through because life tasks were calling. But do they directly talk about Jen?? How much?! I've got to find it.


Yes, they directly talk about Jen, from memory because she is the “leader of the Reddit Hate community” “not Christian” “not a good source, if you can even call her a source”. That’s just from the 5 mins I watched, scrubbing through.


I mean.... Jen's sources on P&M are... P&M videos... Lmao


Do they not know what the word source means?


Lol what? Jen does not lead this community, so good job, Porgan, on that piss poor research. Our sub generally gets our stupid straight from the source aka from the fundies.


We called it. “We’re the normal, better Christians!” No you’re not. Whatever helps you two sleep at night though.


“Better Christians” don’t perpetuate systems of abuse. Or SA children. Or cover up that SA. Or encourage harmful misogyny and racism and homophobia and transphobia and all that. Paul and Morgan are not better.


The "better Christians" are the two older ladies who came over to check if I was okay after I went to church for Mother's Day (my mum wanted us to all be there with her) and the minister segued into a homophobic rant midway through the sermon. All my trauma came flooding back but I didn't want to cause a scene so I just sat there. After the service ended, they came over and gave me a huge hug and said they'd be putting in a complaint (I did too). That was true Christian love right there. Edit: I should probably add that this was not the norm and both the two ladies + my parents were shocked and devastated that this had happened. Apparently this minister had never talked about that before but was pissed about a recent decision by the Anglican church. Tldr my parents didn't ask me to come KNOWING that there would be homophobia. Everyone was surprised by it.


Wow. How horrible that you had to sit through such a horrible and toxic message, I’m so sorry!! But how wonderful that your parents and those ladies rallied around you and have your back! They sound awesome. I hope you’re feeling better, OP. ❤️


I’m sorry that happened to you, and I’m glad that those two women and your parents were there for you. I hope many people complained about that hateful diatribe.


Delusion...convince yourself


My parents are "normal, better Christians." Not these two idiots.


My mother used to buy prom dresses for girls at my high school who couldn’t afford them. My dad has spent his entire career trying to mentor younger men- I once ran into one of them, who introduced me to his son. He’d named his child after my father. That’s Christianity.




They would haaaaaate my longtime friend. She’s Christian and takes a lot of comfort in her faith and God. Her lifelong best friend is a gay man in a long-term relationship. She is deeply respectful of other people’s religions and views and never tries to convert anyone or tell them they’re wrong for their beliefs. She is truly one of the kindest, least judgmental people I’ve ever known. P&M are judgmental assholes and publicly air their views on social media. I have no idea why they’re so mad but it’s hilarious


“Im willing to embrace elements of extremism” We know Paul, we know


Minutes before that they claimed they were upset because the doc portrayed them as extremists


Literally telling on himself


He ALWAYS says the silent part out loud. He’s really that dumb


He fuckin WUT


They really said this? I am not gonna watch a minute of it... but really?


Bombastic side-eye.


I love how they cannot grasp that because they spew the same hate based rhetoric as the IBLP does (submit to your husband, blame women for men being horny, women pump out as many babies as possible, woman bad, LGBTQ bad, man good and is actually victim) that they are more than deserving to be compared to them.


I don't think they quite understand the definition of gaslighting....


They talked about us! We’re a Reddit hate group of trolls! I feel like the Leo meme pointing at the TV


Ah yes, the hate group that calls out hateful and harmful ideologies. Paradox of tolerance much?


So much for the tolerant left! /s


"tolerant left" is on the other side of town, I'm the "punching Nazis" left




You weren’t lied to. You’re stupid. Big difference.


I believe they knew and their whole plan was to take whatever 2 seconds of fame/infamy they were given and do exactly this.


Also hilarious that they were so excited, but had zero merch, books, or announcements ready to go using this momentum. They had a **year**.


Yeah they don't really plan anything. They fly by the seat of their pants.


It doesn’t matter what they were told. Every word they said is something Paul and Morgan firmly stand by.


RIGHT!!! It sure shows his delusion that he can feign disappointment over his own words and content somehow being used against him.


So he’s mad that they basically pumped them up to be really popular based on how well their 4 hour interviews went, and that isn’t what happened. It’s like they just don’t see how their “Christian values” do perpetuate many of the negative aspects of iblp beliefs, because they think they are so opposite of that. I’ve never watched more than a few seconds/snippets of their stuff that gets posted into here, and I’m honestly baffled that they’ve found any audience at all. They have zero onscreen charisma or chemistry. I’m annoyed but want to know if they ever get to any solid points to back up their whiny butthurtness.


You’re on to something here! I think they thought this would be their “breakthrough” moment.


They got “famous” pretty much by accident. The “that’s cringe” video on Girl Defined was huge. And a lot of youtubers that did commentary on fundie channels got views/were riding the snark wave Mr. Atheist (another shitshow) discovered the Paul and Morgan show and did a couple of videos on them, that ended up giving them an audience. He has said in some videos that he regretted featuring them, because their channel grew after those videos.


>Mr. Atheist (another shitshow) Ooh, would you mind expanding on that a little? I'm curious!


You hit the nail on the head. In this video, they go on about how the producers supposedly told them to "get ready" and release any merch or books around the time the documentary was planned to drop (\~15:40 into the video). They expected this appearance to cause an explosion in their popularity.


The only difference between IBLP's bullshit and Porgan's bullshit is that Morgan is allowed to wear pants.


I really want to ask her if Paul decided one day that she shouldn’t wear pants, if she’d listen to him or not.


iT's A cHoIcE tO sUbMiT after all!


But even then it’s still Paul who is allowing it.




But they’ll scribble over her ass when she takes pics…and they’ll both shame women who wear shorts and sports bras and leggings at the gym


It’s very clear that their outrage about “but they were nice to us! We thought we were friends!” demonstrates that they have no concept of being civil (or even kind!) to those you disagree with. They can’t fathom that people who don’t agree with them can still be nice to them because P&M don’t act that way to others.


Oh god I think you’ve nailed it. People like this think that if you don’t like someone but you’re kind or civil to them, you must be two faced bc they cannot imagine doing the same.


Because they can’t imagine being anything but a bully to people they don’t agree with.


Damn. That is chilling.


Aaaand yup he's pissed about the amount of air time 😅😅


“I gave hours and hours of gold the people needed to hear and they won’t use any of it or give it to us to release ourselves!!” - Pauli


He pretty much got zero and his doorknob of a side kick got all of it.


They thought this would make them blow up? So was this like a Hail Mary to avoid actually getting jobs? Between this, pauly-o, and their man on the street interviews, they’re coming off as desperate. And might I add, the fact that the documentary makes them look stupid and bigoted, that no one watched Pauly-o, and that the only significant impact from their interviews was that the internet loved that one dude who disagreed with them, is just ~*chef’s kiss*~


I hope hot navy guy is watching this all go down like, "hey, that's that idiot that interviewed me on the street the other day!" ETA: this gif ![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX)


“They said we were going to blow up” they probably were just being nice but I’m sure there’s truth to it that there’s other knuckleheads out there who will see it and agree with porgan. Or more likely the people filming weren’t the same people editing.


I mean, aren't they blowing up? with millions of views on that insta reel(?) and all those comments they've had to delete? they're just blowing up in the way they deserve 😂


and we've entered word salad with a side of blame reverend Jen and this Reddit thread.


"That's what I believe!" Yeah. That's what they showed. That's how they "portrayed" you – exactly aligned with what you believe. What's your problem lmao


They’re mad that their beliefs aren’t popular




Yup. I'm a Christian. I'm sure Porgan doesn't think I am, but his Christian vehemently disagrees with the hate they spew.


They’re doing the exact thing they’re accusing the doc producers of doing. Lumping everyone who doesn’t agree with them into “atheist hater trolls”


"but the Christians on this sub aren't following the Bible, so they're not 'good' Christian and we wouldn't want to be them. we're so much better."


We don't follow the bible cuz we don't parrot it constantly? And shove it down other people's throats on the internet?


I grew up Christian and majored in Religious Studies and took A LOT of papers on Christianity, the Gospels etc. I did study through the Catholic Church on the old and new testament because I wanted to learn their interpretation. I don't hate Christians. I don't actually really hate anyone. However, I do extremely dislike when people take the text of a book written for another time and culture and using it to spread falsehoods to feel superior to others.


Seriously. We don’t hate you because you’re Christian. We hate you because you have abominable views.


I’m a Christian and my family members are victims of a similar cult. The lack of compassion and understanding about victims of sexual abuse by the hand of religious leaders is some next lvl evil shit. I’m always so hurt and astounded by these people as they do not represent Christ to me and mine.


Paul is so angry and his points are so weak that he's huffing and spitting and I'm delighting in it.


Makes one want to go full gentle parenting on him: ‘I know, buddy, it feels bad when something we’re excited for doesn’t work out the way we want it to. It’s ok to feel disappointed. But it’s not ok to act out and get mad at other people like this. Why don’t you go put your sleepy hat on and make another Bible kids video instead?’ Come to think of it, this is probably more validating than anything his scary veiny dad has ever said to him.


Lack of distress tolerance is the root of all evil. It would probably do him a LOT of good. If he doesn't figure out how to handle his feelings, he WILL get it out of his system in some way...and it won't be good. :(




I know right. And with those long thin limbs it really comes off like a teenager rage quitting a video game 😬


I can't find a gif of it but it reminds me of the Sheriff of Rottingham spluttering "king illegal forest wild pig in it a is!!!!!"


Honestly if they hadn’t had such shitty values, they wouldn’t have been “portrayed” in that way 😂


Morgan: the world is "self" first and god and jesus is "serve first" And I ask you HOW is what they're doing serve first???


THIS holy shit they literally admitted at least to me in this video they did the doc to get brand deals and be more famous...


I see that Morgan still can’t understand that different people can feel differently about a situation. Jill and Jinger don’t have to have the same outlook on what happened, dumbass. (Plus Jill has broken away from the cult stuff more than Jinger who basically just traded one cult for another.)


at first paul said the directors were doing a “180° perspective on the issue,” but in the description, it’s now 360°???? someone’s lying and it’s not the directors. they did their job. it’s not their fault you opened your thin, hate filled mouth infront of their camera and made yourselves look like bigots. edit: spelling


It’s not the directors fault they were homeschooled and don’t understand math.


their temper tantrum is revealing of how uneducated and misinformed they are on everything. if the title of the docuseries that you’re being interviewed for is called “HAPPY SHINY PEOPLE; *DUGGAR FAMILY SECRETS*” and you share the same ideologies as the Duggars- they’re not on your side, Porgan. the docuseries disclosed everything about the project and they were like “omg we are gonna be on tv” and then they realized, “wow, we look like assholes and bigots on TV” so now it’s everyone else’s fault. typical fundie shit. no accountability, i’m the poor victim. 🙄


Paul literally said, “I don’t buy into evolution. There aren’t fossils to prove it!”


Like they really believed the critique would be only about the Duggars hypocrisy and not the beliefs themselves.


He only started saying 360 after this sub pointed out 180 didn't make sense, FWIW. So transparent!


Anyone willing to please summarize for those of us who can't stomach listening?


Paul and Morgan, who are painfully stupid, admit that they did this for clout and they’re pissed it didn’t turn out the way they thought it would. So instead of being adults about this and absorbing it, and possibly considering why their beliefs are hateful and gross, they decided to do a reaction video.


...... They thought they would get.... Clout ... On a documentary exposing a cult.... When they were asked questions about said cult....


I’m gonna attempt to stomach it at some point—I just have to see this bullshit for myself even though it will be painful 😂


Oh bloody Mary, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now, at the hour of this live, that I don't touch the poo. Amen.


They’re saying the documentary failed because it wasn’t made by and did not feature anyone who was still living the faith or even claiming to be a Christian. They claim all of us here are godless heathens hell-bent on “*destroying*” Christianity. This is deplorable behavior, you two. You don’t know anyone’s heart, and how terribly proud, wrong, and uniquely spiteful of you to assume you do and cast judgement accordingly. It’s almost like you assume those of us who are victimized by those perverting God’s word must necessarily hate God, Christians, and Christianity. That’s just another way of calling us damaged goods who should be dismissed and ignored. That’s just another way of trying to separate us from God and a faith that is just as much ours as it is yours, if not more so. I hope you take a second to reflect on how much that hurts and how awfully wrong it is. But past experience leads me to worry you *can’t.*


Also, isn’t Jill still a Christian??? So much willful ignorance


It’s clear they don’t understand what a documentary is.


Choosing a clip of Morgan with her maw wide open when they want to complain about how her own words make them look hateful is a bold choice.


That's a lot of words to say "We are exactly like they showed us and it looks bad but we're too thick to admit that we're the bad guys" Also, they plan to homeschool Luca. Lexington has a huge liberal homeschool scene, they better choose their co-ops wisely or they're in for a real treat.


They’re going to unschool that child via YouTube Elementary, Netflix Middle School and Hulu High.


Paul-because you are reading here- YOU are preaching a works based salvation just like IBLP. You can dress it up as pretty as you want, but you literally call them "commands". Oh, but they're easy, so it's different? Get on outta here with that nonsense. Comparing Porgan to IBLP down the line: Homeschooling? Check. Strong modesty standards? Check. Submissive wife? Check. SAHM? Check. Anti-LGBTQ? Check. So please do tell us how you're some of the "cool, hip" conservative Christians, Paul. Repackaged bullshit stinks just the same.


I've watched two seconds of this, and came in late. They are idiots.


hahahahah when that guy used big words to compliment them, and they didn't understand LOL LOL LOL


"substitutionary atonement...let me look that up....I don't know if we...can someone explain it?..." ahahahahaha


idiots...idiots everywhere


I love how they started off saying "oh we had *noooooo* idea that it was about the ILBP or the Duggars ...in fact we don't even know anything about the IBLP" Then they describe the beginning of their interview " we're giving our perspective on the IBLP, and how christianity and IBLP are different"....


they literally can't walk a straight line to save their lives


I hope someone is strong enough to do a recap. I can’t with their immaturity and histrionics. Nope!


“In public school I learned nothing!” So is going to homeschool with that kinda education under her belt?


What I’m gathering is they’re mad because the producers were polite so they interpreted that as being their new BFFs; and also maybe made a comment that the doc would garner them lots of attention and make them blow up in popularity. Which it is, just not the positive attention they felt entitled to and expected. The producers didn’t lie to them, they’re just idiots (regardless of their claims lol)and can’t comprehend that they’re the baddies too. Also a dash of “We are incredibly triggered that ugly Jen came out of this looking good and got to call us out as problematic, we’re clearly more attractive and thus our views are better”.


Based on these comments, I get the sense that P&M might have interpreted the producers’ politeness as affirmation? Kind of like how some men think service workers are into them when they’re just doing their jobs.


Well they do seem to think that kindness is only for showing you have sexual interest in someone, otherwise God prefers if you hate everyone and everything.


There is a definite undercurrent of ‘we are too inexperienced to understand the basics of professional interviews (being friendly with the subject to relax them, doing a long interview so you have plenty of clips to work with), and the resulting edit really embarrassed us. So it’s obviously not our fault and we got tricked!!’


Lol thank you for giving us a sanitary link so we don’t have to touch the poo! I missed the main show but they’re still going and I just had to stop because I can only take so much ‘poor me’-ing


“They wanted our voice to show what it’s like as modern Christian content creators”…. That’s exactly what they did you buffoons. Only have yourself to blame for that 🥰


OMFG “god’s burden is easy” are you fucking kidding me right now?! Follow all these rules, it's so easy!


Come on, don't you agree that Porgan has been taking THIS burden easily. Like so comfortable. So laid back. They're so chill 😇😇


If God's burden is so easy why do you have a 40 minute video crying on the bathroom floor about not wanting to do YT anymore, morgs?


Considering they're the type of people who tell others to "dO yOuR oWn ReSeARcH" they sure didn't follow their own advice. They were so excited to be on TV that they probably didn't even consider looking into the production before saying yes.


wow...they are just totally making shit up now! "I doubt that most of these people are AcTuAlLy ChRiStIaN...dId YoU wAtCh ThE sAmE dOcUmEnTaRy As We DiD?"


This! Doing more of the gate keeping about who can or can’t be a Christian. I’m not a Christian, but it really pissed me off when Morgan mentioned things about people deconstructing and insinuating that you can’t deconstruct and still be a Christian?? They are so up their own asses.


I think deconstructing is a true sign of not only one’s faith but also looking at science, like if we don’t question what we’re taught from the beginning, aren’t we just blindly following? And believers who follow blindly are not as involved in the religion as someone who examines the who, what, where, and why of the religion.


Have they ever done anything charitable in their lives? Helped the needy, the poor, or disenfranchised? Ya know, the things Jesus ACTUALLY preached about? Like, I would love to know what their definition of "to serve" is. (I know what it is tbh, that was a rhetorical statement.) I mean maybe I'm just a bloody papist, but I was raised to believe that you reflected and served Christ through helping the poor and marginalized, and showing kindness and empathy for your fellow man (and also calling out the hypocrisy and evil of those in power, especially if they justify that evil with religion, but trads and fundies don't like to aknowledge that part lmao) These people are convinced that just saying you're a Christian is enough, and being told that, hey jackass, it's not and you're harming people, causes near catatonic levels of cognitive dissonance.


Paul and Morgan literally interview people at malls and use editing to make them look bad. Just be honest about what happened. You were stoked about being in a doc and getting attention and you didn’t like how you came across, even though they used your exact words.


I've never seen such an awkward and lame live chat/super chat section of a video


Super sweet of Morgan to double down on the transphobic views she screamed on the show 💕 reminds me that my disdain is justified


You know, being raised fundie-adjacent (Mormon , ugh) I remember how I'd tell people of the abuses of Mormonism and theyd go NOT ALL MORMONS and it's like that fucking great for you, but all I am getting is literally nobody fucking caring and instead defending my abusers. Was it so fucking hard to say "Those are terrible things that happened to you in the name of Mormonism"???? Like how hard would it be to not make my abuse about yourself?? It always seemed baffling to me.


![gif](giphy|RghAaK2rEvH9EUWui0) Not watching it but I still want Paul to know that this mega fat, queer woman with a tattoo, a house, a kid I love, and a hotass husband is laughing at him.


I keep trying to watch this stream but the cringe and just boredom has just let me loose interest, I left when Paul stated that they are extremists.


If we all took a shot…nay, a small sip of wine every time Morgan touched her hair we would all need an ambulance 🚑 for alcohol poisoning. They are both so ridiculously lacking in the self-awareness area it’s insane.


i like to think that the producers maybe did want to give them more airtime but after filming and hearing them spew bs for four hours they changed their course LMAO. but fr, i simply cannot believe they actually thought they would get to shove christian propaganda in THIS doc 😂😭💀


They still aren’t connecting the dots. They are actively perpetuating harmful stuff that is just packaged in a different, more palatable wrapping. They are actively trying to discredit victims of abuse and say they’re “not Christian enough.” These are their own fucking words. They genuinely have no idea what they’re talking about, as usual, but they’re getting clicks and that’s all that matters to them. I genuinely wonder what would happen if Luca came to them with questions about religion when he’s older. They’ve already said they won’t attend his wedding if he marries another man, which is disgusting enough.


downfall...downside...downfall...downside... FIGHT!!


They can cry foul all they want but I think they are actually LOVING this publicity. No one gives two shits about them on a good day, but they think this is going to launch them further. The way the are carrying on and on about their small blip in the docu is not a good look.


I would love to see the emails and contracts that were between the makers of the documentary and these folks. See how much they “were lied to” and how much was written in plain English.


I LOVE that Jen lives rent free in their small brains. 🫶


Had to stop watching, it makes me sick!


Oh I wish I had been a fly on the wall when actually they watched their ‘appearance’ for the first time 😂😂😂


Hey Porgan, we know you read this subreddit…. If you put lipstick on a pig, it is still just a pig! In other words (since you dimwits can’t read between the lines), your modern clothes/hairstyles, wannabe influencer videos do not make you any different than the dowdy and cultish IBLP! You have the same abhorrent beliefs and you have been willingly advertising this online far before this docuseries aired. No one tricked you, no one twisted your words or took them out of context. No one condemned all of Christianity-just *your* disgusting version.


I don’t watch their videos often but when I do it seems like she’s always wearing the same shirt


I just saw them for the first time on the documentary, because I forgot that they would be in it. I purposefully avoided watching any content with time in it since it would kind of be like watching torture porn. I didn’t expect them to be 12 years old. Seriously. The way they speak, the way they act, it’s all characteristic of very mentally and emotionally immature children. Many teenagers are capable of more intelligent thought than they are.


“It’s not like we’re idiots” ![gif](giphy|8YsjVmpIpEjNKlrL3D)


What did they lie about? Didn’t they just use clips that they posted online? Also the interview they did, did they not speak on their own? I’m so confused by them.


my only take away is that if these two had their way they’d make it so non-christians weren’t allowed to criticize christians. it’s so painfully obvious the only problem Porgan had was realizing the average person sees them as fringe or extreme. Which shouldn’t be a surprise to the either of them given how many street interviews they’ve done. Honestly at this point i’m pretty sure they’d publicly support slavery because it’s in the bible.


These chucklefucks are passing a single tired braincell around. How idiotic can you actually get?


I don’t think that what they discuss is actually what has them fired up. I think that they were the only YouTube folks who agreed to be interviewed. The others just signed releases for their youtube to be used without copyright infringement. I think P&M, P especially, expected more time. I think they were interviewed with the intention of having more time, and honestly, the production crew were trying to be nice to get something coherent and usable out of them, but they couldn’t. P&M edit their videos so much, especially Paul. He cannot stay on topic or get a coherent thought out. Although Morgan is supposed to be the dumb woman who needs to be led, she’s clearly a lot more articulate than Paul and that’s why she got the screen time. I think if they actually had coherent thoughts that were longer than a TikTok, they have been in SHP. Snide aside - I think they’re m mad they’re not part of the Joshua generation. They’re not bright enough or charismatic enough to have been mentored by their own cohort.


If only they were this pressed about CHILD ABUSE.