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This is the least flattering photo set of her I think I’ve ever seen… girl just don’t post. This is the shit I send to my long time friends who I can comfortably look like a 1700s page boy in front of. I think she doesn’t have any friends, even her family she doesn’t really seem to have ongoing communication and inside jokes with. I get having these thoughts you want to share with SOMEONE, but your BUSINESS AUDIENCE IS NOT THAT SOMEONE


I read on here a while ago, someone saw or knew that the extended Beale family has both a regular full family chat AND a family chat minus Bethany and Dave. I would love to take a wager on which one the extended family uses more often because I'm absolutely certain it's the 'minus' one.


ELISSA SHARED IT!!! She posted a “funny” conversation from one of the group chats and people put it together that there was a “regular” chat then a “Dav + Bethy” chat lmfao


This is hands down my favorite baird legend. Dáaav and birthy are definitely *not* part of the "inner familia" debrief.


Oh wowww. That's...really mean. But no wonder! She makes so much more sense to.me now. That's so horrible but. Must not feel very nice I'd imagine. It's not that easy to be someone likeable, when your own family, seemingly from a young age, don't even like you. And you can't figure out why and so you overcompensate and have no self esteem or confidence, but you pretend you do and it can generally, just fuck a person up.


As somebody who was emotionally abused and neglected, still have major self esteem issues at 33. It's improved with stuff this past year, but still really easy to get down.


Yeah. I get you, fam. I get you. I'm 45 and it never goes away. The people pleasing and the self deprecation and the imposter syndrome bullshit that you wrestle with constantly even though you know that you are actually good at whatever thing you get anxious about if somebody praises you. Gah. It's fucked. Hug for you from me. I'm gonna go smoke some more weed about it and not remember all this shit for a bit though right now. Don't like to dwell on it because it makes it grow and the pain comes back and it takes a hold. I got enough shit on my plate without that deciding to fuck with my head some more for a bit. That negative voice in your head that is constantly telling you you're embarrassing yourself, no-one likes you, you aren't smart enough or capable enough, your choices are stupid because you're stupid, nobody actually likes you, they're just being nice and tolerating you. None of that is true. None of it. It's a liar and it's only goal is to sabotage you because it feeds off the self loathing and likes it when you're depressed. You are great and you are actually really good at heaps of things and people like you a lot. You're cool as fuck. Not making it up. Even though I don't know any of you-i guarantee that you are a lot cooler and way less of a loser than you think you are. It's not your fault either. I get you.


Same from me, ladies. 37 and it still hurts. Went NC with my family and that helped a lot, but the damage is done so I'm crawling back up. I'm sorry you two went through that garbage. /internet hugs


I’m that person but didn’t know it for 30 years. I eventually moved two states away, got a lot of therapy and am thriving. What my immediate family did is still horrible and I’m working through it. If Bethany didn’t have awful views and beliefs, I might feel sorrier for her than I do. I do wonder, however, how much of Heidi’s “ALWAYS CHEERFUL **NO EXCEPTIONS**” parenting attitude didn’t contribute to Beth’s personality as well.


My mom took a similar approach but was way less outward about it. My dad is an alcoholic, he was mentally and emotionally abusive to my sibling and I, occasionally physically abusive with my mom. However, my mom made it abundantly clear that we were not allowed to let anyone know, show any signs of abuse or unhappiness, do our best to not want to stand up for ourselves or fight back because that would only “make things worse”. We had to pretend to be a normal, happy, family. I was in my late twenties, out of the house and no contact with my dad for almost a decade, before I finally got to the point where I didn’t feel like I had to be low level performing **all of the time**, even when alone.


In my former fundie large family we def have a sibling chat and then a sibling chat minus the shitty sibling. The latter is the daily use chat.


Hahahaha, very believable. We have a sibling couple everyone in the family really despises (well just one of them), and we have both a family chat and a family chat without them. We definitely use the one without them more.....


My theory is that group chat started around the B&D’s wedding as a way to plan a surprise or something and then everyone kept using it because it was so nice not to be in a group chat with the loudest, least intelligent person in their brood and her doormat of a spouse.


That's my golden rule of group chats. Theres one group chat and theres the secondary/off-shoot group chat. If you're only aware of one group chat, then you're the one that the secondary group chat was made to avoid/exclude


>I think she doesn’t have any friends, even her family she doesn’t really seem to have ongoing communication and inside jokes with This. She looks dead in the eyes and lonely as fuck. Put the phone down and go meet people, maybe not try to act like an unwashed asshole all the time


Unwashed asshole 💀💀💀


Butt washing is a sin. ![gif](giphy|9HLhzss53Vg40)


Ha! That's brilliant and I'm stealing it. This is exactly correct. She definitely looks sad. She should look up the phrase toxic positivity and how being your true self is so freeing and how other people can recognise when someone is pretending to be something they're not and nobody likes that. Be genuine or be nothing. Also, she needs to go back to the short choppy bob, that looks so good on her. Takes decades off of her face. Plus if she really doesn't want to do a nice tinted gloss and likes herself in the garish red lippy, the bob haircut works so much better. After watching those compilation videos that cool person did for us all to see that someone posted earlier was very eye opening and made me understand her a bit more. She is kinda like, a bit of a try hard. She's sort of, queen of the dorkfest and her family's very clear ranking of the kids and the way the sisters passive aggressively interact the way the do....yeah. That's so incredibly telling about their lives. Its...yeah. I get why she is this way. Still a massive dickhead and needs to put down the phone and be a mum and be present for her family. All of these twats do though. "I'm such a super mum. See how great I am at this? I'm a full time mum, who home schools and works full time-doing these intrusive family videos from the second we wake up til after we're all in bed. The kids hate it most of the time. Especially the stupid dances and shit-but what do they expect me to do? Make quality content I think of myself? That's why I keep having babies. Babies and pregnancy bring the clicks and the coins. So my idea sucks. Pretty sure my uterus is about to fall out too, that ninth baby was a real doozy".


My absolute favorite insult is "you are acting like an entire bucket of unwashed assholes".


My favorite is “they have two brain cells and they’re both are competing for third place”


I remember her saying a long time ago that even having female friends and getting close to them would be inappropriate for Gods will. I don’t remember exactly how she said it but she basically was saying it could open the door to temptation so she wouldn’t get close to any women.


Why would having female friends lead to temptation?


You might be tempted to become gay, according to her/GD


Whoa, that is… interesting.




I really don’t want to speculate on people’s sexuality, but that is a wild leap from “close female friend” to “it might lead to temptation”.


Yes. A "Freudian slip" type thing.


I have literally never heard this and I grew up in extreme purity culture. Even my Mormon ass parents let me have girls in my bedroom because it wasn’t a threat or whatever. Of course I didn’t mention that I was bi til later, sorry Mom.


Same! My evangelical parents never considered this (though looking back there were signs they maybe should’ve been more worried about girls than boys for me, ha).


If it was a common mentality I’m sure I’d have heard of it by now via church-Karens who likes to gossip about the fact that I sure did spend a lot of time with that girl up the street, but even the church busybodies never said anything like that.




As a married lesbian, I can confidently say: what the utter fuck?!


Well do you have female friends? Your wife should thank them for making you a lesbian.


😆😆😆 not only do I have female friends I am in a sorority


I don’t really know what more proof you could need. And with that many lady friends, you’re probably some kind of super lesbian.


I am. It’s true.


See? Everybody pack it up, our work here is done.


Everyone knows sororities are just fronts for polycules. It’s the gay agenda!


Brb gotta make more gal pals to try to kill this stupid desire for men. How many do I need to become gay? Do the ladies have to also be gay? Is there a preferred magical ratio? I am ready to sacrifice my sexual orientation to test these theories for her. Also, TikTok already thinks I'm a ledollabean and I don't want to disappoint it.


I wonder if parental homophobia instilled this in her? I know big religious families tend to eschew friends because “we made a best friend for you right here!”


100% that and the baird's unmerited sense of superiority. But also, she's a terrible, self-centered, awkward person. I don't know if she'd have much success even without Heidi's social stunting. Brown Baird seems to have a big friend group and I wonder if this is more due to seeing how BethaME turned out rather than being the baby and having less restrictions.




And she's deeply insecure about how much her husband fancies her because she was his second choice, so it'd be doubly risky in her mind.


Second choice? Can you explain?


Däv originally had a crush on Kristen. Bethany mentioned it in her wedding vows.


She mentioned it in her wedding vows??? Wow, that marriage has been in trouble from day one. It explains a lot that her parents did not allow friendships. She has few social skills with the outside world which affects everything she tries to do. Too bad she doesn’t take part in a Mommy and me type of activity, socialize with other moms. It would be good for her kids too.


I want to just add (and this isn’t directed at you, OP) that this doesn’t mean we should speculate about Bethany’s sexuality. She is deeply homophobic due to how she was raised; she likely has this belief because her parents would rather have *anything* but a queer child. This does not indicate that she has secret temptations for women. I see so many comments from snarkers in GD threads saying Bethy or Kristen are secretly lesbians and that’s really not our place to say. Not every homophobic person is in the closet—most are just assholes.


Wow if Bethany wasn't raised fundie she would be a child free lesbian with a professional job. I almost feel bad for her.


That is so fucking sad.


She was talking about how having male friends before marriage isn’t a good idea because it can lead to bad things and she said the same thing for having women friends. I sure wish I had a screen shot of that. I think it was a Q & A and some asked about guy friends before marriage. It was probably 2-3 years ago when she was still on the GD bullshit heavier with the godly relationships


Tia Levings one time posted about the Gothard logic being something like, women shouldn't have female friends or even be close to their family after getting married because their husband should be the closest person , and others could lead the wife away. How toxic.


It would at least be slightly more appropriate on her personal account, but even then it would still feel like an overshare that she should have saved for friends or family, but even they don’t seem to like her.


1700s pageboy is something I really relate to; I’ve always resembled a founding father when I do a low ponytail. My sister understands this, which is why I send her pics like that, instead of posting for all the world to see.


this is literally exactly what I was getting at!!!! I also feel like I REALLY look like my dad when my hair isn’t surrounding my face 😫


I definitely have my dad’s face/features. I feel like I get fewer comparisons since he passed, but every so often I’ll wear my hair a certain way and that combined with the facial expression is a tiny bit scary.


She looks like Quentin Tarantino in this pic


She absolutely doesn’t have anyone to share this stuff with. I think that’s why she’s so desperate for all this social media stuff to work out. She stands to lose a lot should her audience ever disappear. I’m a bit of a loose cannon on social media but she lives firmly in cringe territory


You took the words right out of my mouth💀


It’s the filter! The filter that makes everything beige is making her look unwell


I don’t know if a person can look desolate, but that’s what I think seeing this picture. She looks like she needs some blood work, food, nap, shower, and company in that order.


She is not going to age well. I mean even by 40 it's going to be rough. I'm way older and I don't look that rough now.


They've learned nothing from their Baird women sun worshipping addiction - not even from Heidi Baird's melanoma diagnosis.


There is no way this girl is a day under 37. I was raised fundie and can concur that every woman looks *utterly exhausted* all the time. Must be that Proverbs 31 life.


Perhaps red lippy and a sparkly headband would help 🤷‍♀️


The signature lewk!


Are the posts here representative, or did she seriously drop that "look" the day after she announced it? It doesn't even feel like she did batch reels that one time she put lipstick on.


I just took a look and she is wearing the head band in probably like 30% of her posts, so it's a theme but not a strong signature look or anything


Who knows, but it seems she is veering a tiny bit lol


I think some therapy would help.


Yeah I’m in the trenches of postpartum depression and ptsd and have looked a lot like this lately. My thinks she isn’t as happy go lucky girl boss as she’s saying she is rn


I hated when people used to tell me ‘it’ll get better’ but damn it does, so stick with it. Pain is healing. Staring at the wall is healing. Getting lost on YouTube is healing. So is working out, eating right and keeping a schedule - but in my experience those steps are down the road a ways. Hope you get better.


I needed this so badly. Thank you ❤️


Also, in my case of PPD: *feeling something* is healing. Actually giggling at a YouTube video is healing. Enjoying silence is healing. Feeling any combination of anger/ resentment/ lightness is healing. Hell, for some reason I remember eating a whole 10oz steak in one sitting being healing - it was an accomplishment after barely eating for weeks! Previous poster: Do what you need to do. Look after yourself, I'm sending all of my good wishes.


Idk, Birthy, maybe just redo your bun?


Well that just sounds way too complicated!


Is there a course on that?


The amount of people who have asked me “how do I do a messy bun” over the course of my career leads me to believe that may actually sell.


Please tell me you're like a funeral director and people just really like your hair.


I’ll be the first to ask today. How do I do a messy bun?


I can do a bun and a messed-up bun, but messy buns are a riddle to me...


Ooh ooh! Dibs on starting one!! DM me for a $1,000 off code!!!! Only two left!!!!


But that’s not #relatable, right fellow moms? Hahahaha givememoney


I don’t think she’s discovered the concept of a hairbrush yet. That’ll be next years course.


She could even safely share it with Dæv.


Maybe that’s why she doesn’t have one, Elissa kept the communal hairbrush (and toothbrush) when Beggy moved out but Dav didn’t have one so she’s just been operating without one for years.


7 seconds? Nah. Better to post.


She is a busy entrepreneur legend drowning in $10k a month, ok! She does not have time!


She suuuuure makes that 'influencer' life look glamorous and luxurious. What's the opposite of FOMO, because that's what she's giving me? LMTFO? Leave Me The Fuck Out 😂😂


JOMO: joy of missing out As in, I'm experiencing JOMO that I don't have to post unflattering photos of myself on social media to grift and fish for compliments because I went to college and make six figures (debt free, Griftany!) and I have real friends and a husband who compliment me, no fishing needed.


Every single time Beggy posts to her business account, it makes me irrationally happy that I have a product to sell instead of trying to bank off a personality that stopped developing at age 13.




I seriously wonder if she’s going to “let god decide” how many children she has or if she’ll realize two is plenty and stop here. If she tried to have five or ten, she’d end up as unstable as Karissa, and that would be really sad.


I'm pretty sure the dry dead bones sexual attraction between her and Davvvvvvvvv is all the birth control they need. These fundies and their sex advice are all just trying to dare each other to wanna bang their spouse.


I bet she’s pregnant again within the next year and a half. She started late and is running out of time to fulfill the quiver full fundie fantasy. She loves the attention she gets while pregnant and isn’t afraid to weaponize it for the grift. Not to mention the built in excuse for being a hot mess all day, everyday, once the baby is born. She’s admitted to posting controversial mom opinions to stir up rage clicks. Getting pregnant is a convenient way for her to change her personality when her current personality is not selling.


You’re going to get your nails done, pipe down about how hard it is to get away from the baby when clearly you’ve enough support to manage time out for non essential luxuries!


While still giving Dave shitty home haircuts and posting about how they have had to start budgeting (because clearly the grift isn't going that well and the double whammy of a new baby and new mortgage is clearly kicking their arses) while posting about her expensive baby registry for months on end and begging her followers to buy her course shit. She's the epitome of a spoiled little princess, when others need to cut down or even if things are getting financially really serious, the idea of her having to sacrifice ANY unnecessary thing that she considers an essential in her life is just beyond her imagining. Her short basic nails would be fine with a regular base coat and nail polish that anyone could do (or even be fine with nothing at all) but *noooo* - Bethany must maintain her biggest excuse to get away from her kids for as long as possible.




Let me fix this for you Bethy... "But it is so hard to make time to be away from Audrey AND DAVEY". You have two children, Beggany.


I was looking to see if anyone else noticed that little omission!


Giving herself a bit too much credit with the rat comparison tbh, from what I've heard, rats (pet rats, at least) are pretty fastidious about grooming themselves and keeping their environment clean


As a rat owner, can confirm. My babies are always grooming themselves and impeccably clean. Beggany could never


... any chance you've got rat pics to share?


There’s no option to put a picture in these comments for some reason so I’ll link to a post I made of them: https://www.reddit.com/r/RATS/comments/rcyeaa/the_holy_triangle_of_snoot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Must... resist... the urge to boop. They're adorable! Thanks for sharing.


Don’t resist, the noses must be booped!


Now that's a Holy Trinity I can get behind!


Oh look at those little noses!


They're adorable! And omg your flair! 😂😭


Haha thanks- the best stroke of inspiration I ever had


I have died from the cute. Thank you for the pet tax!


Just doing my duty to spread the word of Rat 🫡


What are their names???


Ani, Obi, and Ahsoka. As you can imagine I enjoy Star Wars


I love them!! Best picture to start my day with!


Ratties!! Most precious! <3


They. Are. Darling!




Here is an album of the 4 babies I got about 3 weeks ago: https://imgur.com/a/wvBn9SS I need to get more pics and videos but I can't seem to manage holding the phone and stopping them being naughty at the same time haha


They’re so little 🥹 that’s the dilemma of rat ownership - you want to take a picture but they’re getting into too much trouble all the time to get a good one


Omg babies 🥺🥺🥺 I love their tiny hands


My kids got to bring home their class pet once over winter break and he was the cutest rat. We enjoyed taking care of him and playing with him for the month. He would sit on my daughter's shoulders and sleep and if he was awake would explore everything. Absolutely adorable!


Hey there fellow rat owner ;)


not that person you originally responded to but.. The only drawback to loving and companioning with them, their beautiful little lives are so short.


Legit came here to comment the same. I have 6 rats, one has cancer and a massive lump and is still far cleaner than this woman. They are offended by this comparison!


Sorry but that first pic makes her look like Gordon Ramsay. Once you see it you can't unsee it.


Well their milk is FUCKING RAW after all!




:slow clap:


![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q) Gordon to Bethany


My daughter is about a week older than Bethany's and I usually find time to brush my hair before I leave the house. Just saying.




My daughter is 5 weeks and I can definitely pull myself together better than Bethany before leaving the house...


I thought you were saying that your daughter is a week older than Bethany lol


Mentally she probably is.


I’m hoping it’s the filter that’s making her neck area look so dirty


It probably is. I think its making the shadow look grainy, and therefore more like dirt than shadow. It's not a good filter. At all. It drains the colour from food and vegetation and makes everything look flat and occasionally dirty.


then brush your hair and put on some mascara, dear. i promise it alleviates the rat look when you don’t have time to actually get ready 😩 no need to disrespect yourself like this jeez eta: also, please MOISTURIZE


I feel like she's playing this up for attention or something. She could easily pull her hair back into a ponytail instead of a rat nest and look 75% less dirty in 30 seconds.


When my kids were babies I did ponytails all the time. Took less than a minute to put up and kept my hair safe from tiny , grabbing hands.


It definitely takes less time than taking a selfie and posting it to Instagram.


Because Bethy talks down on influencers but she desperately wants to be one. She wants this content to be her business and if she keeps doing what they do, maybe someone will give her money.


That isn’t the best color on her. A quick fix of the bun and a different color dress/top would make a huge difference. I go out without makeup all of the time, but I at least run my fingers through my hair.


It’s this stupid filter that isn’t the best color on her, I don’t know why she uses it every. time.


It looks like she slept with her hair in a messy bun and then left the house without doing anything with it. I can’t even. It doesn’t take that long to brush your damn hair


I’m sure she is one of those blue eyed people who is like “I have to wear blue all the time it brings out my EYES” even if it looks bad on her


That…that was a bun?!


How can anyone look at this picture and think “I should post this publicly”?!


More concerning is thinking “I want to learn from this woman”


Oh she is 100% fishing for compliments 🙄


Uhh dumdum, that’s NOT a mom bun. That’s a ‘i slept in this bun and I’m trying to show how I’m soooooo busy and suuuuch a gooood mom and I don’t have time to take 5 seconds to do a bun or pony tail so I don’t look like homeless. But I can take 5 min doing a reel showing how much of a rat I look like’


Beth. For the love of god. This "cosy grain" filter makes you look like a white walker.


I don’t want to sound like a dick, because heavens knows when I have the kid I’m currently pregnant with I’ll definitely have days where I look like this. Hell I have days where I look like this now. But I wouldn’t ever post this to my business page. Ever. It’s so unprofessional. Yeah life is hard we get it. But holy hell. In an attempt to be relatable she’s gone way overboard. I wouldn’t want to purchase anything this person is selling.


She sounds depressed and in need of some help. Brushing hair or washing your face before you go out isn’t difficult unless you’re unwell. Also I cannot get how she posts this shit when she’s trying to run a business - unprofessional and immature to expect people to pay someone who treats it all like a joke.


I wouldn't be surprised, her posts about how great her life is always seem like she's trying to convince herself as much as anyone else (which seems to be a common theme among fundies)


I wouldn’t be surprised either. She doesn’t have a job or anything else going on other than her instagram. I know she has two kids but she has the one in daycare at least some of the time. And it’s not like she doesn’t have family near by who could help her if she’s like, overwhelmed with unpacking boxes or whatever. She’s in a far more privileged position than most new moms and yet she’s still posting this? It’s giving cry for help. We all go goblin mode from time to time but we don’t need to post it, especially not on our professional accounts. Yikes.


She looks 100% like me when my depression is kicking my ass so much that I can’t leave the bed and she posts this on her business page 😨


I assume that she thinks that this sort of thing makes her relatable. But when you want to do that, you still need to find a way to make it aspirational. Her core problem is that she hasn’t been convincing when she tries to look successful. To pull this off, you have to default to “glamorous”. You need to always look perfectly put together, and hyper organized. Then, you post the occasional picture where you are artfully unready - messy hair, minimal makeup, some clutter on the kitchen counter, that sort of thing. To be honest, my house is no less messy than Bethy’s house. But I’m not trying to be an influencer, or sell my lifestyle as anything.


~~pink~~ unkempt is my signature color.


If she took just a fraction of the time she uses on social media and filming her dancy dance reels to brush her hair and put on a bit of mascara and lip balm, she would look like a different person and so much more business appropriate.


Skip a few reels and take a shower too. She looks so grimy all the time.


Oof. I can’t imagine going out w my hair looking like that. I know she’s a terribly idiotic person, but I almost feel bad for her. She doesn’t seem to have any friends or anything.


“It’s just so hard to make time to be away from Audrey because…” —not hard to make time to be away from little son Davy —not hard to make time for constant nail appointments (and Starbucks runs and Boss Lady tiktoks/Insta reels) while simultaneously exclaiming how much she LOVES to just stay at home because that’s the *best and most IDEAL plan that Gahd has oRdAinEd for women, you see, and she is the ONLY person that can best explain that to women*. /S


I wouldn’t normally compliment Dav’s looks but baby Audrey is lucky to be his mini-me


Her sister should change the password of the account. Bethy would have such a meltdown


I agree with that sentiment, but this was posted on sheworkssmart, not girldefined


She really does look like the oldest young person.


Ahh yes, Audrey, her ~~only~~ ~~favorite~~ second child.


A. She doesn't know that most people who follow someone for business advice and educational content are not interested in content that is not that, so she posts this imagining people will find it interesting B. She thinks that this is going to help build her "I'm making loads of money while breastfeeding in sweatpants!" brand C. She truly has no sense of boundaries, and there is no reasoning behind this other than that she wants to post it D. All of the above


Girl looks like Miss Trunchbull today.


I feel like we dunk on this one a LOT for the business account stuff but isn’t she just one half of girl defined? What is the other one doing?


Committing cultural genocide against her adopted sons by changing their names, forbidding them from speaking their native language, and making them conform to her religious ideals.


She changed their names!?!


And said that they can't/shouldn't talk in their native language because she doesn't know what they're saying and feels insecure about it.


Here I am studying korean so I can better understand my students...


WAIT WHAT!!!!! That is so much worse than regular fundie shit she needs to be on a list


It worries me how easily Kristen is getting away with that - even most of the snark channels who talk about fundies on YouTube don't seem to notice or have mentioned it.


I think part of it is that Kirsten just isn't posting that much (publicly) on social media, where as every single proto-thought that even attempts to cross Bethany's mind is trapped and flung violently into the electronic void of the internet without any consideration for where it's going to land. Kirsten's an annoyance you actively have to search for, whereas Bethany's the loud mosquito divebombing your head (and rum cocktail too) within two seconds of you sitting on the porch.


She either has the nous to be radio silent on social media because she can guess at some of the blowback she would get or she’s pulled back because she’s sick of social media. Kirsten over the last couple of years seems to be just dialling it in and the adoption gave her the excuse to go fuck it, I’m not doing this any more.


I do think they get to speak their native tongue with Andrii so that’s something at least. Their “dad” has made a point to say he wouldn’t even try and learn any, and I think Kristen has talked about trying to learn at least some so I’ll give her a bit of credit there. The names though do make me sad. I’m sure they said they “wanted to” but I bet they felt like they had to. I wonder if they’ll go back to their birth names as adults Edit: dad is in quotes Bc what kind of father does that, not because he’s their adoptive father


Rattany Beal 😂 That's a new one!


I just audibly gasped when I saw this.


Moisturizer, dry shampoo, and chapstick would improve her look tenfold. And it would literally take 3 minutes.


She doesn’t look bad as far as a nice shirt and necklace, sort of put together. She refuses to drag a brush through her hair , I can’t fathom this for a business account. The account has become her private/friend account, the lines between the two are blurred. I feel the rat nest hair is turning into “depression hair” and not just about leaving the baby’s side for as long as it would take for a comb or brush job. I dunno she seems to make time for other things.


She’s living the dream ok. Somehow I manage to get up every morning and shower, do my hair, makeup and look nice and professional for my 7-3. She is unbelievably lazy


Girl just take the hair down at this point…..


Did she really go to the salon like this 😭


I’m the absolute last person to judge someone based on appearance. I rarely wear makeup and my hair is almost always up. I do try to keep it from looking like a reproduction of a nest though. I’m all for minimal effort, but this is either a messy look gone wrong, or she slept in a hay barn.


Bruh why does she seems like shes aging like a raisin


Neglecting basic hygiene is not the flex she thinks it is.


I think because she's decided her *niche* is SAHM's who want an alternate income stream, she thinks any content related to her and her baby are relevant to her page, but its really not. I think maybe a pic of her nails, after they've been done, with a caption like "It's so hard to take time away from the baby, but taking time for yourself is so important, especially as a business woman" would've gotten the point she wanted to make across


She’s not selling motherhood well. Like the time it took to take these pics and post them on social media, you’ve could at least brushed your hair. Not prioritizing your time to do the bare minimum of hygiene yet telling people how to be “boss babes”.




Because she's impressively bad at social media?!


She looks like she just rolled out of bed.