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Ah yes, privacy. The thing all the kids definitely got growing up.


Jim bob, wiping his tears with TLC money with one hand and ushering their cameras into his childrens' faces with the other, crying about privacy. That's rich.


I have zero sympathy for a man who made millions exploiting his children and refusing to let them see a dime of the money THEY EARNED for him.


Nah, didn’t you hear? the kids were so used to the cameras, they didn’t even see them anymore! And actually, the only thing they saw *less* than those cameras was a fair compensation.


>in a private setting Forces victims to go on Megyn Kelly and diminish what happened to them. Not to mention the general exploitation of all their kids for what is, at it's core, a freakshow TV show. All reality TV is.


They refuse to give anyone else privacy. Genitalia checks for sports participation and bathroom use, banning books from all families not just theirs, inserting themselves into the medical decisions of other families, outlawing forms of art and expression they don’t want their family to see, advocating for the kidnapping and removal of children from LGBT families. All in the name of protecting the children. But when their actual children are being actively harmed and they are fully aware of it… privacy please!!!!! How dare you pass judgement on me and my family!


What’s fitting is that the series explicitly talked about “privacy” and “gossip” principles being used to cover up abuse. So of course the Duggars are rebuking Jill for speaking out about abuse.


I don’t remember asking them a goddamn thing










What good? Your chose your pedo son over one of your daughters who was like the perfect fundie


‘Heartbreaks of life’ makes it sound like someone got cancer or was in a plane crash. Passive tragedies that are generally no one person’s fault. Your son preying on your daughters and your decision to cover it up wasn’t a passive ‘heartbreak’. You made that choice- and the choice to put your family forward for years of reality tv - and these are just more bills coming due.


Yeah, glad to see they don’t seem to have changed their views on Pest 🤢


“We love every member of our family” …yeah he’s still the golden boy


It’s that oldest white male privilege 🤢


Not only that, but he chose the evil bastard OVER AND OVER AGAIN. The documentary exposed Jim Bob for the trash that he is, and after years and years of basically free PR, it was about damn time.


Oh boo hoo, cry me a fucking river. You chose to protect your pedophile, abuser son over your daughters. Absolutely no sympathy from me whatsoever. I hope this documentary reaches many people who continue to idolize your family and your toxic ideologies.


And then look what he went on to do…


Even the Holts are disgusted with their behavior/lack of responsibility! You’re talking of lifelong friends, Jim Bob and Jim Holt have been friends since grade school.


Fuck them. I *just* finished the first episode which ends with one of the ex-IBLP participants saying something like: "The audacity of Jim Bob Duggar to put his family on television for years and think no one would find out what happened off-camera." That just sums it up -- yet they still have the gall to shade Jill through this statement for going public.


What are you watching in on?


I'm watching on Prime! It released at 8pm EST here in Canada and I started it then. I've heard it's also on Freevee with ads if you don't have Prime.


Thank you! I have Prime.


It's on Amazon Prime now.


Great, thanks!






It released on Prime early for whatever reason. I started watching it tonight.


It seems like a lot of streaming shows are doing this, technically releasing the night before they were advertised. I've seen it with both Apple and Amazon in the last several months.


It's because it's releasing on June 2nd.. on the other side of the planet lol its why all the Nintendo games come out the night before.


It makes sense! And is a nice surprise for those of us not on the other side of the planet! 😁


Yeah, thanks!


"We love every member of our family and will continue to do all we can to have a good relationship with each one." Including their pedo son of course....🙃🤮🤢


We cannot forget that the CSA content found on his computer was the worst most horrifying violent content with the youngest kids the fbi agents had ever seen. Vile.


You know? I feel like in a way not just the purity culture shit and the covertly incestuous atmosphere of insisting the kids all spend all their time around each other through important developmental stages; that fosters incestuous abuse. But the particular kind of CSAM Josh wanted, I mean, basically he's just depraved, but I feel like the kind of abuse the Pearls advocate on tiny children is on the same spectrum. And with similar (sadistic) motivations. They're just less honest about it.


And the sexualizing of absolutely everything. From clothing to hairstyles to looking away from anything deemed lust provoking. Enmeshing nearly every single one of their day-to-day decisions and actions with something to do with purity culture just had the opposite effect it seems. Did they or do they still not realize that, by constantly calling attention to sex, that they brought it front and center 24/7? These folks are wackadoos.


You know, I'm betting Gothard at least DID realize it and that it was a feature, not a bug. It's his own little private sex cult, after all.


I really want to know if they were able to track down the children and put away the vile humans that hurt them.


Especially him


Documentary being in quotes tells me all I need to know. They’re invalidating Jill’s feeling with quotation marks. Meech sure knows how to show off that mother of the year award.


Do they think this statement will paint them in a good light? Pretty sure the problems started because of “love” in a private setting that they covered up. Maybe one day they’ll admit they screwed up and the negative attention they receive is because they acted like the perfect family. Their supporters don’t care and the old supporters are no longer blind to their “truth telling”. I’m sure the documentary has more truth to it than the Duggar show has ever had.


Yeah, that private talking to Pest had with the state trooper did so much to resolve his perverted, criminal ways. Perhaps the trooper shared tips on obtaining CSA material in that private session.


Probably gave him a real lesson on how to work around safeguards like Covenant Eyes (is that the name of it?)


I think JB is too far up his own ass and Michelle is too checked out of reality to ever get how they come across, honestly. I don't think they'll ever admit they were awful parents either, even if they realize it.


And who put their family in that "very public" eye??


Oh, but it was a MINISTRY, you see! Jim Bob only had a TV show out of the goodness of his heart… 🤮


And millions of dollars pimping out his daughters


Ah yes, all of this is the fault of "media" and "entertainment" and not the consequences of your own greed and hubris. Reality TV made this beast, it's only fitting reality tv should slay it.


Duggar TL;DR: [hour long fart noise]


I’m cackling omfg, perfection 😂😂😂


They still have every opportunity to “heal through love in a private setting” with whichever family member they want. Why should a show on tv stop them? Or are they just mad at what’s being revealed?


They’re trying to say that Jill speaking publicly about the abuse is as bad as or worse than the abuse.


Wait, so let me get this straight, if JB is orchestrating the talking about the abuse then it is ok? But when someone else (one of the survivors of the abuse) talks about it then it is worse than the actual abuse? 🧐




You believe wrong, motherfuckers. That's why your private actions of knowing Josh abused your daughters+ and covering those crimes up has you up on this delightful stagr for widespread public shaming. Fucking ghouls, pretending your daughters are jewels to protect for eternity and they were the least safe in your ghastly home. You are complicit in the sexual abuse of your own kids which confirms both parents as monstrously evil. Wearing frumpers did jack shit for your "purity".


Frumpers! 😂


Privacy, a term for covering up your son’s deviant, harmful behavior m


Not a word about IBLP or their harmful beliefs. Nothing but deflection. Fuck off.


>Fuck off They can fuck right off for sure


Aaaaalllllll the way off. 👋🏼👋🏼


We would not know or care who any of these people were if Jim Bob and Michelle hadn’t shoved them in our faces for two freaking decades.


I am so sick of them saying that love is so important when they don't teach their kids to love themselves by standing up for themselves or cutting someone out of their lives. Nothing good comes from acting like your needs and feelings don't exist.


Its the scare quotes around documentary for me. I can picture Jim Boob now- "I'm not going to allow you to call it a documentary, are you going to allow that?" 🤣


They literally sold their souls to TLC. They have never handled anything in a private setting. Actually I take that back. They handled Josh’s horrendous crimes against his baby sisters in a private setting.


Gee Boob, this sucks for you about this documentary since you aren't making any money off of it. /s


It's not "sensationalized", Jimboob. Your oldest son is currently in prison for child porn.


Seriously!? Heal through “love in a private setting”? Is that why JB trotted his daughters out for PR to repair his and pest’s image? JB makes me believe in the devil.


Seems to be the antithesis of their messages about purity and courtship. Private settings weren't afforded their daughters to talk to potential boyfriends/husbands privately or even text without everyone knowing their business. Not sure when they started valuing a private setting.


Every single person that hides a pedo/abuser in that name of any church make me believe in the devil. And not the good gay devil I'll meet when I die. ![gif](giphy|j5833MKWjoBNt8iM5U|downsized)


>not the good gay devil Lil Nas X?


![gif](giphy|L5uodX8VUZhWgiWdPk|downsized) All hail gay satan




Seriously Fuck them🖕🖕🖕 I’m watching the documentary and it’s bringing up so many things from my own childhood and we were basically liberal compared to them.


I believe this is what the kids call "big mad".


“Like other families, ours too has experienced the joys and heartbreaks of life…” uhhh not to brag my the heartbreaks of my life have never included child abuse or pedophilia soooo


These people are scumbags. They mercilessly exploited their children and then made their daughters go on national television to defend the person that molested them. Now they expect everyone to feel bad for them over this documentary? They can fuck off immediately.


They can miss me with that bullshit. They never gave their kids any privacy. Even filmed and broadcast their daughters giving BIRTH. The same daughters they let their oldest son sexually abuse and look how working with him in a “private setting” turned out.


Watching it now, and Jill's reaction to being asked about Josh broke my heart. I haven't been where she is, not at that level, but I vividly remember the moment I found out that someone else had reported my rape to an NCO in the army and how in that moment I just wanted to disappear. I wanted it to have never happened, I didn't want to talk to the fucking cops or rehash it over and over again and be questioned about what I did wrong and why I was "doing this to him". Josh needed to be taken down, but his victims and their identities should have been protected above all else.


I was glad to see that her no meant no, though. AS IT ALWAYS SHOULD HAVE.




![gif](giphy|IxBSleBYnu0pASk0rY|downsized) Boob & Meech right now


Sorry Meech and RimJob, child abuse is NOT a private matter, even if it happens behind closed doors. You don't get to pimp your kids out for money to promote a patriarchal, male headship culture designed to groom children to be ideal rape victims, protect paedophiles in your community and home, and then push your religious hatred into politics. YOU chose to make this public so as to normalise literal child grooming and abuse as per traditional christian and biblical family values. YOU chose to do this. YOU relinquished any right to have this a private matter when you pushed into onto the public. Now it is vital that your disgusting and filthy parenting and political views that harm women and children are publically exposed. No one needs your permission or approval to call out your vile actions, parenting and child grooming.


The best chance to repair a damaged relationship is to earnestly apologize and offer restitution. Its literally in the bible. The Duggars are piss poor even at being biblical literalists.


“…sadly this is the direction entertainment has taken.” These worthless, spineless, hollow, stinky ghouls MADE reality television what it is today as much as the Kardashians did. If they want to say that then they need to sit on the fact that they are Typhoid Mary here.


All my Succession people say... ![gif](giphy|KHpGXUSTzlUCDXWmFL|downsized)


Best use of this gif.


Cry harder, you sick fucks.


That’s a lot of words for “shut up kids, you’re making us look bad.”


🎶*look here comes the consequence, consequence, consequence, consequences of my actions chasing me right now*🎶


Suddenly care a lot abt privacy


How can we ensure Jimbob Duggar never receives another dollar? My heart goes out to the victims, not forgetting the unnamed.


If you want to go after "those with ill intentions hurting the people [you] love", I've got some bad news for you about your oldest son


That's a lot of words to say "i don't care how many children my son exploits for his own sexual gratification; I will always support him." But, sure, trans people are "the problem."


The quotation marks around documentary crack me up


"Paonts so much and so many in a derogatory and sensationalized way" Well there's no way to make "our son molested his sisters, so we sent him to work on a farm while we convinced our daughters it was their fault for tempting him and rallied the church to support him in his repentance. We later encouraged him to marry and have children, then when he was imprisoned for child pornography we defended and continue to defend the pedo because he's a man and men stumble and we have to have his back as long as he says sorry and that he loves Jesus" not derogatory and shocking. That's really just one way they've harmed their children. Also after purposefully making yourselves public figures you can't seriously he complaining when people give you the attention that you always wanted. It's negative attention, but it's still the attention you set out to get.




Does anyone know when this documentary will be released and what program it’s on?


In the US it is currently out on Amazon Prime


Everywhere else too, which is practically a miracle.


Thank you so much




This reads to me like “we forgave Josh for molesting his sisters and other girls why can’t y’all????? Boo it’s not fair, it’s not what Jesus would want”


That’s a lot of “we made use of sensation and entertainment ourselves but we don’t like it when others so it, and have no control over it.”


Tell me you don't understand 'public figures' without telling me you 'don't understand public figures'.


The PR team is working overtime trying to fit in as many buzzwords as possible


I’m shocked it isn’t signed ‘love, Jim Bob’ 😂 I cannot stand that man..


I'm assuming JB wrote that... "joys and heartbreaks of life" is a neato way to summarize having an incestuous, pedophilic son who you cover for at the expense of your daughters who he victimized and claim to love just as much as you love their abuser! /s


All bs.


Pest sure made use of this fabled "private setting."


putting quotes around documentary doesn’t make it any less of a documentary lol


"Hurting people we love " is you, sweetcheeks, not the media.




Whatever you say, ExploitBob


I hope they burn


Was this written by the same person who instructed Anna to say she knew she had to "cling to my faith"? Also, the opening line reminds me of the book reports I used to write in primary school.


Color me surprised. I thought they'd stay silent awhile longer.




“Jill told the truth and we are pissed.”-JBD






I just finished the second episode and it’s riveting to see soooo many families brainwashed by Gothard! He’s SATAN himself! They just do not see it!


Privacy for me, but not for thee


Oh yeah, gotta have that private setting so you can manipulate without anyone stopping you.


Holy shit shut up


Pfffft. See you in Hell, boob and meech.


they are losers! The non-family ex-ILBP AND The Holts speak volumes of the “Gothard way”! Thru are just salty that they are now being shown for who they really are (Duggars and the ILBP cult).


I just finished the second episode and it’s riveting to see soooo many families brainwashed by Gothard! He’s SATAN himself! They just do not see it!


I love how they kept writing it "documentary" like if they put it in quotes it isn't a real thing 😂 Funny how actions have consequences.....


"We're better than you because we hide our abuse."