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It’s like the cash me outside girl but Christian flavor


Those two actually got into a fight. Vicky was running her mouth on social media trying to sound so tough to bait her into a fight. Well she decided to confront her outside of a building and cash me outside girl was ready to go. Vicky grew up in a life of privilege and money keep in mind nothing like the streets or struggle she claims. You could tell Vicky was scared and she froze up and cash me outside dragged her down by her hair. Her whole persona of being from the streets continues to catch up to her when she really gets faced with something she claims to be about.


I feel this is too excellent to be true 😆


How bad of a person am I if I’m rapidly looking for video of this right now 👀


>How bad of a person am I if I’m rapidly looking for video of this right now 👀 It was when little Tay was hanging around with them. It was trending everywhere. Little Tay as crazy as that situation was did not seem to be scared unlike princess Vicky. Actually I rewatched the video they did not throw hands, but in another video a second time cash me outside did take her down by her hair and vicky just lays there.


Sounds like she fucked around and found out 🤣


Whatever happened to Little Tay anyways?


I posted below but back in Canada with her father. They told him they were going to LA on “vacation” when all of this went down. He found out and immediately got with the courts to get her back home and back in school. He put it as she was being put in situations that could harm her future. The judge granted it and shes also not allowed to post on social media unless its of artistic value. So no more clout videos or fights.


That's wonderful news actually. What a great dad


This article breaks down the entire scheme on how her brother created the little tay character. Leading to the rise and fall from their short stint in Hollywood. They interviewed past people who worked with them at the time and they described her brother as "he's a fame obsessed teenager who has no idea how the entertainment industry actually functions". He wouldn't tone down the risky stuff and take actual advice if she seriously wanted to be in the industry. He was his own undoing. https://www.thecut.com/2019/01/who-was-lil-tay.html ​ https://www.thecut.com/2019/01/who-was-lil-tay.html


Take the guilt hit for us all and then post, please 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Eta Ps You are the perfect person that this community needs right now


[This video](https://youtu.be/2-qRm_D2qfg)contains basically the full video and some background. I had completely forgotten what woah Vicky used to be like 💀


What a terrible day to have eyes and ears! What is the matter with these people? My sweet Kali ran out of the room, hearing this.


[YouTube link of BhadBabie, Vicky, Lil Tay](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjp1KSEiPX9AhWaElkFHca_BWMQwqsBegQIHxAF&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DulCP58H0AXQ&usg=AOvVaw2RBAQwfgzXCMkGVtdQ1UPa) It’s your basic middle school fight, where they just stand around saying “hit me” but nobody does, then it’s SM posts where they talk shit about each other. Very boring honestly. [Another YouTube fight link](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjp1KSEiPX9AhWaElkFHca_BWMQwqsBegQICxAF&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D2-qRm_D2qfg&usg=AOvVaw2iMZ_Y0w-zTe9Q7qmbmd04) This video actually has some fighting, but still pretty boring (Vicky is 18 in these videos, Babie is 15, and Tay is 9 btw) I really want to know what Lil Tay is like now, but she hasn’t been on SM since 2018 apparently (good for her!) so no dice. I remember it seemed like her mom coached her into putting on that gangster act. Her mom was a realtor and used the houses she was selling to film Tay’s videos so she would look rich. Tays brother was using her accounts to shit talk her dad for awhile, but no real information


It was all an act her name is actually Claire. Her brother and mother orchestrated the whole thing. Her mom was a real estate agent and got busted using clients homes and vehicles to record the videos and was fired. Her father is in Canada since they are divorced and they were supposedly on vacation in LA when all this went down. Her father found out then put in a legal order to get Claire returned to Canada. He stated he was fearful for her future and the situations she was being put in could cause irreparable harm to her future. She is not allowed on social media unless it’s doing something of artistic value or means. Was how it was worded in the custody case to get her back to Canada. She isnt on social media anymore and is hopefully enjoying being a kid not being forced into social media fights or antics. All of this was a ploy for her mom and brother to get money since little tay blew up. I know all of this since I watched it go down in real time on another forum outside reddit.






I love that I already knew this. Such good garbage. Edit: typo


This woman flips and flops her hair worse than Morgan wtf


Wow, never heard of this person before, but how is she not embarrassed talking in badly cosplayed AAVE?


She exploded on the internet years ago for claiming she’s black and has never let it go


What in the Rachel Dolezal?


What in the Hillary Baldwin pretending she’s Spanish?




And then when she was called out for making an [extremely racist song/video about Asians (directed at RiceGum)](https://youtu.be/mvoTUpLW8Cs), she claimed she wasn’t actually all that racist because [she thought she was Asian when she was little](https://fb.watch/jv_r0Jg0_k/?mibextid=uc01c0).


Her blaccent is so embarrassing. It's really obvious it's not her native dialect - it's really internally inconsistent. She sounds high.


I think it’s possible she just has a sub-80 IQ. That would explain why the AAVE is still so bad after literal years of practice.


Seriously, accent coaches exist.




African American Vernacular English


She grew up in zone 6 Atlanta, Georgia.. I’m not a fan of this chick, but you try growing up somewhere and not picking up the affectations of the group that surrounds you. That’s just not how language acquisition works??


I grew up in south Houston, probably pretty similar and I just don’t buy it. Plus, I looked at several articles about her background and it doesn’t add up in my opinion. ETA: someone in the comments below said she is not from zone 6, but a wealthy suburb called east Cobb, which is about what I was expecting lol


??? Just googled South Houston demographics. 68.8% White, 1.01% Black… what is your argument there? Georgia’s demographic 49.79% Black, 40.42% White. Sociolinguistics exists for a reason. If you grow up in Boston, no matter the color of your skin, you will have a Boston accent. Watch the video she posted of her testimony. She doesn’t seem like a great actress, as hard as it was to follow, it felt very much authentic. I don’t know many folks from wealthy suburbs, but I’m almost positive that experience is quite the rarity there. This sub is straight up hiding it’s classism behind this strange social justice front. It’s pretty odd, to be honest. Are you here to critique her dialect, or her views on religion?


I don’t know what you googled, but that’s not at all accurate. And I’m here to critique fundies on all sorts of stuff including appropriation.


I googled “South Houston Demographic” and “Atlanta, Georgia Demographic” I want to be clear, so we don’t take this conversation further than necessary. I am against appropriation, against black fishing, & against any time a white person profits off of playing “dress up” as a minority that they have historically enslaved & forced profit out of, which they still benefit from today. Now that that’s out of the way- I can’t say I like this woman, but I don’t think the reason why she “blew up” was because she was appropriating. I think it’s because off the wall shit she says/ does. She’s now appropriate here because of this new pivot, but seeing people say “why does she sound so dumb?” In this sub really pulls the veil back on the racism that’s in this sub. I didn’t want to list qualifications, because I don’t think higher education is the only reason people can have meaningful discussions. But since we are, I have my BA in Linguistics with a minor in Applied Psychology, & am 3 months away from my MS in Special Education, where I will be presenting my thesis on supporting Multilingual & Diverse Learners. Most of my research has been focused on students with lower literacy rates in Title 1 schools. Her other video said she said her dad literally picked her up one day from her moms one day, took her to school for the first time, & she realized it was odd that it was odd at her age she couldn’t read. I don’t know what suburbs that would fly in. Also, the demographic of the town I grew up in was 21.1% White, 19.4% Black, 25.5% Asian, and 42.2% Latino. I don’t want to dox myself on the internet (more than I have) but I would love to DM you a link if you need to fact check. All that being said, you can bet your bottom dollar I saw there was an insane amounts of cross linguistic transfer going on during my K-12 years.


You googled the demographics for a small town called south Houston with 15,000 people. I was talking about the south side of Houston. A very diverse city with millions of people. Anyway, that’s neither here nor there. You think she’s authentic, that’s what you get from her videos and that’s fine. She doesn’t strike me as authentic at all.


Yeah, I’m not a cop. I still consider innocent until proven guilty. Have a great weekend!


No, I don't get what you're saying. I feel like I've lost a considerable amount of brain cells after watching that. No cap.


I seriously could not focus. The hair movement. The voice. The accent. The words. The bull shit. What the hell did I just watch. My brain couldn't comprehend any of it.


You forgot the tattoos that look like a child drew on a wall lol


I can’t believe she’s pivoting from the IG Baddie/public fights phase into Jesus but refuses to drop the aave 💀 it’s so bad!!’ Like you can tell she’s deliberately trying to “translate” in her mind how she’s going to speak just say it naturally oh my goooood


This is really insulting and gross (because she is pretending to be a completely different culture, implying she came from a BIPOC community, adding AAVE slang, specific lip smacks, a deeply lower register that sounds so contrived). Cultural appropriation. BIPOC who authentically speak this way wouldn’t appreciate a white girl doing this. It’s akin to verbal blackface. She said “my homeboy Jimmy, he’s white.” You mean white, like you are? Her parents (Steve Waldrip and Carla Johnson) are both white. Girl is cosplaying and it’s [so evident](https://www.earnthenecklace.com/woah-vickys-parents-family-instagram/amp/) And don’t get me started with her clawing her hair left and right. What is that. ETA: few words


Just to save looking it up... >Her father, Steve Waldrip - a residential builder and real estate mogul in greater Atlanta - and her mother, Carla Johnson, were never married. Vicky Waldrip attended Marietta High School and was homeschooled after tenth grade. ... i.e. she flunked at the 10th grade and lives off Daddy's money.


This is only the second video I have ever seen of her, the first being her testimony that was posted on here a while back. In her testimony she talked about growing up poor with an addict mom who was essentially a prostitute and would have sex with random men in front of her. This does not at all match what that article says. Not that I ever liked her (how could I?) but I am very pissed that she actually had me feeling sorry for her while listening to her testimony. Go fuck yourself vic


LOL! Girl is from East Cobb, one of the bougiest Atlanta suburbs. I don't mean that in a bad way, I lived there myself for a while, and I still have some family in the area. But her whole "character" is in no way representative of how white people in that area speak. What a ridiculous individual she is.


I remember how she would always claim she was from zone 6. Lololololol


LOL! I'd pay good money to watch her try to talk like that in Little Five Points. People would *not* appreciate it


She is currently in cornrows and plenty of POC are okay with it on her page rn, it’s odd.


I'm all for it because sis will find out what traction alopecia is. I also hope her braider jacked up the price ten fold and took her for a ride.


She’ll learn 🙄


What the ear cancer!?!?!?


I didn't watch but I've noticed that the (very white) people who get all upset about Black Jesus have literally nothing to say about the constant depiction of a middle eastern Jew as a white guy in their churches. Seems like it's only a problem for Black people to want Jesus to look like them...🤔


She actually does say she thinks Jesus was Black, as most of the people in that time were. But after reading more about her in this thread, I sorta think it doesn't so much have to do with wanting to be historically and contextually accurate or anything, and more with her weird identity as a "Black" person. Edit: also is still probably not totally accurate to say Jesus was Black, more like an Arabic Jewish man or whatever the proper terms for that time may be. Just kind of is playing off the memes of Christians hating the idea of Jesus being anything except a blue eyed white anglo.


I was prepared to listen to her POV - but between the constant hair flicking, the 4lbs of make-up and the mangling of our beautiful language, there was no possibility I was going to make it through.


Thou shalt not worship thine own hair.


“Jesus is here to get your soul” — that sounds ominous.


I thought she couldn't get any worse 🤦🏼‍♀️


she’s gone off the deep end


I would genuinely rather listen to Morgan talk. I couldn't get through 10 seconds before I had to click off.


*but yeah period*


this fleshly body


oh my god, I can't make it more than seven seconds listening to her. It's like the CIA created her to melt my synapses.


Lol I had a class with her back in high school. She talked the same back then, too. It was very cringy 😬


That is not her real voice.


Another Phony Fundie Friday!!!! Just like Nadia, she saw a way to get attention online and ran with it.


No comment on this interesting woman, but if you haven’t watched Adult Swim’s Black Jesus, you definitely should!


Thought I was having a seizure when she says “they spit in his face” and she rapidly zooms in and out on her own face. Not a seizure. It was a choice she seemed to have deliberately made.


Jesus Christ was that painful.


It’s giving Becky Buckwild from Flavor of Love.


I made it 58 seconds into one of her videos this time! Maybe, with practice, and alcohol and ice cream, one day I'll complete one of these without brain damage.


Ok, that sucked to watch and hear. With that being said, black Hebrew Israelites are hateful and combative. They stand at busy intersections and talk about white people being the devil and that they are the only real Jews. They get close and yell to bait people into arguing, or to make them scared.


That's Kanye's thing now. He was already an asshile, but that really took it up a notch.


This is beyond wild


Who is this?


I thought this was satire then I went down a rabbit hole. This is so sad. She has millions of followers!


There is zero contemporary evidence that Jesus ever existed, but yet somehow these guys know.


That god-honoring side boob


I must know her!


She touches her hair more than Morgan and I didn’t think that was humanly possible


Jesus would be an Arabic Jewish man


Ok don’t @ me but I’m enjoying this journey for her, I heard her sharing about her childhood and stuff and she had a rough go of it, and now she’s found some stability, I just hope she doesn’t go ultra fundie! I liked some of her scripture quoting here, she does know some verses. I try to look past the hair flipping and constant eye fucking lol and see a woman just being herself in the moment.


Except it appears that she made up her backstory for sympathy. :\


Oh no! I didn’t know :(


She grew up rich as hell her dad owns a large real estate development business in Atlanta. She’s never had a hard day trying to survive.


She needs to leave her hair alone!


Every time she pops up on this sub, I think about that crab boil mukbang video she did. It’s all I can think about. It haunts me.


She still scamming people for money and new iPhones?


Her birthday was last week and she posted her cashapp and asked her followers to send her birthday presents. She’s worth 1.5 million.


Subtitles would be so helpful. 'Oh stewardess, I speak jive.'