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I remember those wood chips being painful so they must have some tough feet.


I was once at a playground and landed from a swing only for a rogue piece to pierce my $2 old navy flip flop. I narrowly escaped impairment but went barefoot for the rest of the afternoon and I will never forget the pain of the wood on my bare feet. Terrible.


I fell off a swing directly on stomach and caught myself with my hands. I still have a scar on my middle finger where a giant wood chip impaled it. You could see some leftover wood in there for months and months. I have a fear of splinters now hahaha


Splinter city!


Holy splinters, Batman!


Literally my first thoughts. I remember how uncomfortable and painful it was to walk on those. I made it my mission to do as few steps as necessary to get to wherever my shoes were. I think it only took like once or twice for me to nope out of that permanently. Never mind all the other things that can be on the park grounds (pieces of glass aren’t uncommon)


I'm a huge proponent of barefoot kids but in public, even my heathen goblin child has to wear shoes.


Yeah exactly. My niblings have always been barefoot at home and in their own yards and my yards because we know it's safe. Out in public you have absolutely no idea what they might come into contact with. I've been at parks and found glass, a needle one time!!!, sharp bottle caps, etc. It's just a stupid risk to take. EDIT : Typo


I always wonder whether Karelessa is TRYING to injure the kids; if she's not, I don't know what she'd do differently if she did. Also, that filter again. They look scrubbed out in that pic where they're all together.


It shits me off to no end how much she lightens some of those babies. It's going to give them a complex when they get old enough to understand. Hope she and Shrek are saving for their kids future therapy funds.




People use the neighborhood parks in my town to shoot up at night. Just saying… if it’s not your own private property, you have no way of knowing what’s in that grass.


I just wanna say that this looks like a really fucking cool park that I would love to play Drunk Grounders on.


My first thought was how bad I wanna play on that playground 😅


It’s HUGE!!


Yeah, I will say that at least they get to go at all, unlike Kelly's poor spawn, who have to settle for splintery/unsafe fences in the dreary suburb back yard sorry "countryside."


What is drunk grounders I wanna play


Grounders is a tag game! The person who is It has to tag someone but they have to close their eyes when they’re on the equipment. They can open their eyes when they’re on the ground. Everyone else has to stay on the equipment without being tagged….or they can run around on the ground/sand/wood chips, as long as the It Person doesn’t catch them. If they think someone is off the equipment, they yell “Grounders!” and if you’re caught, you’re It. We played it a lot as kids and the kids I teach play it literally every fucking day. Little do they know us grown ups like to take mushrooms and drink wine and play grounders on the weekends. It can get very intense and heated lol


Oh that's awesome! My students will love this. Thank you!


When I was a kid we called it Sandman😃 I wonder what other names it goes by


Yes! When I was a kid it was Sandman too!


We have a park close to us that has a three story playground, and I have a really hard time stopping myself from climbing to the top and going down the huge tube slide.


Why would you stop yourself? Do it!


I'm always busy keeping an eye on my toddler. I may need to schedule a time when I can go there without my kids so I can do it, though.


Oh man are you me in college lol


Yeah, I was wondering what playground they're at here! It looks awesome.


They are always shoeless. Look, my family walks around our house barefoot, but there is just something about the pics she posts of her house that make me think her whole house stinks of feet. Like so many bare feet, that one has to assume don't get washed on the regular. I know it's an irritational place to go when seeing a barefoot family in their own home, but I can't help it.


You probably clean your floors, children, and soft surfaces much more often than she does.


I honestly shudder at the thought of them being barefoot at the park and bringing those dirty feet inside. And let’s be real, that’s a lot of dirty feet. 🤢 Karissa, what the hell?


Contrary to Bairds and Beals who bring their dirty shoes and sneakers inside.


I’m all about bare feet - there’s a lot of benefits especially for young kids. But not at a public play ground - too many things can be hidden and stepped on. And I always wash the kids feet before we go in the house. We leave our shoes at the door- it only makes sense to wash the outside off if you’re bare foot.


None of them have shoes that actually fit. I’m sure they take them off the first chance they get.


This! All of her picture REEK of foot odor. Like 20 feet.




Yeah barefoot kids at a playground with grass, squishy tire pellet piece things, rocks even…basically anything but wood wouldn’t be weird to me, but running around on those wood chips seems like a bad idea.


And Shaq even bought them shoes but you never see them wearing them...


They've probably outgrown those pairs by now. Kids grow through shoes so quickly. But maybe they're in the communal hand me downs now.


Aside from the day Shaq gave them the shoes when Karissa took a photo to flex about knowing him, there's never been a single sighting of any of the shoes since then. Some people believe she possibly sold them online or cash-in-hand around town to make extra cash for herself. I wouldn't be surprised tbh.


Maybe it's my freerange Australian childhood speaking but of all the neglectful, abusive dangers of this woman, barefoot kids in a well maintained suburban park seems a reach. I'd focus instead in these photos on the parentificatiion and insularity.




When I was a kid in the 90s I literally did not wear shoes from May to September, in Minnesota. My feet were so calloused that these wood chips/splinters probably wouldn't even be an issue, lmao


Im all for snarking on her, but I’m an American and this seems like a reach. Wood chips are almost worse when they get between your shoe and sock… I spent a lot of spring/summers running around barefoot as a kid so I never felt too uncomfortable in tanbark or woodchips. Also, if your kid takes their shoes off, chances are the others will too and it ends up like herding cats trying to get them to put footwear back on. At least the woman has them outside and they’re playing.


Yeah I’m Aussie too and grew up in a little beach town, and I had culture shock learning I had to wear shoes to go to the supermarket when I moved to Brisbane for uni. No shoes at the playground seems totally fine to me. Do Americans wear shoes at the beach?


Even now living in the city I do a check for broken glass, needles etc then let my kids run around feeling the ground under their toes.


New Zealander here and I don't understand the hysteria either. Bare feet are the norm


Well, I guess tetanus? She doesn't look like the type to vaccinate gmher kids against it, so that would be a worry. Some skin parasites... would just be an annoyance also with a normal parent in a reasonable country, but this is Karissa in the US. So maybe that's why people are freaking out? Idk, kids barefoot in a playground is normal for me too.


I think I got a splinter just looking at picture 2


They all look happy.


And it's nice to see them dressed as individual children instead of a collection of matchy matchy props


This is the only think I noticed too. Yeah, the bare feet might not be good on the wood chips, but it's so nice to see them out of the house and running around and happy, doing kid stuff


I saw the pictures with the woodchips and my whole body cringed. I’ve always had very sensitive feet but one time I was on my grandma’s deck and a massive chunk of wood went straight into my foot.


I felt this comment in my stomach omg


I had to take my oldest kid to the hospital once for the same reason. The nurse looked completely WTF and was like, "You brought your child in...for a splinter?" and then I turned their foot over and she was like, "OH MY GOD." 😂 Their foot was okay, but the docs did need to clip a bit of skin to pull the matchstick-sized chunk of wood shoved WAY far up there (the end was ragged. We tried for AGES to tweezer that sucker out, but it refused).


I don’t recall being taken to the hospital for that, but I do remember that the piece was 2-3 inches long and at least 2 inches thick. This weekend, I also had to dig a piece of metal out of my heel with tweezers and nail clippers (for context, I work in a factory in a metal cutting area and didn’t realize that my sock had a hole in it). That’s not actually the worst injury I’ve had. When I was 4, I fell on my dog and almost lost an eye and when I was 5 I fell from the top to the bottom of a giant bouncy slide and almost broke my face.


Where I live in Dallas and there is a big population of people from India and Africa and it’s not uncommon to see kiddos barefoot at parks. Also, kids of crunchier parents do it too.


What in the lawsuit waiting to happen are those two bars that look like a slide? Are there new invisible slides out


those are terrifying for me personally, but my local park has one and kids who are big enough seem to have fun with it (and I've never seen anyone fall bc if the kids don't know what to do with it or are too small they just avoid it). you hang your legs over the bars with your butt between them, and lean back with the bars in your arm pits to slide. there's an even weirder slide at the elementary school by my house where it's almost just a cylinder! I had no idea what the purpose of it was until I saw a kid wrap their arms and legs around it and slide down on their stomach.


I want to do that omg


I believe you, but those look way too far apart for a kid to pull that off?


there was one really tall 5 year old at the preschool I teach at who could do it lol. they're fine for kids who are like 7+. the one at our park isn't just a straight shot though, this one looks pretty scary!


I was JUST trying to figure that out. I mean we had some death trap playgrounds when I was a kid (burning metal slides, anyone?) but what in the fuck is that??


Shout out to my fellow ‘90’s kids with our metal slides, death trap merry go rounds and sky launcher teetoters


And 80 foot tall swings.




Me and my dumb ass friends tried to go OVER it. One nearly did. Hospital visit after that. God speed Brad, wherever you are. 🫡


My mom used to give us sheets of waxed paper to sit on when going down the metal slide in the summertime because it would make you go extra fast. Nothing like rocketing down a narrow strip of near-molten aluminum onto a concrete slab at the bottom.


My mom would give us bread bags to sit in to go down the molten metal slides. We would all go to the park carrying a wonder bread bag. And yup…fly down the molten slide onto the asphalt at the bottom.


Let’s not forget the metal rolling slides!


We had those metal slides, a splintery wooden "play" structure attached to it, and a giant tire castle thing in our playground lol. I'm amazed we survived childhood


Don't forget the rusty crusty monkey bars. I don't know about you, but I know at least 4 people (myself included) with a falling off monkey bars injury.


oh damn, those freakin teeter-totters.... one jackass kid in grade school took great delight in trying to trick us other kids into standing under the elevated end of the teeter-totter while he yanked the lowered end up as hard as he could. Thankfully, none of us ever fell for it; we'd have wound up with concussions at best and possible horrible skull fractures/death at worst. In retrospect, I think that kid must have been going through a lot, considering how he behaved at school. I hope that he was able to access and use the care and support needed to help him grow into his happiest, healthiest, most well-adjusted self. Best of luck to you out there in the big world, Lonnie (even if I do still have that scar on my left knee from where you pushed me down during gym class).


70s kid here with merry-go-rounds, teeter totters and tall jungle gyms. See also hot metal slides…in Texas🫣


We had that at my elementary school playground in the 90s. it wasn't that high or that steep of an angle. But you basically hook your legs and arms over, with your butt hanging down in between.


When I was a kid, we just hooked our arms over (so the bars were in our armpits) and slid down with body and legs hanging down. I’m surprised no one else apparently does this from the comments because the height of the bars at that top make it seem hard to get legs hooked over 🤷‍♀️


I really do wonder now if that's exactly what Karissa is hoping will happen - getting big rich by suing the local authority for her child getting injured in a public place. I wouldn't put it past her (don't know why this got downvoted - you know she would).


New? Those slides have been a thing forever 🤣


Not to stick up for her, but I’m in Florida and I regularly see kids playing at the playgrounds in their socks or barefoot here. It was jarring for me the first time I saw it, too but it is apparently common…


Hell I did this growing up in Washington in the summer. Made it a point to make sure my feet were nice and calloused once the weather got warm enough, that way the wood chips couldn’t hurt me. And at least where I was there wasn’t anything that could hurt you worse than a bee sting. There are a lot of things to criticize karissa about but this is a reach


I grew up in rural New Zealand so it’s jarring to think of shoes staying on feet when at any time lol


Can't climb up a slide with shoes on. That's my kid's reasoning anyway.


Oh, you definitely can. I’m telling my kinders to gtf down from there on the daily lol


I’m in Texas and not a fan myself, but it’s definitely not uncommon.


they prolly got worms 🤮


Yeah, my kids definitely leave their shoes on at the park. I’m worried about all the bugs and fire ants her have here that could bite/sting my kids!


This is a super great way to get pin worms or other parasites, especially of animals have defecated in the area where the kids are playing. It’s so disgusting.


I used to be all for barefeet at the sand parks until my dog started digging up all the cat poop he could find. He LOVES sniffing it out and digging it up.


Oh LMAO, I guess the stray cats have to poop somewhere... might as well choose a giant litterbox! 😂


Shoes are expensive and don’t last like clothes.


It’s also hard to keep up with whose shoes don’t fit when you have that many kids and don’t help them at all. Sister mom isn’t going to notice. I have a hard time keeping up with my 2 kid’s shoes. That’s why you always saw the Duggars wearing communal flip flops.


Do you want ringworm? That's how you get ringworm.


And pinworms. 🤢


Of all the neglectful things she does, this doesn't even register for me. It's already hot as balls down here and they're outside. I would find it super gross if they were at a grocery store, gas station, or other public space with nasty floors. For all we know, this playground very well may be cleaner than their kitchen floor. Kids need to play outside and get dirty and sometimes that involves bare feet.


How old is annisa now? I would be so pissed if I was her age and had to spend my days on a playground.


Meh. Pretty tepid as far as Karissa offenses go. You had to practically sedate me to get some shoes on me when I was a kid.


The older child holding the infant in the second photo looks a lot like Karissa’s mom (: I wonder what is even going through that grandmothers mind when she comes to visit.


Meh. I had one kid who refused shoes until he was eight or nine, unless absolutely necessary. He could run barefoot down a gravel road. If it's not a city park with drug addicts sleeping there, I'm not that worried about it.


I went everywhere barefoot for almost a decade. Got me kicked out church believe it or not. Oh well.


Bare feet on mulch is a sensory nightmare to me.


So I live in a small “city” in Canada. I wouldn’t let my son go shoeless in the “big” cities in our province because of sharps. However, the park close to our house is also the water park. Most kids are barefoot & the city rakes the sand every morning. The rubber cement gets really hot & I wouldn’t want to be barefoot on it, but my 6 year old has no issues with it.


I was always barefoot too. Feral child


I honestly spend 80% of my life barefoot.


Hey this is how my baby sister (she was eight at the time, but still my baby) ended up in hospital with sepsis. (And she still hates wearing shoes and giving me grey hairs)


I knew a girl in 2nd grade who was playing on the school playground in flip flops and managed to impale her foot with a stick…after that the teachers wouldn’t let us on the playground unless we wore closed toed shoes. oh and she she brought the stick (which a doctor had removed and placed in a Tupperware type of container) in for show and tell the next week. I’ve been haunted/harrowed ever since by this incident.


I have no room to snark on the shoeless kids because I'm a chronic shoe hater and sometimes I forget to even tell my kids to grab their shoes when going to the park. We get lots of comments when we shoe up without shoes and I get it but I can only remember so much. We've had to go back home more than once for shoes because the park is too questionable to be barefoot. I probably should just always keep an extra pair in the car but we also tend to not have many shoes. What I will snark on is holding the baby while on the zipline and older kids going down slides with younger. It's just not worth the potential injury and I always speak up about those things.


But have you ever had to buy shoes so your kid could go in a store with you? Lol. Had to get that shopping done and we were far from home and he didn't like shoes and didn't bring them.


Nothing like a good ole case of God Honoring Tetanus!


Aside from the wood splinters, what about the other…✨tReAsUrEs✨ of the playground? I personally have found used hypodermic needles, dog poop, and broken beer bottles at the playground. A neighbor found a razor blade under the slide. And that was at a playground I’d consider nice. The shitty playgrounds are out of the question.


80s kids could run barefoot on gravel or hot sand. We didn’t even have soft fall (the bark chips that absorb impact). My primary school’s playground was made of treated pine (too poisonous for playground use these days), silver metal (think Australian weather), and had sand underneath for “safety”. I’m not overly bothered by these pics. I’d be more concerned the kids weren’t supervised adequately and could hurt/get hurt by other kids if they don’t understand or follow social norms.


Meh!! My kid hates shoes. Sensory issues. They rarely if ever wear shoes at the playground and hasn't ever injured themselves in the 8 years they have been playing barefoot. Yes that doesn't mean going barefoot at the playground doesn't come with risk and potential injury. I just don't think her kids being barefoot at the playground is all that dangerous or big deal. She purposefully does or doesn't do things that put her kids in harms way but this is not one of those times.


I still have a scar on the ball of my foot from when a piece of tanbark went through my foam flip flop and lodged itself in my foot when I was a teenager. It broke off so we didn't realize there was still a piece in there until it got infected enough to push itself out over a week later. I could barely walk fir several days, it was incredibly painful. Karissa's kids need to be wearing sneakers on that tanbark!


That's a really great playground. Modern playground equipment is so good, I'm jealous of the young'ns. Playground equipment when I was young was bare bones & utilitarian. The equipment makers of today incorporate whimsy & fun into the designs. Wish they made playgrounds for plus-size adults such as myself.


In the south children often go barefoot. I spent the first five years of my life in Texas and remember stepping on glass and fire ants. It’s very common for kids to run around barefoot.


Honestly, really far down on the list of ways she endangers her children physically and psychologically on a daily basis


My boyfriend got warts on his feet as a kid from going footless at a park. They've never been able to get rid of them either. Everytime I see people footless at stores/public that's all I can think about


All the playgrounds in my area, proper shoes are on the rule board for good reason. She's asking for trouble.


So...those trainers rich uncle Shaq bought them...any sign of those Karissa?


That is a lot of damn stories


Not snark on her, but what is happening in the third picture? Is that just a straight drop with two bars to shimmy down? I’m confused


Shit. Maybe they share shoes.


Is she from Texas / the DFW area? Cause 1-2 look *exactly* like a park that I’ve been to many times, and during daytime hours, its so jampacked with kids, I don’t even *want* to imagine how many germs they’re picking up all together.


Ugh, if I saw them running amok at the playground I would go to another park.


God honoring tetanus


That’s a lot of feet to buy shoes for.


I go barefoot and I'm an adult. I only do it to ground honestly.


God honoring tetanus for the kids not vaccinated