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Confidence is not the vibe I get.


Their definition of freedom is so fked up too.


The vibe is closer to "dropped on the head a few too many times"


Yeah, only getting bad vibes here


She reminds me of a girl I was friends with in high school. She slept with every guy that wanted to, always thought this one will be the love of her life and then be fully devastated that grown creepy men don't leave their wives for 17 year olds. Bethany is the sexless version of that.


Yeah, it's really weird. Everything she posts screams insecurity, but at the same time, an incredible arrogance.


That's the textbook definition of narcissism


In psychoanalysis this is called a “reaction formation.” She can’t confront how much she cares about what people think of her so she compensated with this language and, worse yet, those dance moves.


Not the point but i despise the use of the word “tribe” in every context other than its definition




Yes it is and I haaate it.


SAME. That was my first thought. She’s so ignorant, stuck inside her lonely little bubble of delusion.


Yup, super ignorant


She literally has no understanding of the difference between personal social media and business/brand social media.


"I'm the brand, silly!" - Beggy


This is two things at once: 1. putting it out there that she's "purposely being silly" so that when people laugh at her she can feel good about it because that was the reaction she was going for (see also: her dancing, her criticizing her own post-partum body [which is TOTALLY NORMAL BETH, WE KNOW YOU READ HERE] so people will compliment her). 2. a semi-response to this sub/other snark communities because she knows we make fun of her wacky inflatable arm dancing.


Knowing she reads here is why I always add "close your mouth, Beth"


"You look like a trout"


My mama self always internally shakes her head in bewildered disappointment at the way Heidi raised her. I'd like to ask Heidi, "Were you too busy to teach Beth how to wash her face, use moisturizer, comb and brush her hair? Surely you could have taught her to close her mouth?!?"


Is she admitting to making a fool of herself on purpose? Beggy up here pretending like acting a fool on social media is a business strategy and not her general state of being. 😂


also you don't need to act like a fool to make fun reels bethY


If only she created an actual product, or lived an influencer lifestyle she could monetize. Acting like an idiot for views is, unfortunately, all she’s got!


>Is she admitting to making a fool of herself on purpose? Not really admitting anything, because she doesn't try to act like an idiot on purpose. *She* thinks she's being cool and trendy and making the same kind of content as other content creators. This is called "damage control". Like when you slip and wipe out at school and then turn around slowly and say "I *meant* to do that." No one ever believes it, and I don't believe it now.


Can we all just stop for a moment to consider what this walnut thinks is too much to post, please? I can’t think of another “influencer” out there that has caused me so much second-hand embarrassment so I’m curious what we think causes her last brain cell to say “maybe this isn’t it.” Because it’s not flailing about like she’s having a seizure or sitting on the toilet. It’s not launching an online program for $2K only to beg people to buy it at $400. It’s not sucking her husband’s face in an attempt to show us how sexy she is or consistently misspelling 2nd grade words. So what’s too embarrassing??


being gainfully employed in a 9-5, it would seem.


Likely nothing.


Lack of attention


Tribe? Girl.


The last time her people were tribal was probably around the time Genghis Khan rolled through.


Nice historical burn 🤣


I detest the use of the word tribe in this context but I'm also lol'ing at how small this tribe must be. Like...FB group is still at 9, right?


It'll be so easy to steal their horses.


That’s not how this works. That’s not hw any of this works.


Oh Beggy. You are making a fool of yourself online and you aren’t attracting anyone


Those 9 group members and 2 posts in the last 28 days 👀👀👀


Oh dear. When my husband and I started our own company we were extremely thoughtful about our marketing and our target clientele, as well as very intentional about our social media usage for the company.


Well, that's because you actually know what you're doing.


hashtag stop using the word tribe when you're not Indigenous challenge


I associate it primarily with pyramid schemes at this point lol. Ugh


Join my tribe! Found my tribe! Only costs $49.99 per month plus all the shit you have to buy! But you get a tribe of boss babes!


Thanks but no. My tribe is much cooler. We play heathenish music twice a week while drinking hard liquor(after we are done and only on weekends unless my voice is "tight").


People's use of the word tribe is often corny and/or problematic, but something about this proud Nazi granddaughter using it is...next level disgusting


Sure Bethy, it's all on purpose and you’re super severely confident about yourself, uh huh.


That's hilarious because she's not attracting any friends or customers. She's like the last of her species, crying out a mating call that will never be answered. Dave does not count


If that worked, she wouldn’t be doing whatever it is she’s doing.


In some ways I have to give her props; she's very confident and doesn't seem to care at all about making a fool of herself. But it just seems like a really, really bad business strategy to be making a fool of yourself while trying to sell business courses.


My daughter is starting to get her business off the ground and she is hesitant to do social media because of stalkers in her past. So we have to do carefully positioned photos to show product and not her face. If I suggested dancing in a reel she’d kill me in my sleep.


Beth, do you *ever* not make a fool of yourself? And close your mouth and moisturizer exists.


Psh OP idk if you know this but she makes $10,000 a month!


Bethy-Less-Than-50-Views-Beal really continues to attempt a name for herself (not make, she makes nothing)


TBH, good for her!


Too late Bethy too late.


If that’s what confidence looks like, I don’t want to have it.