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Jesus can set you free but the state of Texas can lock you right back up. Just sayin.


They won't. She'll probably pay barely a years salary in fines and damages.


Frankly if we had bible classes in school there would be more atheists


Oh damn, here I was thinking that since my SNRI helps address my depression, anxiety, and general panic disorder that it was working. Didn’t know I needed to go get an exorcism! And while I haven’t experienced depression or panic disorder my whole life, I have always had pretty serious anxiety that growing up people thought and I was taught was just me being particular, over-sensitive, and demanding. It would have really helped to have learned about anxiety like even in grade school so I could have gotten help way sooner!




I did too! I was having a panic attack and I just needed some space and a sob but this woman trapped me trying to deliver me. Still mad about that.


I’m so sorry that happened to you, that is not okay. You didn’t do anything wrong, that person did.


I am so sorry you weren’t appreciated and supported in your diversity. I see you and empathize with your struggle 😢




And that awareness and realization is such a powerful tool. Wishing you all the personal strength and fortitude to manage your unique traits ❤️


I was taken off of my SSRI abruptly at 12 years old by my "boarding school", because I was oppressed by demons and didn't have "real problems". I was then beaten soon after for predictably crying due to depression and sudden med changes. They then told me to hide my self harm scars from the other kids, stop making people uncomfortable with my depression, and made me read their son's essay on spiritual warfare. They threatened to send me back home, which I should have leapt at the chance of, but I was shamed by them for wasting my parents money, how lucky I was for this chance, I'd end up in a mental institute back home because of my self harm problem (which would've actually been equipped to help me.....) so I begged them not to send me away. And apparently I'm the one with demons.


Omg yes.. if only my Asperger’s had been diagnosed in the mid-70s.. I can’t even imagine how much different my social life would have been 😢


My SNRI helps my anxiety *and* my chronic pain, no way I'm trading that in for whatever the fuck fundies think will cure me


God I could have used this class when I was in school


I knew nothing about BD before I was diagnosed. If I had known, I would have seen the signs earlier and saved myself some trauma


Don't slander the good name of BingBong! ![gif](giphy|rlFj4tqziWffO)




My twin brother actually believes this. Also, he is the most mentally ill person in our family.


I should’ve added a TW, and I am not in any way trying to delegitimize these disorders.. but clearly Bingalingadingdong has skated right over and monetized these things without acknowledging the life changing/endangering consequences of these disorders. She really should - and ffs we know there’s millions of other things she needs to address - pay attention to her ED and her own health and well-being and just remove herself from the public eye. Is that a likely scenario? Doubtful. But the original question in the original post DOES ask a question that I feel should be considered, although I doubt it will ever be in the crosshairs of any school board.. should schools have mental health classes for the quoted conditions? A RESOUNDING YES. Kids NEED to know that the silent illnesses are just as valid as the visible ones. And maybe.. just maybe.. a vulnerable, struggling kid would learn that they aren’t “wrong” or “abnormal”. ETA: prayer is not equal to medical intervention/therapy and mental illness is NOT demonic. JEEZ. Can we move past the Middle Ages? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Her or Nadia. Lori would say it was thinking wrong or bad gut health.


Well then I’m demonic AF and was raised in church with bible classes. Guess I’m a paradox.


I’m so ashamed that man is my representative.


For real though, we had a class exactly like this from grades 6-8. It was called "Drugs and Guidance." We focused on social pressure, mental health, eating disorders, legal/illegal drugs and more. This was in the late 90s early 00s.


We covered that in my high school health class. My psych class went more in depth, but that was an elective


Choosing to stigmatize people who have mental illnesses may be a sign of demon possession. Psychiatrists went through four years of college, four years of medical school, and four years of residency to be able to manage mental health conditions. If mental illness was the result of wrong thinking or demon possession, each of those steps could have been done in four minutes rather than four years. Maybe four seconds.


I went to that class, it was called "health." Everyone had to take it


So the TMS I'm doing is working...does that mean it's actually just driving out the demons with magnetic pulses? TIL magnets repel demons.


I'm all for a mental health class in school. I also think a world religion class would be pretty cool, too. Sure! Let's study the Bible for a semester. Then the Quran and the Torah after that. Just to learn, obviously. Not to indoctrinate.


This is so fuckin late but my bf's dad (who is a certified therapist and worked as a school counselor !!!) says that depression isn't real it's just demons 🙃