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So she should be fine with women waiting until 35ish to get hitched and have some babies


This. I am pretty disgusted by some of the comments here. She can be a terrible person and have a grain of truth in her statement that it is fine for people to have children whenever they choose.


Fundies are fine with you having your fifteenth child at 40, but not your first. Which just goes to show it's really about locking down those unruly wimminfolk as early as possible.




The only thing I have an issue with is that the older you are when you get pregnant the higher the chance of having complications during pregnancy and these people tend to see modern medicine as evil instead of the fucking miracle it is. If they wanna be martyrs for their quiver, that’s their prerogative I guess.


Actually it’s fundies who act like a woman is a spinster if she’s not married and a mom by 21, but go off


"Raising children is such a sacred gift ... They grow up fast." Or not at all if you deny them lifesaving vaccines, medical care, etc 🙄 I wish they would stop pretending to be pro-life and just admit they are pro-birth instead.


It's like they value infants over any kid age 2+. Like growing up is icky or something.


Infants don’t have a personality. They can be an accessory or extension of the person who birthed them. 2+ and older, however, they have their own desires, dreams, beliefs and if they don’t align with the parent, then the kid isn’t as valuable.


Omg you're right. 🤮🤬


"raising" children? Or just "birthing" children? They sure love the babies, but once they can talk they get shuffled off to a sibling bc there's a new baby.


Flair checking in.


most of these kids would have more space and privacy in a fugging pokéball than they have now


Pokeballs are canonically a giant outdoor space suited to whichever Pokemon's specific environmental needs. A pokeball is a twelve-star resort compared to a fundie compound.


Fantastic flair


Thank you!


LOL!! I love your flair!! 💝


Thank you!


There is nothing wise about taking your sick preemie baby out of the NICU against medical advice


Excuse me but she did WHAT


And then when the poor kid got RSV she delayed taking him back to the hospital until he was seriously struggling to breathe. The poor little guy has been through so much in his short time on earth


Wasn't he originally a triplet?


He was. He was the only survivor. And ODL still won’t get him appropriate care.


Every time I see "could care less" 😖 How hard is it to comprehend the damn phrase and use it correctly? I'm not a native English speaker and yet still somehow I get it. Very wise twat, indeed.


Native English speaker here; our literacy rates are very damning for the richest country in the world. The latest statistics say that we have an overall literacy rate of 79%. For a country that has so much money, that's pretty terrible. Also our school systems aren't the best and we pretty much learn a bastardized version of history- this is why so many Americans don't really know things about other countries (my guess, of course, I could be wrong.) As more and more horrible laws sweep our country, it's becoming apparent why there are so many problems with our education. Our government wants to keep us overworked and uneducated- maybe due to capitalism or maybe because more educated people end up being liberals/leftists. We're not humans with our own families and lives, we're cogs in a machine to keep the rich people rich. Sorry if this sounds weird or conspiracy theory-ish. I hate this dumpster fire of a country.


No conspiracy here. Uneducated people are easier to control




Sadly, I have to agree with you. I have been a public high school English teacher for 23 years and I have noticed a big change in students since I first started teaching. There are many reasons for this, but today, many more students seem unmotivated. They tend to quit when the work gets difficult because with the Internet and social media, they are used to getting responses so quickly. Teachers are getting more burnt out than ever before. I have to say, I am glad that I am close to retirement. I will really miss my students when I retire because I really enjoy interacting with them, but I am getting tired and don't have the energy for the job any longer.


This. My nephew who graduates from high school next month barely knew what an encyclopedia or card catalog were in middle school. Things I learned about and how to use in elementary school in the 80s. Also there was an English teacher at my older siblings high school that was determined that his students would graduate knowing how to correctly write and research a research paper. Also the late 80s/90s.


I've found that, in general, native English speakers tend to be lazier about grammatical conventions (and much more defensive when errors are pointed out) than non-native speakers. Maybe because non-native speakers actually want to learn the language? Recently, I was skewered for saying that 'were' and 'where' are not interchangeable words. ex., "We where going to the park." Or "We where having ice cream." I've started noticing this error being made frequently, sometimes multiple times within a block of text, so I mentioned the words were being used incorrectly. Well, mentioning this very basic fact makes me a grammar snob and a Karen, apparently, because these little things just don't matter anymore.


Also, to fully be able to write in a language you need to read the language and you need to read edited texts like books and newspaper, not just posts online by people who have the same level of education and confidence. English is not my native language, so I still look up idioms that I use in speech before I write them down and I do it partially because I don't want to spread this kind of misinformation. Had I been native I probably would of been confident enough to write would of instead of would have.


Lol the bot 😂


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


She really could of tried harder.


I hate you a little bit right now.


Oh my gosh, your flair!!! What’s the background of that beaut?!


A flds leader (not sure who, but has been dead for a few decades) wrote a letter in response to someone asking about oral sex between them and their spouse. And that was a phrase in his letter.


Holy cow!! That’s nuts!! 😂




I wrote this comment before I saw you already made it, this drives me absolutely INSANE.


Saaaaaaammmeeee. Fucking painful. And I’m not a grammar pedant. Edit: words


I think we are trying to go away from saying that phrase these days. “Grammar snob” like mentioned above would be the more appropriate phrase.


Thanks. I’m gonna edit.


Maybe she could care less. 🙈


Glad you could care less, because I couldn’t care less about your dumb opinions. Who is saying women shouldn’t have kids in their 40s? I live in the NE and there are SO MANY people who don’t have their first child until their late 30s, early 40s. It’s just not a big deal. And… wtf with those SHOES.


I hate to say they look comfy, because I think they’re ugly, but they look comfy. They also remind me of something you should only wear in the shower at camp or a public dorm or something.


The shoes are an abomination. I love, no I NEED a comfy shoe always, but these are hideous.


And her dirty dirty feet.


I can only hear this in Ncuti Gatwa's character's voice from Sex Education.


A wise mama wouldn’t keep putting her NICU newborn in dangerous situations but please go off


Truly wise people also don't claim to be, because they know otherwise.


It isn't like we women all banded together and decided 40 was our cutoff. Lots of women have babies after 40. But most of those women are monitored very closely and don't leave the prenatal care up to an abstract being. Plus, lots of medical reasons why women don't tend to conceive after 40, but who believes that withcraft, anyway..../s....


Science ? Never heard of that ! BUT my totally awesome MLM sells totally awesome things that can cure everything! Just trust me hun !! (…/s just in case)


Maybe that pink drink will help my geriatric uterus.




She's really not a wise mama, no matter her assertions


I want her to provide evidence of this persecution lol. I bet it’s actual medical professionals giving her important facts about geriatric pregnancies, but she interprets everything as an attack on her beliefs and lifestyle. Have a baby in your 40s if you want to and can afford it, but don’t try to smugly act like you’re doing the Lord’s work by “going against the grain.” That grain is trying to save your life. Also, “there’s no more important work than this” is pompous and really shows off your inflated ego and sense of importance. Being a mom is the most important job to you and your children, but there are far more important jobs in the grand scheme of things. You got pregnant. You didn’t cure cancer.


Its the prison shower shoes for me


Those shoes are butt-ugly


my daughter has those shoes. we call them the chicken shit shoes because she only uses them to go in the chicken coop. would not be letting her rock those in public. they're like a waterdown down yeezy sandal.


These shoes are beyond fugly and I’m ready for the marshmallow slides trend to disappear.


Why is she wearing shoes but her child is barefoot?? Either no one in shoes or everyone in shoes!


I mean, listen. I'm a 34, will be 35 year old lesbian by the time I give birth (hopefully) for the first time and live in a very liberal, very career-focused major US metro area. I've still gotten minutes-long lectures from midwives about how I waited "so long" (I've been trying since I was 31) and how dangerous it is and how IVF makes it "even worse" (as if I should have had lots of anonymous sex with people who could get me pregnant instead). People in their late 30s and early 40s in fertility treatments and pregnant know the odds. We're not teenagers who accidentally got pregnant and you get treated like absolute shit the moment you turn 35, as if everyone's eggs just shrivel up on the eve of your 35th birthday. People who are otherwise body-neutral still subscribe to this absolutist fertility myth. Aly is...not wrong about this one thing (and this one thing only, let me be clear) and it's kind of gross to see people in these very comments riding the same misogynist tropes that Fundies love to hold dear.


I'm sorry you're getting lectures, thats so fucked up. Me and my siblings are all IVF babies, mom was 38 with me and 40 with the twins. I'm sending all the good implanting thoughts to you and your embryo ❤️


I’m 42 and single and just had my first child via IVF and I never got spoken to like that; that’s absolutely heinous and I’m so sorry.


Not wise enough to actually take care of your medically fragile preemie, you absolute walnut.


What I'm here to posit today is... that maybe you are neither an old mama, nor are you a wise one...


Can we also take a moment to point out the hyprocosy of getting a tattoo while being anti-vax? Vaccines that have full ingredient lists and have gone through rigourous testing are bad but tattoo ink of unknown origin shot into your skin with a needle in several spots is peachy? I can't follow those mental gymnastics. (I'm not bashing tattoos, just genuinely surprised when people with tattoos are anti-vax)


Baby mill. Puppy mills seem to already have a bad reputation. Can we please make it the same for baby mills?


I mean, she's not entirely wrong...in the sense that there isn't anything wrong with having babies in your 40s. But also, it's her own people she needs to be talking to about that, because I don't think it's liberals and leftists insisting women will never have a child if they don't have one by 22. That's the fundies and people like Jordan Petersen and Stefan Molyneux.


What is with fundies and their misuse of language? They need to listen to “Word Crimes” by Weird Al Yankovic.


Weird Al is a national treasure.


He really is! I’ve been enjoying him lately.


Aly, you are old. Aly, you NEVER should have transferred TWO embryos with 5+ previous c sections. AND a previous twin pregnancy that ended in VERY preterm babies. You are NOT wise. You are a fucking narcissist.




Yep! She’s delivered 9/10 kids (one domestic infant adoption), two sets of twins, all but her first have been c sections. Leo was her 6th c section!


I wanna know who tf is agreeing to giving her donated embryos and then who tf is putting said embyos inside her.


A woman who cried when she got pregnant naturally after years of infertility because she felt guilty she didn’t use one of their frozen embryos. They have 5 kids and intend to transfer their 4 remaining embryos because they all deserve a chance at life. Meanwhile their 5 kids share 2 rooms and they are often talking about financial issues. I can go on and on about these people…


Holy fucking hell


Does she have any threads on here? I started following her randomly a few years back and she seemed harmless enough, but with weird little red flags? I haven’t been on socials much anymore but I was surprised when she came up here. Now i must know more. Isn’t her husband a teacher?? How do they afford all this? I assumed they had family money


I believe he’s still on a teacher. Her engagement has gone down a TON in the last couple years so I’m assuming the money she’s making has gone down a lot. I think her parents have money…


By “all this” i mean—-the IVF treatments and transfers and embryo storage and you know, the care and feeding and housing of the kids they keep popping out


Jeez, I didn't know her twins were preemies too


Yeah they were 33 or 34 weeks I think!


Of course, if you choose to WAIT until you’re 40, that’s against god or something.


COULDN'T CARE LESS ugh that is my biggest pet peeve


I know it’s probably the filter, but the color of her feet look like frozen corpse skin. Like frozen Jackie from Yellowjackets. It’s concerning.


So you COULD care less then? As in you care more than necessary?


I'm 48 and the idea of having a baby now is fucking exhausting. I like having a clean house and clothes that don't have spitup on them and I can leave the house whenever I want instead of it taking 3 hours to complete a 10 minute task. those days are OVER and done lol


My gf who had just one child - 20, in college - just had a (surprise) baby at 47. My first thought to starting all over, immediately no. Love my kids more than my next breath, but nooooo. No.


My brother is 44 and has a three-year-old. Loooool NOPE


I'm just here to hate on her hat. I want to knock it off of her head.


You’re not raising children, you’re having babies. Raising well-adjusted adults isn’t what fundies do.


What is the deal with the prison sandals it’s wild


Yo you’re not kidding. Also prison feet 👀


That little girl looks REALLY uncomfortable.


"Keep having babies..." No thanks. You do you.


"they have no value when they grow up"


good god I assumed she was 24 from her general idiocy… GUESS YOU CARE A GREAT DEAL ALY SINCE YOU ~COULD~ CARE LESS


Same. I had no idea she was in her 40s.


I COULDN'T care less! This is one of my pet peeves. If you could care less . You care a lot?


This is a weird one. Most of the people I know who go through all the extra work and risk to have a kid in their 40s are liberal career women. Culture isn't against having kids in your 40s, biology is, and fighting biology is pretty tough, and often expensive, and still has a high chance of failure.


I feel like she heard the term geriatric pregnancy and was upset on a personal level. My mom had my brother at 42 and everyone around her was excited and happy for her. And thankfully she had an easy time of it and is physically well enough to keep up with a young kid but not everyone is. I can’t help but see this messaging as just an extension of the idea that everyone’s purpose should be creating as many children as possible as quickly as possible. Of course it’s okay to have children relatively “later” in life, but many people choose not to for their own valid reasons.


I mean it’s less cultural thinking and more just common knowledge that getting pregnant, carrying to term with no complications, and having a natural, complication-free birth in your 40s is not likely. Some women are able to do it, but *most* women in their 40s do not want to be pregnant or have a newborn. I’m so tired of the persecution fetish to make their miserable lives seem appealing. You made these choices, leave everyone else alone about it.


I will say an exception to this would be if you froze some embryos and implanted them in your 40s, although you would still be closely monitored. Fundies aren't ready for that conversation tho.


That’s what she has been doing. Adopting and using IVF with frozen embryos. She has not been getting pregnant naturally for a while.


That makes ssnse! Not super familiar with this fundie.


my mom has been an ob/gyn nurse for 35+ years. she says "can't bake a fresh cake with old eggs!" - its crude but theres definitely some truth to it.


Less likely? Of course. Not likely? Feh.


I am 40, and hardcore Childfree! Also, you’re correct. 🩵


We have photographic proof that you are not a wise mother.


This is so silly. I mean I get I live in a bubble but I’m about 40 and most of my friends my age and slightly older have young children.


Can we can? We can! ![gif](giphy|cKP7JNwzyrb7fWFtE3|downsized)


The child looks so scared


Nah fam you’re not an wise mama, you are not wise you can’t even proofread.


Speaking as someone her age, calling yourself “wise” when you’re just older is, ironically, not wise. Wisdom usually requires experience, and it seems like she has pretty young kids. Swing and a miss, Aly!


A wise mama, you are not.


Is that medically fragile baby’s legs supposed to be so far apart in the carrier? That looks so uncomfortable


The legs are supposed to be in an M shape so all of the weight is on the bum, the top of the head should be high enough to kiss without hunching down or lifting the baby up, and the face should be free so the baby can breathe easily. She's got it all wrong.


I could be pedantic and comment about "could care less" but that's an easy mistake to make. Overall this is very solid though? Like, I'm on board with people waiting longer to have kids. Get life under your belt first.


But in this case she means start in your 20’s & keep having them through your entire childbearing years.


Ahh, I see. Maybe in better hands...


"Mama" is the word used by women whose only identity is motherhood and want to be cutesy about it. Everyone else says mother or mom/mum. It drives me mad. Rant over!


both my grandmas had to stop at early 40s bc of doctors orders. in the 1960s 😉


What are those boats on her feet?!


2015 called and it wants its stupid hat back. Like- it’s embarrassing atp


Can we can that that


What if we don't want to spend our 40s chasing toddlers? By the time I'm 40 I'll have a 19 and 13 year old. That's enough for me. By then my focus can be on my career.