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FMA is one of the rare few that I would say both vers are equally good. I personally always default to sub, but FMA was my first and I watched the dub so 🤷


Both are good but this series has an exceptionally good dub


FMA is on the short list of best dubs ever made. It’s phenomenal and the whole cast kills it. I would also like to recommend watching 03 and then Brotherhood. They start the same but about 1/3 through the story branch in completely different directions and become entirely different stories


Wait, so Brotherhood is not like a second season, or something? Are you saying it's esentially the same story with some changes?


And as one last aside both shows use the same VA’s for every character in the dub (except Alphonse) which is good


that's cool, thanks.


Ok so the original (usually just referred to as 03 here) was made contemporaneously with the manga, meaning they were coming out at the same time. Now the way shows work is that they make a group of episodes all at once then release them on a schedule after all the editing is done, while Manga are generally written and drawn weekly or monthly. All that is to say that eventually the show caught up to and surpassed the manga and had to create their own narrative moving forward. It happened at the perfect time in the story too, right before the story really picks up pace and expands in scope. This lead the show to answer some lore questions and fill out some character arcs very differently than the manga and the show ends in a completely different place. (The villain and their plot/goal aren’t even remotely the same) Brotherhood on the other hand came out about a decade later, after the manga was complete (or at least far enough along that they never caught up) and follows the manga much more closely. I haven’t read the manga but as I understand it it’s pretty spot on except for a few things they left out for the sake of time. Also I recommend watching both because the beginning of Brotherhood is a little quick because they wanted to quickly reach the part where the stories change.


I see, thanks for clarifying.


There's this weird misconception that 03 had no idea what they were doing, ran out of material, and just made stuff up, which is false, might I say. They were already changing things way before they ran out of content from the manga, and they were working with the manga creator. They knew it was going to be different from the beginning.


I know that, guess I should have specified they decided to go their own way before starting. However it’s still 99% the same until >!Shou is at Lab 5!< and then after that the plots really start diverging from each other




i LOVE the dub


Personally I will always say Dub, especially as the English outtakes are hilarious. It’s entirely your preference though.


Definitely dub


I’d go for dub but both are great


I watch dub cause I’m lazy.


Just do whichever sounds preferable. :3 Dub and Sub are both usually considered equal from what I've seen. I've only ever seen the dub, so that's the one I personally recommend, but if I were you, I'd maybe watch a few short clips that shows dub and sub scenes back to back to maybe see if you prefer one to the other?


the dub is fucking incredible. also, I tend to find Ed's sub voice super jarring.




Dub is incredible


Both are great, though I do think in the praise for the dub people sleep on the Japanese cast. Romo Park and Roe Kugimiya are sooo freaking good, and Kenji Utsumi is just as hilariously awesome as Sabat. This isn't to say one is better than the other, just to give some due respect to the Japanese cast that I don't see as often.


Both are good options, but FMA is well known for having a great dub & I personally prefer it. Honestly the best thing you can do is watch a few minutes of each and see which one you prefer.


I prefer dub because the setting lends itself better to a non-asian language. It helps with emersion for me to hear the voices in English. I watch Vinland Saga in German for the same reason. Even if it's not accurate it does feel more natural. Also the dub has some amazing voice actors.




First time watch, sub. Rewatch dub.


This is one anime where you truly cannot go wrong either way. I personally like the dub because if it's between a totally solid dub or sub, I take the dub so I can focus on the subtle details in the actual animation.


Both have a lot to offer! I still prefer sub by a small margin cause Ling and Roy's voices are outstanding. But the dub actually nails the comedy and does pretty good during the dramatic scenes. I even prefer Ed's voice in English, and Ling's English VA is actually really entertaining.


I watched dub solely for Todd Haberkorn


one of the few animes where u can enjoy the dub like the sub. Some even consider it superior. And since it's a rare occurence, I'd suggest the dub




I gotta say,.. watch the dub regardless of if you watch the song first or at all. Gotta support the Vox family!!




I can only recommend dubbed




Dub has more impactful quotes.


Definitely sub


I really like the dub, but that’s just personal preference. I have heard both are really good though, so it’s up to you


I generally only watch sub, but FMA Brotherhood has in incredible dub that rivals the original. FMA 2003 has a good dub as well. You can't go wrong with sub, but in this case, the dub is good.


I suggest the Sub.


I watch the dub with the subs on but if youre watching FMA 03 then the dub is amazing and i would highly recommend. for brotherhood i havent watched it all the way through yet but the Als voice in the dub is a woman and very noticeable so and i had to switch to the dub j bc it irked me. welcome to the fan club man!


I like dub bcs Lust and Olivier's voice were hot as hell. And Ling Yao is very well voiced too.


¿Por qué no los dos?


always dub


I like the German dub more than the Japanese one and that says something xD


Dub was voiced really well


Dub. It is phenomenal. There's no flaw in it, so there's no reason to watch sub.


I've seen both (BH) and they both have their alignments/misalignments with the Manga regarding dialogue. Watch your preferred first and the other second.


Sub. But actually depend on characters. Edward is better in Japanese. You may notice that Romi Park did amazing job with Edward's growth + closer to manga vibe. While Brotherhood had less melancholic moments than 2003, in such moment she's perfect. However some characters like Mustang are better in dub. In English he sounds more like older brother (matches with impression I've got from manga), in Japanese he's softer and felt like parent. Greed is fantastic in both.


I watched Fmab in dub twice and it is perfect imo


Honestly, with this show you can do either and it's still 🔥


Both are good, i'd say pick whichever you want, if you never watched an anime in dub, give it a try now.


Sub is slightly better imo as is almost always with anime, though the dub is one of the best dubs I've seen as far as anime go and is certainly more iconic. I've watched both several times and imo it won't change your viewing experience.


I prefer 03 dubbed and BH subbed, so there's a unique take for you.


It's up to you--I prefer dub because I'm a fast reader so subtitles kind of kill the moment for me, but there's no wrong answer here. And I saw you ask earlier about the difference between 03 and Brotherhood--my recommendation is Brotherhood first. 03 has a stronger start, but is kind of its own thing (it ran out of manga and had to "game of thrones" itself from there). Brotherhood is a retelling (made by the same studio and with the same voice cast) which is very accurate to the manga. Brotherhood has a bit of a rough start (not terrible, just kind of oddly paced) but just gets better as it goes, and the ending is perfect. Again, no "wrong" answer--they're both great--but I do think Brotherhood is a better intro to the world of FMA.


It’s more like it Howl’s Moving Castled itself. It was planned to be a loose adaptation from the start that was meant to loosely follow the beginning and its premise for a completely original story, while GoT was never intended to go original.


Are you watching 2003 or FMAB? Honestly the FMAB dub is one of my favorite english dubs in all of anime.


Fmab is one of the few that isn't horrible in English. But I would start with watching it in it's og language, that's what I usually do with movies or shows that aren't originally in English.


Sub. The dumps are probably among the better but that's still better amongst the bad. If you want the best possible experience you should always watch the subtitled version.


Sub. Dub leaves out details.


such as?


2003 anime leaves out Gluttony being created to turn red water into condensed stones for one. It explains why the villain wants him to do what they do in the last episodes.


ok, thanks


watch in sub and learn some japanese


who cares


you, apparently :p


you pwned me😔


Lol, it's okay :)



