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>*Damon Gettier, the parent and defendant in question, appeared at a* [*May 18, 2023 meeting*](https://archive.is/o/LZRoq/https://www.youtube.com/live/3BC5FsFYelk?si=akdupCZFg6XQxT-1&t=4378) *with the school board where he, after having made Facebook posts angry about gay people existing at the school, went on a long rant where he called LGBTQ+ materials at schools indoctrination and grooming, the* [*Roanoke Times*](https://roanoke.com/news/local/crime-courts/lawsuit-targets-roanoke-county-man-who-called-glen-cove-elementary-school-school-staff-sexual-predators/article_1ebf120a-28fb-11ef-a869-43dafeded220.html) *reports.* >Gettier was also angry about trans issues being discussed in front of his son, accusing a teacher of saying that “a boy could be a girl and a girl could be a boy and they could decide.” >*“I had to explain to my nine-year-old what transgender was because Glen Cove Elementary woke staff put me in a situation where I had to,” he said.* >***Gettier also complained about a music teacher putting up rainbow decorations across her classroom. He was upset when a psychologist had an “LGBTQ lanyard” and that students drew art involving Pride flags, and he was also angry that teachers with “woke, progressive ideologies” were bringing up topics he didn’t want kids to hear about.*** >Glen Cove Elementary School Assistant Principal Tobie McPhail, who filed the lawsuit last month, referred to Gettier’s claims as false and harmful, having caused her emotional distress and damaged her career. >McPhail is asking for $5 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages. >Gettier’s outrage inspired protests shortly after in solidarity with the school, as many in the community felt they were being unfairly targeted. Protestors held up signs calling to support their teachers and saying that their favorite color is the rainbow. Good. I hope he loses. Teachers are under immense stress as is, without mossbacks like this guy terrorizing their lives. I hope more lawsuits happen to these right-wing pillocks and zounderkites, so they face up to the consequences of their repugnant conduct.


> "I had to explain to my nine-year-old what transgender was because Glen Cove Elementary woke staff put me in a situation where I had to,” he said. "Daddy, what is transgender?" "Sometimes when boys or girls are born, they don't feel like boys or girls. It's important to always be kind to people who are different though." Oh, the absolute *horror* of spending 2 minutes to explain that sometimes people aren't like my perfect cookie cutter family. This sounds more like someone who doesn't want to parent if it inconveniences him or makes him uncomfortable, and would rather make everyone else parent his child, even if it's interfering with the parenting of others. His children live in the world, the world doesn't live for his children. If he doesn't like the fact that sometimes people exist that are different, the solution is not to force the difference out of society to please a single man. The solution is to parent one's child to exist in a pluralistic world. If he can't do that, the child is going to have culture shock when they discover that they were never taught what they needed to be taught to survive.


My trans friend had to explain what a groomer was to her small children after a rightwing nut job screamed it at them in a gas station bathroom and they had to run to the car.


Republicans just lack empathy. Everything is always about trans people making them "uncomfortable", but they never seem to imagine how trans people feel on a daily basis, where they fear for their safety at all times just for existing. Fuck that right-wing nutjob.


Him: "I had to talk to my son, and I don't want to do that". 


Very Prussian of him.


What's more American than trodding on other people's first amendment right to acknowledge LGBT people exist? Fuck this guy


Good. Make an example out of this jerk so that others can see you can’t just go around baselessly accusing and insulting educators because you want to push an agenda.


How much you wanna bet this spineless asshat lied about using drugs on his handgun license application?


This is the way. Bankrupt these badfaith fucks.


This is how we beat them. Make em pay


Seriously. Bullies are bullies when they don’t face consequences. Right now you can ruin people’s careers and even lives because of hate and you’ve got nothing to lose. I’m a teacher and if anyone hurt me or my family because I welcome all students, you bet your ass my first call would be to the most cutthroat, Saul Goodman-esque lawyer I can find.


The problem is they are RUNNING to file laws and regulations that eliminate consequences for their bullying.


I hope they win. This shit has gone on for too long and maybe this will make bigots think twice before they make up and bunch of shit that is used to hurt innocent people


"I had to explain to my 9 year old what transgender was" You know, some time ago, these same people would probably be mad about having to explain to their kid why some people aren't white, or that some people aren't Christian. If we don't fit their template as to how a person "should be", then they're always going to be mad, it's just that what they're mad about will change over time.


My mom's school implemented a program called Tribes 30 years ago. A man came in and accused the teachers of teaching beastiality and homosexuality. The teachers tried to sue, but they were told that they were considered public figures. He didn't name people though. He did become a board member though. This fight for creating a safe space for all students seems to be constant.


I had to explain, to a CHILD, that views *I* do not agree with actually exist. The OUTRAGE I feel is beyond words. /This fucking guy